Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Local Repository And Remote FTP (subscription) Backup

May 30, 2015

keep a local and remote backup of certain subscriptions or at least have a full server backup on FTP.

I have a reseller account which allows be to quite cheaply add 512GB of remote storage accessible through SFTP, FTP and WebDAV. I created this partition and added it as a server-level FTP repository in Plesk 12 (latest build). During testing I added a firewall exception for traffic on the FTP IP-address and figured that I had to put the FTP repository in passive mode to properly connect.

After setting this up I ran a configuration only backup to test if everything was working properly. The backup was created properly and can be accessed through the FTP as well: success!

My second test was running a full server backup through the manager. The ±40GB file was created properly (I could see my disk usage increase and decrease through new relic monitoring) and supposedly transferred to the FTP repository according to Plesk.

When I look at the FTP or the Plesk Backup Manager both indicate that the full server backup is 0kb in size.

After this issue I figured: I really don't care about a full server backup, I mostly care about a specific set of subscriptions that have new content on a daily basis and need to be backed up properly as well. Those subscriptions are already on a daily or weekly backup scheme that places backups on the local repository.

What I would eventually like to do is create daily or weekly backups on the local repository and create weekly or monthly backups on the FTP repository for those specific subscriptions, but unfortunately you cannot (by default) setup Plesk to automatically backup to local and remote based on different or even the same intervals.

And this is the more important question: How to be able to create/setup a backup automation that keeps local and remote backups for the same or different intervals? Either through the Plesk interface, a plugin or a script?

Running Plesk 12 on CentOS 6.6


Just tried running the same server wide backup, but this time as a multivolume backup. This resulted in the following error:

ERROR: () Can't upload file 'backup_info_1505301327.xml' to ftp. Error code: 1

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup And FTP Repository

Feb 8, 2015

I am having issues with the plesk backup manager. I set up my personal FTP personal repository in tools & settings, then backup manager. My ftp is secure with a specific port. here are my options:

FTP server hostname or IP: myipaddress":"port without quotes. Directory for backup files storage: complete also used /complete. Both correct username and password

Use passive mode checked
Use FTPS checked
Use password protection checked

Here is my scenario:

Personal FTP repository backups are set up with:

Create a multivolume backup
Volume size: 2047
Store backup in: Personal FTP Repository
max number of backups: 1

For some reason when I manually backed up the server with server repository, my storage went from 14gb to 6gb.. I have zero backups in both server repository and personal FTP repository because I deleted them. Now its stuck at 6gb, which seems that the backup is stored somewhere in the system and is not deleted.Where can I find this backup? I am using CentOS.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Does Not Write Dump To FTP Repository

Oct 24, 2014

Beginning with today, all Backups to FTP repository failed. Even updates being started manually fail.

FTP Space is not full, there are still app. 400GB free space left.

I was also able to do a ftp upload on terminal using ftp client.

Server is accessible, credentials are right, but backup fails.

Why backup stops working after having done login.

This are the last few lines of the current psadump.log (removed server url and username):

[2014-10-24 13:38:46.754|17907] INFO: Repository 'ftps://[XXX]//as/': Initializing...
[2014-10-24 13:38:46.754|17907] INFO: Transport: Get repository transport ftps://[XXX]//as/
[2014-10-24 13:38:46.754|17907] INFO: Transport: Init credentials for user '[XXX]'
[2014-10-24 13:38:46.756|17907] INFO: Repository 'ftps://[XXX]//as/': Initialized
[2014-10-24 13:38:46.758|17907] INFO: pmm-ras finished. Exit code: 1

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Personal FTP Repository Backup Failures

Jun 27, 2014

After starting back up in plesk 11.5 I get this error after some time...


Runtime error: Export dump to FTP failed at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 727.
at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 727
main::perform('verbose', 4, 'owner-type', 'server', 'split-size', undef, 'session-path', '/usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/2014-06-27-025357.825', 'description', ...) called at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 1319

[Code] ....

The backup was stored in Server Repository and was also uploaded to ftp....

Backup file size in server repository : 169 MB
In personal repository showed in plesk :169 MB
File size shown in FTP in backup server : 169.08MB

Then why does the error occur ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup To Personal FTP Repository Using FTPS

Sep 18, 2014

The Problem:
I'm trying to set up an automatic backup to an ftp server using ftps (as configured in the personal ftp repository).
Copying the files fails however.

