Apache :: Proxy Error In Accessing Web Portal

Nov 6, 2014

We are getting the error from the SAP portal where we have installed Apache as a reverse Proxy on Windows server.

The Apache Server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

The Proxy server could not handle the request POST/irj/portal

Reason: Error reading from remote server
Apache/2.4.9 (Win32)OpenSSL/1.0.1h Server at www.xyz.com port 80

What do I need to check?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Error When Accessing Backup Via Reverse Proxy

Jun 3, 2015

When accessing a backup in backup-manager in a user subscription via a reverse proxy (eg. plesk panel is called as localhost:8443) I get following error:

Internal error: Failed to exec pmm-ras: (array ( 'code' => 127, 'stdout' => 'Transport error: File 'clients' not found ', 'stderr' => '', )).
Message Failed to exec pmm-ras: (array ( 'code' => 127, 'stdout' => 'Transport error: File 'clients' not found ', 'stderr' => '', )).
File Connector.php
Line 227
Type PleskPMMResponseException

This happens when I try to download the backup and also when clicking on the backup name. These are the apache settings for the reverseproxy domain:

SSLProxyEngine On
AllowEncodedSlashes On
<Location />
ProxyPass https://localhost:8443/
ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:8443/

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Apache :: Mod Proxy - Error Page Handling

Nov 10, 2014

a question on mod_proxy. We're using mod_proxy as a simple reverse proxy (ProxyPass & ProxyPassReverse) to reverse-proxy various back-end PHP and Mono/.NET apps.

One problem we see is that when the back-end PHP app suffers an error (e.g. a 404 or 500) , then mod_proxy ignores the nicely-formatted custom error page served up by our PHP app, and instead serves a very plain generic mod_proxy 404 or 500 error page back to the client. Is there a way to configure mod_proxy to serve up the 500/404 error page content which is created by the back-end app ?

(We thought ProxyErrorOverride might work, but it seems to be intended for the opposite scenario, where I want to *ignore* the 404 page content from the back-end and show a mod_proxy-defined error page instead.We're using apache 2.2 on 64-bit CentOS 6.5 ( httpd-2.2.15-31.el6.centos.x86_64 )

Config like:
ProxyPass /abc/ http://server4/abc/
ProxyPassReverse /abc/ http://server4/abc/

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Apache :: Reverse Proxy Giving 404 Error

Mar 21, 2014

I need to get working an apache2 in suse 11 as reverse proxy with a vendor's web page and it is not working. This is what happens:

1. I load the page through the reverse proxy and i can see:

2. Then i write user and password

3. I press the login button and i should see:

but instead of that i see:

404 Not Found
The requested URL /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var was not found on this server.

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Reverse Proxy Apache ==> IIS, Need Custom Error Pages Triggered On IIS Side

Dec 3, 2008

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, or if anyone can suggest a message board where I might get support on this.

This is what I have. I have Apache and IIS both running on Windows 2k3.

Apache is running in reverse Proxy mode sending multiple domains/virtual hosts to IIS.


ProxyRequests Off
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080
ProxyPassReverse / [url]
ServerName mydomain.com

Now, if I type in [url]everything works great and IIS (listening on serves the page. However, I am doing custom error trapping, so when I type in [url](and /mydirectory doesn't exist on IIS) I need to fire ASP code (via custom error messages/handling) on the IIS server and then present a data driven page.

However, Apache is returning A 502 error:

Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /mydirectory.

Reason: DNS lookup failure for: localhost:8080mydirectory
Is there a way for me to setup Apache to pass all error checking to IIS while using it as a reverse proxy?

