Http Server And MySQL Process Appears All 3 Times

Jan 10, 2008

in one of our dedicated servers, when we go to WHM/Service Status / CPU Memory MySQL usage.. http server and MySQL process appears all 3 times...

is that normal?

i attach an email to be more clear.

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Http Process Hogging CPU

Apr 30, 2007

What is the http process (not httpd) and why does it randomly spawn and use 90-99% of my CPU for long periods? Normally I only see httpd processes.

I am using CentOS

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Can't Get WP To Initiate Installation Process - HTTP 500 Error

Feb 24, 2015

I'm trying to install worpress manually but I can't get the WP do initiate the installation process.

I give a HTTP 500 error

I have Windows 2012 R2 server.

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Server Appears To Be Down From Only Some Locations

Apr 17, 2008

I have a client who says his site is currently down. He can not get to any sites on my dedicated server.

However, I can get to all sites just fine and have not seen any downtime. My host tech support says the server is online and responsive and has closed my ticket.

Ping tests (at show severe packet loss from almost all locations (see screen shot below)

How else can I test if my server is visible from multiple locations? Are there other tools/sites I can try?

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Connection To MySQL Hangs 2-3 Times/hour

Jan 10, 2007

I just got a new server and discoverd very strange problem. It happends 2-3 times every hour. When I try to access some webpage which connects to MySQL, I get page header and then page hangs for some 1 minute. After some 1 minute everything is back to normal. I can open several windows with different websites hosted on my server and the same problem is in all windows. At the same time I can access al websites without MySQL connections.

I have Fedora Core5
MySQL version 5.0.27

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Too Many Mysql Process (because Of Directadmin)

Apr 12, 2009

There is a too many mysql process (because of directadmin) but i don't want to. As i read it is related with compile options.

Is there a way turn off that setting to one mysql process ? OR how can i told to directadmin that i want to one mysql process ?

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Mysql Running Process

Apr 10, 2008

mysqq has a nice value of 6, is this fine? I read somewhere that it's better at a value of -5.

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Heavy Mysql Process

Jun 5, 2008

on my top process am having this one as shown in the attachement image

its consuming time+ of 746:21:95
on the Process Manager that mysqld process is using the command

/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --skip-external-locking

is that process normal? and what is cousing it? should i kill it?

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Mysql And EOPNOTSUPP Process

Apr 3, 2008

I have a constant mysql process using 10-20% CPU, its very strange because the process is always present, if I restart apache and mysql and I just open the phpmyadmin or any website connecting to the DB I get this error.

With strace I have seen that the process details are:

futex(0x87326c4, 0x5 /* FUTEX_??? */, 1) = 1
futex(0x8732174, FUTEX_WAKE, 1) = 1
select(15, [13 14], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 1 (in [14])
fcntl64(14, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
accept(14, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="ӿ"}, [2]) = 25
fcntl64(14, F_SETFL, O_RDWR) = 0
getsockname(25, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/mysql"}, [30]) = 0
fcntl64(25, F_SETFL, O_RDONLY) = 0
fcntl64(25, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl64(25, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
setsockopt(25, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, [8], 4) = -1 EOPNOTSUPP (Operation not supported)
The strace show that this piece of code is being repeated everytime that any website or app is using the database.

I have seen that the process call to the path /var/run/mysql in:

getsockname(15, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/mysql "}, [30]) = 0
...but in my system the path doesnt exists, its /var/run/mysqld/ and I cant find a call to "/var/run/mysql" in any file of the server (i have tryed with sudo grep -nr '/var/run/mysql' /)

Server specs:
CENTOS Enterprise 4.6 i686
Linux 2.6.9-67.0.7.ELsmp
Core2Duo E6750
PHP Version 5.2.5
MySQL 5.0.45

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Wich User Have More Mysql Process?

May 25, 2009

How can see wich user have more mysql process?

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Stop Mysql Process For Good?

Apr 6, 2009

how do I stop mysql process for good?

service mysqld stop & killall mysqld don't do anything, mysqld stop and few minutes latter it restart again.

I run httpd with lxadmin.

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MySQL Process List - State = Locked

Aug 18, 2008

When i login to the root for the server and go to mysql process list i see a lot of processes that are connected to photo handling and the sate is Locked with over 500 seconds of each one.