The things I checked:
The Plesk management website can't show the target folder's contents.
The only error I get is Error-Code "1".
The ftp server (a synology NAS) logs the ftp access: Credentials are correct, session is terminated after transferring 0 Bytes.
Each failed backup leaves a 0-Byte .tar file on the Backup folder.
If I disable ftps and go with plain ftp, everything works just fine.

Our previous generation Plesks (v11 and lower) can utilize ftps for backup (to the same ftp server) without a hitch.

Additional considerations:
Since the WebServer is on a hosted machine and file transfer has to be done across the internet, unsecured transport is not an option.

I have virtually zero Linux experience

[System Information]
Plesk Version: 12.0.8 Update #18
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Personal FTP Repository Not Working

Jul 1, 2014

Can ftp to the FTP server from the command line without any problem.

get / put / ls etc all work.

Configure Plesk Backup Personal FTP repository with same server / username / password.

Get the following messages in Plesk:

Warning: Unable to display the list of backups. Please check the personal FTP repository settings.

When I attempt an FTP backup I get:

The backup was not created. Download the log file View the log Close this message

Can't upload file 'backup_info_1406281533.xml' to ftp. Error code: 1

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Personal FTP Repository Error

Jun 29, 2014

I'm recieving the following error

"Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: Couldn't connect to server".

This happens when I enter ftp settings for the Personal FTP Repository. I'm sure the ftp server is fine. I have it already set on other domains. It connects backs-up just fine.

I've noticed two things when connecting to the FTP server it automatically issues PASV and does nothing else. It also connects using the secondary ip which I guessing it should. Micro Update 5 is installed.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Cannot Set Personal FTP Repository For Backup In Another Server

Dec 29, 2014

I have 2 identical servers: I'm trying to do backups from server1 to server2 and from server2 to server1.

In every server I setup a subscription just for storing backups.

If I configure Personal FTP Repository from server1 to server1 - the same server - it works (it gives a warning: backup on the same server is not safe).

If I try to configure Personal FTP Repository from server1 to server2 and vice versa, it gives me the following error:

Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: FTP: couldn't retrieve (RETR failed) the specified file

If I try to give a different password, it tells that the password is wrong: this means that server1 is able to connect to server2 and the ports are well configured (I hope).

If I connect in active mode from my PC with Filezilla to server1 or server2, same username and password, it works!

I'm not able to configure Personal FTP Repository and to backup to another server.

S.O.: CentOS 6.5 (Final)
Plesk: 12.0.18 Update #30

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Configuration Of FTPS With TLS And FTP Backup Repository

Mar 8, 2015

Plesk Panel 12 uses a proftpd FTP server, with the TLS module pre-installed and configured.

Many questions and/or problems arise when trying to connect to the FTP server over a FTPS connection. In (almost) all cases, the disability to connect with FTPS is due to

a) the lack of configuration of passive ports, AND
b) firewall settings, enabling connections through before mentioned passive ports.

The passive port range can be configured by

adding a line to /etc/proftpd.conf, stating: "PassivePorts <start> <end>", OR
adding a separate file with name <filename>.conf to /etc/proftpd.d/, with the contents of <filename>.conf stating: "PassivePorts <start> <end>"

And note that

- <start> is the first port of the port range, in theory any value above 1050 can suffice,
- <end> is the last port of the port range, any value below 65000 (!) can suffice,
- the extension .conf is required when using a separate config file,
- the directory location /etc/proftpd.d/ is required when using a separate config file,
- one should always limit the port range, i.e. it is not desirable to open up a lot of ports,
- it is desirable to have the <start> value above 20000, in order to prevent conflicts with other programs, using a specific port (for instance, port 8443 is also being used),
- it is not necessary to restart proftpd after configuring the passive ports. ​

The firewall settings have to be changed to allow connections through the passive ports that have been opened for FTPS connections and note that

- only open up the port range (not more) in the firewall settings,
- it is only necessary to open up ports in the firewall settings of the FTP server,
- it is not required to open up ports in the firewall settings of the sending server.

Many issues have been arising when setting up the FTP Backup Repository.

In general, the passive mode checkbox has to be selected, when encountering issues.

