Fire At Internap Seattle / Fisher Plaza
Jul 3, 2009My server is down and the hosting company said their is fire at the generators area?
View 14 RepliesMy server is down and the hosting company said their is fire at the generators area?
View 14 RepliesI am looking for info on Aveas in Seattle. They seem to have gone out of business (domain expired) and hence I also can't send emails to them.
Does anybody have info what happened, where they have gone, and if somebody is still around somewhere? I am looking for Kelly Kline.
I am trying to find out if one of our old company servers is still with them (was in their cabinet), and if a backup could be retrieved for a fee.
how many hosts have been effected by the fire at the planet over the weekend?
Luckily i have just cancelled all my servers with the planet (moved to owned hardware in local UK Datacentre). My mail server would of been on the floor that was effected!
Fire sale at HE on used Cisco core router equipment
I wonder if some data center will purchase it just to hook it up for the flashing lights... would be quite impressive.
Wait a second, that was already done in North Atlanta and Las Vegas, wasnt it?
I wonder why HE didnt donate it to the tech museum in San Jose... would have been a better write off then selling it.
why I am musing so far off topic on a gorgeous Sunday morning?
I did a quick search on this and could not see it as already being posted
It seems quite a clever but simple idea - remove a lot of the oxygen from the air to help reduce the risk of fire. What do those of you operating your own facilities make of this? Is anyone already doing this?
I have an extra tower server (Dell sc1430) that I'd like to colocate in Seattle. Anyone have a suggestion of a company that would colocate a tower in Seattle?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf capacity was not an issue, where would you buy a rack in Seattle?
View 14 Replies View RelatedHave 2 questions
1. How about the quality of Cogent in Seattle?
2. Where can I buy Cogent there? Looking for 100mbps commit
new Colo provider in Seattle to replace the one that we currently have. My company runs game servers.
I'm looking for an affordable location that can provide the best support possible for the price. Typically the only thing that we need is someone to reboot a server periodically, so if someone offers remote reboots that would be ideal. I'd like to start out with a single 1U server to make sure that we like the location and network before expanding. We'd use about 5 Mbit/sec per server approximately.
I've reviewed the posts about Seattle and was recommended a few times. Does anyone have any other suggestions or any experience with that they could share?
Can anyone recommend a colo for 1u in Seattle area? Looking to spend < $100/month for 3mbits of bandwidth.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI see people suggest West coast for Asia market, East coast for EU market. But I wonder how good it is when using West coast for EU market? We don't have money to colo in both coasts. Seattle is my choice for colo'ing,
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm not in the market for colo, before you PM me with a deal.. I'm just curious what are people paying for cage space nowadays?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is the right place to ask this question or not .. but, i am going to try.
I would like to get more informations about nLayer.
Is it good internet provider? Can they be compared with Internap for example? ( if it can be asked that way .. )
I need more info regarding stability, connections with Europe from USACDN etc.
I see that FDC is offering $12 per Mbit/sec for InterNAP bandwidth. I'm really interest on this offer. Are there anyone colocating severs at FDC and using their InterNAP bandwidth? if so, could you please give me some reviews and your experience?
How is their support and InterNAP bandwidth?
who would you pick? Timewarner or Internap?
View 14 Replies View RelatedMy colo is charging about $80/Mbit, they use InterNAP. Is that reasonable? This is in west coast/california.
That brings me to my other question, how do you know whats a good network? How is hurricane electric compared to InterNAP? shows HE on the top 10 list and shows a lot of peering. I don't see InterNAP on that list at all! Does that mean thats it not as good?
The more peering, the better? (I guess we assume that the network provider isn't over selling and isn't cramming a lot of customers into a single port etc...)
I'm looking at bringing Internap bandwidth into my new cage at the AtlantaNAP to cross connect with a cabinet at 250 Williams.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt seems that from the morning the servers in seattle dc of softlayer are not responding from all locations. According to softlayer noone else has reporting this issue yet, however yet from our monitoring system this has been occuring for the past two hours.
Few clients around the world also reported this, however apparently for other few this is working. Is anyone else having the same issue?
I'm trying to find decent dedicated server providers in Seattle that run peer1 or internap - I've seen a couple good providers in Seattle however the tracert's don't seem to agree with a few locations.
I know of SPRY, Softlayer and then UbiquityServer which seemed really good minus their carrier (my tracert's go to san jose then seattle (I'm in Canada) along with a few other people on the west coast.
It's being used for gaming.. I'd like to see windows on the box as-well..
Under $200/mo would be nice.
co-location of a mini tower PC I have that hosts a couple of websites. I live in Redmond, WA so anywhere near there or down in Seattle will be fine. Bandwidth wise I only need about 500GB per month. anything fancy just a secure facility with power and network connection.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a good lead on any providers who have sub-cable between seattle & aus?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find dedicated/managed hosts that colo with internap. So far found Softlayer.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am getting my quote back Tuesday but need a little bargaining power with these guys...
Oakland, Ca datacenter
40mbps, 20A, 42U rack.
What should I be looking at price range here, how much per mbps?
Only info I've seen is from 2003 where people were saying $200/mbps. Obviously prices have come WAY down. I've seen people on here reselling internap bandwidth for $12/mbps, but they might have bought a huge commit.
Does anyone have any ballpark figures on how much InterNAP charges per-mbit on a 200Mbit commit over gig-e?
View 14 Replies View RelatedWe are in the process of starting a new project for a client and we are trying to decide which network to place it on.
We have a choice of a Level3/Time Warner mix or pure Internap. Obviously the Internap bandwidth is a bit more expensive, but since this customers website serves an international community we are thinking that Internap bandwidth would be well worth the cost.
What are the advantages of using Internap? How is the network performance? We've setup a machine on the Internap network and have begun running tests, but I would like to hear from people who have direct experience with Internap bandwidth.
After running 6 or so dedicated servers purchased thru several different resellers, my company decided to get a rack at the Chicago InterNap DC.
The quote we got was $3,400 per month inclusive of cabinet, Usage based 10/100, and Cross connects.
Have a couple questions.
A) Is that price in the ballpark of where it should be?
B) Our quote states Usage based 100mb Ethernet (10MBps Min). Tier2 at $150 month and $1,400 for the 10.00 Mbps Base. Being new to this, I have no idea exactly how much bandwidth we can use before the "usage" fees kick in.
How does this work?
As we are finishing our migration plans to Cisco OER. I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the low latency "brand name" internap bandwidth.
Do you think that the high priced brandname is going to continue with Cisco finally releasing OER to what a large number of datacenters use as their primary core switch? In my eyes the FCP and the Avaya/RouteScience platform just lost a lot of value. The OER product looks very complete and in testing works excellent, the final verdict will be in what the platform actually does.
If you are wondering Cisco OER information can be found here [url]
Which one has the best routes to Asia, especially South East Asia?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI would like a recommendation on a west coast colo provider.
Los Angeles Area
San Francisco Area
Seattle Area
I want to colo a 1U server, would like a 100mbit port, and 1.5TB of transfer or 2mbit (95th percentile)
My budget is $75/month.
I do not need much bandwidth usage, may be just couple G a month.
want the CPU is good.
If you have a server that is not used and willing to give me a better price since I use little bandwidth.
Who are the people/companies with a good reputation with the WHT community who provide Internap or Peer1 colo? And it seems it's mostly in LA or NY, I know both Peer1 and Internap have a presence in other places, is there anyone reselling out of anywhere else?
Pure Internap or Pure Peer1 hosts only please. The only one I know of right now is