Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Personal Repository Creation Hangs?

Dec 10, 2013

new server, windows 2012 dataserver R2.

I set up the personal repository info and on save it hangs. Manual ftp to that other server works. Adding :21 to the address does not work.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Personal FTP Repository Settings - Cannot Parse Hostname

Feb 2, 2014

Current Version Installed :Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5.30 Update #31
Problem: When username have @ like :

Steps : When configure the setting all go right (test to validate setting is ok too) , but when Scheduled Backup Settings using Personal FTP Repository cannot connect for server because the url use 2 @ like error message below.

Error Message :
Cannot parse output file '' [Invalid URI: Can not parse the hostname.]

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Transport And Curl Errors For Personal FTP Repository Settings

Oct 10, 2014

When I try to reset the Personal FTP Repository setting in Backup Manager, I get "Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: Failure when receiving data from the peer"

I've read a solution to this issue for Plesk for Linux, but not for Windows. I have my FTP server setup for FTPS (require explicit FTP over TLS) and when I put the correct information in each box, I get this error. In the meantime, the current settings (for standard FTP) are incorrect.

Obviously the most important this is to correct the Transport and Curl errors, but if I'm unable to do so, how do you clear the current setting? There doesn't seem to be a way to do it...

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Password Useless For Personal FTP Repository Backed Up ZIP Files

Jul 15, 2015

If I go into the Backup Manager, then click the "Personal FTP Repository", then click "Personal FTP Repository Settings", at the bottom it asks for a password and says how important it is to use a password.

So, I specify a password, then successfully do a backup to a remote FTP site.

But when I examine the file at the remote FTP site, it a plain ZIP file that you can open without any password!!!

How is this secure, what's the point of asking us to specify a password when it's not used to password lock the backed up ZIP file?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Personal FTP Repository Backup Failures

Jun 27, 2014

After starting back up in plesk 11.5 I get this error after some time...


Runtime error: Export dump to FTP failed at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 727.
at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 727
main::perform('verbose', 4, 'owner-type', 'server', 'split-size', undef, 'session-path', '/usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/2014-06-27-025357.825', 'description', ...) called at /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/plesk_agent_manager line 1319

[Code] ....

The backup was stored in Server Repository and was also uploaded to ftp....

Backup file size in server repository : 169 MB
In personal repository showed in plesk :169 MB
File size shown in FTP in backup server : 169.08MB

Then why does the error occur ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Difference Between Server And Personal FTP Repository?

Mar 27, 2015

I want to restore a database from my repository. In the backup manager (root) I have Server repository & Personal FTP Repository. The personal repository I set to backup every day. The server repository I don't know where to set the backup option. There seems to be some random backups every 2 weeks or so.

In the personal ftp repository I have the backups of the last 7 days as tar files. When I want to radio button "Selected objects" it can not me highlighted. I am on plesk 12.0.18. (I ticked "Restore this backup despite the fact that it does not have a valid signature")In the server depository the files are .xml and there I can select what to restore but the backups are not current. I need the database from yesterday.How can I make my personal backups selectable?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Personal FTP Repository - Transport Error

Feb 21, 2015

I want to backup my server, but i get always error, when i want to save my Personal FTP Repository. I get following error:

Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: FTP: weird server reply

What is the reason?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup To Personal FTP Repository Using FTPS

Sep 18, 2014

The Problem:
I'm trying to set up an automatic backup to an ftp server using ftps (as configured in the personal ftp repository).
Copying the files fails however.

The things I checked:
The Plesk management website can't show the target folder's contents.
The only error I get is Error-Code "1".
The ftp server (a synology NAS) logs the ftp access: Credentials are correct, session is terminated after transferring 0 Bytes.
Each failed backup leaves a 0-Byte .tar file on the Backup folder.
If I disable ftps and go with plain ftp, everything works just fine.

Our previous generation Plesks (v11 and lower) can utilize ftps for backup (to the same ftp server) without a hitch.

Additional considerations:
Since the WebServer is on a hosted machine and file transfer has to be done across the internet, unsecured transport is not an option.

I have virtually zero Linux experience

[System Information]
Plesk Version: 12.0.8 Update #18
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Personal FTP Repository Not Working

Jul 1, 2014

Can ftp to the FTP server from the command line without any problem.

get / put / ls etc all work.

Configure Plesk Backup Personal FTP repository with same server / username / password.