The explicit use of the passive mode allows for proper configuration of the FTP Backup Repository and note that it does not matter whether FTPS or normal FTP will be used.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Access Backup (Server Repository) Via FTP Client

Oct 22, 2014

I host a number of large sites (20GB+) on my VPS server running Centos6 and Plesk Panel 12. Due to the large sites I don't want to keep multiple backups on the actual server because it would take too much disk space. When I create a backup to the server's repository all is good, but when I click the green arrow to download the backup it takes a long time and then it fails with a timeout error. On some smaller sites it takes a while but eventually downloads the tar.

So my question: Is it possible to access the Server Repository via FTP? How and where would I set this up? Presumably it would be a better way to download these large archive files?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: 12.0.8 - Personal FTP Backup Repository Settings Option Gone

Sep 24, 2014

My IP address has changed on my personal FTP backup Repository. I can't find the settings option to update it to the new IP address anywhere.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Download Backup To Local Computer From Backup Manager

May 17, 2015

I have multiple backups stored under server repository (subscriptions --> <domainname> --> website and domains --> backup manager).

The physical files are located at: /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients/904279/domains/<domainname>/

When I click the green arrow to download these files to a local computer (see attached image) I get a new page with title "Download the backup file". On this page I have the option to set a password on the downloaded file, but no matter what I do (password or no password) the file is not downloaded to my local PC. I don't get a pop-up box with the option to save the file. Just nothing happens ...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Internal Error In Backup - Restore Domain From Server Repository

Mar 30, 2015

When i try to restore a domain from Server Repository I am getting this strange error

Internal server error:

ERROR: Call to a member function write() on a non-object (Apache.php:821)

How could I fix it?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Cannot Access Backup Manager (Tools And Settings Or Any Subscription)

Jul 11, 2014

After a successful upgrade from 11.5.30 to 12.0.8 the Backup Manager cannot be accessed anymore. The system replies with:

Internal error: Failed to parse response. Reason: Failed to read data from stream Process output:

MessageFailed to parse response. Reason: Failed to read data from stream Process output:
File PMMConnector.php

Apparently the backups are not saved anymore either.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: For Security Reason Backup Is Performed On Behalf Of Subscription System User

Aug 24, 2014

I thought this problem was fixed in Plesk 11.5 but I'm still getting the following backup warnings in Plesk 12..."For security reason backup is performed on behalf of subscription system user...."

My phpbb forum creates cache files which have apache ownership and Plesk backup manager gives warnings that it cannot backup the files due to ownership errors.

I have searched for days for a solution without success. If I change the permissions to owner instead of apache the forums don't function correctly.

Is this a Plesk bug that is still evident in Plesk 12?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Backup Works Only Local - No FTP

Jun 16, 2013

My server works fine like expected, but isn't uploaded to ftp. It was in 11.0.9, same after upgrading to 11.5.29.

The ftp repository in plesk shows a manually done older backup, so ftp connection seems to be ok.

In ftp repository settings I get an error, if I try to safe anything, ftp server, user and password are correct, manual ftp connection is working fine.

The error is:


Fehler: FTP-Verbindung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre FTP-Einstellungen.
drwx---r-x 2 b088598 cust 4096 Jun 17 06:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 b088598 cust 4096 Jun 17 06:01 ..
drwx---r-x 2 b088598 cust 4096 Jun 17 06:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 b088598 cust 4096 Jun 17 06:01 ..

Repository error: created file not present in directory listing

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Restore Local PMM Backup

Aug 14, 2014

I've generated migration files on a source server that runs plesk11.5..I've transfer these files to my new server (plesk 12).I've logged into plesk on the new server, go to migration tool and create a new migration using local files.with chrome dev tools. i can see the following a post request is sent to :

/plesk/ server/migration/start/ the response is a redirection ( http status 303 , location = /admin/backup/restore/type/import/id/migration )a

After several attempts to this url I've got : admin/backup/restore/type/import/id/migration there a way to restore the data using the command line ?

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Remote Backup And Local Back Up In Same Time

May 8, 2009

How to make WHM send to remote host via frp account

and also save the data in local back up?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Local Disk Space Needed For Full Backup

Apr 4, 2015

How much local disk space is necessary for a full backup of 240 GB data to a remote ftp?

I have 314 GB free on my local disk, but this is still not enough.

