Tinydns, Two IPs, One Machine

May 19, 2007

I feel like I'm making this much harder than it is. I have one server with multiple IPs. I list my ns1 as (example) and ns2 as All of that's squared away, and it all resolves properly.

Except that tinydns only listens on, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it listen on the second IP too. Consequently, queries to ns2 fail.

What I ended up doing was just starting a second session with /etc/tinydns2 (and /service/tinydns2)... This is surely not the right solution, but it's made even worse because my "cp -R /service/tinydns /service/tinydns2" command doesn't do anything.

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Master/Slave DNS With Tinydns

Dec 18, 2007

I'd like to run two servers, both will be using lxadmin and tinydns, what would be the best way to run a master/slave nameserver setup, and allow DNS updates to be transferred from the master to the slave?

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DNS Servers, Moving From BIND To TinyDNS.

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have 2 DNS Servers with CPanel-DNSOnly Installed, used with CPanel's DNS Clustering options to store dns entries from CPanel web servers.

I am looking to buy a Windows server(probably with plesk), which i think will not support current CPanel DNSOnly Servers ?

What i need to do is

1. Migrate CPanelDNSOnly(which uses BIND) to TinyDNS on both servers

2. with a simple web-based management of dns entries(to give control to my clients, like DomainDNS.com)

3. and auto updating of DNS Entires from other CPanel and Windows servers, without conflicting same domain records from different servers (which i think can be solved by updating entires by Latest Modified date/time).

I am not an expert, and not really sure if i will be able to setup everything myself. here i need your help, guidence, and links to tutorials and help... From where should I start? What and How should I do? Should I consider hiring a System admin? any sugestions or reference for such admins?

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Colocation A Low End Machine First?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm wondering about colocation but weary of sending a server that's valued at $2k+ to a facility I've never used before.

What do you do to "test" out a colo facility? Do you send them a less expensive machine to test them out?

Do you buy insurance for the system you're colocating?

Or do you just send them the server and hope all works out?

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UBC SLM In Host Machine

Feb 23, 2009

I have server for testing UBC an SLM memory management (Virtuozzo 4). I use SLM memory limits and setup 2 VPS's with my hosting plan (1024MB guaranteed and 4096 MB dynamic).

Host machine have 8 GB of RAM. My problem is, that host machine has have 100 MB of memory free when these two VPS's are running.

Where is all memory?

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Apache And IIS On Same Machine

Oct 29, 2008

I was using apache on my old xp machine but recently got a new computer, vista 64 bit which comes with IIS server.

I am familiar with html/css and starting to learn php, asp etc. Am I correct in assuming that it would be good to setup both Apache and IIS on my machine so that I can test database driven sites on my system, because I will want to work on many client websites who some will use windows/IIS hosts and others apache.

Or is it that with just IIS, I can test all sites in my dev environment since IIS supports everything apache does and more?

I am not sure if when developing a site for a client with a linux/apache host there is a lot of apache configuration that I would not be able to test on my local IIS server?

In fact, I am not even sure if a web programmer would need to do anything different at all dependant on which server type their code was running on.

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Starting A Xen Machine

Feb 28, 2008

I have a dedicated machine with Xen configured... Dom0 stuff runs great.

I have a pre-made image from jailtime.org, with an ubuntu.7-04.img, ubuntu-7-05.xen3.cfg, and ubuntu.swap -- obviously, the actual image, the config file, and the swap file.

Starting it fails:

$ sudo xm create ./ubuntu.7-04.xen3.cfg
Using config file "././ubuntu.7-04.xen3.cfg".
The config file:

kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen"
memory = "256"
name = "ubuntu"
vif = [ 'mac=00:01:02:03:04:07, bridge=xenbr0, vifname=vif1.0' ]
dhcp = "dhcp"
disk = ['file:/home/matt/vms/ubuntu-7.04/ubuntu.7-04.img,sda1,w', 'file://home/matt/vms/ubuntu-7.04/ubuntu.swap,sda2,w']
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
Actually, a couple derivative questions here...

- Are the /boot and /dev/sda1 literal? That is, do they relate to Dom0 names (/boot on the server, and /dev/sda1, my "real" disk), or are they telling the new DomU what to call them?

- I don't want DHCP.... Do I change dhcp to "0" / "false," or do I specify an IP?

I've found a zillion guides out there, and they cover everything about setting up Xen, except for this one part, it seems?

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How To Live Machine

Nov 25, 2008

I have a server in my office. I also have a ADSL router which is connected in ethernet. Now my question is how do I make this machine Live?

