Apache :: SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Sep 29, 2013

I have Apache 2.4.2, OpenSSL/1.0.1c, on Windows Web Server 2008 R2 (64 bits)

After 12 hours of heavier load, the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine. Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just...

The site is called only by client developed with Delphi 2007 (CodeGear user-agent). Delphi client use THTTPRIO for sending HTTPS request to SOAP.

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Apache :: 2.4.3 - SSL Requests Stop Working After A While

Dec 13, 2012

So I just upgraded Apache 2.2.22 to Apache 2.4.3 and made sure to go through all the options that had changed and update the conf file accordingly. This included adding the cache module for SSL and changing the SSLMutex option over to Mutex default ssl-cache. We also turned off SSLCompression due to the CRIME attack vulnerability.

We use apache strictly as a loadbalancer to 2 tomcat servers via mod_jk. Apache serves no static content at this time.

After being deployed, everything worked fine until later in the day. After 3 hours of heavier load (our site only takes significant traffic during business hours), the SSL requests stopped working/being answered. However if you requested the same page via http instead of https, it worked fine.

Restarting the Apache server fixes this, for a while. Again after a few hours of traffic, the https requests stopped working again. This time I turned the loglevel up to debug and restarted the Apache server.

As traffic slowed down it took another 6 or 7 hours before SSL requests stopped working again. I checked the logs, and nothing notable, the mod_ssl entries just... stopped. (I don't know for sure its ammount of traffic related, it just seems that way)

I have tried reproducing this in a lab, but have not been able to get it to happen on the lab server.

OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
Apache: 2.4.3 vc9 build with OpenSSL 0.9.8 downloaded from apachelounge.org
Mod_JK Version 1.2.37 vc9 also downloaded from apachelounge.

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WHM Upgrade Caused Su To Stop Working

Jan 11, 2009

I have not logged into my server in about a week, and in during that time WHM updated itself. I logged into WHM yesterday and received the accept new license message. Then ssh'd into the server as my normal user, but can no longer su to root.

When I try, it just says 'incorrect password', though I am entering the correct root password. I can ssh to the server as root and login no problem, using that password. As root, I can su to other users, but not the other way around. This has never been a problem until yesterday.

This only happened in the last week, and the only thing that has happened is the SHM upgrade. Also, from within WHM, attempting to restart apache seems to stick with the progress meter on the screen forever. I am not sure if whm is attemtping to execute commands (like apache restart) with sudo, which may explain that behavior as sudo is no longer working either.

Has anyone seen this with a WHM upgrade?

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What Can Make Cronjobs Stop Working

Jun 4, 2008

Up until a day ago they were working just fine, and then they just stoped working with out me doing anything!

I tried

[root@ensim root]# service crond restart
Stopping crond: [ OK ]
Starting crond: [ OK ]

and restarted the server. Nothing. All signs point to it working

[root@ensim root]# service crond status
crond (pid 10922 10919 3270 3035) is running...

Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4286]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4297]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/bin/weblogs)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4289]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4300]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/sbin/bwcron)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4292]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4303]: (root) CMD (nice --adjustment=15 /usr/local/sbin/update_site_summary_cache)
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4284]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4295]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:00:01 ensim CROND[4306]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/run-parts /etc/logrotate/d)
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4438]: (root) CMD (curl [url])
Jun 4 00:01:00 ensim CROND[4441]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)

though it's not actually done. If I load the page manually, the file does work.

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Lirc Stop Working With Kernel 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

Oct 2, 2006

I am using fedora 5. My lirc stoped working after updating the kernel to 2.6.17-1.2187_FC5.
I have been trying to reinstall lirc.

yum -y install lirc-kmdl-$KVER

No Match for argument: lirc-kmdl-2.6.17-1.2187_FC5

when I try to run : irw

connect: Connection refused

rpm -qa | grep lirc

rpm -qa | grep kernel

suggestions or ideas?

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# Of Apache Requests - Modify

Feb 8, 2007

I have a dedicated box with softlayer and I have noticed at varying times the past few months that with sites we host, sometimes the connection times out (I'll try to access like 5 or 6 sites within 30 seconds or so and they all drop, then a minute later they load fine).

