Host Recommendation (Req: PHP5, MySQL, CRON, Mass-Email)
Sep 1, 2009
any hosts that can provide the following:
PHP5.3 +
CRON (to run daily/weekly scripts at a certain time)
Mass Email. The scripts will send emails to a number of users(between 10-100 at first, but may grow) and this will be done daily and weekly.
In the past, I've tended to go with SupaNames or FastHosts but looking at their solutions for this, it's not quite right for my requirements.
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Mar 12, 2007
I'm hosting with CoreNetworks (very happy with them) on a Windows platform. One of my clients has a 500-person email list. When they try to send using Outlook, the get the following error:Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded:? 1 Too many bad commands, closing transmission channel'
They didn't have any problems with sending from the list before, when I was in a shared platform with AIT. Ideas as to what the issue could be? I've done some research but can't seem to figure it out.
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Apr 8, 2009
im currently in the process of movinmg most of my clients MySQL dbs to a dedicated mysql server (direct private lan link so speed/bw is not an issue) but i have ~2900 .sql files i need to restore, anyone got any idea how to automate this restore,
the sql files were created suing mysqldump on old server so have all the appropriate create database entries etc but id rather not have to do each file by hand or ill be here for months
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Oct 26, 2009
I'm currently owning a website with little less than 500,000 users. Many of these users have been asking if I could send out updates about the site per email, like once per week or preferably once per day.
I'm not sure about the best way to do this. I did some reading and some people seem to suggest to get an extra dedicated server to send out the emails. Others say it's best to use a cloud service with SMTP relay, while I also saw suggestions to use a website like [url]
I have checked into mailchimp, and appearantly this whole thing will be very expensive if I want to send out email to so many users. I'm not an email marketeer and neither do I sell products, so the profit per user I would email is probably low. The primairy reason I want to send out updates is to keep my current memberbase happy, and to get some older inactive members to become active again. We had our site totally reworked recently, and it would be nice to let people know about that.
I also like to know if it's possible, in any service, to somehow unsubscribe users whos email addresses are no longer valid in an efficient way.
Some more facts:
- Those 500k users are 250k effective emails. The other people have never subscribed on registration, are blocked for misbehaviour on the site, or have unsubscribed at some point.
- As stated above, people have to subscribe upon registration. The checkbox for this is unchecked on default
- The oldest users in my database are 3 years old, so there is quite a chance emails might be no longer active.
- There are many scams in the industry I'm active in (survey panel). As a result, users are sceptical, and sometimes use alternate email addresses for registration. I believe that as a result of this there is a higher chance the email is nog longer in use than on other sites, although I have no stats of other websites to compare with.
- I once tried to send out email to 75k users on my current dedicated server. As a result, Yahoo deferred my emails (which caused trouble for the verification emails we send out upon registration). I contacted Yahoo and they whitelisted my server, but I don't feel like trying to send email from my current dedicated server again. Not to mention that the server had a lot of trouble sending out so many emails, the server load was really high while sending out all email.
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Aug 3, 2008
It is not about sending SPAM.
I have broadband from cable company and they do not let me send mass email (over 100) at one time. I guess on top of that Web Hosting company (having my domain) has some limit to use smtp.
I want to send text email (not HTML). I do not want to use Email marketing companies (as many suffix their brand in message) and perhaps ripe good benefits via viral marketing at subscribers' cost.
Option - A
I am thinking to use desktop (if technically feasible) and want to use mass smtp with VPS hosting company (if they are open), within their TOS though.
Can VPS somehow be used (for mass smtp) without relocating my domain to new VPS?
Would there still be an issue as I will be using Desktop and routing emails through cable's as cable's company's limit will still be enforced?
If answer is yes, I guess I am left with no choice but to use Web server based mailing solution.
Option - B
In that case, I guess something like phplist needs to be used.
Then my web hosting company would still not be open to use their smtp (or might have set some limits on smtp), so presumabily some blending (using phplist on my hosting and mass smtp on VPS) can be tried.
Am I thinking correct? If not, please give me some pointers to bring me to right track.
Any recommendation about VPS who may be open to mass smtp.
I am purposely not mixing multi-threading yet. QMail is default email s/w with my hosting and I guess VPS might also have qmail.
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Apr 6, 2008
Just Joined Hosting best Hosting so Far very happy with them , Fast and reliable but the disk space is small and i am not rich lol
anyway i am thinking to send mass email to my 4222 members is that a problem? i am hosted on a shared Hosting (bronze)
I'll have any problem with my bandwidth? will my site go down?
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Jan 18, 2007
How do I change mass database names in mysql?
I have hundred of database names with "$" in the name? How do I change all instances of "$" with "_"?
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Nov 20, 2008
I have a mysql based e-comm site that works only with older version of php and mysql. My shared host does not meet this requirements, so I have to go with a dedicated or vps.
I am looking for a server to have a fast mysql query.
Is there any vps providers that offer redundancy of the server, meaning if the server crash there should be a standby sever to take over?
