I'm starting a small, local company in Illinois that will create web pages and host them for residents around my community such as lawyers, doctors, etc. I don't believe I should go with shared hosting because that would not be fair to my clients and I would like to give them good, reliable service so their business does well too. Which entry level, or basic dedicated server should I rent for this purpose? Since I'm just starting, I wouldn't want to overspend, but at the same time I do want performance for the few initial clients I receive. As my company grows, I'm sure I'll migrate into a more large scaled server(s). Any quotes or companies anyone can refer or think of? And possible quote for this type of server/situation.
I see that FDC is offering $12 per Mbit/sec for InterNAP bandwidth. I'm really interest on this offer. Are there anyone colocating severs at FDC and using their InterNAP bandwidth? if so, could you please give me some reviews and your experience?
My colo is charging about $80/Mbit, they use InterNAP. Is that reasonable? This is in west coast/california.
That brings me to my other question, how do you know whats a good network? How is hurricane electric compared to InterNAP?
fixedorbit.com shows HE on the top 10 list and shows a lot of peering. I don't see InterNAP on that list at all! Does that mean thats it not as good?
The more peering, the better? (I guess we assume that the network provider isn't over selling and isn't cramming a lot of customers into a single port etc...)
Please give me the difference. Colo in carrier hotel, we can choose our preferred network provider, but should we do that if we cannot have our own tech in datacenter? How about the supporting service from carrier hotel? Just general question, cause I dont address exactly which facility.
And the second would be more expensive? Saying the same number of rack, amount of bandwidth... Who is providing IP addresses then?
I have a 100 mbps unmetered dedicated server + cpanel = $425 in 10TB.com and I would like to hear if you guys can advice me on a better deal, I have seen lately great offers for less, so I wonder if I am paying more than the average for a 100 mbps unmetered dedicated + cpanel. I don't complain service is good, well theplanet was better but even more expensive.
I have an adult video site so all i need is bandwidth.
I appreciate your feedback on current prices and what i paid there. $425 for unmetered 100 mbps dedicated + cpanel is okay? paying a lot more? After all 10tb is a reseller, so should i go to another reseller that charge less?
Recently I noticed the load on one of my servers way beyound what I would expect it to be. I run multi processor servers and even during a backup the load is only around 1.5.
But lately I noticed peak loads that high under normal web traffic.
I know 1.5 is low on an multi processor server, but I am hoping to add much more to those machines and with sustained load that high it leaves no room for expansion. The servers are not cheap, so adding another server to the cluster can only be done if I make money from the last one I added.
I checked the traffic levels and they were very high. After further review I had some bots hitting sites at over 1200 pages a minute. Multiply that by a few hundred bots and clearly I could have a load issue. The potential is there to bring any server to its knees when delivering those volumes.
I created programing to watch connections and block the abusive bots. While logging I became aware of over 600 bots crawling my servers. Many bots from, Japan, China, Germany and so on and on, useless to my customers even if they are legit search indexes.
Another problem I see is that the bots are running from many ip addresses and hitting the same sites from multiple ips at the same time. Why would the need to do that?
Among other things I decided to validate googlebot, msn and yahoo with dns lookups so I could determine that they were actually their bots and not imposters. In 24 hours I found valid bots from the big three hitting one server from 1100 different ips.
Now we are looking at thousands of vaild bots and thousands more email harvesters and content theives.
As a host, the number of sites I can host on a server is greatly reduced by the bot traffic. My customers do not want to hear that their website was being crawled at 3,000 pages a minute and that is why they could not access it. Of course they will blame it on me.
I was able to filter the bots at a firewall level and drop connections based on reverse dns lookups and site crawl rates and my server sits around 0.05 most of the time even with hundreds of pages a minute being accessed.
I am wondering how the rest of you hosts deal with this problem. Do you leave it up to your hosting customers? Or do you have some type of filter to get rid of the bots.
When you have a few sites it is not really a problem, but as you grow it grows exponetially out of control.
My site is hosted on Dreamhost and gets over 1 million hits a day. The site is highly optimized, so it can handle the load easily without slowing the server down. Most pages have a loading time of under 0.2 seconds.
However, Dreamhost is telling me now that I'm using up too many "connections" and have limited my connections to 150 every 3 seconds (or so they say). Now 503 errors are coming up left and right, and its highly annoying to me and my users. Oh, and Dreamhost has mentioned several times that I'm oh such a very good candidate to upgrade to $400/mo dedicated hosting (from $8/mo currently).
So my question is, is this connection restriction really a valid concern of Dreamhost or are they just trying to milk me for money because my site is popular?
we have a dedicated server licent who host a big forum with 1G big SQL size Dual Xeon 3G ram SCSI 10K RPM main drive Cpanel server and cpanel auto backuo
load is always under 2 and ram is MORE than enough.
everytimes auto backup run, his forum HANGS due to large size of SQL at least 10 minutes.
Issue is that he targets at 2 very different time zone , he expects NO downtime/HANGS at all
In this php page, I dont have any code related to mail. But the header is clearly showing
Return-path: <email@domain.com> Received: from apache by server-name with local (Exim 4.63) (envelope-from < email@domain.com >) id 1HIhVz-0006CN-0l for kris.bodine@okstate.edu; Sun, 18 Feb 2007 15:35:23 +0700 To: kris.bodine@okstate.edu Subject: Good Day X-PHP-Script: www.domain.com/path/filename.php for From: Victor Tommy <tommyvic@mail.ru> Reply-To: vic-tommy@hotmail.com MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-Id: <E1HIhVz-0006CN-0l@server-name> Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 15:35:23 +0700
I am getting my quote back Tuesday but need a little bargaining power with these guys...
Oakland, Ca datacenter
40mbps, 20A, 42U rack.
What should I be looking at price range here, how much per mbps?
Only info I've seen is from 2003 where people were saying $200/mbps. Obviously prices have come WAY down. I've seen people on here reselling internap bandwidth for $12/mbps, but they might have bought a huge commit.
We are in the process of starting a new project for a client and we are trying to decide which network to place it on.
We have a choice of a Level3/Time Warner mix or pure Internap. Obviously the Internap bandwidth is a bit more expensive, but since this customers website serves an international community we are thinking that Internap bandwidth would be well worth the cost.
What are the advantages of using Internap? How is the network performance? We've setup a machine on the Internap network and have begun running tests, but I would like to hear from people who have direct experience with Internap bandwidth.
After running 6 or so dedicated servers purchased thru several different resellers, my company decided to get a rack at the Chicago InterNap DC.
The quote we got was $3,400 per month inclusive of cabinet, Usage based 10/100, and Cross connects.
Have a couple questions.
A) Is that price in the ballpark of where it should be?
B) Our quote states Usage based 100mb Ethernet (10MBps Min). Tier2 at $150 month and $1,400 for the 10.00 Mbps Base. Being new to this, I have no idea exactly how much bandwidth we can use before the "usage" fees kick in.
As we are finishing our migration plans to Cisco OER. I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the low latency "brand name" internap bandwidth.
Do you think that the high priced brandname is going to continue with Cisco finally releasing OER to what a large number of datacenters use as their primary core switch? In my eyes the FCP and the Avaya/RouteScience platform just lost a lot of value. The OER product looks very complete and in testing works excellent, the final verdict will be in what the platform actually does.
If you are wondering Cisco OER information can be found here [url]