I opened a support ticket and they said it usually has to do with the # of requests Apache can handle, and that this can be modified. They stated they could: "tweak the apache configuration file in this server that can make it possible to handle more requests."

So my question is what should the # of requests be set to? (I'm not sure what it is now, but I assume whatever the default # is).

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Lots Of Keepalive Requests In Apache

Mar 31, 2008

I have been experiencing a lot of Keepalive requests for a particular image on a particular domain. please see the lines below.

0-11233931/63/63K 0.15100.40.030.03 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
1-11233941/77/77K 0.18100.40.050.05 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
2-11233951/42/42K 0.76000.40.170.17 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
3-11233971/57/57K 0.04000.40.020.02 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
4-11233981/46/46K 0.27000.40.040.04 http://mydomain.com//images/logo.jpg HTTP/1.1

These are just a few lines from the top.

How can i prevent this from happening.. it seems as a SYN Flood, or maybe a DDoS.

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Apache :: Can Forward Requests To Different Servers?

Sep 16, 2014

We have an Apache acting as a reverse-proxy and listening on the Internet ("Our URL" on port 443).

We would have two ways of accessing this reverse-proxy:

-From a mobile app (authentication would be based on a corporate certificate)
-From any browser (authentication would be a login form)

The question is: can Apache forward requests to either server 1 or server 2, depending on whether a certificate is sent by the client?

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Apache :: Server IP Making GET Requests

Apr 12, 2014

I've spent the last several months working on a huge upgrade of a couple dozen websites. The upgrades include modifying Apache so that visitors who arrive at links pointing to mysite/World/New_York are redirected to mysite/world/new-york. In other words, all my links now default to lower case, and underscores are replaced with dashes.

Unfortunately, publishing it has been an endless series of disasters. My websites are now all crashed, and the server is unbelievably slow. It takes pages forever to load (if they load at all), and I can scarcely publish files online.So the following notice sent to me by my webhost got my attention.

IT appears your own server IP is making GET requests to Apache, causing excessive loading and causing service failures. On today's date, your IP made almost 6,000 connections to Apache:<br><br>

[root@host ~]# grep /usr/local/apache/domlogs/mysite.org | wc -l 5924 [root@host ~]#<br><br>

These were all the same request:<br><br> - - [12/Apr/2014:08:10:10 -0400] "GET /404.php HTTP/1.0" 200 14294 "-" "-"<br><br>
And that made up the total of requests:<br><br>
[root@host ~]# grep /usr/local/apache/domlogs/mysite.org | grep "GET /404.php HTTP/1.0" | wc -l 5924 [root@host ~]#<br><br>

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Apache :: Unable To Serve More Requests

May 25, 2015

I have a little problem (on my Raspberry) with the maximum concurrent connections.When I open multiple tabs of a webpage which keeps persistent connections, apache is unable to serve more requests.Here is the (shortened) mod_info output (which also takes some time till there is a process kind enough to serve the request):

Server Version: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) OpenSSL/1.0.1k
Server MPM: prefork
5 requests currently being processed, 9 idle workers


Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client VHost Request

[Code] ....

When I understood it correctly, apache should spawn new processes (up to MaxRequestWorkers=150)

But there are idle???? processes, so it wont add new ones?

I dont think it has to do with mod_proxy (used for the webpage) since the mod_info output is affected as well...

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Apache Hangs When Having Lots Of ..reading.. Requests

Jan 26, 2008

A weird thing happents once on few days on my server, and it's not a regular thing or on exact time.

When I have this problem no page can be loaded in the browser, but WHM is working, i think because it's accessed by IP .

In apache status page I can see lots of ..reading.. requests which are there even for 10 - 20 seconds sometimes.

Usualy the server has 10 - 20 requests/s :

CPU Usage: u35146 s2297.05 cu2.74 cs4.5 - 6.97% CPU load
11.2 requests/sec - 83.0 kB/second - 7.4 kB/request
10 requests currently being processed, 8 idle servers

But when the ..reading.. requests appear it goes much higher like 100 to 200

11.5 requests/sec - 85.3 kB/second - 7.5 kB/request
200 requests currently being processed, 0 idle servers

after 3 minutes :

160 requests currently being processed, 30 idle servers

When I logged on to SSH I saw that there are ~150 conection from a single IP .

