EpicVPS ...

Aug 1, 2008

After PM PST it seems my VPS just died. When I log into HyperVM it simply states that my VM doesn't even exist! I'm paid up on my dues (today is my 1 month anniversary, some way to celebrate).

I have a ticket in with EpicVPS but no response thus far, but it's only been about 30 minutes since I placed it.

Just giving a shout to see if anyone else is having issues with their VPS from Epic. I hope my VM didn't get recomissioned or something, because I can't have my data just have gone *POOF*.

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EpicVPS Recommendations

Jun 28, 2008

Long time WHT lurker and first time poster. Well I was looking for a budget VPS provider, and I saw EpicVPS.com's offers in the offers section.

I sent them an email with a few questions and I had a very satisfactory and polite response within half an hour.

So I was just wondering if anyone else here uses them and would like to let me know if I should go ahead and order with them.

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Epicvps Instability

Aug 11, 2008

I'm a 1 month customer of epicvps for an entry plan, i just wanted to know if there's someone experiencing the same instability issue like me in the recent 2 days?

My vps keep shutdown & restarted randomly between 1-8 hours, they say that they are experiencing ddos attack on the node that my vps hosted on so they will occasionally restarting the node still trying to fix it. I think i can accept that reason.

Unfortunately, that was 1.5 days ago since they reply my last ticket, after that still no sign of improvement or any news updates about my node untill now. The vps still restarting & shutting down, sometimes it's about 8 hours, sometimes it's down 3-5 times in 1 hours, sometimes the hypervm is very slow / inaccessible, etc

I'm just curious if there are anyone that have the same experience like me? I hope that i can attract epicvps support with this post.

note for epicvps: you guys really need to make some area to post news updates of your server status, maybe via rss, or quick respon email.

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EpicVPS Vs. MediaTemple

Aug 8, 2008

I've been on shared and reseller hosting for the past five years, its now time to rank up.

I am currently deciding between:

MediaTemple's DV service ($50.00 m/o)
EpicVPS (29.99 m/o before promo)

I'm not really hung up on the control panel that is used for the server / site admin but I would prefer a cPanel / WHM, although I am flexible with that. I know cPanel takes more RAM... around 200 mb?

I am going to be running my personal website(s), client websites and then hosting a SVN repository for some projects and using Django and Ruby on Rails too. The bulk of the coding will be PHP applications, Wordpress, Wordpress MU, Invision Power Board, VBulletin, Status2K,and Trellis Desk.

I am not really concerned about the bandwidth because none of the sites are really massive traffic, very moderate to light traffic at all. I just like over 20gigs of disk space for projects, media, and storage.

I am on a tight budget and don't want to spend more than $50.00 a month because thats out of my needs, although if its quality I am paying for I don't mind. I would like support via IM or tickets, I never use phone support anyways. I would like a host with a good reputation for support too so anything you can suggest or help me take into consideration please do post!

As for ram enough for Cpanel to run, and the server not to be expensive.

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EpicVPS Review

Apr 25, 2008

I'm sure you have all seen his threads if not the search button is your friend

So I posted some pretty hefty questions in his thread in the reviews section. The owner himself contacted me personally, he explained his network to me, some great features he's got cooking. So I took the bait, he had me hooked. I bought his mid-level plan, figured ok cool "Lets put him to the test" got my VPS in about 4 minutes, running. I thought ok cool this is pretty nice so far. Jumped into the root, did some WGETing around - decided ok whats a good fast mirror to really put his bandwidth to the test.

[root@stevencro ~]# wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kern...-2.6.25.tar.gz
--21:11:48-- http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kern...-2.6.25.tar.gz
Resolving www.kernel.org...,
Connecting to www.kernel.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 61517918 (59M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `linux-2.6.25.tar.gz'

100%[=======================================>] 61,517,918 10.1M/s in 6.3s

21:11:55 (9.31 MB/s) - `linux-2.6.25.tar.gz' saved [61517918/61517918]

[root@stevencro ~]#

Thats right, its faster then every single dedicated server I have ever been with my entire life.

That was so fast, I minimized putty for a moment to change something and as I reopened it, it was done. Basically I about crapped myself, so then I went ahead and started running some apps, sure enough his 16 gig, Quad Xeon core server ran without a hitch. Everything I tossed at it opened instantly and responded as if it was my own personal computer.

So if anyone is looking to give a VPS a shot - I really recommend trying out EpicVPS first - he treats you right, and the product is worth double what he charges.

This is my first review, I give this company a stamp of approval I work in a professional market doing technical support. I work with high perfomance servers all day this takes the cake.

