What Can Make Cronjobs Stop Working

Jun 4, 2008

Up until a day ago they were working just fine, and then they just stoped working with out me doing anything!

I tried

[root@ensim root]# service crond restart
Stopping crond: [ OK ]
Starting crond: [ OK ]

and restarted the server. Nothing. All signs point to it working

[root@ensim root]# service crond status
crond (pid 10922 10919 3270 3035) is running...

Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4286]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4297]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/bin/weblogs)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4289]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4300]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/sbin/bwcron)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4292]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4303]: (root) CMD (nice --adjustment=15 /usr/local/sbin/update_site_summary_cache)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4284]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4295]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4306]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/run-parts /etc/logrotate/d)
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4438]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4441]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)

though it's not actually done. If I load the page manually, the file does work.

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How Can I Make Ip Into Working Socks

Aug 28, 2009

i brought server,i have ipz, can any1 help me how to make these ipz as working socks like
ip: port form,

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WHM Upgrade Caused Su To Stop Working

Jan 11, 2009

I have not logged into my server in about a week, and in during that time WHM updated itself. I logged into WHM yesterday and received the accept new license message. Then ssh'd into the server as my normal user, but can no longer su to root.

When I try, it just says 'incorrect password', though I am entering the correct root password. I can ssh to the server as root and login no problem, using that password. As root, I can su to other users, but not the other way around. This has never been a problem until yesterday.

This only happened in the last week, and the only thing that has happened is the SHM upgrade. Also, from within WHM, attempting to restart apache seems to stick with the progress meter on the screen forever. I am not sure if whm is attemtping to execute commands (like apache restart) with sudo, which may explain that behavior as sudo is no longer working either.

Has anyone seen this with a WHM upgrade?

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Apache :: SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Sep 29, 2013

I have Apache 2.4.2, OpenSSL/1.0.1c, on Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (64 bits)

After 12 hours of heavier load, the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine. Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just...

The site is called only by client developed with Delphi 2007 (CodeGear user-agent). Delphi client use THTTPRIO for sending HTTPS request to SOAP.

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Apache :: 2.4.3 - SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Dec 13, 2012

So I just upgraded Apache 2.2.22 to Apache 2.4.3 and made sure to go through all the options that had changed and update the conf file accordingly. This included adding the cache module for SSL and changing the SSLMutex option over to Mutex default ssl-cache. We also turned off SSLCompression due to the CRIME attack vulnerability.

We use apache strictly as a loadbalancer to 2 tomcat servers via mod_jk. Apache serves no static content at this time.

After being deployed, everything worked fine until later in the day. After 3 hours of heavier load (our site only takes significant traffic during business hours), the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine.

Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. This time I turned the loglevel up to debug and restarted the Apache server.

As traffic slowed down it took another 6 or 7 hours before SSL requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just... stopped. (I don't know for sure its ammount of traffic related, it just seems that way)

I have tried reproducing this in a lab, but have not been able to get it to happen on the lab server.

OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
Apache: 2.4.3 vc9 build with OpenSSL 0.9.8 downloaded from apachelounge.org
Mod_JK Version 1.2.37 vc9 also downloaded from apachelounge.

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Lirc Stop Working With Kernel 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

Oct 2, 2006

I am using fedora 5. My lirc stoped working after updating the kernel to 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5.
I have been trying to reinstall lirc.

yum -y install lirc-kmdl-$KVER

No Match for argument: lirc-kmdl-2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

when I try to run : irw

connect: Connection refused

rpm -qa | grep lirc

rpm -qa | grep kernel

suggestions or ideas?

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No More Cronjobs

Oct 5, 2007

I made some changes to 2 of my servers (both powered by cpanel 11, php 4.4.7 and Apache 1.3). I disabled persistent mysql connections in php.ini file and problems started - PHP based cronjobs stopped working for all accounts on both servers.

PHP scripts are not launched via cronjobs anymore. No errors are displayed, but all cronjobs just stopped working (when I run php scripts manually via ssh - everything is fine).

I have enabled persistent connections again, recompiled apache, updated system software, rebooted server, and it's still the same - cronjobs don't work anymore.

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How To Enable/disable Cronjobs For All Account On WHM/cPanel?

Aug 31, 2007

I'm manage on dedicated server.

I need to know method enable/disable cronjobs for all account on WHM/cPanel?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Restore Cronjobs From Backup For Particular Domain?

Dec 22, 2014

I have to restore only the cronjobs for a spcecific domain from a plesk backup which is stored on another server. I searched in all the full backup structure but impossible to retrieve the data.

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Non-working Forwarding Email Account On Working Domain

Apr 24, 2008

I have a domain with a few forwarding email accounts that forward to mac.com email accounts... for some reason every once in a while these accounts stop working...

This is the error I get when I email to that account:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: ...

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Why Make The Switch

Apr 15, 2009

What is the purpose of making the switch. If i were to get "unlimited/umetered" shared hosting with cpanel, how is that different then getting a vps with cpanel?

Other then getting large amounts of traffic, what is the purpose?

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How To Make A Backup

Jan 13, 2008

My site has total 5GB data + MySQL database.

I tried make a fullbackup in cPanel but failed.

Then i tried create a zip file from folder but it's don't allow over 500MB a file.

How to make a backup now?

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How Much It Take To Make A Datacenter

Mar 15, 2008

I was just wondering and searching for it but i couldnt find the estimated answer, anyone who have made one or operate one can answer me.