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Apache :: Reverse Proxy Modules - Error Reading Status Line From Remote Server

Oct 17, 2013

We have been using Apache 2.2.x with reverse proxy modules for our clients to access their OWA servers for over a year. I want to get us to Apache 2.4.x so I setup a test box with latest 2.4 on it. I fixed the config file issues since 2.4 has changes in it. OWA proxy is working on my test server with Apache 2.4. But with 2.4 I do have an issue I cannot figure out. Note that this does NOT occur with Apache 2.2. I get the following errors when using ActiveSync through reverse proxy:

[Thu Oct 17 12:19:11.670665 2013] [proxy_http:error] [pid 748:tid 8440] (OS 10060)A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. : [client x.x.x.x:20311] AH01102: error reading status line from remote server mail.nameredacted.net:443
[Thu Oct 17 12:19:11.670665 2013] [proxy:error] [pid 748:tid 8440] [client x.x.x.x:20311] AH00898: Error reading from remote server returned by /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync

So somehow with Apache 2.4 there is some sort of timeout that was not there with 2.2.

View 2 Replies View Related Accessing Apache A Lot

Nov 25, 2008

I noticed in apache access log most of ip belong to and it access to hostname domain.(hostname.domain.com).Any idea why is that happening?I realy dont see sense in that.

Here is one example:255-6-0/0/30. 0.0012112900.00.000.57 / HTTP/1.0

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: TLS Error Accessing Ftp Using Filezilla New Version

Jan 15, 2015

I have received notices from several customers with this error and I checked myself. When trying to connect to a ftp hosted on my server with Plesk gives an error expired certificate, a certificate of Parallels. The solution I've found is to configure access without TLS but says it is unsafe and customers are not satisfied.

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Apache :: Accessing Website From Different Computer

Mar 2, 2014

I have 3 computers on the same network. One running apache2 on Ubuntu 12.04 and the others with Windows7. I want to access the website I set up from a Windows machine. When I type in the URL, domain.com, I get a 404 error. When I type in I get the directory listing for the website. I have to actually type before the website can actually be seen. I would like to get rid of the public_html part. I am brand new to all this.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Error Validating License When Accessing External Services

Mar 9, 2015

I'm not sure if it's a technical or a license issue. When I try to retrieve external services, such as purchase an ssl certificate or buy an application; I see the the following error: "Error: Error validating license."

For example: If I click on 'Tools and Settings' > 'External Services' > 'View Services' , the browser redirects to [URL] .... (as it should) and then gives me the license error. I have re-retrieved my license key, and even downloaded and reinstalled it from the Parallels Partner Channel and the problem persists. When I check the license key status from the Panel it says, "Key Update Status: License key PLSK.02557481.0016 is up-to-date." Everything else is working fine.

I am running Plesk version 12.0.18 Update #37 on Centos 6.6

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Apache :: Block IP From Accessing A Certain Page On Website

Dec 14, 2014

I have the following code in my .htaccess file to block an IP from accessing a file on my site and it works fine.

<Files mypage.html>
Order Deny,Allow

Is there a way to block an IP from accessing a page (e.g., mydomain.com/mypage/)?

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Apache :: Accessing Host Running On Virtual Machine

Jul 25, 2014

I have an Apache server running on a virtual machine and I want to be able to access the pages it serves from a browser running on the host OS.

I am using OracleVM virtualbox as my VM platform.
I am using windows 7 as my host OS.
I am using ubuntu as my guest OS.

I have managed to set up a virtual host so that it works from browsers running in the guest OS (ubuntu)

But I cannot get it to serve these pages to a browser running in the host OS windows.

The config file in the apache2/sites-available and apache2/sites-enabled has the following config for the virtual host I am trying to access.

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName testsite
DocumentRoot /var/newserver
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks

[Code] ....

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Apache :: Access Denied When Accessing New Virtual Host Site

Apr 28, 2015

I created a new virtual site and cloned an existing to to the new docroot to have content. But when I access it I receive the Access Denied you do not have permission to access . . .I've checked all my entries and unless I'm blind I cannot figure out how to remedy this on my Windows 2003R2 server running apache 2.2.x

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Apache :: Forbidden 403s When Accessing Files / Pages On Mounted Device

Nov 18, 2014

So I have a script running on my apache that catalogs pictures and clips. All the actual video files are located on a separate drive which is mounted in to a folder in my site. I've set apache as the owner and have the correct permissions on the mounted folder but I'm getting Forbidden errors accessing files even when on html file in the mounted folder.

