POWER & BANDWIDTH For Remote Datacenter

Oct 28, 2009

how would u power a datacenter thats in the middle of nowhere or almost out of city limits, that being solved still how to bring in bandwidth?

Also i was googling on any datacenter powered by wind turbines and are located in a remote area.

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Datacenter Complaining About Power Usage

Sep 3, 2009

Has anyone come across this before?

We are allowed upto 8 amps (240v) in our rack in a DC in London and the rack has a power meter. The power meter reads 6.9 amps but I had an e-mail from the DC saying that using their calibrated power meter we were drawing 9.6amps!

That is quite a difference, I've measured the kit I've put in there before using a cheap power meter and 6.9 sounds about right. The data centre is over power and cooling requirements I reckon and they are trying to get everyone to reduce their power. In fact, I've been told that at renewal I'll have to go down to 5 amps for a whole 47U rack!

Which figures should I believe, they are a major ISP but it all sounds a bit dodgy to me.

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Datacenter And Drastic Reduction Of Power Per Rack

Apr 16, 2008

All our racks had our power reduced from 250V 13 A to 250 6A. I have checked with other datacenters in Singapore, most seemed to be doing this.

Hows the situation in other countries? Is the datacenter charging you extra for the power or reducing the power for your racks?

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Colo Datacenter Complete Power Outage

Jun 22, 2007

how often does a colo provider's datacenter go down? I'm not talking about resellers or their racks, but the primary provider itself.

This has been the 2nd time (this year I believe) that my datacenter at NAC has suffered a complete power outage [url], their backups failed, and my entire rack of servers were power-cycled.

Luckily I am not a web host but I am running some critical public web services/sites. I have all of the equipment to manage my own colocated machines from afar (monitoring, remote reboot hardware, and KVM/IP hardware for all of my machines) but I'm dead in the water if my datacenter's power is out.

I always ease my pain throughout a network outage or power outage by visiting DSLReports. Their HUGE website is hosted in the same datacenter (probably in the same room) as me and while it is a terrible thing to say, being able to share the downtime with a bigger fish is easier for me to handle.

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Remote Power Switch

Sep 13, 2007

What type of remote power switches are people using these days? Any particular brand? Any good places to purchase from?

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Remote MySQL Server - Non Cross Cable - Same Datacenter

Jun 12, 2007

if anyone have experience with remote MySQL server setup

I have 2 servers in the same datacenter, 1 serve as web server, and 1 serve as mysql server.

would my remote MySQL server slows down my site load if it's not connected through cross cable? it's on the same datacenter though

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Remote Reboot Switch For Dual Power Supplies

Jun 30, 2007

on remote reboot switches that will allow us to cycle power on two plugs at once for use with servers that have redundant power supplies.

Brands and models welcome. We should also be able to access the units remotely to cycle power.

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Remote Logging, To See Which Server Is Using Most Bandwidth

Feb 28, 2007

Does anyone have an app they use to track the bandwidth/usage for each connected computer/server?

we have multiple servers hooked up to one internet connection, all running miscrosoft windows software. Ideally i would like ONE of the servers running microsoft 2003 to log all others network usage.

All the servers do different things, so it would be great to check which are under most demand etc.

The other thing is, naturally i dont have screens for them all, only one. So this is the main reason for remote logging. Would be hassle to have to Remote desktop into each one to check how there doing every hour etc.

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Power Supplies: Do Redundant Supplies Use More Power Than A Single Supply

Jul 27, 2009

do dual power supplies use more power than a single supply?

E.g. Say I have a server than uses two amps, powered by a single power supply. Now if I switch to a dual supply (and say each supply has the same efficiency rating as the single), does my server use more power? How much more?

My simple view of this is that it probably does, but maybe not much. The second power supply consumes some power itself, but since its not under load, it doesn't consume much. Therefore, my server with redundant supplies might use 2.1A or 2.2A.

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Bandwidth Monitoring :: Create Bandwidth Charts Of Network Objects

Apr 3, 2009

I have a Sonicwall NSA 3500. Does anyone know if you can use it to create bandwidth charts of Network Objects (e.g. IPs or Groups of IPs)?

I am thinking something like Cacti, but I don't know the code to pull that info or if it's even technically possible.

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Aug 11, 2007

how the inside of a DC is but I was looking at NetDepot's.

I thought that they used rackmounts in datacenters?

Like these:[url]

These appear to me as desktops?


Am I mistaken?

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Jul 20, 2007


Which one of those datacenters would you choose your site to be hosted at?

I'm leaning towards softlayer, and then FDCServers (especially with the upgragde on august 1).

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CalPop.com Datacenter

Apr 25, 2008

Has anyone ever experienced first hand about CalPop Datacenter i hear they are good wanna see feedback from the WHT members i gotten a really good deal!

I started a poll the poll will be up for 24 hours!

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Joe's Datacenter Colocation

Aug 7, 2009

I'm looking around for a nice, cheap colo place for a Dell PE 2650 I just purchased...


* At least burstable to 10Mbit... dedi 10 is nice.. 100 is nicer..

* About 1000GB xfer should be good to start, I guess I can work with less

* Cheap IPs with no problems obtaining more

* Cheap remote hands since there's really not much in the RI/MA area. I will be going to school in upstate NY so I guess something around there would be cool too. I'm willing to ship anywhere though.

* Discounted/included DirectAdmin would be really nice...

* Not going to be selling IRCd stuff unless it's allowed and nice firewalls. I will probably only use it for a personal IRCd and irssi session.