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How To Make Own Server

Apr 23, 2008

i want to make one web site i want to show there some movies same like youtube but my video will on media player .i want to make own server for hosting and i need more than 1tb storage .i don,t know which thing i need for own server .i just found there these kind of things Netgear ReadyNAS Duo RND2150 500GB i don,t know it will work for me or not

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Cannot Make Directory Via SSH

Aug 13, 2008

I'm trying to create a directory, "hello", so I log in via SSH and CD to /proc, as this is where I want the directory to be. I type, "mkdir hello" and I get the following;

mkdir: cannot create directory `hello': No such file or directory

I've searched around for the error, and I've found two mentioned problems;

Parent directory doesn't exist.

However, the parent directory; /proc does exist and it has the permissions 7777.

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Unable To Make Changes To Php.ini

Oct 9, 2007

i'm trying to configure PHP, as I really need to turn magic quotes off and raise the memory limit. i don't want to use .htaccess - too many sites

I got plesk 8.2.1, php5.1

well, to make it short, I ran 'phpinfo()' to see where php.ini was: etc/php.ini

I change that, restart httpd, nothing happens. restart the server, nothing still. my changes are not applied when I run 'phpinfo()' again.

i try 'locate php.ini' from the terminal, there are a few!


... plus some in the opt folder (that should be just the cache, uh?)

the problem is that I tried to open all of them, to see where the hell php was getting the settings from, but none of them seem to reflect php's settings.

meaning, I don't know what file I can use to configure PHP.

all of them, for instance, say 'memory_limit: 32M', but php is set at 8M, and phpinfo() tells me memory_limit 8M.

any idea why this might be happening?

does Plesk have some tool to configure PHP that makes PHP ignore my changes?

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DNS Stop Resolving In VPS

May 1, 2009

my DNS stop resolving, once a day i need to restart the service in cpanel/whm , what can be done to prevent that ?

its a fresh vps only cpanel is there and 2 domains with no pages just a simple under costruction index page . in CSF i have a Your Score: 106/112 in security , it firewalled and hardened

right now is using 299 of ram out of 512 burstable to 768

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How To Stop Spammers?

Jun 30, 2008

I was wondering if anyone has any methods to stop spammers? Currently i am keeping watch on the mail queue and making sure nothing unsual. I have in WHM configuration setup to not allow more 200 mail messages per account per hour but for some reason it will hit thousands. WHMCS does seem to suspend them automatically or maybe its because of WHM BUT only when its too late.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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How To Stop Spammers ...?

Jun 2, 2009

Have a persistent spammer who kept emailing my clients, even non existent domain accounts and getting the bounced emails to be send to a particular yahoo address. I tried to block in all ways but can't seem to stop him. His spams are from all over the world. Any suggestions?

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C99Shell How To Stop

Nov 5, 2009

How to stops the scripts like c99 shell from installing into the server?

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How To Stop Gunzip -c

Jul 1, 2009

how to stop gunzip -c?

By mistake instead of using gunzip file name on my friend's vps, I had used gunzip -c filename

and its taking hell a lot of time to unzip it, I have no clue on how to stop this and I am scared if I close ssh client, it might be still adding load to the server ..

I am unzipping an 4.5mb file, which on un-compression must be around 14.5mb ..

for the past 10 mins its still unzipping and not sure how long it will go on.. unless I stop it..

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Stop Hacking

Feb 6, 2009

a site i manage for a client is being hacked every couple of days, its not the actual site but the hosts server thats getting attacked, all sites on that server, well actually all thier servers.

They have made no attempt to sort this problem, i report it they look at the site and say "site loads fine for us" which it does.

All index files are having a base64 encode line written after the <body> tag, this adds hundreds of spam links which are hidden with display:none; they also add .html to application types in htaccess for php to run in these files too.

Problem is, i am moving the site to another host but cannot change the nameservers to the new host's untill the client returns from a holiday, so i must keep the site up on the insecure host for now.

I am removing the spam code almost daily, is there anyway i can stop this attack happening for the time being, the host does nothing.

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How Stop Spam

Apr 17, 2009

I have a server that is sending spam, but I can not know who sent because the server not has installed suphp.

There is another option to see who sends spam?

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Stop Hotlinking

Jul 19, 2009

Is there a way to stop hotlinking? I have a client who has a blog. They have post pics of tattoos. Now there are at least 50 tattoo forums, blogs and other sites hotling to the pics. Now his bandwidth usage has skyrocketed. So enable hotlink protection in his cPanel. Just did a redirect to my main hosting site with a nice please stop hotlink image. Now I see all this in my logs. So I then made a 150 x 9000 clear BG gf with the text at the top please stop hotlinking.

My questions is there any way to stop it. If not should I just make a 1x1 clear gif to redirect to? Also is there a way to not have this traffic show in my log files?

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I Want To Stop Emailing Myself

Dec 25, 2008

I want to stop emailing myself

I have received quite a few emails from senders claiming to be the recipients [in this case one of my email accounts]. I did not send these emails. This is happening with almost every email account I have setup on one of my domains.

I know this is probably an easy fix-- I am simply unsure of what it is.

I noted that someone else recently posted a similar question-- with only one response. I wanted to see if another post my garner another response.

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Stop Bots

Nov 14, 2008

I would like to ask about the best system or software code used to stop bots and offline down loaders from entering website.

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How To Stop Iptables

May 4, 2008

to stop iptables cause when any user make refresh he is take banned from server

i need to stop iptables or how to make rules for it

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Awstat Stop

Jun 14, 2008

I already enabled awstat in whm features manager.

And it was working till 3 jan 2008!

But statistic doesn't update now!

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