WHM Upgrade Caused Su To Stop Working

Jan 11, 2009

I have not logged into my server in about a week, and in during that time WHM updated itself. I logged into WHM yesterday and received the accept new license message. Then ssh'd into the server as my normal user, but can no longer su to root.

When I try, it just says 'incorrect password', though I am entering the correct root password. I can ssh to the server as root and login no problem, using that password. As root, I can su to other users, but not the other way around. This has never been a problem until yesterday.

This only happened in the last week, and the only thing that has happened is the SHM upgrade. Also, from within WHM, attempting to restart apache seems to stick with the progress meter on the screen forever. I am not sure if whm is attemtping to execute commands (like apache restart) with sudo, which may explain that behavior as sudo is no longer working either.

Has anyone seen this with a WHM upgrade?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Despite Fix For PPPM-2503 FTP Still Stop After Upgrade

May 13, 2015

Despite fix of update 39 FTP server still stop after update on one server. It runs ok on others. What do you need to diagnose that ?

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What Can Make Cronjobs Stop Working

Jun 4, 2008

Up until a day ago they were working just fine, and then they just stoped working with out me doing anything!

I tried

[root@ensim root]# service crond restart
Stopping crond: [ OK ]
Starting crond: [ OK ]

and restarted the server. Nothing. All signs point to it working

[root@ensim root]# service crond status
crond (pid 10922 10919 3270 3035) is running...

Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4286]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4297]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/bin/weblogs)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4289]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4300]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/sbin/bwcron)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4292]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4303]: (root) CMD (nice --adjustment=15 /usr/local/sbin/update_site_summary_cache)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4284]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4295]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4306]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/run-parts /etc/logrotate/d)
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4438]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4441]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)

though it's not actually done. If I load the page manually, the file does work.

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Apache :: SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Sep 29, 2013

I have Apache 2.4.2, OpenSSL/1.0.1c, on Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (64 bits)

After 12 hours of heavier load, the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine. Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just...

The site is called only by client developed with Delphi 2007 (CodeGear user-agent). Delphi client use THTTPRIO for sending HTTPS request to SOAP.

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Apache :: 2.4.3 - SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Dec 13, 2012

So I just upgraded Apache 2.2.22 to Apache 2.4.3 and made sure to go through all the options that had changed and update the conf file accordingly. This included adding the cache module for SSL and changing the SSLMutex option over to Mutex default ssl-cache. We also turned off SSLCompression due to the CRIME attack vulnerability.

We use apache strictly as a loadbalancer to 2 tomcat servers via mod_jk. Apache serves no static content at this time.

After being deployed, everything worked fine until later in the day. After 3 hours of heavier load (our site only takes significant traffic during business hours), the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine.

Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. This time I turned the loglevel up to debug and restarted the Apache server.

As traffic slowed down it took another 6 or 7 hours before SSL requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just... stopped. (I don't know for sure its ammount of traffic related, it just seems that way)

I have tried reproducing this in a lab, but have not been able to get it to happen on the lab server.

OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
Apache: 2.4.3 vc9 build with OpenSSL 0.9.8 downloaded from apachelounge.org
Mod_JK Version 1.2.37 vc9 also downloaded from apachelounge.

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Lirc Stop Working With Kernel 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

Oct 2, 2006

I am using fedora 5. My lirc stoped working after updating the kernel to 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5.
I have been trying to reinstall lirc.

yum -y install lirc-kmdl-$KVER

No Match for argument: lirc-kmdl-2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

when I try to run : irw

connect: Connection refused

rpm -qa | grep lirc

rpm -qa | grep kernel

suggestions or ideas?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: DNS Not Working After 11.5.30 Upgrade?

May 29, 2014

I have a VPS on Webfusion which auto upgraded last night to Plesk 11.5.30 #45. However, I used to have the domain registrar, 123-reg manage my DNS & now since the upgrade I've lost access to all emails & ftp access but the domains still work ok.

whether I should delete all DNS records at 123-reg & point to my VPS now? The DNS parameters in Plesk appear to be different to 123-reg. I

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: FTP Not Working For New Users After Upgrade

Jul 30, 2012

Problem with FTP Users on Plesk 11 after updating from Plesk 10.

SO: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition
Panel: Plesk for Windows 11.0.4

I noticed that users cannot FTP, when trying to connect they receive an error: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.

Doing further investigation, I confirmed that only users created after upgrade have this issue, that created before upgrade works fine.

I already discovered that home directory is missing on IIS 7.5 FTP. Creating a symbolic link on NTFS using MKLINK command pointing to home folder and configuring permissions to user solved the problem.I think its a bug on Plesk Panel 11.0.4 as I can see same the same problem on two distinct servers after upgrading from Plesk 10 to 11.

I tried to run Plesk Reconfigurator utility with all options, without success.I can fix home directory by myself manually but it will be great if Plesk Panel handle this again.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Upgrade Scheduled Backup Not Working?

Jul 6, 2012

I have the same problem again with plesk 11 [URL]

1) rpm -q --scripts psa-backup-manager | sed 1d | sh
2) /etc/init.d/crond restart

my error message with CentOS 5.8, Plesk 11.0.9 MU#4
sh: line 2315: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: line 2315: `preuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):'

/etc/cron.d/plesk-backup-manager is created

why do not work after you upgrade the backup cronjobs?

View 19 Replies View Related

Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Visual Editor Not Working After Upgrade To Wordpress 4.1.1

Apr 29, 2015

After a recent update (4.2.1) for Wordpress all of our sites showed issues when editing a page the "Visual editor" would not be available any more.

