I've been with zone.net for a couple months now, and I have a guaranteed 512MB of memory, which I seem to constantly be hitting, which seems to result in processes being killed and http access vanishing. Growing quite annoying.
I'm looking into moving onto a new provider that can provide more guaranteed RAM for about the same price.
Space isn't a huge deal, I'd do fine with a meager 5GB. Bandwidth I need at least 200GB, but wouldn't mind more.
I'd like to stay managed if possible, as I'm not as well versed in server workings as I should be. Also am in need of cPanel, which I know is a spendy sucker.
My budget is something around $70 a month, and I don't really want to go much higher than that. Still a poor college boy :/
Can anyone suggest such a provider? I've browsed around a lot of the VPS hosts but can't seem to find one that has as much RAM as I need for a decent price. All the ones that seem to have 512MB+ are pretty expensive, and offer a lot more other stuff (space/bandwidth) than I need.
As a final note, the line speed isn't that big of a deal. I'm currently on a 3mbit and am surviving, but going back to a higher speed line would be great
I started tracking and collecting information about every page load on my site, which made the DB grow very fast. In 24 hours I had over 1.4 million INSERTs, so the DB will grow by over 170MB/day. The inserts so far didnt affect the performance of the server (dual clovertown, 4gb ram, SCSI HD), but at this rate the DB will grow by over 5GB per month. Is it a good idea to let the DB grow to those sizes? Would it affect performance if a table had several 10s of millions of rows? Public doesnt run any SELECT/UPDATE queries on that table, only admin does (me).
I wasn't sure if this would be better posted in the resellers forum, but that seemed to generally be reviews of companies.
Anyway, I work for a company who is trying to move a large amount of sites from one server to a new one. I was looking for the best way to handle this, since you run into issues with mySQL databases, file permission getting lost in ftp, ect.
on good hosting setups for getting large amounts of disk space.
I would like to be able to offer up to 2Gb storage space for 100s, maybe up to a few 1000 users - any solution should scale well. The files would be static files that might be up to 400Mb in size.
It would be nice to be able to give users FTP access to their disk space, although it's not a core requirement.
How will i know if my account is allocated with the ram i bought.
How will i know if my host is over selling?
My sites are going down frequently, I have to restart apache to get them back.I checked the cpu and memory usage logs on whm, and they are well with in limits.
But my hosting support fellow is saying other wise.
Our logs indicate that from time to time your VPS is going above the RAM Guarantee, this puts your services in danger of going offline until the RAM usage is back under the guarantee. If you continue to see these problems, we recommend either reducing the RAM usage by disabling any unused services, purchasing a guaranteed RAM upgrade, or upgrading to the next plan, to help alleviate the problem.
Code: tar -cpvf backup-`date '+%d-%B-%Y'`.tar --exclude=/var/www/html/tempjunk /var/www/html To make some backups. It works fine, but here's the problem: it really takes a toll on server load. Server load seems to go up at by around +3 or more. I'm wondering if there is a way to use less CPU usage on that command, or is there another command that uses less usage. I'm not concerned if it backs up slower by starving the amount of CPU usage it has, so if there's a way to do this any method?
I'm currently hosting my website on core2duo / 2GB RAM dedicated server. Thing is, programmer did a VERY good job optimizing scripts and this server is way too much than I need. The average server load is usually 0.00 - 0.20. I'm thinking of switching to either a cheaper dedicated server or VPS.
We use 300GB-1TB of bandwidth per month though. 90% of our traffic is from US. Do you know any good VPS solution for this?
I am kind of new to the idea of colo and am curious how you know the amount of amps to purchase for your server? I want my machine to have enough to run efficiently without causing hardware failures.
I got a dedicated server which hosted 45 sites, one of those sites contains a vbulletin forum application since january 2007 , but from two weeks i found that there is a high amount of Queries from the this database which leads the server load to be always in RED and exceeds 200 or 300! and the memory is totally consumed!
i tried alot to solve this problem as : - reinstall the vb. - change the vb path to another ( considering it as attack) - installing BFD , APF , ( considering it as attack ) - upgrading to apache 2.2.6 , PHP 5.2.5 , MySQL 5.0.24 ( considering it as a bug)
this is the sample of queries.
Code: 46978hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep40 NULL46980hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep38 NULL46990hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep38 NULL47034hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep30 NULL47086hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep23 NULL47092hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep19 NULL47095hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep23 NULL47099hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep23 NULL47122hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep24 NULL47124hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep24 NULL47126hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep24 NULL47127hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep24 NULL47142hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbQuery22Sending dataSELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache47143hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbQuery0Writing to netSELECT moderator.*, user.username, IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroup47144hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbQuery22LockedSELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache47145hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbQuery22LockedSELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache47147hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbQuery22Writing to netSELECT * FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache47151hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep16 NULL47159hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep17 NULL47166hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep15 NULL47177hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep0 NULL47180hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep16 NULL47211hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep10 NULL47251hakawyc_SKJI8jjlocalhosthakawyc_froumvbSleep0 NULL47283rootlocalhostNULLQuery0NULLSHOW PROCESSLIST Once i disabled the database the server load became normal again
another example for Queries :
Code: 117445 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 49 NULL 117497 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 42 NULL 117667 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 24 NULL SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117790 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 7 NULL 117791 jarabhar_vb localhost jarabhar_vb Sleep 7 NULL 117793 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 7 NULL 117795 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 8 NULL 117798 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 8 NULL 117799 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 8 NULL 117802 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117803 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117804 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117805 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117806 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117807 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117808 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 9 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117818 jarabhar_vb localhost jarabhar_vb Query 8 Sorting result SELECT post.postidntttFROM post AS postntttntttWHERE post.threadid = 52572nttttAND post.visible = 1n 117821 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 8 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117829 jarabhar_vb localhost jarabhar_vb Query 8 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117832 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 statistics SELECT post.*,ntttIF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,ntttnnttteditlog.userid AS edit_userid, editlog 117833 jarabhar_vb localhost jarabhar_vb Query 7 statistics SELECT IF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,ntttnntttNOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS 117834 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 statistics SELECT languageid,ntttphrasegroup_holiday AS phrasegroup_holiday,ntttphrasegroup_global AS phrasegro 117835 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Writing to net SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117836 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117840 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Sending data SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, reply 117841 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117842 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117843 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Query 7 Sending data SELECT *ntttFROM datastorentttWHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache 117845 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Sleep 2 NULL 117846 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost hakawyc_froumvb Killed 0 NULL NULL 117847 unauthenticated user localhost NULL Connect NULL Reading from net NULL 117848 hakawyc_SKJI8jj localhost NULL Connect NULL Writing to net NULL 117849 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117850 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117851 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117852 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117853 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117854 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117855 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117856 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL 117857 unauthenticated user connecting host NULL Connect NULL login NULL
How do you limit the amount of processes a user can create? I'm running suEXEc mode and I want to limit the processes to 5 to prevent abuse and resource drainage.