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Machine Hosting

Feb 23, 2007

what do you think of Machine Hosting? Are they good? Here is the url: [url]

I am personally searching for a low cost hosting service that provides functionality to deploy web applications developed with Java.

On their website they say that they support Apach 2.0 as a webserver for around $9 a month! Is this a good deal?

I am mostly refering to Plan 1

Also are there any disadvanteges if I go with them? (any obvious ones at least)

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Run A Virtual Machine On A VPS

Oct 15, 2007

Can I install say, VMWare on a VPS and use it the same way as if it were installed on an OS running on the physical hardware?

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MySQL Machine

Aug 17, 2007

I recently got a 2nd dedicated server to run MySQL for me. I host game servers that require MySQL. I usually ran it locally on my dual xeon machine until it started using a lot of resources, more then all of the game servers combined. So I moved my MySQL to a dual core machine. The MySQL machine is in the same datacenter as my dual xeon machine (I rent from softlayer). So I am using the private network ip to communicate between the 2 servers. However the queries are lagging out a lot, and causing my game servers to freeze up. I never had this problem when it ran locally, both servers are 100mbit and the mysql machine has a 15K RPM hardrive. The queries seem to not go through as fast as they did when it ran locally (of course), but not as much as I thought it would. Is there anything I can do to make it operate faster? Also, both servers are Windows 2003 Server.

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Server Machine Configuration

Sep 29, 2009

I was wondering what the average web host server machine configuration would be.

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Nameserver On Freebsd Machine

Mar 27, 2007

i had made my own nameserver on my cpanel server running freebsd OS

im testing one domain uletbulu.org using the nameserver i had set but its seem the domain cannot resolved properly

im try checking it and here is the result

ERROR: Some of your nameservers listed at the parent nameservers did not respond. The ones that did not respond are: Error=Port Unreachable Error=Port Unreachable

completely result is here


from error msg i think that my server blocked bind port and also tcp connection to bind port

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Moving Data Without SSH On The Old Machine

Dec 4, 2007

to move data (a lot) from one server to another. The thing is that the old server's host will not allow SSH access, not even just for a few hours. The new server is a dedicated, so I will of course have SSH there, but how should I handle this situation?

The data in question is massive..Much too much to download to the PC via FTP and upload to the new server. I'm not too familiar with FTP on linux. Could I use SSH on the new machine to FTP into the old machine and recursively grab everything (IIRC, the FTP protocol doesn't allow recursive gets...although it's been awhile since I've used CLI FTP)

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Log Bandwidth Usage By IP, Several On Same Machine

Apr 27, 2007

I have a small linux box that I use as a router (CentOS 4.4 on OpenVZ).

I have quite a few clients connecting to it and using it as a gateway.

I would like to monitor their bandwidth usage if possible, I have iptables installed and am using iptables -L -v -n, which shows me the data transferred on specific ports that I am forwarding to them.

So, is there an bit of software out there that will monitor each IP for all UDP and TCP traffic, and wont be lost if I restart iptables.

I have looked at Cacti, but have never managed to get it to work...?

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Building Colo Machine

Jan 28, 2007

I had some questions about it.

I'm planning on using a C2D Quad Core and was wondering the following

I am planning on using non-ecc ram is that ok for a server?

Will a normal board work instead of a server board?

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Statement Works On Your Machine

Oct 19, 2007

Try following PHP code
<?php echo 2022886285 & -2147483649; ?>
It should return 2022886285

- On my current Web hosting: It works OK.
Dell PowerEdge 2650
DUAL Intel Xeon 2.8GHz, 512K Cache
RedHat - 7.3 OS on your server

- On my new Dedicated Web hositn: It return just 0. Problem!
Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
CentOS Enterprise.

Why One simple Bitwise statement doesn't work on CentOS?

New Hosting company support from HostGator tells me
It's code problem or php problem.
However it works on others.

Please test the statement in your site and Reply the result if it returns proper value or not.

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Setting Up SSL Certificates On A Windows Machine

Aug 8, 2005

For some reason, every time I setup the SSL cert on my Windows box, I receive a error 400 when I try to visit the site. When I take the SSL cert out then the site loads again. Anyone know what the problem is here?

