Securing A VPS Node Versus A Dedicated Server

May 29, 2009

I have a lot of experience with VPSs and recently have been working with dedicated servers but my partner and I are going to be providing VPSs and my main concern is securing the node the VPSs will be on. Would I secure it like a normal dedicated server?

I'm worried that if I secured it like I would my dedicated servers it would affect the VPS clients hosted on there. Any assistance is appreciated, even if it's just a recommendation for a management company or single user who could assist us.

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Colo Versus VPS Versus Dedicated

Apr 22, 2007

I have a 'complex' situation, if you will. The site I run has free access to a variety of server hardware. Sitting under my desk, I currently have:

1. Dual Xeon 5345 (quad core, 2.33GHz) with 8GB memory, mid-tower
2. Quad Opteron 8xx (dual core, 2.2GHz) with 16GB memory, 3U
3. Dual Xeon 5160 (dual core, 3GHz) with 4GB memory, mid-tower

We also have the appropriate licenses for Windows and MSSQL (which is what we use).

I am currently on a shared host that we'd like to move away from. We would like to have the ability to run both a production and a development environment. We'd also like to be able to offer web-hosting to a couple of other small sites...

So what I'm wondering is whether it really makes sense to colo. Honestly, it seems like we'll get a lot more bang for our buck versus dedicated. Most dedicated servers that are under 200 could only be described as sad and pathetic. However, they may be enough for what we need....

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Plesk Automation :: Cloud Server Hardware Node As Backup Server Node

Apr 11, 2015

We have one Cloud Server hardware node that exists only as the backup location for containers and VMs in Cloud Server/PVA (it hosts no virtual servers). Can it also serve as a Backup Server Node?

A related question, in my case, is whether we can configure a Backup Server Node to use a particular drive/mount/directory, as we can with PVA? I couldn't find any info in the docs about any settings at all for the Backup Server Node.

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VPS Versus True Dedicated

Dec 10, 2008

We just recently were kind of forced to go from a true dedicated server to a VPS type server and my question is a simple one.

When it comes to SQL databases is the VPS powered server just a secure as a dedicated type server?

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Fusion-io : IoDRIVE Versus IoXtreme Versus Intel's X25-E

Jul 31, 2009

if anyone has insight or comments about Fusion-io's ioDRIVE versus their ioXtreme drive. If you do, I would appreciate reading your thoughts on this.

The ioDRIVE is their enterprise product while the ioXtreme drive is being marketed to the consumer market. Both seem to be extremely impressive products.

My main question is whether or not an ioXtreme is suitable for web server use. The ioDRIVE is made for server use and is much more expensive, so is not only a bit less attractive because of the cost but also a bit out of my reach, financially, at this point.

So, what do you think about the ioXtreme being used in a web server? Any reason that this might be a bad idea?

Would Intel's X25-E be a better solution than the ioXtreme? The ioXtreme is PCIe based & the X25-E is a SATA drive.

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Who Are The Most Reliable Dedicated/Node Provider

Oct 9, 2009

Who are the most reliable Dedicated/Node Providers? I mean there are the cheap ones like Wholesale Internet and Joe's DC but have they proven to be reliable as well?

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Securing Your Server

Jun 22, 2008

some recommended docs/tutorials to secure your server? It will be used as a web server, running Cent OS 5 (most likely 64bit)

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Securing The Server ..?

Mar 30, 2008

Will be getting a new dedicated server. I know that I need to install APF + BFD for sure, but what else would you recommend installing to secure the server? Apache's mod_security module? DOS module? What are the obvious candidates other than APF/BFD?

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Securing A Win 2k3 Server

Apr 2, 2008

I am on the verge of getting my first dedicated server (Win2k3 Standard). Just wondering if someone can point out a few resources to me about how to secure it, what softwares to use, etc.

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Securing A Server

Jan 30, 2007

For those of us that do not want to try and manage our own servers I have a question to those that already have been managing there servers for a while.

Once we get our server and install our OS and the control panels and have everything up and running then what should we look at doing to our server for security and to keep it secure from the web?

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Securing A Cpanel Server

Nov 2, 2009

I am concerned as I get several emails containing this like this:

Large Number of Failed Login Attempts from IP

I'm trying to stop it, as obviously, I don't want anyone gaining access to my server.

Any tips for making sure the server is really secure?

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Securing Server - Iptables Or APF

Jul 11, 2007

way to secure a server? I have iptables on my box but havent seen any scripts which i can base my config on.

I have seen that APF seems to be popular, and from the scripts seems quite simple to setup.

I'm not afraid of iptables per se but i would like a script on which to base for cpanel, do any exist?

I also like the simplicity of APF but i am currently running static nat on iptables and wish to maintain this functionality, the server is used as a vpn gateway.

Any ideas or links to base configuration scripts that would be suitable and maintain my static nat? Are there any checklists which i could go against to ensure everything is secure?

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Securing Server Traffic- IPSEC

Jul 8, 2009

secure a windows server 2003 traffic.

