Configuring Dedicated/Linux/Plesk/Pix501 For Multi Domains

Jan 2, 2008

I just leased a Godaddy linux dedicated server with a Cisco PIX 501 firewall. Control panel is Plesk 8. Preconfigured with Ferdora 7, mysql, php,etc.

I've tried to configure multiple domains but am having problems.

I currently have several websites each running on their own Godaddy shared hosting account. I'm am trying to migrate all of these websites onto the dedicated server.

My plan is as follows:
Configure the firewall
Configure the server (add IPs)
Configure the domains from within Plesk (add client, domains, dns). But DO NOT change the name servers on the domain. I need to test the websites first.
Copy the webpages, content from the shared hosting accounts to the server.
Test the websites on the server. I am hoping that I can access the websites on the server using ip addresses, since I figure I won't be able to use the domain names without first changing the name server entries on the domains.
Once testing is completed, change the name servers on the domains so they point to the server.

Please assume the following:

Dedicated Server IP:
Firewall IP:
domain 1 =
domain 2 =
domain 3 =

What I have done:
Configured the firewall interface (outside =, inside =
Configured the firewall IP translation rules (outside =, inside =
Configured server (added 3 IPs - [exclusive], [exclusive], [exclusive]). I figure I need a unique ip for each domain?
Created a client called MyDomains. All domains are created under this client.
Created domain mydomain1 (assigned ip [exclusive]). Added services ftp, ssi, php, cgi, etc. DNS 'A' records all set to firewall ip
Created domain mydomain2 (assigned ip [exclusive]). Added services ftp, ssi, php, cgi, etc. DNS 'A' records all set to firewall ip
Created domain mydomain3 (assigned ip [exclusive]). Added services ftp, ssi, php, cgi, etc. DNS 'A' records all set to firewall ip

I might be close, or I might be so far off that my inexperience shows.

Is the above correct? Do I need a unique "inside" ip address (,, for each domain/website? Do I need to add translation rules to the firewall for,

How do I test each domain on the server without changing the name server entries on the domain? I have one firewall ip address but 3 different domains. How can I test,,

If anyone can tell me if I have this correct, or what I have to do to get this correct I'd be immensly appreciative. Just as important is knowing how I can test each domain before I go live with it.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: ImageMagick Configuration On Multi PHP

Mar 25, 2015

I installed another php version a while ago. Today I am trying to add ImageMagick to this php version but after launching the following command

./configure '--with-libdir=lib64' '--cache-file=../config.cache' '--prefix=/usr/local/php-5.6.5' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php-5.6.5/etc' '--disable-debug' '--with-pic' '--disable-rpath' '--enable-fastcgi' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/php-5.6.5' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local/php-5.6.5' '--enable-gd-native-ttf'

[Code] ....

It sends me back this error configure:


WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-fastcgi, --enable-imagick

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Does Multi-PHP Feature Work With Cloudlinux OS

Apr 20, 2015

I am using Cloudlinux OS ( Centos 6 ) and do not see the option to Add the Multi-PHP Versions ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Required Storage For Multi-volume Scheduled FTP Backup

Apr 8, 2015

My Centos server running Plesk12 is running scheduled backups every sunday 3AM.

The backup is configured so that it's created as a multivolume backup with a volume size of 2047MB.

The backup is placed on my Personal FTP repo (another plesk12 server mounted with big storage).

The backup content is configured to backup server config and content (all).

The problem I have is when the backup is running I can see that it creates the volumes and stores it locally. After it send all the volumes the the external FTP repo it will delete the local (tmp) data. See my attached screenshot for storage health during backup.

Is this behaviour normal? This way we can never run a backup to an external FTP repo when our server passed 50% storage. Is it not normal to:

- Create a volume
- Send it to FTP repo
- Delete volume locally
- Repeat until done

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Setup Multi-server Hard Drive But On One Account

Oct 21, 2014

Not sure if I labeled that correctly, but I am looking to setup a multi-server where I offer a cloud ssd hosting plan, and sata hosting plan. The current setup has ssd hosting, but id like to add another ip address, as well as its hard drive to host other websites on that specific server, which is sata based.