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May 4, 2015
I keep having certain domains being hijacked and mass emails being sent from them somehow. I've disabled mail within domain control panel for each domain and issue keeps occurring. I've limited # of emails as well to 2-5 per hour but now so many are trying to be sent from my server it is clogging up mail queue and I have to log into server via ssh and run postsuper -d ALL every day or two. It is very frustrating. The only way I can stop it is to disable domain in plesk panel but that is not an option.
What can I do to find the cause of this issue and stop it?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have installed PHP5 in my windows server (IIS6).But when I check with phpinfo() its not showing mysql extension or any details.
I have enabled the mysql extension in php.ini
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Nov 6, 2007
Is this possible? It seems that yum wants to also upgrade to mysql 5 if I want to upgrade php to 5. I'm having a hard time finding any info about it online.
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a VPS.
I have installed "Lighttpd, php5cgi, mysql-server, mysql-client,
I have optimized the MySQL Server (/etc/mysql/my.cnf).
All these together just take 30 mb Memory.
Lighttpd use just 12mb memory And everything is very good.
When I install php5 mod MySQL:
apt-get install php5-mysql
Then the Lighttpd memory increases to 90mb!
I am using updated Debian Lenny, MySQL5, php5.
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Jun 15, 2009
While trying to compile PHP 5 with mysql and mysqli , I was facing some issues.
Actually, the configure command generates a bad Makefile.
Open the Makefile and look for a line staring with EXTRA_LIBS
You will see that the option “-lmysqlclient” is repeated twice. Delete one of them and save the Makefile.
Now, you should be able to run the Make command and compile PHP without any issues.
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Aug 5, 2009
I've got limited knowledge in scripting so I've come to the interweb for help. Google hasn't answered any of my queries so the trusty WHT is next.
I'm trying to create a script cron that will email my clients once per month with space and bandwidth useage reminders. I'd prefer not to have to set up crons in each individual account, but rather email all with tokening including |name| |bandwidth| |space| out of the allowed space & bandwidth according to the clients package.
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Jun 12, 2008
Can anyone please let me know how to get an email notification to say whether the cron job has run ok and emails to say when it hasn't run ok?
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Nov 23, 2008
How to set up cron job automatic restart mysqld at specified time. My case, mysqld will auto restart every 23 hours running.
How to set up this cron job?
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Apr 1, 2007
how to backup MySQL databases by cron and have the backups sent to you by email, or have them uploaded by FTP. It is based on a script I found at another website though I can confirm it is fully working.
Change the commented variables in the following file and save it as
# This script will backup one or more mySQL databases
# and then optionally email them and/or FTP them
# This script will create a different backup file for each database by day of the week
# i.e. 1-dbname1.sql.gz for database=dbname1 on Monday (day=1)
# This is a trick so that you never have more than 7 days worth of backups on your FTP server.
# as the weeks rotate, the files from the same day of the prev week are overwritten.
#/bin/sh /home/user/directory/ > /dev/null
#===> site-specific variables - customize for your site
# List all of the MySQL databases that you want to backup in here,
# each seperated by a space
# If not run by root, only one db per script instance
# Directory where you want the backup files to be placed
# MySQL dump command, use the full path name here
# MySQL Username and password
userpassword=" --user=myuser --password=mypasswd"
# MySQL dump options
dumpoptions=" --quick --add-drop-table --add-locks --extended-insert --lock-tables"
# Unix Commands
# Send Backup? Would you like the backup emailed to you?
# Set to "y" if you do
subject="mySQL Backup"
#===> site-specific variables for FTP
# If you are keeping the backups in a subdir to your FTP root
#===> END site-specific variables - customize for your site
# Get the Day of the Week (0-6)
# This allows to save one backup for each day of the week
# Just alter the date command if you want to use a timestamp
DOW=`date +%w`
# Create our backup directory if not already there
mkdir -p ${backupdir}
if [ ! -d ${backupdir} ]
echo "Not a directory: ${backupdir}"
exit 1
# Dump all of our databases
echo "Dumping MySQL Databases"
for database in $databases
$mysqldumpcmd $userpassword $dumpoptions $database > ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql
# Compress all of our backup files
echo "Compressing Dump Files"
for database in $databases
rm -f ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql.gz
$gzip ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql
# Send the backups via email
if [ $sendbackup = "y" ]
for database in $databases
$uuencode ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql.gz > ${backupdir}/${database}.sql.gz.uu
$mail -s "$subject : $database" $mailto < ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql.gz.uu
# FTP it to the off-site server
echo "FTP file to $ftpserver FTP server"
if [ $ftpbackup = "y" ]
for database in $databases
echo "==> ${backupdir}/${DOW}-${database}.sql.gz"
ftp -n $ftpserver <<EOF
user $ftpuser $ftppasswd
cd $ftpdir
lcd ${backupdir}
put ${DOW}-${database}.sql.gz
# And we're done
ls -l ${backupdir}
echo "Dump Complete!"