* Joe's Datacenter [url]

This company seems too good to be true... they offer great services for great prices and have many good features. I also spoke to an admin who said he will be able to include a DirectAdmin license for free. They include 5 IPs right off the bat. I got about a reply in an hour at like midnight from Joe (or just another Joe) himself.. and I'm not even a customer! They do free reboots. $50 to colo our 2U with 1500GB and 100Mbit. It's 25 extra for unmetered w/10Mbit but I'm sure the admin would be willing to just offer more b/w staying at 100Mbit instead of moving to a 10Mbit port.

* FDC Servers

Great reputation.. Pretty good prices for what I would imagine to be quality service. Not much more I can say about them.. Did not ask them about DirectAdmin.


I think I'm mainly just looking for any input on Joe's Datacenter because I really think I want to start my company there. If anyone has any better offers I'm open to anything.. but DirectAdmin would be really nice... just remember that.

I'm also looking for a solution to HyperVM... LxLabs (to-be LxCenter I guess?) is now releasing it for free.. I'm not sure if it's patched yet or not though. I think I might just start with HyperVM for now since noone is going to target us.. seriously.. we are two kids with like 2 clients right now. We can always migrate later if HyperVM never takes off again.

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Starting A Datacenter

Oct 10, 2009

What if i got a really good connection to this house i have in Sweden and bought some servers there, is it a good idea and would it sell? How hard is it to get a good connection, the house is in a fairly populated area of Sweden and i have partners who could help run it and do support 24 hours.

But its just a thought and we would start small. What do you guys think?

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How Do You Find Joe's Datacenter

Oct 3, 2009

i want to know more about there service.
does any one work with them?
i need more review about them.

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Datacenter From My House

Aug 4, 2009

I just got a phone call yesterday because my house I just moved into came with a small peice of land about 3 miles away * no clue why* And a company wanted to rent it out for colocation. Is this a scam or should I do it? They said it would only hold 60 servers. The building on the land they would be renting already has backup generators emergency lights etc just no internet leading to it.

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European Datacenter

Jul 24, 2009

My company is about to start a project and need about 100 servers within 3 months. I am looking for a list of afordable and reliable unamanaged server providers from Europe. Can you suggest some? Which datacenter should I contact for such a project?

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Best Datacenter Malaysia

Aug 14, 2009

are there any datacenters in the us that got a good conection to malaysia ??
and are not that expensive like in asia itself ??

i ask it because i know some1 from malaysia and he got a ping of 450 to conect to my server ( a bit high , isnt it )

the other datacenters/company's i found are prices of 200 - 300$ for a dual core

so i was wondering if there are some cheap datacenters with some good quality to those country's

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San Jose Datacenter

Apr 15, 2008

Anyone know which providers have san jose datacenters?

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Datacenter Lanzarote

Sep 2, 2008

any datacenters on lanzarote ? my google searches found nothing (and yes i need it on lanzarote not anywhere else in spanin)

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How Much It Take To Make A Datacenter

Mar 15, 2008

I was just wondering and searching for it but i couldnt find the estimated answer, anyone who have made one or operate one can answer me.

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DataCenter In Toronto

Feb 19, 2008

I want to get a server in Toronto and am looking for some datacenter recommendations for the area. I seen a thread from last May but would like some more current info. I’ve been looking at either ColoHotel or 3z, does anyone have any experience with either of these locations? Also does anyone have any other suggestions on who to look at or who not to?

My requirements are pretty basic 100Mbit would be better then not, remote reboot, 24/7 access.

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Creating A Datacenter

May 4, 2008

I have a old pentium 2 lying around. I was actually wondering if I install a smll linux distro such as DSL linux, is there a way to make it into a fileserver only?

3 comptuers will connect to it.

My main computer and server will use the same internet (ive got a 5MBS line but right now I am just doing an expirment so I dont care if its slow.)

theres a laptop which connects wirelessly using my neighbours (i dont have wireless) so thats a whole different IP and differnt ISP.

and my dads computer which is about 3 KM away.

So I want to do it, store like a couple of word documents

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Picking A Datacenter

Apr 23, 2008

we're in the process of revamping our website and was curious what you, the customers, look for when going to a datacenter's website. Do you like seeing customer comments? Upfront pricing? Facilities' amenities? Which providers' websites do you think are good examples of what a good website should look like?

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NetDirekt.de Datacenter

May 15, 2008

I read a lot of positive comments about Netdirekt.de, his service, his professional and fast support, etc. but I was unable to find informations and (better) some pictures of their datacenter.

Their website come from web 0.1 (alpha) era and there are not information about this. So, if someone has more informations, I kindly ask:

Do you know some more details about datacenter structure, power redundancy, ups and, moreover, diesel generators?

Do you have some picture of this datacenter?

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How To Build Your Own Datacenter

Oct 15, 2008

I am making some business plans and having an independent datacenter is one of them. Certainly it isn't easy as leasing a space, and buy some stuff. Some of the things I have to watch out for are network activity, getting bandwidth support, power supply, get an engineering company to design the facility and a lot of stuff.

Are there any companies who handles all that? What would be the specific steps to accomplish my agenda?

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VPS In Gigenet Datacenter

Dec 4, 2008

Does anyone know of a reseller (as gigenet doesn't sell them directly AFAIK) of VPSs at the gigenet datacenter?

I need a new VPS for a new project and I'm looking at one located in the midwest and Chicago seems a perfect location. My project isn't big enough to require a dedi, but I was hoping to find a vps company who has nodes at gigenet.

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Datacenter In California

Nov 27, 2008

Is there a great webhost with their datacenter in California?

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WorldStream Datacenter

Sep 26, 2008

Does anbybody has any experience with WorldStream datacenter?

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