Get the following messages in Plesk:

Warning: Unable to display the list of backups. Please check the personal FTP repository settings.

When I attempt an FTP backup I get:

The backup was not created. Download the log file View the log Close this message

Can't upload file 'backup_info_1406281533.xml' to ftp. Error code: 1

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Personal FTP Repository Error

Jun 29, 2014

I'm recieving the following error

"Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: Couldn't connect to server".

This happens when I enter ftp settings for the Personal FTP Repository. I'm sure the ftp server is fine. I have it already set on other domains. It connects backs-up just fine.

I've noticed two things when connecting to the FTP server it automatically issues PASV and does nothing else. It also connects using the secondary ip which I guessing it should. Micro Update 5 is installed.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Cannot Set Personal FTP Repository For Backup In Another Server

Dec 29, 2014

I have 2 identical servers: I'm trying to do backups from server1 to server2 and from server2 to server1.

In every server I setup a subscription just for storing backups.

If I configure Personal FTP Repository from server1 to server1 - the same server - it works (it gives a warning: backup on the same server is not safe).

If I try to configure Personal FTP Repository from server1 to server2 and vice versa, it gives me the following error:

Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: FTP: couldn't retrieve (RETR failed) the specified file

If I try to give a different password, it tells that the password is wrong: this means that server1 is able to connect to server2 and the ports are well configured (I hope).

If I connect in active mode from my PC with Filezilla to server1 or server2, same username and password, it works!

I'm not able to configure Personal FTP Repository and to backup to another server.

S.O.: CentOS 6.5 (Final)
Plesk: 12.0.18 Update #30

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: 12.0.8 - Personal FTP Backup Repository Settings Option Gone

Sep 24, 2014

My IP address has changed on my personal FTP backup Repository. I can't find the settings option to update it to the new IP address anywhere.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Personal FTP Repository Fails But Active FTP Works

Oct 21, 2014

I'm using Plesk 12.0.18 on a virtual container powered by Parallels Virtuozzo Containers, and I cannot get the FTP (personal repository) working.In my settings, I've unchecked Passive mode (as the VPS is configured with the Virtuozzo firewall) yet Plesk still seems to test the connection with passive mode, which I know will fail. However active FTP on the command-line works fine.

My settings:
Directory: /users/xxx/plesk_backups
FTP username: xxx
Password: xxx
Passive mode: UNCHECKED

Saving the repository fails with (after a hang): Transport error: unable to list directory: Curl error: Couldn't connect to server
If the "directory" doesn't exist on the FTP server it fails immediately, so the connection is working, and it seems to be on the "dir/ls" command that it fails - which is a symptom it's using Passive mode.

According to the Panel log file, Plesk issues the below command:

[21-Oct-2014 02:53:55 America/Chicago] PleskUtilException: '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pmm-ras' '--check-repository' '--dump-storage=' '--use-ftp-passive-mode' failed with code 125.

Note the "--use-ftp-passive-mode" even though "passive mode" is UNCHECKED in the UI.

From a terminal:

# ftp
Connected to (
220 Another visitor. Stay a while...
Name ( xxx
331 FTP login okay, send password.
230 User logged in, proceed.


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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Create Email Address Hangs

Mar 17, 2014

I've got a problem with trying to add email accounts in Plesk.

My software is:
Windows 2008 R2 64Bit
Plesk 11.5.3
Mail Enable Standard / Free 7.53

I've added a subscription and the domain name.

When I click the Mail tab under the domain, I go to click "Create Email Address".

Plesk just sits there and doesn't load the next page.

I've tried looking for error logs, in Windows event viewer under Plesk it's blank.

The SMTP connector has only 1 outbound email in the queue.

I've tired running the Plesk fix permissions and verify database on Mail without resolving this issue.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Cannot Configure FTP Repository

Jun 17, 2015

am trying to configure the repository to go the my FTP server at the home office. The home office is running Cerberus FTP server. From the remote server i can log into FTP from the command line and use WinSCP to login using sftp with no problem. When i try going through the repository page it just hangs. I have tried the passiv option as well. Is seems to hang at the LIST -a command. Here is the cerberus log below.