Upload to your server, to any directory you want. A directory which is not web-accessible will stop your login information being seen by just anyone .
You should chmod the file to 777:
chmod 777
If you uploaded this file from a Windows machine you will need to convert the file to Unix format. You should run the following command by SSH in the appropriate directory:
If you don't have dos2unix installed, you can install it using yum if you have that:
yum install dos2unix
If you don't have yum, get it here.
You may want to test the script at this point to make sure it's doing what you want it to. Change to the appropriate directory and run this command:
Once you're happy with it, enter it into the crontab to run daily (or whenever you want). Cron jobs vary a lot depending on the configuration of your system, so check Google for how to do it on your system. The command you will need to run by cron is:
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Oct 2, 2009
I use a php script usually but that does not work for large files.
I have a 130mb mysql database on linux using cPanel.
What is the easiest way to set up say a monthly cron to back this up to the root server?
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May 15, 2009
Is there any way to create a cron to backup mysql data daily ( or weekly )? I mean an "auto script" to run this command daily
mysqldump -u usernam -p password dataname > file.sql
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Jan 30, 2008
I setup my cron job run daily and it automatically sends email to after it done. How do i setup forward email from to my gmail or other external email provider ? That means every time if receive email than my other maail will get that email too.
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm configuring a website for a client who has moved their web hosting to downtownhost, but is keeping their email hosting with their current provider. They do not want to configure an MX entry on DTH to autoforward email back to their current provider because they don't want their email to pass through DTH.
In order to do this, do I keep the nameserver entries on the current provider the same, and configure an http redirect to point to DTH? Or is there something else I should configure on the current provider?
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Apr 17, 2008
I am a photographer and am currently hosting my photos (not my domain) at Zenfolio. I am actually very satisfied with them and find their service highly customizable and professional. In addition I have a domain and a couple of email accounts with it, which I host at Runbox. I am not totally happy with it, since sometimes the attachments are not delivered, I am flooded with spam and am simply looking for more add-ons.
Since I started to look for a new email host I thought, whether there is a webhost, which could do both things, email and photo gallery hosting, well. In principal I look for a very reliable email hosting. My daily life depends on it. I wouldn't be happy with normal Squirrelmail, as in addition to plain email I would like to get a calendar and also online file storage folder for easy transfer of documents from one computer to the other. Since I send a lot of photos I need a minimum attachment size of 20MB. I look to set up 2 accounts with a minimum of 1GB of space.
From the online photo album I look for an easy (I do not have time for setting and running complex web pages), but very customizable solution. By this I mean that there is a possibility to create several albums, change their background color and password protect them. I prefer at leas 5GB of space, with a possibility to upgrade continuously.
At the moment I do not sell photos online, but a possibility to add PayPal link in the future might be an advantage.
I took a look around and so far came up with 2 providers. Network solutions and GoDaddy. The first one seems to have a nice email software and charges 10 USD for 25GB of space.
Not sure about the gallery soft though. Godaddy charges 4 USD for 10GB or 7USD for 150GB. I am not sure, whether email hosting is included there or I have to pay 20 USD extra per year. For the file folder I have to pay anyway 10 USD per year. Godaddy offers some kind of "Online Photo filer", but the demo does not look as neat as I am used to at Zenfolio, so I wonder, whether there are other solutions as well. Nevertheless, which of these providers would you choose.
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Nov 8, 2008
is there a known and reliable webhost that offers unlimited emails from being sent? I currently use hostgator and they have a 500 email cap per hour and considering that I have 8000 members that eliminates the purpose of a newsletter.
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Feb 24, 2009
My current web host (SectorLink) has been acting flaky lately so I'm in the market for a My requirements are at least 6GB of space, the ability to run multiple websites on the same account (I'm currently at 7) and ASP, PHP, and mySQL capabilities. I'd also like the price to be competitive with what I'm currently paying ($11/month) though I'm willing to go up a bit.
I'm currently looking at 3 hosts, but I'm open to any suggestions. My short list right now includes:
HostGator - Not a Windows host, I know (though they're working on Windows plans), but they do offer ChiliSoft ASP capabilities. This host would give me unlimited space and domains for $14.95 per month.
AllReseller - This host would give me 50GB of space and unlimited domains for $11.95 a month.
Aspnix - This host would give me 10GB of space and 7 domains for $7.77 a month.
Has anyone used any of these hosts? What were your experiences with them? Could you recommend any other hosts? Side Question to any classic ASP developers out there: Have you used ChiliSoft ASP and, if so, how good is it at running scripts originally written for IIS?
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Aug 27, 2008
host with PHP 5.2.x & MySQL 5.x.
- under 10$/month (monthly payment)
- at least 15 multi sites allowed.
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Jul 4, 2007
my site is mainly based upon mysql ...mean I need to insert 25-30 mb data everyday .I saw several webhost saying 5 gb space ...does it mean i can store 4.5 gb data in mysql ? lets take that i will use only 0.5gb to store file&codes.
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