Vpsland.com What Kind Of Passive Support They Have

Oct 4, 2009

vpsland.com what kind of passive support they have ? 48H without any progress ...
i bought VPS three months back and i am avoiding to disturb their sleeping APAIC but this is the first issue i have with their support , my vps turned offline with out any known reason no billing ,no abusing emails ..etc ...

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FTP Passive Mode Ports

Jan 19, 2008

what are the inbound and outbound ports when FTP Passive mode is used for PureFTPd.

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Configuring Passive FTP To Work With Firewall

Mar 23, 2009

I'm running a Win2003 dedicated server with IIS and Plesk v9. While trying to configure my FTP ports I found out that my host has a basic (free) hardware firewall on my main/shared IP with ports 2000-2015 reserved for passive FTP connections. I asked them if they could change the ports to match the default ones but to customize hardware firewall settings I'm require to upgrade to a paid solution.

I again tried to approach the problem by trying to get IIS to conform to the host's ports. However after some research I found that the default MSFTP range is 1025-5000 while custom values have to be between 5001-65535. My host recommends I upgrade to a personal hardware firewall or make do with a software firewall. Other than dropping the firewall is there nothing I can do here?

I've thought of serving FTP on a dedicated IP (which would be exempted from the hardware firewall) but when I tried to set it up I got a directory permission error during connection attempts. I may be mistaken but this appears to be an an issue with Plesk not liking to serve a website's HTTP and FTP on separate IPs. Is solving this problem my best bet?

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What Options For Passive Ducted Exhaust Cabinets

Sep 11, 2009

We're building-out a new room, and believe we could raise cold aisle temps about 5 degrees F if we use ducted cabinet exhaust. Heat density is limited by traditional cold air supply (e.g. 7kw per cabinet using AirGrate perf tiles), so I'm focusing on passive ducted exhaust.

We can purchase via any rep in the USA, FOB. So far, I'm aware of:

- CPI/Chatsworth TeraFrame

- Wrightline

- Wrightline HCS for APC NetShelter

- Damac

- custom?

View 13 Replies View Related

Windows Vista, Passive FTP, Linksys Routers

Jan 21, 2008

My roommate ran into this problem a few weeks ago. He could not connect to a webserver. Turns out it is the way that some of the ports are being handled when passive FTP is used.

I was wondering if a lot of web hosting companies are seeing some complaints of (passive) FTP not working properly? And who are you blaming?

He had to install some firmware updates to the Linksys router as well but then that started to crash the Internet connection (something we cannot have). So the router update was uninstalled.

He had to do quite a bit and finally started to use the control panel to upload. He has not tried FileZilla yet but I tried it on my system to connect to his server and it failed.

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Passive FTP Port Range Server 2008 Firewall

Apr 21, 2009

Do you still have to add each port individually to Server 2008's Firewall like we did on Server 2003?

If so, will the guides that were put out for 2003 work on 2008's? I want to be sure before putting all these ports in....if I can just specify a range instead, it would be much easier!

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Connecting To FTP For Passive Mode Users

Oct 14, 2014

After some recents updates (currently running on: 12.0.18 Update #19) appeared a problem with connecting to FTP for passive mode users:

Connect ok!
"/" is the current directory
Get directory
227 Entering Passive Mode
550 Access is denied.

Server logs:
Oct 14 12:11:26 host xinetd[3692]: START: ftp pid=2709 from=::ffff:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd[2709]: processing configuration directory '/etc/proftpd.d'
Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd[2709]: yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]) - FTP session opened.


Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib64/security/pam_stack.so): /lib64/security/pam_stack.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_stack.so
Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd: pam_listfile(proftpd:auth): Couldn't open /etc/ftpusers
Oct 14 12:11:26 host proftpd[2709]: yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]) - USER client: Login successful.

ad1: yes, i do have passive ports configured in /etc/proftpd.conf and FW is properly configured
ad2: everything was fine until recent updates
ad3: this is happening only for passive users only
ad4: we are experiencing this issues across all Plesk instances [6x] on CentOS 6.5 with 12.0.18 Update #19 

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Firewall Keeps Blocking Port 25 And Passive FTP Ports

Mar 1, 2015

I have some issues with the plesk firewall:

1. Emails are not delivered:

From some reasons, plesk is blocking incoming 25 port (in plesk shows opened, but it's not)My emails are delivered trough port 25, after doing some tests ( i've sent some emails to an email account hosted in the server) there was no email in the roundcube inbox! All emails were blocked...

a) Firewall was blocking the port 25 on server restart.
b) I have succesfully unblocked it from plesk manager -> tools -> edit/change -> even if i didn't change anything, i saved the "changes" and in my roundcube inbox i recived all the test emails.
c) In /var/log/maillog there is no error.

