Stress Testing VPSes

Mar 14, 2008

I've been playing with hyperVM lately and was wondering what tools all you computer geeks use to stress test your VPSes.

Right now I'm testing out Xen VPSes, Linux AND Windows.

Can some people recommend some tools to stress test reliability of the VPSes on both linux and windows?

Windows seems a little flaky to me on Xen unless I'm doing something wrong.

Stress tests based on a hosting environment would be perfect.

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VPS NODE Stress Testing...

Apr 1, 2009

I want to know if there is a set of tools or a linux distro that I can use to create several Virtual Machines and make them use up all their allocated Memory/CPU to the max to see how much the VPS Node will hold.

I do this on Windows easily as I overclock my PC at home. But in linux, no idea. I need something that will do iterations like Prime95 or SuperPI.

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Stress Testing A PHP Application

Apr 12, 2007

Was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of stress testing a site? We have a PHP application (Apache + Mysql) that searches a database and displays a screen of results.

Each screen is different per user. We might have something like a few thousand people at any one time coming to the site and using it, so I was wondering how people normally go about testing for load, cpu, memory usage etc?

View 4 Replies View Related - Web Stress Testing To Use Up Bandwidth Quota?

May 17, 2008

I was just curious as to whether anyone has ever came across a situation where your monthly bandwidth/transfer quota is being consumed at an exponential rate without any increase of traffic to the site?

My current situation is this.

I have an account 2mhost and a monthly bandwidth transfer quota of 100,000 MB. For the past few months it's been steadily growing. When I first transfered the site to this host their cheapest package quota wasnt sufficient and I ended up with a bandwidth overage error page on my site, so I had to upgrade. In doing so I've always ended the month just shy of 80% total quota.

My problem is that it's only the 17th, and a few days ago i was at about 32%, now im at 51% with no increase of pageviews. Looking into awestats shows the using 30 gigs!! I questioned the tech support via live chat and they said it was wordpress accessing the images. So I downloaded the raw access logs and noticed that Every few seconds the server ip would make a request to a dozen or so images, each image being requested 3 times.

here's a portion of the log: ....

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64bit Windows Vpses

Oct 21, 2009

Are these unheard of?

Are there any out there? Im looking at recompiling some custom server software into 64-bit ... (I am waiting on one library to be updated) .. to make use of the extra RAM allocations, and slight speed increase.

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Migrating Windows VPSes

Dec 4, 2008

I've got a few Windows Server 2003 VPSes on a Xen 3.2 VPS. DomU disk storage is in LVM.

I'd like to move them to a different server running Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2.

Anyone have any idea how to migrate the DomUs?

I have full root/Administrator access to all the boxes in question.

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Anyone Tested Xen 3.2.1 With Windows VPSes

Aug 8, 2008

Just wondering if anyone here has tested windows VPSes with the latest PV drivers and xen 3.2.1?

So far it looks pretty solid and the CPU doesn't go crazy like the older versions.

What do you guys think?

Also what do windows vpses hosters here use? I was looking at testing out XenSource for work and recommending it. But if the typical Xen VPS can handle windows then it won't be necessary although I like alot of the features that xensource has. Anyone else here use some other products in the hosting business?

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How To Stress Test A Website

Jun 9, 2007

regarding the server configuration and my application design I would like to do some stress tests that show me the number of requests the server can handle on my website.

I have tried JMeter but I can't find how to get such a statistic.

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Stress Tests- Benchmarks- Constant Load

Jun 15, 2007

I was having issues with what I would like to think as power.

Now, I was wondering if there are any SQL database benchmarks, or something else I can run on the system for a given period of time, that will let me see if I'm still having those power issues.

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Web Server Performance, Load, And Stress-Test Tool

May 25, 2008

Is there a website/tool/software I can use for testing my web server performance?. I need a server based solution because I don't have enough bandwith to run it from my pc.

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Windows VPS - Run WAPT To Stress Test/load Check

Oct 24, 2008

I am looking for a Windows VPS, preferably inexpensive, but the primary goal is to have a fast pipe to it and be capable of running the WAPT windows load testing tool [url]

I currently have a Zone VPS, and have looked using http_load, or siege from it, but they don't appear to be anywhere near as full featured ad WAPT.

I need to run the tests against both a corportate website to see what our current capacity is, and want to make sure I am not bandwidth limited, as would be the case if I was testing via a T1 or DSL connection, hence the reason for wanting a Windows VPS on a thick pipe that I can run the tests on.