I know it's a permissions issue at the disk or mounting level. The way I mount is by using this command:

mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc /var/www/html/media

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Apache :: Proxy Pass / Proxy Pass Reverse

Jun 10, 2013

I'm using the isapi rewrite module for iis 6 which uses the exact same syntax as mod_rewrite in apache. I'm not very well versed in apache and need getting this to work asap. Basically I have a directory in our website: URL....

I need to forward this to an IP address, for example to this address: keeping the original URL (www.xyz.edu/folder). I'm unsure of the apache syntax for this.

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Proxy Error 502 When Using Www

Mar 27, 2008

I just moved my server from one colo center to another.

The server is running debian and Layered Panel.

The only thing that changed was my two IP's.

Once I got the server up I ran a Layered Panel script

designed for changing IP's ./reconfigure domain IP1 IP2 .

After that all seemed well until I found a problem.

All the free hosted sites on my system work fine unless one
uses www . For example site.myhost.com works but www.site.myhost.com causes a 502 Proxy error.

The same happens for top level domains, freehosted.com works but
www.freehostedsite.com causes 502 error.

A couple lines from my error log:
[Thu Mar 27 20:26:45 2008] [error] [client] proxy: DNS
lookup failure for: freehostedsite.com returned by /brit.htm
[Thu Mar 27 20:31:44 2008] [error] [client] proxy: DNS
lookup failure for: amour.myfreehost.com returned by

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HTTP 502 Proxy Error

May 7, 2008

Someone tried to access their webmail from a remote location and got a page not found error. It did have the following error like this at the bottom though:

"HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests. (12204)

Internet Security and Acceleration Server"

This is a cpanel server with Centos. I did not find any info via cpanel's forums about the 502 error.

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Mar 21, 2007

I have a website that I want to have people sign up for a user name and password in order to view member content on it. Right now I dont want them to pay for anything, but I want them to be able to go to the site, view a few pictures of clothing, and in order to see more of that line of clothing, they have to register to be a member, or already have a username and password to login and see. Is this done only through webhosts? or is there code that can be bought to accomplish this? what are my options to get this going?

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Payment Portal

Sep 4, 2007

our site want use Payment Portal for pay reasons.

can anyone list the most used Payment Portal?

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Proxy Error While Viewing Bandwidth At Reseller Panel

Oct 20, 2007

Everytime I try to see the bandwidth in the reseller panel, i got this failure:

"Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /reseller/services/bandwidth/show_bandwidth.
Reason: Error reading from remote server"

I already restarted epld, httpd, named, and mysql daemons and the error stills...

Im using Ensim Pro 10.2.0 + RHE 4

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Reverse Proxy Not Working - 503 Error

Oct 12, 2014

Being relatively new to the Linux world, I don't exactly know why my reverse proxy settings are not working. Nothing i have tried has worked.

The code below is from my old windows server what does not seem to be working in my new 1&1 vps server. I have the below code at the moment at the bottom of my httpd_ip_defult.conf file under /var/www/vhosts/system/mydomain.com/conf/


ProxyPass /cam http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8008/cam_1.png
ProxyPassReverse /cam http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8008/cam_1.png

The following errors also show up in my vhosts error log:


[Sun Oct 12 23:30:56 2014] [error] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8008 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) failed
[Sun Oct 12 23:30:56 2014] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
I also have mod_proxy.so , mod_proxy_http.so and mod_proxy_html.so all enabled in my main httpd.conf file at /etc/httpd/conf/

Basically, I need to fix this urgently as a core feature of my site relies on this setup.

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Portal Connect But Don't Work

Oct 29, 2009

I install a Oracle Collaboration Suite portal on a Windows 2003 server.

I configure everithig to put it online. I cerate a dyndns hostname and I forwarded the 80 port on the router.

So, when I type the adress the portal appears but when I press on a link he redirects me on server.xxx.local.

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Hosting Gambling Portal

Jul 20, 2008

how legal it is to host a gambling portal. So you only have links and ads to gambling sites?