2. Passive FTP gets blocked in the same way, to successfully connect FireFTP on passive mode i need to repeat 1.b steps even if i've created a special rule to prevent the blocking, opening 49152-65534 ports and set PassivePorts 49152 65534 in /etc/proftpd.conf

The issue appears randomly, because in the last 5 days i didn´t restart the server, the last time i checked it worked. Today, without touching anything, firewall blocked my passive FTP and I had probmels reciving emails from gmail, yahoo etc...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Firewall Enabled - FTP Stopped Working In Passive Mode

Aug 19, 2014

I am running Plesk 12 . Centos 6.5

I have Plesk Firewall Installed.

After the Plesk Firewall was enabled the FTP Stopped working in passive Mode.

I searched the net and found the following :


/etc/sysconfig/iptables-config and change the line with IPTABLES_MODULES to: IPTABLES_MODULES="ip_conntrack_ftp"

It started working.

I changed the default FTP port from proftpd.conf

port 2392
and /etc/services

ftp 2392/tcp
ftp 2392/udp fsp fspd

I allowed the new port in Plesk Firewall in Incoming connection and disabled port 21

Now I am not able to connect to the ftp, I get the following error. Have I missed anything ?


Response:257 "/" is the current directory
Command:TYPE I
Response:200 Type set to I
Response:227 Entering Passive Mode (85,25,51,34,216,46).
Error:Connection timed out
Error:Failed to retrieve directory listing

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What Kind Of Spec Would You Need For This

May 3, 2008

What kind of spec would I need for serving direct/hotlinking 100mb+ files? I've looked all over the place but couldn't find anything.

And let say a sudden spike of 400+ people and they are downloading a file [url]simultaneously that is 100mb+ in size.

How much ram would I require?

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What Kind Of Website Can 1GB Ram Handle

Oct 19, 2009

I'm not quite sure how much of Ram I need for my vps, But I'm going to get
1GB Vps from wiredtree.com

Anyone can tell me what kind of website I would be able to run on such an VPS? If it's just wordpress driven website...

Maybe anyone can share how much traffic your site have and how much ram it's using?

At the moment I have website with about 40k uniques/day and ~100k pageloads per day hosted on shared hosting but they have gave me 3days to find another hosting because they say I use to much of their traffic...

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What Kind Of Hardware Limestonenetworks Is Using

Sep 26, 2009

current LSN customers (if possible) check what kind of hardware is their server?

I am looking @ Q9550 offer they have.

If somebody could check MB, RAM, HDD models.

Also, is there anyone on their 10TB plan?

Do they really allow customers to do this BW?

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What Kind Of Demand Is There For Hybrid VPS

Aug 25, 2008

I'm just posting a little topic here to see what kind of demand numbers and opinions I might get for the Hybrid VPS industry. Hybrid as in semi-dedicated, being packages like 2GB ram, 25% guaranteed processor, etc. "Semi Dedicated" if you will. I've been considering opening up a sub-company of GeekLayer for a few weeks now that sold fully managed xen virtual private server "hybrids", although be it with a slight twist.

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What Kind Of Control Panel Do You Usually Use In A VPS

Dec 27, 2008

Just want to take note and prepare a bunch of license and money first

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Which Kind Of Hosting Is Better For Mp3 Content

May 29, 2008

I want to launch a site for mp3's and pictures. Which kind of hosting is better for this kind of site.And i am expecting more traffic from India.So Hosting from which country is better for me. And one more thing , Are there any restrictions for serving mp3 files on any site.