The backup process is 100% after round about 4 hours, according to Backup Manager.

But there are still tar processes until the disk is full.

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Remote Backup Or Local Backup

Oct 31, 2007

I would like to weight the benefits and costs of using remote backup and local backup to another hardisk? Let's assume the price is the same.

What's the benefits of using remote backup?
Is it secured to use local backup in another hardisk?

I'm running on linux centos.

What happend if hacker get hold of my server?

Currently, i have 80GB of diskspace. Does it mean i will need at least 80GB of ANOTHER hardisk to backup that?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Remote FTP Backup Is Not Working

Aug 14, 2014

Since moving to version 12 on the remote FTP backup is not working.

This makes the tar of 50K ~

We have chosen "Setting and content domain" ... 

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Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository: Plesk

Dec 15, 2008

when I run this command show me some errors what should I do?
# yum update

Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* plesk:
* extras:
* updates:
* base:
* addons:[url]
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: plesk. Please verify its path and try again

I have Linux with Plesk.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Invalid File Size Displayed In Backup Manager Server Repository

Nov 11, 2014

First of all I checked via command line if any software is not installed properly while plesk installation was done on destination server (windows server 2012 R2). All looks fine, please check attached file pleskinstallation.txt

Source plesk version 10.4.4 (windows server 2008)
Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 built.

We are in testing mode of migrating websites hosted with source plesk version 10.4.4 onto destination server plesk server 12.0.18 having (windows server 2012 R2).

What we did, we restored the backup of Source plesk version 10.4.4 (windows server 2008) to Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 built.

Now the problem is that backup which we restored on Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 was of 68 GB and now when we setup the backup on Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 and when backup completes successfully it show us wrong backup size up to 16 GB.

We have requested several times to plesk support has to check the entire new plesk version in terms of all feature (like taking backup, restoring, plesk installation etc) while releasing new version, If they have noticed bug than plesk support should not release new version or micro update until they are sure.

I would request them again to check backup size bug along with other bugs.

1. "Stats crashing and not updating stats"

2. installing "Spam assassin" on Plesk 12.0.18 on windows server 2012 r2 and we are getting error:

Error: Unable to set Plesk SpamAssassin 3.3.2 as the default Spam Filter: defpackagemng failed: Execute spammng.exe --check failed with error code 1: Unable generate the unique file name by template D:Program Files (x86)[*].bak: directory D:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskAdditionalPerlsiteetcmailspamassassin does not exist.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Missing Key For Debian Repository?

Jan 6, 2015

I am using apt-cron for automatic nightly security updates.

This morning, it won't install anything - here the log:

Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT RUN [/etc/cron-apt/config]: Tue Jan 6 04:00:01 CET 2015
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT SLEEP: 1052, Tue Jan 6 04:17:33 CET 2015
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT ACTION: 3-download
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT LINE: /usr/bin/apt-get -o quiet=1 upgrade -d -y -o APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true


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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Cannot Move Server Backups To Ftp Repository

Oct 17, 2014

My backup ftp server was down, how do I move all backups from server repository to personal ftp repository?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Difference Between Server And Personal FTP Repository?

Mar 27, 2015

I want to restore a database from my repository. In the backup manager (root) I have Server repository & Personal FTP Repository. The personal repository I set to backup every day. The server repository I don't know where to set the backup option. There seems to be some random backups every 2 weeks or so.

In the personal ftp repository I have the backups of the last 7 days as tar files. When I want to radio button "Selected objects" it can not me highlighted. I am on plesk 12.0.18. (I ticked "Restore this backup despite the fact that it does not have a valid signature")In the server depository the files are .xml and there I can select what to restore but the backups are not current. I need the database from yesterday.How can I make my personal backups selectable?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Personal FTP Repository - Transport Error

Feb 21, 2015

I want to backup my server, but i get always error, when i want to save my Personal FTP Repository. I get following error:

Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: FTP: weird server reply

What is the reason?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Bulk Setup FTP Repository Details?

Oct 28, 2014

I'm facing the task of migrating nearly 200 domains from 11.5 to a new server running 12. My question is whether any way to pre-populate the

FTP repository : hostname / username / password
Schedule : to daily / specify time / untick suspend domain

This would massively speed up the move, and remove the monotony of retyping these over and over!

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