APC Data Caching

Dec 1, 2007

I've got APC installed and caching op-code fine, and I'm preparing to use the data caching. I did a small test according to the manual:

PHP Code:

<?php$bar = 'BAR';apc_store('foo', $bar);var_dump(apc_fetch('foo'));?>


string(3) "BAR"

All good. Then I run just the fetch bit:

PHP Code:




It seems that the data is not caching beyond the execution of the file with apc_store in it. How to fix this? Or am I misunderstanding the way data caching works in APC? May be a silly question but I'm working with this for the first time and would appreciate help.

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Dynamic Caching And PHP

Mar 4, 2009

I'm developing a PHP application which will be hosted on IIS7 and I'm interested to see if it is possible to get dynamic caching working when using an MVC pattern (I'm currently using the Zend Framework and it's Frontcontroller implementation).

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Mosso Caching

Mar 27, 2009

Does anyone have this weird problem?? For php applications, they're not so much of an issue. But recently I started to put up .NET applications and there it started so many problems.

The first and most annoying is the caching problem. Whenever i uploaded an aspx file with some change, it takes ages to show up. I have to wait like many many hours to finally see the new version.

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Aug 26, 2007

When I downloading some files from my ftp on server, this files ALWAYS caches by server.

E.g after downloading 50MB file, server's cache are much bigger than before downloading.

In effect my board which is installed too on server has got less memory space for current php/mysql operations. How can I modify or disable that server caching? I have got Debian 4.0 and PhpAccelerator.

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Apache :: 2.2 To 2.4 Caching Changes

Oct 7, 2013

I updated our Apache 2.2. to Apache 2.4.6. (on Windows 2008). Now, I'm not sure if caching with mod_cache and mod_cache_disk is working properly.

- Restart Apache and clear the cache
- Open a simple html site on the webserver
- If you take a look at the cache-directory, two files are generated (i.e. 12aabcd1234.data and 12aabcd1234.header)
- Wait a minute or two and refresh the site, doing a second request

You see that:
With Apache 2.2, the files in the cache-directory are not updated after the second request. They have the timestamp from the first request. With Apache 2.4, the files in the cache-directory are updated on the second request. They have the timestamp from the second request.

So it seems to me, that Apache 2.4 is not really caching. On every page refresh, Apache is updating the files in the cache.

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Php Caching To Html, Any Better Options

May 2, 2009

Currently I cache php to html in a folder, and any time I upload index.php the whole site recaches. It also is set to a specific time such as 1 day, and the specific page will recache on someone hitting a page in 1 day from last cache.

The problem is when there are thousands of people on, and the index.php is uploaded the site crashes due to connections to the database, and possibly writing to the folder as well.

What is the best way to cache these files to html, and not have it crash every time I try to update things on the site. Also it needs to be something somewhat simple.

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Shared Hosts Offers Php-opcode Caching

Jul 19, 2008

why so few shared hosting companies enable a php op-caching system on their system (xcache, apc, eaccelerator).

Is there some specific technical reason in place?

Usually I run my own servers, but it happens from time to time that you need a quality shared hosting in order to reccomend it to a friend, for a personal blog, a small website, maybe your own personal blog that you're not keen to host on your dedicated servers already used for big projects ...

Now, as everyone using php applications knows, software like xcache or eaccelerator gives a nice speed bost to page generation. I run xcache on all my servers and vps (mainly running vbullettin and wordpress) and never encountered any issue.

Installing one of those (eg. xcache) is a 5minutes procedure, and even for kiddie-hosting companies that won't know how to build php, the ability to compile eaccelerator is in the cpanel easy php build software, so you don't even need to know how to rebuild php to enable eaccelerator in cpanel.

Despite all these facts is quite impossible to find a decent webhoster with xcache or apc/eacc enabled ...

The only one claiming to have eaccelerator is medialayer : "# Zend Optimizer, IonCube, and eAccelerator" this is a quote from their website.

How come nobody else undertakes this step?

What I have been noticing is most premium shared-hosting provider I encountered run their server with a lot of free memory .. so why not impress the customer with blazing fast page generation times (wordpress footer displaying "page generated in 0.071 seconds" impresses also the non-technical savy customers) enabling such a simple feature ?

There should be something I am missing, for sure.

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Kernel Segmentation Fault And Strange File Caching

May 31, 2009

we have little problem on our server - from some time it starts reporting some errors:

kernel: spamd[6479]: segfault at 9a16000 ip 467840ac sp bffe9b5c error 6 in libc-2.5.so[46713000+13e000]
kernel: webalizer[12318]: segfault at 81a80cc ip 080d9279 sp bff2f230 error 4 in webalizer[8048000+b2000]
kernel: spamd[6515]: segfault at 9cbb000 ip 467840ac sp bffe9b5c error 6 in libc-2.5.so[46713000+13e000]
kernel: pure-quotacheck[16285]: segfault at bf3c9ff8 ip 46769d76 sp bf3c9fec error 6 in libc-2.5.so[46713000+13e000]
kernel: php[14910]: segfault at bf727da0 ip 080b0edc sp bf727d30 error 6 in php[8048000+64d000]

errors appear 2-3 times every 10min and always in this 4 programs: webalizer, php, spamd, pure-quotacheck

and second thing there is problem with some file caching or sth - for example when we restarts named it reports:

/etc/named.conf:23564: open: /var/named/slaves/slaves.named.conf: file not found

file of course exist but funniest thing is when we remove this line from named.conf and tries restart it, error appear again, even when this line is empty in named.conf and there is no other include of this file
even after server restart (without this include in named.conf) it still reports this error

server config: C2Q Q9550, 8GB ram, 2x500GB in hw Raid1, Centos 5.3 32bit, cPanel
maybe someone have any idea what it could be, and what else we can check ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Caching Bind Nameserver Setup

Aug 20, 2014

I would like to setup a caching Bind nameserver for which I need to modify the file /etc/named.conf. The file is automatically created by Plesk however and I am unable to find information on how to modify the file in Plesk.