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What Kind This Attack.. Ddos

Dec 23, 2007

I donno what kind of this attack. Dddos or syn attack?. Every time my apache server down dan cpu load very high because of this.. please help me how to defend attacker like this because when im block that ip in iptables after 3/4 hour it come again with another ip. What must i do?

Many connection like below example IP Just one ip per onetime attack but so many same ip can see when type netstat -anp... Im just paste a few here

tcp 0 0 SYN_RECV -
tcp 0 0 SYN_RECV -
tcp 0 0 SYN_RECV -
tcp 388 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: CLOSE_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED -
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: CLOSE_WAIT -

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VPN - What Kind Of Processing Power And RAM

Sep 24, 2007

I am planning to set up a VPN server for a group of about 4 people who will use it as an "internet proxy" for *all* their internet connectivity. (They live in a country where internet activity is severely restricted (and monitored), and I think a VPN would be a good solution for them.)

However, I have no idea what kind of processing power or system resources are needed for this kind of situation. Is a simple VPS ok? How much memory would be good? How about server speed?

The server will be linux (probably CentOS) and will use OpenVPN.

I'm thinking that there probably doesn't need to be a whole lot of raw CPU power or RAM, but maybe I'm wrong?

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What Kind Of Host Do I Need For A Private Proxy

Mar 31, 2009

I need to have a private proxy which I want to share with 2 of my friends? What kind of hosting do I need? Also anybody who have experience with setting up private proxies? I only know of setting up web based proxy.

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Finding Out What Kind Of Server X Site Uses

Aug 13, 2008

Is it possible to check the server specs of a particular site? Obviously I mean your competition?

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Multiple Sites, What Kind Of Account?

Sep 18, 2008

i have about 80 domains with godaddy and about 30-40 with 1and1. i have two hosting packages with 1and1 a "home" package and a "business" package. i have a main site up on the business package right now. the home package has tons of files from an old forum that really could just be wiped out.

My question is that i have a few sites being developed right now. 3-4 to be exact, can i host them all on the same package? i want each to not be a sub of anything. What do i do? Calling tech support yielded worthless answers. Do i need a different type of account?

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What Kind Of Raid Array Can I Use While It's Being Rebuilt

Mar 24, 2007

What kind of raid array can I use while it's being rebuilt?

For instance if a HDD fails, on my servers I need to take the server down in order to rebuild the array. I'd like to be able to rebuild the array without the users to notice it.

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New Kind Of DDos Attack From Dc++ Hubs

Jan 5, 2007

I had a pretty hectic week dealing with these 3 customers with ddos problems and got to try a few different ddos datacenters for each of them.

First I got these two anime sites, I put them on mine and a friends staminus box as soon as their dns resolved 1000s of ips came through sending syn on port 80, it would just knock port 80 out filling up contrack table, etc. Id ban a few hundred ips and some ranges 100s more would come. In the bandwidth it only shows about 200kbs incoming as well.

We had put in an emergency ticket with staminus and was told bascially we are idiots and that only 4 packets per second were coming into the server, I was looking at the tcpdump and the kernel was dropping 10-20 thousand packets a second just from the ips id banned.

So after a day or two of this of saying we didnt have an attack I moved them to a gigeservers vps I got from funtoosh at sh3lls.net As soon as I moved the sites over there it stopped dead so giges filters automatically picked it up. So either staminus doesnt protect against that type or what. It seemed like a a regular syn flood.

So for customer 3, this person has had numerous problems dealing with ddos. He says that the attacker has this tool that exploits the verlisign dc++ hub, that it takes over and has every user send ddos to the server of their choice.

he had been on sharktech a few months per my reccomendation, he said they could not stop the attacks. he came to me said this was his last resort, so I said well surely staminus would stop it. As soon as his dns resolved on staminus server it got destroyed, nothing got filtered, couldnt even login the box. I didnt have access to staminus portal so I couldnt file a ticket, I had went in their irc again and could not get them to nullroute the ip, understandable since I didnt have access to the ticket system. So I immediatly deleted his dns and the attacks came for up to 12 hours hitting the ip he used to be on.

Id ban thosands , entire /8 ranges and it would just reload and start hitting again.

These syn floods sent very little data at slow intervals so i see why it was so hard to filter.