2015/06/17 19:11:07 [226] [FTPUSER] 230 Password Ok, User logged in
2015/06/17 19:11:07 [226] [FTPUSER] PBSZ 0
2015/06/17 19:11:07 [226] [FTPUSER] 200 PBSZ=0


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Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository: Plesk

Dec 15, 2008

when I run this command show me some errors what should I do?
# yum update

Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* plesk:
* extras:
* updates:
* base:
* addons:[url]
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: plesk. Please verify its path and try again

I have Linux with Plesk.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Restore Database From Server Repository Zip

May 2, 2013

I have daily backups for all accounts setup on our Plesk 11 server and was wondering how I would go about restoring a single database from the backup manager? I could restore the entire zip file, but that would make a mess of any other databases which of course isn't optimal. I see if I download a client's zip file that within the zip_file/databases/db_name there is another zip file which contains a tmp file which for a MySQL database it looks fairly standard, for MSSQL it looks to be in their format but is this what's really necessary? Can I even use those tmp files to restore manually through the Backup Manager -> Database Backup Repository? Why isn't there a simple way for a client to restore a database with the existing backups?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Out Of Memory Error When Restoring Database From Repository

Jun 13, 2014

I'm trying to restore a 600MB database which was uploaded to the repository in plesk. This database backup did NOT originate from this server, but rather I'm attempting to overwrite a blank database that was created with the same name via plesk.

The site is one of our web-spaces (not a customer subscription) so I am logged in as the plesk administrator.

System Info:
Plesk 11.5
Windows 2008 R2 (64Bit)
MySQL 5.1

Full Error: dbbackup failed: Unable to restore database 'databasename' Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

I have tried altering the php.ini the PHP settings of the site (even though I'm logged in as the adminsitrator) as well as the php.ini of: C:ParallelsPleskadminphp.ini


It fails with the error after about 1GB of RAM usage on the server.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Allow Reseller To Send Creation And Warning Messages From His Mail

Apr 22, 2013

We have a reseler that wants his clients to receive the system warning and the account creation from a mail that he wants , not from the administrative mail that is default .

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Slow Domain Creation On Same Web Space And Doc Root - Authentication Error

Jun 26, 2014

We have more than 10 domains on the same webspace, sharing the same document root. When we try to add a new domain on the same web space (sharing the same document root) Plesk takes a long time to create it (about 10 minutes). While domain creation, all the other domains sharing the same document root and web space get an authentication error. When Plesk finishes, all domains work again.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Internal Error - Unable To Access File Sharing Repository With Admin

Jun 22, 2014

We have Panel Plesk 11.5.30 in Windows 2008 R2. when you go to File Sharing in all the Subscriptions, appears this error: Internal error: Unable to access File Sharing repository with the system user name "admin": wrong username or password

This happen since we do the update to the new version 11.5.30 ...

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Invalid File Size Displayed In Backup Manager Server Repository

Nov 11, 2014

First of all I checked via command line if any software is not installed properly while plesk installation was done on destination server (windows server 2012 R2). All looks fine, please check attached file pleskinstallation.txt

Source plesk version 10.4.4 (windows server 2008)
Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 built.

We are in testing mode of migrating websites hosted with source plesk version 10.4.4 onto destination server plesk server 12.0.18 having (windows server 2012 R2).

What we did, we restored the backup of Source plesk version 10.4.4 (windows server 2008) to Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 built.

Now the problem is that backup which we restored on Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 was of 68 GB and now when we setup the backup on Destination plesk version 12.0.18 MU#23 and when backup completes successfully it show us wrong backup size up to 16 GB.

We have requested several times to plesk support has to check the entire new plesk version in terms of all feature (like taking backup, restoring, plesk installation etc) while releasing new version, If they have noticed bug than plesk support should not release new version or micro update until they are sure.

I would request them again to check backup size bug along with other bugs.

1. "Stats crashing and not updating stats"

2. installing "Spam assassin" on Plesk 12.0.18 on windows server 2012 r2 and we are getting error:

Error: Unable to set Plesk SpamAssassin 3.3.2 as the default Spam Filter: defpackagemng failed: Execute spammng.exe --check failed with error code 1: Unable generate the unique file name by template D:Program Files (x86)[*].bak: directory D:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskAdditionalPerlsiteetcmailspamassassin does not exist.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Create / Delete Domain Hangs

Jul 12, 2015

This happens when I try to add a new domain or when I am trying to remove a domain. It just hangs, the browser says waiting on server while plesk just hangs. This is a fresh new install of Plesk 12 as well. I added a bunch of new domains tonight. No crazy changes or anything to plesk. I have found nothing so far in my search.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Server Hangs On Reboot After Upgrade From 11.5

Aug 7, 2014

Just upgraded from Plesk 11.5 to 12. (CentOS 6.4)

Everything is working but when I reboot the server using the Plesk CP it never comes back up. No CP, no domains, no SSH.