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Short Review On Epicvps

Jul 7, 2008

I have been with epicvps for past 3 months we are under un-managed plan, but the staff have been pretty supportive than we had actually anticipated its almost like being under a semi-managed service

There hasn't been long down time on our vps so far and the service has pretty good for the cheapest prices they offer around
Usually most of their live support staff have good knowledge about sales and support which is an additional advantage for any one who would wish to join their service

not to mention their speeds its been great

Though I wouldn't like to interpret my domain over here, I am more than pleased to announce I am very happy to announce their excellent service

We had earlier worked with 2 other non-managed vps services, which were no more than ordinary but epic has been fantastic

We are looking forward for a longer healthier relationship with epicvps

My suggestion on epic :Go for it,one of the best I have seen around

I had searched for a long time for reliable and cheaper vps and I am glad I am at the right place for it

Good work epic team hope you could maintain your standard may be increase your standard even more to reach the peak

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EpicVPS.com - 1 Week Review

Jul 7, 2008

Well I'm a week into my Entry level VPS with EpicVPS.

My VPS was deployed within about 30 minutes of ordering including LXAdmin. This was pretty darn fast and I have no qualms there.

Upon logging into my shell the first thing I did was run yum update -y, which updated a stack of packages. This leads me to believe that the image that Epic is using is a little older, but no big deal.

Here comes the first problem:
upon updating, the 'udev' package got installed which really borked my /dev/ directory. I re-launched Apache and it barked about /dev/urandom being missing.

So I re-created it with MAKEDEV. This fixed Apache. Though then I logged out of my SSH session and back in to find my tty/pty's were missing (thanks udev!). I had to re-create these via OpenVZ's terminal. However, upon reboot of the server the whole /dev/ directory went wonky again (UDEV! GRR).

I finally removed the udev package (leaving all of it's dependencies on the server) to restore order to my /dev/ directory. I'm not entirely sure where the fault lay with that one.

Second problem: Upon hardening my install with apf/bfd I come to find my iptable modules are missing. I put in a support ticket which gets a response within an hour that they are looking into it. The following morning the modules got moved to my VPS and I could now harden my install.

My only other qualm is that sometimes I'll try and visit my webpage and it will be unresponsive and require a refresh to load the website. But mon.itor.us would lead me to believe there has been no down time and the latency from it's servers to my VPS have been extremely low. This may be my ISP at home, routing inbetween us or some other entity.

In short: I'm relatively happy thus far. The udev thing would be nice to get sorted out so next time that update comes down I won't be in the same situation. They should also figure out why their VPS images are deploying without those kernel modules as well.

So far I give them a . I still have another week to trial the service before I lose my ability to use their money back guarantee. But as long as the service remains in it's current condition I see no reason to need to use it.

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EpicVPS (VAServ) Suspended My Server

Sep 27, 2008

Today i found out my server was suspended by VAserv without any notice beforehand. They sent me a email stating that i violated some policy as per email here:
The server was suspended for AUP violations. Your server has IRC chat software installed as the message clearly states that

> I found these suspicious looking connections on the Undernet IRC Chat
> Network connecting from a netblock you control. The originating ip(s)
> and undernet server(s) each one was connected to is listed below. The
> destination port they were using is most likely port 6667. Other
> possible

The Chat software that you are using may be using IRC as an internal interface for operation.

Regarding the supension, We suspend all the domains, vps, servers who violate our terms and conditions and comes under scanner for AUP violations without any warnings given.

i am not running any IRC clients/servers. The only thing remotely close is a Userplane webchat app that i'm currently installing, and that is a private chat script. So even after all this emailing back and forth, my server is still suspended. Very lack of respect for their customers. I'm preparing to move my business elsewhere, i've actually been waiting for this... just needed a reason, and now i have one. Since they took over EpicVPS.. my original 80gb allocated storage have been taken away... somedays i see 50gb , other days i see 30gb.. i suppose they are overselling which is causing the fluctuation, even though they claimed its backup storage lol. Anyhow... has anyone encountered this, do they have the right to lock me out of my own server without notice?

I noticed that since their acquisition of EpicVPS, there has been alot of attitude from staff and a lot less user friendly. Network lags alot more now as well. All downhill.

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Epicvps.com Small Review Fast Refund

Apr 29, 2008

I joined epicvps on 28-April-2008 and on 29 the same month I asked a refund minus 1$ for almost 2 days of use (him refunded me the full amount I paid).

The VPS was 28.49 because I used a coupon for the first month.

I paid 28.49$ because I also wanted a server hardening optimization and security settings against crackers.

The speed was ok, the VPS access was given to me in less than 6 hours from the payment time.

Ray called me after 2-3 hours after the server was up to ask me about the service, was a nice gesture from his part, also informed me that I can call him if I have a emergency related to the VPS.