I see there is one process that the state says: Copying to tmp table

I read online that if this is taking long it might lock up other queries causing your server to perform slow and only solution is to restart mysql servers.

Right now i have over 100 queries that say Locked and one that says Copying to tmp table....each time i have to restart the mysql services but this happens every 10 minutes as i have enough traffic to cause this problem.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: MySQL Process Running Unlimited With High CPU?

Mar 23, 2015

I have a single mysql process that never stops and running with 10-200% CPU load: URL....

I restart mysql => process coming back
I restart server => process coming back
I kill process => process coming back

I have run:
# mysqladmin -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -i 1 processlist
but there was noting that runs >10min.

| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 328 | admin | localhost | psa | Sleep | 56 | | NULL |
| 8110 | admin | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I have strace the PID

# timeout 1m strace -f -c -p 5873
Process 5873 attached with 30 threads - interrupt to quit
Process 10499 attached (waiting for parent)
Process 10499 resumed (parent 5873 ready)
Process 10502 attached (waiting for parent)
Process 10502 resumed (parent 5873 ready)
Process 10503 attached (waiting for parent)


I found with google a hint for high cpu URL....I have deinstalled "health monitor" module, but that was not the reason.I use plesk 12.0.18 Update #38 with CentOS 6.6 (Final).

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Http, Named, Mysql Services Are Always Going Down

Jul 26, 2009

Just recently we've been noticing our services repeatedly going down.

Ie. http, named, mysql

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How To Limit Http/mysql Connections Per Domain

Jun 22, 2007

how i can limit http and mysql connection limit on per domain basis.

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How To Permanently Disable Http/ftp/mysql/courier With LXADMIN/KLAXO

Jun 30, 2009

I have a small VPS that is used only to send mail. It uses the HyperVM software, so I installed "Klaxo" (LXadmin) on it and set up the domain, etc..

I then went into the "Server : Linux --> Services" page and disabled everything except qmail. (I also set them so they are not auto-started at bootup.)

The problem is that after about 10 minutes or so... all the services are automatically restarted.

I have no idea what process is doing this, and it's driving me a little nutty.

Does anyone know how to permanently disable a service using the Klaxo/lxadmin control panel?

(Or at least, where I can find whatever monitoring system is checking if they are up, and then restarting them?)

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Registered Domain 24 Hours Ago, Parking.php Appears

Jun 29, 2008

i've entered the appropriate name servers

i bought the domain on

how long does it take ? when i enter the domain name i registered, it just takes me to parking.php.....

i've contacted support, but still no response.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: 12.0.18 Only A White Page Appears In Roundcube?

Jun 30, 2014

After the update to Plesk 12.0.18 only a white page appears in Roundcube. Unfortunately also reinstall did not remedy.

OS Debian 7.1
Plesk version 12.0.18 Update # 5, last updated at June 30, 2014 09:02 PM
Roundcube 1.0.0 [URL]

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Server Getting Ddos Many Times

Oct 26, 2009

i have windows 03 server getting ddosed many times. attack was upto 2gbit so any way to stop it?

Would a higher connection speed/bandwidth limit help? And about load balancing, would more servers help prevent the DDoS?

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ECATEL Server Set-up Times

Jan 13, 2009

if any of you could give a quick idea on the set up times for dedicated servers from ECATEL

I paid 515 euros 9 days ago, and the server still hasn't been set up (Hardware delivery problems I have been told) and before I ordered, they stated the setup time would be 48 hours.

Is this normal? The last email i received from them was 3 days ago.

I find this completley unproffesional, It is always another few days.

What are your experiences with them? I am utterly dissapointed so far.

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Keep Server Times Synchronized

Feb 19, 2008

way to keep server times synchronized? All servers are in the same location.

For example, a website has two web servers and one database server. What's the best way to keep the time syncd on all servers (they should be the exact same time really)?

Operating System: Linux - CentOS

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Hosting-IE's Server Setup Times

Apr 8, 2008

I bought a VPS package hosted at Hosting-IE from someone I knew, since they were not going to be able to use it. Its a linux VPS, and it's done me well. Based on that I decided to purchase my own package, a Windows VPS.