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Apache :: Timeout With Ajax-Requests Between Tomcat

Feb 20, 2013

I have an Apache Server (2.4.3) and a Tomcat Server (7.0.36) and have some Java Applications deployed.Everything works fine, but when we start a quite long Ajax process, I see in my Java Application, that a Ajax request is received and starts processing - everything fine. But during processing of the first request, I see a second request starts after 5 minutes.

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Apache Overloading Due To Requests To My Main Domain Name Server (DNS) Name

Jan 19, 2008

I currently have a web VPS hosted with FDCServers.net and after 5 days of switching to it i am getting massive HTTP requests. When i login to WHM and hit apache status i have many requests per second by multiple IP's that are going to pages that simple don't exist. Currently my hostname for the server is set at web-01.optical-hosting.com which is what the requests are being sent to. I am also having a DNS issue because when i put http://web-01.optical-hosting.com in the web browser it displays the first account's site under "list accounts" in cpanel. Can someone please help me fix both of these issue's? i will post an apache log in a second post as it is long. Also, these are from overseas. please someone help me with this i have Aim and Msn.

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Apache :: Forwarding Requests To A Custom Process On Host

Apr 10, 2013

I'm looking to pass the entries to a web form, via Apache, to an external process (listening on a port say 4321) running on the same host as Apache.Is there a way to "coerce" Apache into doing this?

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Apache Down With 503 Error / Http Requests Get Redirected / Is Server Hacked

Jun 4, 2009

My Linux Server's Http Daemon (Apache) would stop serving websites ever so often, as soon as apache is restarted the error fixes iteself only to resurface within few hours.

The apache process would still be running i.e. apache does not die but no websites hosted on my server would be accessible from browser. And when this happens the apache logs do not log any http requests.

Instead when this happens all http requests to my server would be redirected to some weird Trojan website and my Norton Antivirus would show an Alert/Warning, for example;
"Browser exploit at www.xxx.xxx was blocked"
Risk Name: MSIE WebViewFolderIcon ActiveX Control BO

or another error like;
"Auto-Protect has detected Trojan.Fakeavalert".

At first i thought the problem could be with my Laptop/ISP so i logged on to the server via SSH and opened try to open a website using command line "lynx mywebsite.com" and it shows following error;
"Alert!: HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable".

Now if i assume my laptop were to be infected, then as soon as i restart my apache and visit mywebsite.com eveything returns to normal with no such warnings. Why do i see those norton error messages only when apache is down with 503, and when apache is down with 503 how come the http requests always get redirected to some suspicious websites and nothing gets logged in apache error log?

I think my server is being attacked causing http to get unresponsive and thereafter http requests to my server are redirected to some malicious website, is this correct?

Also, i suspect this is a php script exploit as some customers have reported that google have blocked their website due to security reasons, i found <iframe> tage inserted in some php pages which i fixed.

Also, another thinh i noticed;
when apache responds with the 503 it is referencing PHP 5.1.4 in the header response:

[root@]# curl -I xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (my server ip)
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.4
Retry-After: 20

I am running PHP 4.3.9m why does apache responds with PHP 5.1.4 when this 503 error surfaces?

Also, since my apache was dowan with 503 error a customer mailed in today saying;
"It seems that my site www.xxxx.com is regularly down, and the winlogon virus is involved."

I suspect this is again due to the fact that http requests start getting redirected?

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Apache :: Seemingly Legit Requests Generating 400 Bad Request Errors

Feb 8, 2015

So I've got a problem where a small percentage of incoming requests are resulting in "400 bad request" errors and I could really use some input. At first I thought they were just caused by malicious spiders, scrapers, etc. but they seem to be legitimate requests.

I'm running Apache 2.2.15 and mod_perl2.