I never used his ticketing system, all his replies where under 3 hours.

Him also tried to convince me to remain by using his services 1 more month and to refund me this month but I refused because I don't trust him 100% percent, after 1-2 years from now on, if it will still be there and the customers will be satisfied I will buy another VPS from him.

epicvps has a template for LxAdmin DNS that I did not found on a other company that I don't want to mention because today I use there services (shared).

After chating with Ray on epicvps online support I understood how to set-up the DNS using the 2 IP's that him gave to me.

The reason of the refund was a downtime of 42 minute on 29-April 2008, 1 or 2 packet loss from the checkers, I use Pingdom in the present, checking at 1 minute interval.

I had a nice conversation with the owner Ray Amaresh, is from India, I was afraid that I will not get the refund and I can't do anything.

When I chosen his company I did not checked his location, only server location, and that is a datacenter in Dallas.

Ray refunded me in less than 10 minutes from the chat.

I told him that I will probably come back if the service quality will improve and I will because I like people correct peoples and I hate scammers.

I don't like to asks for refunds because I want always quality in what I buy, probably was a datacenter problem, not his fault but up-time is very important for me.

If Ray will allow me I will use a checking service in the future for his main website to show to others the quality of the server where the main site is: ping (network), http checking.

Low prices does not seem to be from overselling but because there are not 20-30 people working 24/24 so you can get a low cost if you have less people but good in what they do.

I hope that I did not forgot anything if I did I wait for Ray replay to complete the review.

The conclusion is:
Ray the owner of epicvps is a great person and I hope that the money that him will make will not change his behavior.

It is a genuine review, I tell the good and the bad VPS service parts.

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Review: A2b2 / Cheapvps / Epicvps / VAServ Group

Nov 25, 2008

So... let's start my review, shall we?

I came into VPS business with EpicVPS, both Amaresh and Raghev (if im right), are excellent persons. Always helped me a lot and their service was overall great.

After some disasters xD, EpicVPS was sold to VAServ. I thought: Okay... maybe it's time to move BUT I should definitely wait a few months and watch how this is going to be.
So, stayed as a client.

I dont know how much months have passed, maybe 6? Dunno, but I do have to say a few things about Russell's company, VAserv.com:

I had some billing problems, specially when they changed to the other software, but all this was solved with screenshots (not that they doubt, just wanted to keep it clear), and in no time, I had it fixed. (Also had one billing issue, for some other reasons, which was solved and today Vladimir just made my day.. heh, not that he offered anything, but telling me kind words... made me feel good. )

Loads... Everyone knows that when you're using a VPS, sometimes you have some stupid users abusing the server , this way you'll get affected as well.

Happened a few times, and I was telling them it wasn't my VPS, etc etc (I've a pretty big vps, and always monitored so I can be sure that everything is running smoothly, this is also pretty secured). I didn't like when they once restarted my vps without asking, and load issue was still there. Again a few days later, they restarted again, like it was my problem. (And figured later that wasn't, but it happens!).

Anyway, this was solved, and their staff was really helpful on this, being really decent with me, just like it SHOULD BE in EVERY company.

Uptime... What can I say, it's true the VPS was rebooted a few times, but, besides that, it's great.

Staff... Always helpful, an extremelly fast support and lovely staff! Just like... hum, Kody, Vladimir... both awesome. (I consider them like business-friends. Honestly, they have helped me A LOT).

It's true that there are a few of them that still need some work heh, but overall, it's really really good.

Support... Extremelly fast and efficient! Top notch. Never saw a company like this.

Hardware... Top notch, NEVER had a disk issue, or something like that. Just like a dream!

Network... PERFECT. But really, just PERFECT. I'm living in Portugal, and I've about 40/50 ms to UK (I choosed UK, but they have other locations), the network is really fast (downloading at 1.7 mb/s from my home, no download accellerators). Also, never had a single downtime.

Billing... Good billing software now. Pretty organised, and simple. I like to keep it simple, easy to use. (And yes, I know that ubbersmith is a COMPLETE software xD)

Price... Excellent. I don't find any place with better prices. Even if I someday find one, I still WON'T move.

Other Issues... Had 2 IP's listed on SBL, reported it, and they already knew, then 2 weeks after the issue was solved. (Yeah yeah 2 weeks, but I emailed SBL and they didn't even answered me , so, vaserv did a great job.)

They just got me as a loyal client, and won't leave them for sure! Rus, great job!
I guarantee you that if you join them, you'll have an excellent service.

Uptime: 10/10
Staff: 10/10
Support: 10/10
Price: 10/10
Total: 10/10

What do I want them to get better? Please... just keep providing this quality service.
Join them.

(Domain will be verified as I will submit through the Report button.)

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