For example, I add a domain to my plesk 12 admin account and choose the added Ip address (the sata based one), where it points to that server to access the files for that specific website.

At the moment, cloudflare handles all of my dns settings.. but I am totally lost on how this needs to be setup and if I am required to purchase another plesk license. I am trying to avoid purchasing another plesk license and having to setup a whole new plesk installation just to do this.. This is a vps by the way, not a dedicated server...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Disable Google Multi-Factor Authentication In MySQL

Aug 9, 2014

I installed the Google Authenticator extension, and the inevitable happened: my phone died.So now I am left without access to the Plesk panel.How can I disable the authentication in the SQL database, so I can login again?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Configuring Site Isolation Settings In 11.5

Jul 6, 2013

11.5.30 Update #2, CentOS 6.4 (Final) x64

Site isolation settings don’t have any effect.

Configure the following in site_isolation_settings.ini:

php = on
php_handler_type = fastcgi

Create a service plan without the permission for "Setup of potentially insecure web scripting options that override provider's policy". Create a customer with subscription and assign the service plan.

The customer is able to switch between “CGI-Application”, FastCGI-Application and “Apache-Module”.

Customer should not have the permissions to switch the "PHP support"...

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Configuring Ajp_proxy For Multiple Domains

May 20, 2008

The following situation on a debian etch machine:
Apache2 => mod_proxy (AJP) => Tomcat5.5

I've deployed two webapps to tomcat but I can't configure it to work like this:

domain A => webapp A
domain B => webapp B

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Configuring Slave DNS Manager - Unknown Option

Aug 1, 2014

I have setup bind in centos 6.5 and then edited /etc/named.conf and added the lines

The extension produced but I am getting the following error when restarting the bind service

Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:2: unknown option '...'
/etc/named.conf:14: unknown option '*'
/etc/named.conf:21: 'options' redefined near 'options'

The following code suggested by plesk slave dns manager extension


options {
allow-new-zones yes;
key "rndc-key-mainserver ip" {

[Code] .....

After I removed ... from the options now I get the following error :

/etc/named.conf:51: unknown key 'rndc-key'

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Multiple Domains On A Dedicated Server, Plesk, Users And Apache

Jul 1, 2008

In my old server (VPS) I had my dir structure as: was pointing to
/home/me/public_html/sitea was pointing to

On my new server, I have root permissions and used Plesk to create two domains and . Now plesk asks for a user to be created for each domain, so created usera and userb for sitea and siteb respectively.

Now as root on my server I created the dir /home/me/ and untarred the whole backup from old server to new server and I have dirs :

/home/me/public_html/sitea and /home/me/public_html/siteb

In apache configuration in file:
httpd.include_sitea under
dir /var/www/vhosts/

I changed the document root to /home/me/public_html/sitea

So I thought I am all set. But it does not work. When I try in the browser it works but for all subdirs, for eg it says Access denied.

This is because the dirs I created are owned by root.

So the owner of /home/me/public_html/sitea needs to be usera for this to work ?

Again for siteb to work I need to change the owner of /home/me/public_html/siteb to userb ?

This will be painful ? At least I should be able to change the owner of /home/me/public_html/ to one owner and ensure all sites under that work fine. How do I do that ?

I think the problem is clear by now. Its that I want all my sites to work off from .../public_html/ sub dirs.

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Configuring Dedicated Ip

Mar 1, 2007

We check a domain under dnsreport and all seems ok

But, when we assign IP (not the main shared) to the account and check dnsreport we see this error:

Reverse DNS entries for MX records
ERROR: The IP of one or more of your mail server(s) have no reverse DNS (PTR) entries/* (if you see "Timeout" below, it may mean that your DNS servers did not respond fast enough)*/. RFC1912 2.1 says you should have a reverse DNS for all your mail servers. It is strongly urged that you have them, as many mailservers will not accept mail from mailservers with no reverse DNS entry. You can double-check using the 'Reverse DNS Lookup' tool at the DNSstuff site if you recently changed your reverse DNS entry (it contacts your servers in real time; the reverse DNS lookups in the DNS report use our local caching DNS server). The problem MX records are:
**** [No reverse DNS entry (rcode: 3 ancount: 0)


Mail server host name in greeting
WARNING: One or more of your mailservers is claiming to be a host other than what it really is (the SMTP greeting should be a 3-digit code, followed by a space or a dash, then the host name). If your mailserver sends out E-mail using this domain in its EHLO or HELO, your E-mail might get blocked by anti-spam software. This is also a technical violation of RFC821 4.3 (and RFC2821 4.3.1). Note that the hostname given in the SMTP greeting should have an A record pointing back to the same server. Note that this one test may use a cached DNS record.

www.***.com claims to be host host.***.com [but that host is at **** (may be cached), not ****].