I have one server with a small number of clients <10. The clients have dynamic IPs.

The server hosts a number of public facing websites, email, FTP and remote desktop.

What I want to do is make port 80 respond to all web requests but lock all other services down so that they only respond to my 10 clients. I was thinking some certificate or VPN solution but I've ruled VPN out as I don't have a firewall or VPN so would I be able to do this with IPSEC?

Is there quick utility that would do this or can you point me to a good example article?

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Windows 2003 Server Versus CentOS Or Any Free OSs

Apr 3, 2009

Almost all dedicated server providers offer windows 2003 server free. Any suggestions to choose one way or the other?

Any major limitations either of these cases? I never worked on linux before, have basic experience on unix though.

Please compare reliability, resources (if problems) in terms of cost, extendability, etc.,

Does cPanel support windows?

I am thinking of limestone 8gb Q9300 server (64bit) with their 30% off deal.

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Advanced Securing & Hardening Of Linux Server -cPanel

Oct 29, 2009

We have discussed all the basic methods of securing and hardening the server. Lets leave all the basic and general server securing and hardening I have started this to get advance knowledge in securing and hardening of the server so that it will usefull for all the person So i request all to provide all the vaulable tips and suggestions in advance securing and hardening of linux servers I welcome all the comments related to advance securing and hardening of linux servers.

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Plesk Automation :: Backup Server Node With Two Disks

Jun 10, 2015

Due to data center limitations, I am restricted to 100GB on my primary disk but can have up to 2TB on a second disk.Is it possible to have the backup node use the second disk instead of the primary disk?Also is it possible to have multiple to have multiple backup nodes?

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"Semi-managed" Server Versus Geek-on-retainer

May 1, 2008

I'm a (mostly SQL and Java) programmer by trade, I have an MSc. in Computer Engineering, and for almost 8 years I have done web and database programming on the side. I have a site ( that has had its ups and downs. Sometimes I find lots of time to work on it, other times life intrudes and I neglect it. It gets a few hundred thousand hits and maybe 30,000 unique visitors per month (or so).

Long ago, I decided (for reasons of security and some idea of the nobility of open source) to go with FreeBSD/PostgreSQL. I went from crappy no-name hosting to CanHost to LayeredTech, teaching myself the OS and db from scratch in little scraps of free time. In general I have always gone the cheap route by necessity. I'm determined to keep my site nonprofit, so I've never had banner ads or Google ads. Over time as I made more $ in my "real job" I could afford slightly better servers.

These days I could probably spare $200 per month out of my own pocket to subsidize my hobby. We have a new partner who may provide another $200 per month or so.

I have come to a point where my lack of knowledge is probably holding us back. It's a one-man operation from a web/db-programming standpoint, and I am finding myself using too much time on anti-hacker and server-optimization activities. The server runs slowly. People keep spamming my PunBB install. I am trying to keep the server up and responsive instead of adding new features and finding new users. My cheapness is biting me in the butt. I think if the server ran smoothly when people came, and if I could spend my time adding the cool features I dream of, we would double or triple our user base pretty easily.

I suppose you could sum up my operation by saying that I have a web site that "does cool stuff ... slowly."

I figure I have two possible routes:

1. Pay for a "semi-managed" server or a managed server: By this I mean having someone set up the OS to be very solid, someone who can look into why the server is so sluggish and fix it. Someone who can give me an SLA that deals with spamming/hacking. I don't care about admin. panels and the like, but I do need a solid, fast server, or at least one that performs up to its basic potential.

2. Have a "geek on retainer": Instead of that, pay for targeted services. Pay a FreeBSD guy to do the initial server setup. Pay an Apache/PostgreSQL guru(s) to get the basic infrastructure in place. Pay a PunBB mod developer to harden the forums. Bring them back in when specific problems come up.

I've learned a lot over the last few years, but I will never become the expert that is needed to fully grok the sys. admin. tasks.

Which route would you recommend, or is there a better way? How do I price out these services?

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Windows 2008 Versus Windows 2003 Server

May 26, 2009

With Windows 2003 server, there are comprehensive lists of what you need to do to secure the server before use. For Windows 2008, I wonder is there such a list? Or is it true as what I heard from Microsoft that it is already secured out of the box?

Anyone has any resources on the hardening or preparation of 2008 for server hosting uses?

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Securing PHP

Nov 5, 2008

I'm running LiteSpeed, and wondering what PHP functions you disable(if any) when running a shared hosting server to protect against PHP Shells.

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out what lockdown without killing clients ability to host scripts that might rely on certain PHP functions to run.

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Securing /tmp & /dev/shm

Dec 14, 2008

Securing /tmp

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Securing My VPS

Jun 21, 2007

linux and have just purchased a vps with CentOS 4 (godaddy). how secure the server is out of the box? Is there a firewall or anything that comes preloaded - if so, is there a way to tell. If there isn't, are there a couple that someone could list that would be worth my time to review.

i'm just using their Simple Control Panel.