You would only see nothing where normally html text or WYSIWYG is supposed to appear. Text in editor window has the same color (white) as background (white).

I'm curious if others had same issue?

-- it's affected all websites
-- it's not plugin related
-- fresh websites with twentytwelve and hello world page have same issue
-- disabled mod (did not work)


[Wed Apr 29 15:10:12 2015] [error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/vhosts/my-example-website.org/httpdocs/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php, referer: http://my-example-website.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=142&action=editClick to expand...

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Webadmin Stopped Working After Panel Upgrade

Jun 23, 2014

After Plesk panel upgrade to 12.x webadmin stopped working . It's showing following error

Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: FTPS Not Working After Upgrade - Could Not Establish Connection

May 5, 2015

For some reason FTPS is no longer working as it used to before plesk upgraded. At this point, I am not sure which Plesk upgrade caused this since I do not FTPS or ftp in general often. its enabled as it was before, even disabled and re-enabled it again. Still gives a "could not establish connection". Restarted the service via command Line with "service xinetd restart". still isnt working...

View 19 Replies View Related

Is This Normal, Or Caused By Overselling

Jan 30, 2009

I recently got a VPS from VPSLand before reading all the negative reviews... Everything seems to work fine EXCEPT disk operations. Sometimes it seems writing big files to disk, or moving/copying files around on the server will completely lock it up.

I opened up PerfMon and with my IIS/mySQL services stopped (which means my system is running absolutely nothing), the disk queue and disk % values are ridiculous.

www|europeinruins|com/temp/disk-noiis-nomysql.JPG (can't post URL's so switch the | with .

View 8 Replies View Related

How To Detect What Exactly Caused High Load

Aug 2, 2009

On one server which i have sometime appear very high load up to 70,and that causing downtime of few minutes(i have historic data webmin module where i saw high load and downtime time matches,but it doesn't show what causing it).That server also have hardware raid in mirror mode.(copies exact data from one disk to another).

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Power Outage Caused Damage And Downtime

May 2, 2008

On the 30th we experienced downtime on a colocated server in a UK DC we did not know about it till late afternoon

when we finally got to access the server

we found the OS was corrupt

we found 2 of 4 hard drives apparently trashed

we found the backup also corrupt

so can we claim as its a mechanical failure on the DCs end?

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High Load Caused By Vbulletin Database

Dec 7, 2008

Don't know if it is some kind of attack or this is normal but the Server load goes reaching 20 in most of the times and may be greater!

this is the mysql_process list

jarabhar_JUHyyuh is opening alot of connections in the same time and this is not the normal behavior ....

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Kernal Upgrade + Centos Upgrade

Feb 24, 2007

I have a server running cPanel.

At the moment, I am been hosted on an unmanaged server (dedicated).

My server provider is offering $25/hour for managed support.

My Kernal and Centos have not been updated for a while and I am looking to upgrade both of them. I am wondering how long would these 2 jobs normally take?

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Non-working Forwarding Email Account On Working Domain

Apr 24, 2008

I have a domain with a few forwarding email accounts that forward to mac.com email accounts... for some reason every once in a while these accounts stop working...

This is the error I get when I email to that account:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: ...

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DNS Stop Resolving In VPS

May 1, 2009

my DNS stop resolving, once a day i need to restart the service in cpanel/whm , what can be done to prevent that ?

its a fresh vps only cpanel is there and 2 domains with no pages just a simple under costruction index page . in CSF i have a Your Score: 106/112 in security , it firewalled and hardened

right now is using 299 of ram out of 512 burstable to 768

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How To Stop Spammers?

Jun 30, 2008

I was wondering if anyone has any methods to stop spammers? Currently i am keeping watch on the mail queue and making sure nothing unsual. I have in WHM configuration setup to not allow more 200 mail messages per account per hour but for some reason it will hit thousands. WHMCS does seem to suspend them automatically or maybe its because of WHM BUT only when its too late.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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How To Stop Spammers ...?

Jun 2, 2009

Have a persistent spammer who kept emailing my clients, even non existent domain accounts and getting the bounced emails to be send to a particular yahoo address. I tried to block in all ways but can't seem to stop him. His spams are from all over the world. Any suggestions?

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C99Shell How To Stop

Nov 5, 2009

How to stops the scripts like c99 shell from installing into the server?

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How To Stop Gunzip -c

Jul 1, 2009

how to stop gunzip -c?

By mistake instead of using gunzip file name on my friend's vps, I had used gunzip -c filename

and its taking hell a lot of time to unzip it, I have no clue on how to stop this and I am scared if I close ssh client, it might be still adding load to the server ..

I am unzipping an 4.5mb file, which on un-compression must be around 14.5mb ..

for the past 10 mins its still unzipping and not sure how long it will go on.. unless I stop it..

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Stop Hacking

Feb 6, 2009

a site i manage for a client is being hacked every couple of days, its not the actual site but the hosts server thats getting attacked, all sites on that server, well actually all thier servers.

They have made no attempt to sort this problem, i report it they look at the site and say "site loads fine for us" which it does.

All index files are having a base64 encode line written after the <body> tag, this adds hundreds of spam links which are hidden with display:none; they also add .html to application types in htaccess for php to run in these files too.

Problem is, i am moving the site to another host but cannot change the nameservers to the new host's untill the client returns from a holiday, so i must keep the site up on the insecure host for now.

I am removing the spam code almost daily, is there anyway i can stop this attack happening for the time being, the host does nothing.

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How Stop Spam

Apr 17, 2009

I have a server that is sending spam, but I can not know who sent because the server not has installed suphp.

There is another option to see who sends spam?

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