SO then I move him to gigeservers vps, his site is now up 12 hours, in netstat you would see teh occasional ip coming in and sending syn then closing connection so I thought it had it filtered. We was celebrating, as soon as we did I relaized I put my foot in my mouth as the attacks started full scale there. Nothing i really could do software wise as the vps kept running out of memory So I just had funtoosh remove the ip.

My client the victim was hanging out in their dc++ hub at zerohour.mafiahub.net and pasting ne the logs translating from romanian on how they commanded the attacks. But supposedly they can connect to any dc++ hub and use this tool to take it over and have every user on the hub send ddos. The tool and exploit they are using is private thank god so it seems only a few romanian hacking groups have this.

This kind of attack could not be filtered at sharktech, staminus, or gigeservers I had tried it on softlayer first, had them add it to ddos guard, it knocked Both my servers offline that was on same subnet. It sends very small packets and slow intervals, there is absolutely nothing you can do software wise.

Just giving everyone a heads up on what kind of methods are being used. If someone does think their hosting can block these attacks via hardware or software id be more then happy to give you the customers name, and they do not care to pay as long as the attacks can be filtered.

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Apache 1.3 Not Parsing Any Kind Of PHP Files

Mar 24, 2007

I using RHES 4 + cPanel.

I have MySQL 5.x, and PHP 4.4.6.

I noticed that all sites on the server, can not parse php files, tried restarting httpd, recompiling using apache update or easyapache script, and the problem stills.

index.php is at DirectoryIndex, also Addtype shows php extension active at httpd.conf.

but, when I type "php -v" from the shell, i got this message:

php: /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.14: version `libmysqlclient_14' not found (required by php)

I found someone with the same problem, tested the solution posted there but it doesnt seems to solve this issue.

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What Kind Of Load Does Image Hosting Put On A Server

Jun 22, 2009

I have a dedicated that is oversized for the task (Q6600, 8gig RAM, Sata Raid-10 array), which is running a medium/small vBulletin site.

I have thought about providing free image hosting for the members, so I could have 100-300 people hosting sig images and other graphics on the server, which they in turn would link into forums and other places which could create quite a few requests for those graphics.

Is there anyway to quantify what type of load this static, image hosting would create?

The server currently is typically around .05 to .1 server load with nearly flatlined CPU's.

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What Kind Of SQL SPLA License For Dedicated Server

Oct 24, 2007

I am wondering, when you are offering MSSQL server in a dedicated server, would you quote your customer a Per Subscriber License? or Per CPU license? It has big big differences. What is the common practice? I have an headache studying the complicated license usage details.

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Apache :: HTAccess - Redirect Only One Kind Of URLs

Jan 28, 2014

This redirect redirects all subpages of a domain to another domain while not redirecting to index.php but to same page, only at another domain:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^cz.hq-scenes.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://cz.hq-scenes.com/$1 [R=301,L]

I want to achieve that only pages like /viewtopic.php...............

will be redirected (............. means any other characters)

How to redirect all viewtopic.php pages only? How to modify it? 

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Mar 1, 2009

Would just like to recommend vpsland[dot]com for your VPS Hosting. I ordered my VPS through there very High Tech looking billing system that has a seemless link to their Virtuozzo VPS's as they are both made by Paralells. It then took under 24 hours for my VPS to be setup. I have found no problems with the VPS, the company even assisted with the installing of IonCube Loader for my PHP.

The support is brilliant, LiveSupport is offered and so is ticket support. The support response is very fast and you can reply by email no need to login to a portal or anything. Its so simple to use. They use Kayako for their support, its very reliable and works smoothly.

I have also had completely no downtime caused by VPSLAND and their systems, they have been veyr reliable and I would recommend them to anybody look for a cheap VPS. They also currently have an offer on Doubel Memory on many VPS's aswell as 50% off the first month. THe prices are exptremly competetive.

They are the ideal company if you are either very experienced or if you have no experience of servers at all.

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Aug 30, 2007

i just bought a vps from vpsland.com today,they setup up my account quickly,i think it will be my good chioce,but two hours later,the server is dead,my god,it just a short time to use,dont know what it will be happen,anyone is using vpsland?

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