After payment, I messaged support about a broken auto response email they sent out, then asked how long server setup time should be. They responded 1-2 working days. Fine.

Well, its been 7 days since then. I'm 1/4 of the way through the month I've paid for, and still no VPS. I messaged them back asking for my server or a refund, no responses since then.

My previous host set up my dedicated box within a working day, and that involved setting up the hardware too. Over a week for a VPS is too long.

Is my experience with Hosting-IE abnormal or should I be demanding my loot back? Is there any other VPS provider out there that can offer me similar stats at the same price as Hosting-IE?

for a simple package setup, this has gone on for far too long.

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Tools To Measure Server Connectivity Times

Nov 6, 2007

I've got a housed server within my customer's datacenter. I consider application runs ok, but it goes very slow.

I consider it's due to their connection (DSL) and installed another provisional server with a simple "Hello World" and no traffic. I'm to install the same server within another datacenter, and would like to find an external tool to certify connectivity times.

Do you know any of these tools? I'm not searching tools like 'Apache AB' or 'HP httperf', but public online services.

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How To Test Server So It Won't Crash At Peak Times

Apr 5, 2007

I have a problem. to buy dedicated server but I don't really know what to buy. I need some kind of stress test for server so that I can be assured that my website won't crash when it will be on front page of digg. Does something like that even exists?

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Automatic Resetting A SUSE Server Multiple Times

Dec 12, 2008

How can I restart a SUSE server multiple times?

how to use Cron to restart the server every 5 minutes and then log the number of times this was done and output it to a file?

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Process Apache Too High - Server Goes Down

Apr 13, 2007

I have server in LT, the network is so good, but i got problem with the apache, it keep going down because the process too high ( i think)

when i list the process it show me :

nobody Top Process%CPU 98.9/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL Top Process%CPU 98.8/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL Top Process%CPU 2.9
Other than that all domain only use not more than 10% process, I use Cpanel X and Cpanel XP skin, please help

Now my domain , will get blank page when try to access, i dont know why, even though all service is running and i already reboot the server

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Windows Server 2008 Logon Process And Some Security Concerns

Jul 29, 2008

Unlike earlier versions of Microsoft Windows Server, the 2008 version gives you a default logon screen that is very similar to Vista. Instead of the the interactive dialog box that prompts you for a username, password, and sometimes domain, users will find a “push button” screen displaying all users with login permissions. To log into an account all the users will now need to know is the password. This makes things much easier for hackers as the only thing they will now need to guess is the password.

There are a couple of ways to resolve this problem. First, the server administrator can set the local security policy to not display the last username and disable fast user switching. Second, in the System Remote Settings dialog, the remote desktop options can be set to allow computers with Remote Desktop that support Network Level Authentication.

Since the first method is covered in a few blogs, I’ll limit myself to discussing the second method. In the latest versions of Remote Desktop Connection client (version 2.0 for Mac and the version shipped with Windows Vista), Network Level Authentication is supported. This means users must send the username and password before Windows 2008 accepts the connection. Earlier versions of RDC (like the one found in many installations of Windows XP) don’t support NLA. So technically, users will only need to supply the IP or domain name of the remote Windows server, leave the username and password blank, and interact with the logon process that is provided at connection time. Windows 2008 servers that do not have the NLA option set for remote desktop connections are vulnerable since the interactive logon screen (post-connection) is displayed to users using earlier versions of RDC.

This last point may be of significance to service providers offering Windows 2008 dedicated servers. If the server is set up with default settings, the NLA option is disabled and new users will by default be made to change passwords on first logon. Users using new versions of RDC will not be able to logon because the initial password change sequence on first logon is not compatible with NLA. The server will return an incorrect password message to the RDC client even though the user has provided the correct username and password. The only way to establish first connection is thus to use a non-NLA supporting version of RDC so that the user can establish connections without supplying credentials and then going through the password change wizard during the initial login. But as mentioned, having NLA disabled on server side is not an ideal practice at this point.

So there are a couple ways to do this. The service provider should disable the “change password on next logon” option during the user creation process and get user to manually change the password after logon. Or alternatively, assist the client/user in changing passwords through the console internally.

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