The first thing I did was turn on mod_logio and interestingly enough, for every request where this happens the request headers are between 8000-9000 bytes, whereas with most requests it's under 1000. Hmm.

There are a lot of cookies being set, and it's happening across all browsers and operating systems, so I assumed it had to be related to bad or "corrupted" cookies somehow - but it's not.

I added "%{Cookie}i" to my LogFormat directive hoping that would provide some clues, but as it turns out half the time the 400 error is returned the client doesn't even have a cookie. Darn.

Next I fired up mod_log_forensic hoping to be able to see ALL the request headers, but as luck would have it nothing is logged when it happens. I guess Apache is returning the 400 error before the forensic module gets to do its logging?

By the way, when this happens I see this in the error log:

request failed: error reading the headers

To me this says Apache doesn't like something about the raw incoming request, rather than a problem with our rewriting, etc. Or am I misunderstanding the error?

I'm at a loss where to go from here. Is there some other way that I can easily see all the request headers? I feel like that's the only thing that will possibly provide a clue as to what's going on.

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Apache :: Security Challenge - Rejecting Specific Requests Without Blocking IP

Jan 21, 2014

I have been trying to solve a big problem for the last 2 weeks with one of our servers.

The client using our system (web based w/ apache and php) is a contact center firm. They have about 120 operators, all connect to our websever with the same IP.

We have been suffering DoS attacks from some of these operators. This are simple, browser attacks , namely 5 or 10 operators will just hold F5 key and bombard the server with requests when they shouldnt.

We did manage to produce a php protection which will recognize the multiple requests and blacklist the user, but its "too late" because the request have already been sent and processed by the webserver.

We use the user ID in the system to control who should be blacklisted, so this is all dependent on our own authentication.

Ideally, we need something EXACTLY like mod_evasive, but for rejecting single requests instead of blocking the IP. Exemplifying : if a user calls the same url, 5 times, in a 3 second spawn, we will reject every next request for 30 seconds, but only the requests by that user.

If the webserver can make any use of it, the user id is stored in a cookie.

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Apache :: Server Ran Out Of Threads To Serve Requests - ThreadsPerChild Settings

Mar 27, 2013

I'm running Apache 2.4.4 on Windows Server 2008 R2. It's already happened many times that Apache stopped responding to requests. The last entry in the error.log:

[Wed Mar 27 06:22:07.043600 2013] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 1736:tid 256] AH00354: Child: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Wed Mar 27 06:52:34.521200 2013] [mpm_winnt:error] [pid 1736:tid 1656] AH00326: Server ran out of threads to serve requests. Consider raising the ThreadsPerChild setting

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Apache :: Prevent Unnecessary GET Requests Processed By CMS That Originate From Mutating IP Address Location

Apr 10, 2015

I'm trying to prevent unnecessary GET requests from being processed by my CMS that originate from mutating IP address locations. This is sucking up server resources when the request is processed by the app, and so if possible, I'd like to block them with HTACCESS so that the request is stopped before anything is intensively-processed.

What happens is that an IP address will make a GET request for, say, "blah/test" or "blah/test2" but nothing else (no site assets like images or CSS/JavaScript files or even other pages). After this request, another IP address will then make an equivalent kind of request, and so on, and so on... All of them have similar if not identical user agent strings but they're always worthless requests that do nothing but waste CPU and RAM. I'm assuming it's just some idiotic SPAM bot because of this.

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How To Stop Apache From Doing Url Decoding

Apr 20, 2009

there is a customer who transferred their site over to our servers and has run into some kind of encoding issue.

They have file on their website named:


You can see that the "%20" characters are actually part of the file name on the server.

So the problem is that when they try to call the image in a URL:


It gives a 404 not found error.

We use apache 2.2.x on our servers, and my admins are stuck on how to fix this.

(Besides renaming the files. The problem is that this issue appears to also effect other text in their database that uses various symbols, such as the ", ', and the degree (for temperature) sign...)

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Apache :: 2.4.10 Stop Loading Resources

Mar 3, 2015

I encounter a strange issue with Apache. My apache proxy is configured to work as a reverse proxy with virtuals hosts using SSL.