I heard for gambling sites it is only allowed in Malta. But is a portal the same? Also, it seems really hard to find hosting in Malta for reasonable price. Anyone any advice for hosting on this one?

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Apache :: Mod Proxy With Failover

Jul 13, 2014

I have the following setup in my apache vhost:


ProxyPass /abc http://www.newest.com/
ProxyPassReverse /abc http://www.newest.com/

I want to setup a failover approach in which if after a particular timeout say 10secs the load shifts to some other website like Refer.com | The world. The timeout should be in Proxy Pass and if timeout occurs it shifts to Refer.com | The world

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Apache: Setup A Proxy For One Page

Mar 5, 2008

Im using AJAX on my site and i need to access a seperate server instance on a different port. AJAX wont allow me to do that so i want to use Apache as a proxy but only for one page.

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Apache :: 2.4.6 - Reverse Proxy Cache

Nov 19, 2013

I have Apache 2.4.6 on a Windows Server 2008 (windows build from apachelounge). I want to use it as reverse proxy cache with mod_cache_disk.

My configuration is:


<IfModule cache_module>
<IfModule cache_disk_module>
CacheRoot C:/temp/cache
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 2
CacheDirLength 3

[Code] .....

Loading a page with ~150 files (most images and js files) i keep runing into "locked requests" that are not comeing back and block the whole page from finishing loading. The files differ every time.

I see this warnings in my error.log (looks like they are connected to the behauviour above).


[Tue Nov 19 20:38:10.890013 2013] [cache_disk:warn] [pid 216692:tid 15924] (OS 5)Access is denied. : [client x.x.x.x:58963] AH00699: rename tempfile to file failed: C:/temp/cache/aptmpcBQArf -> C:/temp/cache/H8Cta/9ha4U/Uhhhs/OlQfU/1Q.data,

[Code] .....

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Apache :: Reverse Proxy With Several Websites

Apr 22, 2014

I m trying to setup a reverse proxy with several site that will redirect the request into several internal server.I wanted to do that with several VirtualHost (like shown below). Unfortunatly whatever I type on my browser testsupport.xxxx.com or support2.xxxx.com I m redirected at the first of the config file (in the exemple it the ServerName key that will redirect to the right proxypass ?

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName testsupport.xxxx.com
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName support2.xxxx.com
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

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Apache :: How To Force SSL On Reverse Proxy

Nov 23, 2014

We are struggling to configure our Apache reverse proxy (on WIN 2008) server to force https.

We have the cert installed on the proxy server, and it seems to be working but we are unable to force connections to https: and the site is still available via http:

How do you enforce https on the site?

reading read about the .htaccess file, virtual hosts but still having a hell of a time putting it all together

Internet -> SSL -> Apache 2.2 -> HTTP -> web app

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Apache :: Mod Proxy With F5 Load Balancer

May 30, 2013

I have a setup where Apache connects to a F5 load balancer which in turn balances between two jboss app servers.

Apache using mod_proxy -> F5 (hardware load balancer) -> 2 jboss application server

It uses jsessionid. I sometimes get 500 errors for the post methods. I think the request goes to the incorrect jboss server because of the F5 load balancer. Everything works just right when I shutdown one of the jboss app servers.

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Apache :: 2 Kerberos SSO Through Reverse Proxy

Apr 24, 2014

I'm trying to do a setup of alfresco.It has two basic sites. [URL]. Both use kerberos authentication. Alfresco has SSO and share has not. Both sites are on the same server (its just one site but different subs)

I want to put this behind a reverse proxy to eliminate the servername:port combination.

When I put it in a normal config with ajp everything works fine for the share website. I can login without problems. Not so however for the alfresco website. I get a browser login request (not the alfresco one) when i enter my credentials he asks them again and again and then he ends on the regular login page of alfresco at which point everything works. The username I entered is displayed at this point. When I do not enter my credentials correct I do not reach the page.

If I remove the SSO from the alfresco website everything is normal (but i have to login)

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