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Migration Testing

Apr 21, 2009

I am migrating my website to Hostgator, and before I change the DNS entries, I want to make sure that everything displays properly. To do this, I have added an entry into my /etc/hosts file pointing the domain to the new host. If I then ping the domain, the reply comes from the correct IP address. However, if I try to view the website, it is still served by the old host.

I thought it might be a caching issue, but I have checked with wireshark and using curl, and it is definitely connecting to the new IP address, but the server that is returning the pages is still the old one. I've contacted hostgator support, but when they make the changes to their hosts file, it loads correctly. Is this a local problem (my system), or something with their server configuration?

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Testing New Webserver

Nov 4, 2009

I am looking for some decent tools to test a web server that can run large scale web sites running Windows and Linux.

I am more interested in the underlying hardware at this point to see if the servers them selves are capable of withstanding the loads without choking.

I am most interested in Disk testing and Network testing but the server but of course the server as a whole is important to since cpu and memory bottle neck can affect everything.

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VPS For Software Testing

Apr 19, 2009

I am currently developing a piece of software that will act as an all purpose control panel for a specific niche. I have coded the vast majority of the control panel already, and want to purchase a cheap (under $25/mo) VPS to test the installation and performance of the control panel.

As a result of me testing various configurations the main feature I am looking for is free (or very cheap) OS reloads.

I want to be working under a CentOS environment, and have a decent amount of CPU that I can use. Disk space and bandwidth are really not an issue, as I am simply testing using this VPS to test the software I am developing.

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Testing Scripts

May 17, 2009

I am using Winxp and would like an application to test my cgi scripts.

Is there anything out there to do this?

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Reboot Testing

Mar 11, 2008

for testing reboots? Basically, the goal is to avoid having a reboot fail leading to support or reinstall costs.

Right now, I'm using qemu -snapshot /dev/hda, but that obviously has limitations.

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Testing Mod_Evasive

Apr 2, 2007

I have 2 questions here.

1. I have installed mod_evasive version 1.10.1 on a Cent OS 4.4 server.

I'm using the script that comes with mod_evasive to test the configuration and when running the script from the same server mod_Evasive is installed. The mod_evasive is able to detect the intrusion and block the IP of the server.

If I use the same script from an external server the requests come in and are viewable in the access log but mod_evasive doesnt block the IP of the external server. Probably is not blocing the ip of the external server because of latency.

Is there a way to modify the script to make it more agressive and get results when testing from an external server?

Here I'm pasting the code of the script:


# small script to test mod_dosevasive's effectiveness

use IO::Socket;
use strict;

for(0..100) {
my($SOCKET) = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr=> "test.domain.tld:80");
if (! defined $SOCKET) { die $!; }
print $SOCKET "GET /?$_ HTTP/1.0

$response = <$SOCKET>;
print $response;

2. Also, I have sendmail installed and on the mod_evasive config I have email address specified on DOSEmailNotify. When testing from the internal server with the script the server is able to block the ip, put in the hash table but it never sends an email to my email address.

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Mod Evasive Testing

Mar 20, 2007

I just installed Mod Evasive and I want to fully test it but dont know how. I was planning to use Http Traffic Generator from NsaSoft but I'm afraid the ISP will block my IP space after testing the web site.

What will be the best tool and way to test this module?

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Load Testing

Oct 8, 2007

We have been doing some research on some colocation facilities lately and a question came up about load testing. I'm wondering what the standard is in regards to load testing a colocation facility.

Are they full load tests? How often are they done? How long are those tests done for?

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Testing A Certificate

Jun 1, 2007

I've installed a certificate in my server that's certified by a CA, but I want to see what happens when that CA is no longer listed as trusted. In Internet Explorer I click Advanced and de-select "Server Authentication" for my CA. When I go to my site, though, I don't see the usual untrusted warning come up. How do you test this?

what's the difference between the certification authority and publisher sections in Internet Explorer?

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Web Server Performance Testing

Jun 15, 2008

Is there a site which will enable me to enter url of my website and it will simulate visitors from multiple locations. It needs to open the page completely, and run for example 10 minutes. Two things I found are host-tracker, but it just gets headers from multiple locations, and does it only once. Another thing is Paessler software which can test exactly what I want (number of visitors for some period of time with full page download) but it must be run from one (my) PC, so I can not test bandwidth from multiple locations. I need combination of these two, anyone knows for something like that on the net?

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Create Testing Directory

Jan 11, 2008

I have a USB drive with Uniserver, XAMP, and WOS portable webservers installed.

The problem is that I would like to have a "test" directory that is independent of these three servers, but still accessible by typing something like "localhost/test" into the browser, regardless of which package I'm running.