// $Id: named.conf,v 2001/10/15 07:44:36 kap Exp $

Any way to modify named.conf?

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TWO Data Recovery Companies Failed To Recover My Data

Sep 8, 2007

I have 100+ sites on this hard drive, and one site in particular that meant the world to me.

My host sent the drive to Gillware first, but they failed saying that the file system was so severely damaged that they could not recover anything.

Then shortly after, my host sent it to DriveSavers, a very well-known company, but they also FAILED.

I'm extremely depressed because of this. Please don't post if you're going to say "make sure you do backups next time" because I've heard it 504329504395 times now, and while I do realize my mistake, saying that does NOT help me.

I am willing to spend ALOT to get my sites back. I still have hope. Are there any other companies out there BETTER than DriveSavers? Assuming that you'd still have hope even after two companies failed, where you would you go or what would you do?

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How To Find The Data Transfer Data In The Server

Feb 20, 2007

How can I find the data transfer rate on the server. I have done ifconfig -a , it
display the amout of data has been received and transfered. I want to see the live data transfer date. Can I able to check it?

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Gillware (Data Recovery Company) Failed To Recovery My Data

Aug 28, 2007

My host just recently sent the hard drive with my sites to a data recovery company called Gillware. Website is [url]- but they failed and gave the following reason:


Originally Posted by Gillware

Unfortunately, your file system was so severely damaged that no data can be
recovered. We will make arrangements to return your drive via UPS. Sorry
we could not help you further.

Gillware Inc.

Do you guys think there's still hope?

The hard drive is now being shipped to a more well known company, Drive Savers - [url]and I'm guessing that this is the last hope, because the more the drive gets tampered with, the more chance of permanent data loss.

So yeah.. I was just wondering what you think? If the file system is so severely damaged, do you think it STILL can be recovered?

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Data Migration

Jun 6, 2009

i am presently hosted with the planet.I have moved to another server at the planet.

Can someone please explain how data migration can be done...?

I run a small vbulletin forum ,LAMP with WHM/cPanel.

i have around 700 megabytes of data to transfer to my new server.The new server has all the required software installed on it.

Planet said they will do it for me for just 275 dollars.

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Transfer Data From One HDD To Other

Jul 31, 2009

i have a dedi with 2 hdd's (2x160gb)

I need more space so i requested another hdd but they said that the server can only have 2 hdd's.They told me that i can upgrade to a 250gb hdd.(1x160gb,1x250gb).

BUT HOW will the data from the one hdd will be transfered to the other 250gb hdd?

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Data Retrieval

Apr 30, 2009

retrieve data from a Linux Machine using Fedora Core 3 and placing that data on a Windows XP machine without the Linux machine being networked?

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Data Loss

May 3, 2009

What is the best way to handle prevent data loss in the event a hard drive goes bad in a server. We have never had one go yet but I can only imagine what a server load of domains suddenly losing their databases or sites. (giving that they didn't back their stuff up).

I know one was is a RAID setup. I just wanted to hear more.

What about if you need to move everyone from one server to another due to major upgrades? Like adding more hdd space.

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Iwhic.com All Data Gone

May 18, 2009

i just had a very bad experience using iwhic.com

All my clients webpages are gone some cannot accessed they email.

The worst things, i just move to this hosting company for 2 months and all my full backup Cpanel are gone.

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How To Backup Data

Jul 14, 2008

I have a dedicated linux server that is using plesk, I need to make a complete copy of all the files (4GB) to my local pc, if I use FTP it will take days to download, if I use the plesk backup tool it will backup to a file that my pc cant read/open. Is there an easy way (I have no experience in systems admin) that I could compress all the files on the server to a .tar,.rar or .zip file and then just download that one complete file to my pc?

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Data Recovery ..

Aug 14, 2008

who you have used in the past to recover damanged hard drives that have been dropped. I got a client that damanged his HD, and it needs to be sent out to someone who is reliable is not gonna cheat and steal the data.

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Where Can I Get The IP Region Data

Jul 2, 2008

It seem that many website can check the IP region ( know IP come from which conuntry )

IF i want to get those IP Region data.

Where can i get the IP region data?

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Moving Of Data

Jan 17, 2008

I'm trying to move data from my old server to new server, using WHM, now thing is while moving it just uses all IP on the system and when there are 0 IP's free, it says copying failed, How to make all accounts goon just 1 IP?

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Data Privacy

May 3, 2008

Can anyone recommend hosting provider (dedicated or VPS) that has a strong and clear policy with respect to data on the the server?

We currently have accounts with Liquidweb and ThePlanet. Their policies are fine as far as they go, but they seem focused on things credit card info used to purchase service, and tracking of activity on their web sites.

That's all very nice, but I am worried about data stored on our servers, etc. I need to be sure that they won't turn over information to 3rd parties without our consent or being compelled by a subpoena, warrant or court order, and I want to be sure that any data center they rent space in won't do the same.

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Data Migration

May 22, 2008

On my current host I have approx 250GB of data that I need moved to a new machine I have purchased. The new machine is a linux box.

1. What is the best way to move the data, without downloading it to my local machine

2. I was thinking of grabbing a windows vps for a month, and transferring it all via FTP

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Recovery Data

Jan 15, 2008

if someone have for mistake cancelled a cpanel account and in the same dir was the backup file of this account, should be possible to recovery at least the backup file from the deleted files? Or the entire dir cancelled?

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