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Configuring Second Dedicated Server

May 11, 2007

I provide webhosting services ( to clients and I need some help regarding setting up my second server.

Till the domain name resolves, new clients are given the temporary url where the A record of points to the main server i.p. of the first server

I am in process of setting up my second dedicated server. will not work on the second server as the I.P. of points to the first server.

How do I setup my company's url on the second server so that clients can access their accounts by

How do you setup accounts on both servers under

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Configuring A Dedicated Download Server

Feb 3, 2008

I have a server with the following specs:

Intel Core2Duo 6550
2x500GB 15,000 RPM SCSI drives
Fedora Core 7

It's on a FDC Servers 1gbit connection with a 100mbit guarantee, their largest plan. I've used this plan (though with another server) before to push 241mbit/sec so there should be plenty of bandwidth.

The downloads will be anywhere from a few megabytes to CD sized downloads so there might be quite a bit of large files, mostly files will be around 20-50 megabytes though.

Basically I'd like a sort of rapidshare setup with two types of members, premium and non-premium.

Non-premium members should be limited to a certain speed across all connections but not necessarily limited to one connection only since Asia and Europe traffic have a hard time getting really good speeds without using several connections.

But I'd still like to be able to limit them at 4 connections or so, premium members should just be limited at some other value, that part shouldn't be the problem.

Currently I can limit the speed through the php script that checks if a user is premium but that limit only works per connection and not across all connections.

I'm looking for a software configuration setup, httpd etc. Hardware upgrade suggestions are also welcome for the future.

So far I'm thinking setting up two virtual hosts, one for premium and one for non-premium and then use mod_limitipconn.c. But maybe there's a better way without using apache?

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How To Create Multi Dns For One Domain To Multi Webhosting Servers

Jul 19, 2009

i have 100 web hosting clients that i want to move 50 clients to another server but i only now have one domain for the dns

server 1#

hostname :
nameserver1 :
nameserver2 :

server 2#

hostname :
nameserver1 :
nameserver2 :

and in the domain control panel i set the nameservers for the

nameserver1 :
nameserver2 :

and i didn't create account for it just dns only

is this a right way to create multi dns for multi webhosting servers?

and when i want to make subdomain hosting account site someting like

it didn't work

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: FTP On All Domains

Feb 5, 2015

I've checked the firewall and FTP is allowed incoming, I added the passive ports to the firewall. Plesk shows the user in active connections, but when I connect to any domain I get an error that its not able to retrieve the directory. I am not sure if plesk just doesn't know what the directory is or if the main config messed up on the domain or sites level. I am running Plesk 12 on CentOS7.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Different IP For Domains In Same Subscription

Jun 5, 2014

I understand it is not possible to move a domain to another subscription, or to create a new subscription with an existing domain name.The problem I have is I wish to use a different IP address for a domain within a single subscription. I need to do this to establish SSL cert on one of the domains.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: SSL SNI Does Not Work For Domains

Oct 15, 2014

I have multiple domains on a single IP address and many require SSL Certificates.

I have enabled SNI in /etc/psa/psa.conf so it now says "SNI_SUPPORT true" as it was originally set to False. Setting this to TRUE then enabled the SSL option in 'Websites & Domains'.

I then purchased and installed the SSL Cert and activated it in the domain settings. On a dedicated IP address, this would work.

When I checked the certificate. it was not using the assigned SSL cert, instead it was using the Servers default certificate (plesk) that is assigned to the shared IP address.

When I check, I get the error message: "[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name"

I then rebooted the server and it made no difference. I changed the domain to a spare dedicated IP address, and the SSL Cert was certified correctly (it used the correct SSL Cert). When I changed it back to the shared IP address, it reverted back to the shared IP address' SSL cert. So the new SSL Cert was being ignored.