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Securing /dev/shm

May 29, 2007

what are the ways I can secure /dev/shm? The permission for this directory is set to 755 but somehow it is still compromised.

The directory permission is changed to 777 by the user apache, and the some flood/bot scripts are uploaded to the directory and executed for outbound ddos.

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Securing PHP

May 10, 2007

When cpanel 11 turns stable, I am planning on changing the setup for php on all my servers. Currently it runs as mod_php for the default installation of php and one server has php running in cgi mode for php5 (in addition to its normal mod_php setup for php4).

Im not currently running anything like fastcgi, suphp, or phpsuexec. What do you think is the best setup to use that would add a nice security layer, but still allow users to have custom php.ini settings (without having to use an entire php.ini file), and still keep close to, if not better speeds as mod_php? I am thinking of dropping support for php4 in general and just keep one version of php on each server.

PHP support is very important to a large majority of my customers, so I really want to make sure this is done right. Its obviously going to be a big headache making the switch and I am definitely going to work closely with my reseller and personal customers to make sure it goes as smooth as possible.

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IPs Versus C Class

May 28, 2008

I am getting into the dedicated server market and have a question...

I would like to get access to an entire Class C so - is that standard or should I assume someone offering a dedicated server with 1 IP only is giving say ?

What would be the cost of being able to allocate different sites on the same class C?

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Plesk VPS Securing

Jul 17, 2008

Is there a tutorial out there that shows how to secure a Plesk VPS? We did hire a server management company but after they installed some tweaks, Plesk broke and we had to re-install from scratch. Any security tutorials out there that is Plesk friendly?

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Securing My Network

May 21, 2007

I have three computers, 2 routers, 1 hub and 1 server machine on my network.

Up until now, we havn't worried about security much but I've decided that I want to secure it all. We have anti virus and software firewalls, as well as Windows XP firewall however, I cant seem to get the computers on the first router to talk to the computers on the other router.

My network setup is:


Router 1 is a Linxsys, its default gateway is
Router 2 is a Dynex E401 and its default gateway is

I tried changing the default gateways, but they lost internet.

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Securing Apache

Oct 2, 2007

I am debating how to additionally secure my Apache server. Chrooting is one thing that I have already done. It will limit the intruder to the jail I created. However I have around 30 different websites hosted on this machine. I am concern that once the hacker is inside the jail he will be able to gain access over all websites. How can I isolate the different websites from each other ? For example if oscommerce gets compromised I would like intruder not to be able to see the other websites.

On a completely different note I am curious about something. Why does big websites like google and facebook do not block icmp packets and allow udp connections for traceroute?

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CPU Versus RAM Usage Scenarios

May 5, 2008

For a server with Xeon 3060 + 2 Gigs of RAM, which setup result would you choose to run at?

This is the normal load. At peak times, they would be more like:

Server Load: 0.07 / Memory Used 50%
Server Load: 0.40 / Memory Used 30%

Would a slightly higher CPU load be a better choice than having 50% of RAM used? We can choose either scenario based on installing eAccelerator, a PHP cacher.

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Equinix Quality : DC2 Versus DC3

Dec 21, 2007

I visited the colo space (1 cabinet) we obtained through an Equinix reseller. There was some confusion as initially we were going into DC2, but they put us into DC3 as that's where they had the space (they have a lot of cages in both DCs).

In the past, I had visited DC2 and it's clear the facility was purpose-built for Equinix. You can tell just by looking at it from the outside, but also inside.

Driving up to DC3 (on Chillum Place), I was first surprised to notice glass windows on the outside of the building (they have the reinforced walls inside of that I was told).

Apparently, the building was some other company's datacenter or offices, which Equinix then refitted their standard-build datacenter inside the building. They also have different man-traps (like a rotating door) compared to DC2, raised flooring (which is not used I was told), and lower ceilings.

I drove around the DC3 building, and the other half of it appears to be some other company's datacenter (based on the generators on the roof). Any idea who that is?

Is DC3 the same quality as DC2? It didn't quite "feel" like the quailty of DC2, but that's just an impression and not based on any empirical evidence. It's also a bit further out there, while DC2 and its new "siblings" (DC4/5) are all adjacent to each other (on Filigree Court).

With the reseller we are using, most of their bandwidth in DC3 cross-connects to their network equipment in DC2, and that's where they peer. That's another thing that makes me feel like DC3 is quite secondary.

Are my feelings unfounded, or should I push our reseller to find a cabinet for us in DC2?

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TekTonic Versus EasyCGI

Mar 10, 2007

Does anyone have input on either of these VPS hosts? Their plans are similar and prices are nearly identical, and I'm trying to figure out whether I should just flip a coin, or whether one edges the other out.

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Securing Tmp Folder/partition

Oct 31, 2009

Should I secure my tmp folder/partition so nothing can be run/executed from it

Im running plesk 9 centos 5.3

How is this done

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