If I reboot it using the 1&1 CP it re-boots fine.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Transfers And Migration Agent Hangs While Updating

Aug 21, 2014

I'd like to upgrade my server from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04. The idea is to migrate my actual server (S1) to another one (S2). Then, format and install ubuntu 14.04 with Plesk on S1, and finally migrate the data from S2 to S1. Is it a good solution? Is it possible to do this using only one server? I don't know if I can do it making a backup, install Ubuntu 14.04 and then, restore the data into the server.

However, I have a problem with the migration agent. When I go the migration page, the migration agent tries to update itself and it keep at 0% forever (I attach an screenshot).

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Scheduled Backup Hangs At 100% - Never Finishing Completely

Jan 24, 2015

I have an issue with my daily backup. I configured to have a daily backup on an external FTP server. Everything looks to work correctly but in the panel I see that the task is a 100% forever. Never finishing completely.. So the next day, the task is not starting.. I have to remove manually the task in backup manager screen.

here is the last lines of the log file (in /var/log/plesk/PMM/backup-2015-01-20-20-46-02-824)

[2015-01-20 21:33:53.108|18485] INFO: ENV[LANG]=en_US.UTF-8
[2015-01-20 21:33:53.108|18485] INFO: Executing utility: /bin/sh -c -e /bin/tar --create --file /usr/local/psa/PMM/tmp/backupznMOWN/daily__1501202046.tar --directory /tmp/repo_transport_tmp_Jalkfn/ --dereference --files-from /tmp/repo_transport_tmp_UTCFhv
[2015-01-20 21:41:12.528|18485] INFO: The utility executed with the return code 0

[Code] ....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: DNS And Nameserver Creation

Nov 5, 2014

I got an issue with the nameservers and DNS on Plesk. I want to be able to put my other domains on the nameservers of the domain but something seems to be wrong. I carefully followed tutorials about how to create nameservers with Plesk ....

Screenshot of DNS settings in Plesk: [URL] ....
Screenshot of DNS direct at registrar: [URL] ....
Screenshot of nameserver creation at registrar: [URL] ....

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup And FTP Repository

Feb 8, 2015

I am having issues with the plesk backup manager. I set up my personal FTP personal repository in tools & settings, then backup manager. My ftp is secure with a specific port. here are my options:

FTP server hostname or IP: myipaddress":"port without quotes. Directory for backup files storage: complete also used /complete. Both correct username and password

Use passive mode checked
Use FTPS checked
Use password protection checked

Here is my scenario:

Personal FTP repository backups are set up with:

Create a multivolume backup
Volume size: 2047
Store backup in: Personal FTP Repository
max number of backups: 1

For some reason when I manually backed up the server with server repository, my storage went from 14gb to 6gb.. I have zero backups in both server repository and personal FTP repository because I deleted them. Now its stuck at 6gb, which seems that the backup is stored somewhere in the system and is not deleted.Where can I find this backup? I am using CentOS.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Missing Key For Debian Repository?

Jan 6, 2015

I am using apt-cron for automatic nightly security updates.

This morning, it won't install anything - here the log:

Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT RUN [/etc/cron-apt/config]: Tue Jan 6 04:00:01 CET 2015
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT SLEEP: 1052, Tue Jan 6 04:17:33 CET 2015
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT ACTION: 3-download
Jan 6 04:21:00 srv2 cron-apt: CRON-APT LINE: /usr/bin/apt-get -o quiet=1 upgrade -d -y -o APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true


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Plesk Automation :: Install Old Packages From Repository?

Jun 24, 2014

We have a Windows server that we are deploying the PHP package onto. In the Packages Repository, there are two PHP packages ( and When I deploy a package to the new Hardware Node, it only shows me the latest version of the PHP package ( Is there a way to select the older version of the PHP package that is in the repository (

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Database Creation From Third Party Application?

Jun 17, 2014

Parallels Panel 11.0.9
Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Apache/2.2.22 / Mysql

Is it possible to let Plesk allow database creation from another web application ?

For example, we would like to use this framework (codeigniter) method => this->dbforge->create_database('db_name')


The method returns false but i'm unable to track it on the error logs.


The method should returns TRUE

And thus the database should be created

Is it some task we should manage at Plesk or Apache level ?

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