For info: currently running 11.0.9 on Centos 5 and I'm testing this with latest IE, FF, Chrome so it accepts TLS Server Name Indication.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: SSL Certificates For All Domains On VPS?

Jul 13, 2015

I run a VPS with Plesk 12. Can I set SSL certificates for all the domains on this VPS?

I don't need to know how to do it (yet). I'm just wondering if it is possible.

(I have 2 IP addresses to my VPS. I was told the second one was for SSL, but I'm not sure if I need it?)

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Pix501 Bidirectional Nat Outside To Inside To Internet

Mar 22, 2007

I have a PIX501 firewall with a wireless network attached to the outside interface and our local network attached to the inside interface.

I've setup access lists to permit the wireless clients attached to the outside interface to be able to access services on our inside interfaces.

The wireless clients are on a totally seperate /24 subnet.

Now everything seems to work fine with nat statements for our local wired subnets for example wirelessClients accessing the email server etc however the wireless clients cannot access the internet.

For the wireless clients to get out onto our internet connection they have to take the following path

wirelessLaptop - CiscoAccessPoint - OutsideIntPIX501 - InsideIntPIX501 - CiscoSwitch - InsideCorporatePIX515E - OutsideCorporatePIX515E - Internet

Below is a cut of some of the PIX501 config that the wireless clients are connected to.

name accessPoint
name WirelessLan
name pix515fw

object-group network WirelessLan
network-object WirelessLan

object-group network WebAccessNetwork
network-object pix515fw

object-group network InternalAccessNetwork
network-object ..All our local servers here...

object-group service WebAccessUDP udp
port-object eq domain
object-group service WebAccessTCP tcp
port-object eq www
port-object eq ftp-data
port-object eq domain
port-object eq ftp

object-group service InternalAccessUDP udp
port-object eq all our local server ports

object-group service InternalAccessTCP tcp
port-object eq all our local server ports

access-list outside_access_in permit udp object-group WirelessLan object-group InternalAccessNetwork object-group InternalAccessUDP
access-list outside_access_in permit tcp object-group WirelessLan object-group InternalAccessNetwork object-group InternalAccessTCP
access-list outside_access_in permit udp object-group WirelessLan object-group WebAccessNetwork object-group WebAccessUDP
access-list outside_access_in permit tcp object-group WirelessLan object-group WebAccessNetwork object-group WebAccessTCP

ip address outside
ip address inside

nat (outside) 0 WirelessLan outside 0 0
static (outside,inside) accessPoint accessPoint netmask 0 0
static (inside,outside) InternalSubnet1 InternalSubnet1 netmask 0 0
access-group outside_access_in in interface outside
route inside pix515fw 1
route inside InternalSubnet1 OurLocalRouter 1

So my question is how should I go about giving the access for the WirelessClients to be able to open web pages on the internet? For that to happen
the traffic has to pass through the outside interface on the 501 firewall out of the inside interface onto the local switch and then back out of our
main PIX515E to reach the destionation.

I'm fairly sure I'd need to modify the WebAccessNetwork access-list to permit WirelessLan to any against the port listings so thats not a problem I can change that
how I'm not entirely sure I to go about it with the NAT statements.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Domains Suspended After Backup

Nov 24, 2014

A load of my domains were backed up last night and they have been suspended ever since. I have tried the following:

1. Domains -> Backup Manager -> Back Up
2. tick off the box to the left of "Suspend domain until backup task is completed"
3. Tick off the box to the left of "Domain configuration"
4. Click "Back Up".

...That did not fix it

I've tried suspending/activating the domains, but I just receive "Error: Unable to activate the domain: The domain is suspended."

I've also logged into MySQL PSA database and run "update domainaliases set status=0 where status=2;" ...That did not fix it

I have checked and /var/www/vhosts/ file is missing.

I have also run the following command: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all

That did not fix it

if I try "/usr/local/psa/bin/domain -u -status enabled" I receive the following error message...