how to limit the amount of data transfered for a single client in a share hosting scenario using Windows 2003/2008 and NOT using a off-the-shelf control panel.
Within IIS you can limit the number of connections and throttle the transfer rate, but I don't see how to limit the amount of data transferred.
Are the Control Panels monitoring the log files and totaling the amount of data transferred or is there another way to implement data transfer limits?
I run a website that uses a GoDaddy Virtual Private Server & Plesk. The website sends emails to alert users of various events. For the most part, this works but I occasionally capture the following error message:
Error in processing. The server response was: Requested action aborted: This mail account has sent too many messages in a short amount of time. Please try later.
Can the number of messages sent over X number of minutes be set via Plesk? If so, how?
I'm having a lengthy issue where my databases are to large to import in phpmyadmin using plesk. Unfortunately I dont have direct access to phpmyadmin and can only access it by DB user through plesk.
I have tried to edit php.ini in the following locations:
upload_max_filesize = changed this to 64M
post_max_size = changed this to 32M
maximum_execution_time = changed this to 300
maximum_input_time = changed this to 300
Why am I still not able to import my DB's which are about 8MB each?
I have a website which has about 20K users, and now I am using VPS plan at LunarPages.
However, I have encountered a trouble of out-of-memory. Although I have configured my Apache and MySQL carefully, the 512M memory is not enough. Therefore, the users' expirence is not good these days because my site is very unstable.
I contacted Lunarpages, asking them whether I can upgrade my VPS to bigger RAM, but they said the ONLY way to get a RAM bigger than 512M is to upgrade to dedicated hosting plan.
The following are some stats of my website:
Total Members: 20k Online at the same time: max 600, average 300
The Lunarpages VPS plan: www[dot]lunarpages[dot]com/virtual-private-server/ disk space: 20G RAM: 512M price: $42 / mo
Now I am not sure whether to migrate to didicated hosting plan, because currently, the main problem is just the size of RAM. Other resources e.g (CPU, network etc. ) are not my bottleneck. So I think it seems not worthwhile for me to migrate to the dedicated hosting plan with a doubled price (even more, almost 3x if I need 1G RAM), just for a larger size of RAM.
Can you guys give some suggestions to choose a VPS provider for my site? The factors taken into my consideration include:
* RAM size: at least (1G for peak, 768M garantee). The bigger, the better. Nice if can choose larger size when needed. * price * bandwidth: 1T/mon? * easy to upgrade to dedicated host: just in case that one day I will have to use dedicated. * whether there are coupons for a lower price.
Just had a quick question about backing up a large MySQL DB. I have a database that is 50gb with about half a billion entries in it. One table itself is about 40gb, the other 10gb consists of smaller tables.
The problem is, I want to back the database up and be able to keep it LIVE at the same time (as it will fall behind quickly if it's pulled for more than a few hours, as there are somewhere in the area of a million entries an hour, plus other deletions and queries).
I'm currently using iptables to ban IP addresses from the servers, like:
Code: iptables -A INPUT -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -j DROP I ran a "spam trap" for the last few months and now I have over 11000 IP addresses who were trying to spam on my website (guestbooks, phpBB and forms) and I want to ban them all (pretty sure bots run from them).
My question - is iptables the way to do it? I mean does banning such a large number of addresses have any significant performance or other issues I should be aware of (except of the fact I may be banning some legitimate traffic)? Is the -A INPUT the way to ban them all or is there a more appropriate way of baning such a number of addresses?
I'm on CentOS 4.5 i686, Apache/1.3.37, Pentium D 930, 2GB RAM.
I wasn't sure where to post this so here goes, I need to migrate a MySQL DB, in the past I have just created an SQL file and used that method (sometimes having to split the SQL file up) but now the DB is about 50 meg and 733,233 records.
Is there an easier way to migrate the Database from one server to another?
I'm selling downloads of music files. The zip files are quite large. I've had several people complain that they get a message that the server resets their connection before the download finishes.
I have a large directory which I want to copy to another account on the same server. Its 1 folder which contains 20000+ files and its around 2GB in size.
Does anyone know any shared hosting or semi-private VPS hosting for a site with large MS SQL2005 DB? Our DB is currently 1GB already but could get up to 5-10GB when all is said and done. The site is a B2B networking platform with many users, company profiles, products, etc.