When I try to load a web site page with several ressources, internet navigator begin to load ressources but often stop without ending. It continue to load (cursor) but don't do anything.

On both side (client and server), requests terminate with status 200 so all seem good but... (debug navigateur and acces.log OK)

After several F5 (refresh), all ressources are finally loaded and the html page display correctly.

Here is my configuration :

Server OS : Ubuntu server 14.04.2 (64 bits)
Apache version : 2.4.10
SSL version : 1.0.1f (ubuntu version)

An example of host :
ServerName ged.irsa.fr

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/certificates/ged.irsa.fr.2.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/certificates/ged.irsa.fr.2.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/certificates/gandi/Gandi_bundle_CA.pem
[Code] ....

Modified configuration in apache2.conf file :
AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none
EnableSendfile off
EnableMMAP off

Modified configuration in mods_enabled/ssl.conf :


[Code] ....

Here is an extract off /var/log/apache/error.log with trace mode, just before the stop loading :

[Tue Mar 03 11:52:00.115567 2015] [proxy:debug] [pid 5339:tid 140124566247168] proxy_util.c(2146): AH00943: AJP: has released connection for (*)
[Tue Mar 03 11:52:00.115671 2015] [ssl:trace4] [pid 5339:tid 140124566247168] ssl_engine_io.c(2054): [client] OpenSSL: I/O error, 5 bytes expected to read on BIO#7f7163bfdff0 [mem: 7f71180798d3]

[Code] ....

I have test many things but nothing worked for the moment.

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Apache :: 2.4 Randomly Stop Responding

Feb 21, 2012

I use apache 2.4.1 and mod_fcgid (same config form apache 2.2.22+mod_fcgid 2.3.6) and without any error message, apache stop responding randomly.There is no problem with apache 2.2.22+mod_fcgid 2.3.6 and with apache 2.4.1 + php5_module i have

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Apache :: How To Start And Stop On Ubuntu

Sep 27, 2013

I have installed Apache on ubuntu as per our project related manual by using the packages.


I copied apr-1.4.6 apr-util-1.5.2 (after extract) to srclib directory of apr-util-1.5.2

and created symbolic links as below

ln _s apr-1.4.6 apr
ln _s apr-util-1.5.2 apr-util

and configured httpd-2.4.4 with
./configure --with-included-apr

and make ; make install;

now my apache is running , but how to stop and start the apache.

I googled for reference and found it can be done using

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

I dont have apache2 in my /etc/init.d folder.

how to start and stop.

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[Apache] Anyway To Stop Bots Trying To Find Pages

Apr 22, 2009

Looking trough my logs I found something that bothers me, there are bots who keep doing requests on my website with pages like /admin or /secure to find vulnerabilities.
It's making about 5-6 requests for unexisting pages every second until it comes to the end of it's dictionary (the pages are even sorted in alphabetical order,

Is there some way to let my Apache server block access to these bots when they make X attemps to see a page who does not exists in a short amount of time? A bit like iptables reject connection if someone tries to log in but fails to do so too many times.

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Apache Not Working

Mar 2, 2007

I am currently using cPanel 11.0 E360 build.
Apache 1.6.9

This morning, I used the "Modify Apache Memory Usage" , as suggested by csf/lfd.

However once it is installed, my Apache can not be started/restarted.

Is there a way to uninstall the Apache MemLimit script?

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SSL Not Working On Apache 2

Nov 19, 2007

I have Fedora Core 6 with Apache 2. Im trying to generate a local SSL certificate but the folders ssl.key and ssl.crt are missing from the /etc/apache/conf folder. I installed mod-ssl and openssl and still same issue. What am I missing? Im installing everything through yum. I searched the whole drive and there is no folder called ssl.key or ssl.crt anywhere on the system. And right now I cant get port 443 work via the virtualhost config in httpd.conf:

NameVirtualHost *:443

<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mainsite
ServerName mainsite.com

After restarting apache and going to the mainsite via https it gives me the normal this is not a trusted certificate, I click ok and it takes me to /var/www/html/ instead of /var/www/html/mainsite. I was assuming because I dont have ssl setup correctly.

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