An error occurred during domain update: Turn on domain failed: /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/server.xml:1451: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document vice>
tomcatmng: Unable to parse tomcat server config /usr/share/tomcat5/conf/server.xml

I'm on the latest 11.0.9 Update #63

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To List All Domains By Default

Jan 12, 2015

Impossible to find a way to show, by default, all domains and websites...

When I log on the Plesk Admin, I come first on a list of websites and domains, but they are not «all» listed. I have to go to the full bottom of the page to click on «Show all».

I didn't find a preference or anything else to change that, and I don't understand why all domains are not listed.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: SSL Certificates With Domains Aliases

Jul 24, 2015

We have a domain with two domains aliases.

How can we have certificate with each domains ?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Error When Creating Domains?

May 15, 2015

since yesterday I'm receiving this errors on some website: see attachment

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Disable Login On Domains

Nov 30, 2014

I would like my clients only to be able to access Plesk Panels from a certain domain, instead all from or with all the domains hosted on our server, is there a way to accomplish that?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: How To Enable Nginx For All Domains

Nov 18, 2014

I have installed the nginx on my server and want to activate it for all my domains, to do this, i have to do it manually for each domains. But there should be an easier way. Apache uses too much ram.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup All Domains From 11.5 To New Server

Apr 4, 2015

I need to transfer all of my domains to a new server is there an easy solution to avoid manually backing up all the files, databases create new subscriptions,domains etc Also i will have to perform the same task for a local development machine which has already plesk 12 install (debian 7.8)

So in summary Plesk 11.5 (centOs 5.6) => Plesk 12 (debian 7.8)

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Add New Domains In Power User

Jun 30, 2014

I have a virtual server linux with Strato. When I have upgrade from 11.5 to 12.0.18 in spanish I have seen that I can´t add a new domain in power user. The user has ilimited domains and I have less that 10 domains. I see the buttom of "add domain" as in 11.5 and appears all the fields to complete, but there is not buttom to accept o decline. There is no problem with alias or subdomain. I have reinstall 11.5 and dissapeared the problem, but when I upgrade again to 12.0 this buttom doesn´t appear.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Mailboxes Of Two Domains Not Found

Apr 20, 2015

Unfortunately today the mailboxes of two domains were "gone". The mailbox was still there physically but no mails would be delivered into the mailbox, nor could the user connect to it.

The log said:

Apr 20 07:22:11 plesk dovecot_authdb_plesk[30678]: No such user '' in mail authorization database
Apr 20 07:22:11 plesk dovecot: auth: Debug: master in:
Apr 20 07:22:11 plesk dovecot: auth: plesk( Mail account information for user='' was not found
Apr 20 07:22:11 plesk dovecot: auth: Debug: userdb out: NOTFOUND#0111
Apr 20 07:22:11 plesk postfix/pipe[27105]: 7DD5F5DA02D: to=<>, relay=plesk_virtual, delay=90585, delays=90585/0/0/0.03, dsn=4.2.1, status=deferred (Message can not be delivered at this tim$

The only solution that worked for me was to delete the mailbox, create it again and copy the old mails back. That problem only occured in two cases (two domains of one customer). All his other domains worked like a charm and no other customer was affected.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: TLS 1.2 Only Working In Panel And Not On Domains

Sep 9, 2014

I have a server which I am using for multiple clients. Some with SSL enabled, some without. I have added custom ngingx conf files for nginxDomainVirtualHost.php and nginxWebmailPartial.php in /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/custom and modified the following lines to try and harden security:

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

After reconfiguring using

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all

I check in /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/<domain>.conf and the changes are shown correctly there but browsers and online tools such as [URL] .... still say that the sites are using 128 bit encryption and TLS 1.0.

The Plesk admin panel itself displays 256 bit encryption and TLS 1.2.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Empty Domains Page In CP?

Oct 20, 2014

When I log into plesk (service provider view) and click on the Domains link on the left, I get an empty page. It isn't blank like there is an error, it has some instructions at the top about creating a customer etc. It just doesn't list any of the domains that are setup on the server. There are several reseller accounts with several domains under each. I've even tried setting up a new customer and adding a domain under the new customer. Still nothing shows up.

I have several other VPS accounts running Plesk 12 with several domains under different customer accounts and the domains all show up on those.

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