Each server package has its own neat little pros and cons and I'd like to be able to play around with all of them and still have the same common access to the same test directory.

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Testing Server Security

Jan 4, 2008

Currently working on securing my server and i think I'm doing quite well until I asked myself the question, have I done it right? Is there anyway to actually test how secure my server actually is? I'd rather not just wait and see if someone can hack me to bring to light what I did wrong...I was also thinking of hiring someone to secure my server but then how do I know that they've done anything different to me?

Are there any scripts or programs I can run to test server security?

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Set Up IIS Locally On Vista For Testing

Oct 14, 2008

I'm moving from my old XP PC to a new PC with Vista (a mistake, but that's a different story).

I'm trying to set up some sites in IIS so that I can develop locally without having to publish to a remote web server.

I've installed IIS7 from the control panel, and am now looking to set up my first site. I've put the site name in, and the path to the site on the computer, but I'm getting an error in the 'bindings' section. I've left all of this empty because I don't know what it means (it didn't ask for any of this in IIS on XP) but when I try to add the site it gives me the following error:

"The binding '*:80:' is assigned to another site. If you assign the same binding to this site, you will only be able to start one of the sites. Are you sure that you want to add this duplicate binding?"

Does anyone know what to do here? I'll need to add about 100 domains to IIS so I want them all to be accessible locally. How do I do this?

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What Tool Can I Use To Do Hardware Testing

Feb 28, 2008

I recently build a server. I was wondering what tool can i use to test the stability of the hardware and the OS. (Windows2003/CentOS)

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CPanel DNS Only Setup + Testing

Jul 9, 2008

I've recently setup a vps with cPanel DNS only - to provide more redundancy to my hosting/dns network. (secondary dns solution)

I've set it up so my hosting server synchronises changes on the vps as well.

Since I can't actually get it to list the dns records on the vps via whm, how I can check that the records are on the vps and can be queried correctly.

When I tell it to manually synchronise the records from my hosting server, it reloads bind on both servers with no errors.

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Testing Provider's Network

Jan 1, 2008

how you test your provider's network. What things do you look for? I hear terms like latency, and I see people posting their trace routes, but I just don't know what information you are trying to obtain from these tests. What other tests do you run, and what are you looking for?

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Mod_Evasive - Testing Remotely

Apr 10, 2007

I have 2 questions here.

1. I have installed mod_evasive version 1.10.1 on a Cent OS 4.4 server.

I'm using the script that comes with mod_evasive to test the configuration and when running the script from the same server mod_Evasive is installed. The mod_evasive is able to detect the intrusion and block the IP of the server.

If I use the same script from an external server the requests come in and are viewable in the access log but mod_evasive doesnt block the IP of the external server.

Probably is not blocing the ip of the external server because of latency.

Is there a way to modify the script to make it more agressive and get results when testing from an external server?

Here I'm pasting the code of the script:



# small script to test mod_dosevasive's effectiveness

use IO:ocket;
use strict;

for(0..100) {
my($SOCKET) = new IO:ocket::INET( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr=> "test.domain.tld:80");
if (! defined $SOCKET) { die $!; }
print $SOCKET "GET /?$_ HTTP/1.0

$response = <$SOCKET>;
print $response;

2. Also, I have sendmail installed and on the mod_evasive config I have email address specified on DOSEmailNotify. When testing from the internal server with the script the server is able to block the ip, put in the hash table but it never sends an email to my email address.

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Testing Subdomain Traffic

Aug 1, 2008

way to see the subdomains people have been visiting of a new domain I've bought.

I know this domain gets a bunch of traffic to subdomains as I've parked it at sedo for a short time but they dont give you any details of hits.

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Real World Testing

Feb 25, 2007

We have recently moved to a new datacenter and I was wondering if anyone on these forums could provide their experiences with "real-world" testing.

Upon move-in, we had a few issues. Obviously now the executives in the organization I work for are looking for justification for moving to the new colo.

software, or an online service that will stress test our current setup? Obviously I have MRTG, Awstats, and a few other of the most well known polling packages installed and working correctly, but what does everyone else use for stress testing?

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Server Memory Testing

Oct 26, 2007

I'm running a Fedora box and am getting these kinds of messages in /var/log/messages:

Oct 26 13:41:20 tx kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000c

I have a feeling this is a memory error and am looking for a way to confirm this.

I found a package called memtest86+ (via yum) but have never used it. Have any of you used this program in the past and if so what are the steps? Does the server have to be shut down? Are there other programs out there to accomplish what I am trying to do?

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