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CentOS Upgrade Onto A Different Machine - Conflicts

Feb 27, 2008

Currently running a server with a little less than 100 accounts, running 32 bit CentOS 4.6 on a single chip running a current version of Cpanel and we're going to upgrade to a two quad core chips, and I figured I'd take this time to upgrade to a 64 bit version of CentOS 5.1. Here's my question: We're running an old version of Apache, and PHP

Server Version: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.6 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7a

and while all we have on the server now are wordpress blogs and a few forums, I have to confess a level of uninformed-ness when it comes to upgrading Apache and then transferring all the accounts.

These will be different machines, as I hope to make the backup/restore fairly seemless.

Should I upgrade Apache to the Apache2.* before I make the transfer, or does it matter? Same with PHP to PHP5.*
There shouldn't be any conflicts, but I'm posting this because I haven't had to deal with it as yet and thought someone knew of an large issue I could be on the lookout.

Also, the RPM/Perl modules's I've installed over time. Uh, is there a "differential" list or am I going to have to create a list of the RPMs I've got now, and then check after I make the build on the new machine? There's probably a dozen or so ones specific to some applications on the server that aren't required for the core operation, and damned if I can remember which they were...

I have more worries, but most of it involves hand holding issues I think I'll work on privately, but if I do have any more questions, I'll add it to this thread.

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Linux Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) Vs Xen

Dec 12, 2008

I am currently researching the options open to me for Virtualisation, the two main ones I have seen are Xen or KVM.

I mainly use CentOS (RHEL), but have read that the version of Xen with it is very old, broken and unstable. KVM isn't included in the kernel that ships with CentOS, as it is too old, apparently it was first featured in Kernel v2.6.20. There isn't likely to be an update till RHEL6, which is due for release first quarter of 2010. I can't wait over a year, so need to find another Distro for use as the Host OS/Hypervisor.

I have built a pretty powerful server, it has an Intel Xeon 3230 which has VT - so I might be better off using KVM over Xen. I am going to collocate this server, so realistically I can make this decision only once - as it would be a PITA to re-install a host Linux distro remotely.

I did a search on distrowatch for distros with the latest version of the kernel, and Slackware came up as being just one minor version behind the most current (v2.6.27.7).

Now this distro is very mature, so should be a fairly safe bet, but it is a 32bit version and can't host 64bit VMs. I have 8GB of ram so want to be able to use it all, and offer the choice of 32/64bit VMs. So that's that out of the window.

I have used Arch Linux on and off for a couple of years as a workstation OS, but because it is so bleeding edge, when pacman updates it can break itself. But I suppose if I just use it as the Host OS, and never let it update/reboot, then it won't break. It should be fairly lightweight and stable, as I will be installing the bare minimum packages. I have a management card, so if the server fails to boot, then I can still remote in to fix it.

If I do want to update the kernel, is it possible to update without rebooting? I think it is somehow... unless I can just reboot during an unused time at 3am or something.

As you can tell I am leaning towards KVM on Arch Linux (x86_64). Is this a good plan?

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Thttpd + Apache On Same Machine - Locking

Feb 6, 2008

I'm running apache to serve PHP files on (/home/www/) and thttpd to serve images on (/home/www/images)

thttpd runs on a different IP than apache, apache only listens to its IP.

After doing this, the number of apache processes decreased significantly, however performance has gone down, and apache is starting to crash very frequently (swapping).

Could there be a file-locking issue? Do I have to separate the images folder from the www folder?

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How To Deploy A Local Machine To The Internet.

Jun 14, 2007

Basically I have installed asp.net and mssql on my machine at home and I was wondering what steps I need to do so that I can have my machine act as a web server?

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No-ip + Port Forward To Virtual Machine - Is It Safe?

Jul 18, 2008

I've set up a website using a no ip-account, nothing fancy or business-oriented, and I have it working this way:

no-ip(port 80 redirect to port 6500)->router(redirect port 6500 to pc2 with ip>pc2(vmware server redirects port 6500 to virtual machine with ip, which is running an asp .net server serving on port 6500)

The router does not forward any port other than that one, but I would like to know if this has any risk for the other machines on the lan.

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Installing Windowx X64 With VMWare On A Linux MAchine

Aug 17, 2007

I was wondering if anyone can help me out or point me to a guide that will allow me to to create a Windows 2003 x64 Virtual MAchine using VMWare server on a CentOS or Redhat installation.

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How To Calculate Concurrent Sessions Off Linux Machine

Mar 23, 2009

I am planning to get a Juniper firewall, but due to SSG140 has a maximum of 48,000 concurrent sessions per second, so it triggers me how do I measure the concurrent session of a linux server of the total throughput instead of just port 80?

OS: CentOS

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How Do You Monitor Virtual Machine Traffic On Your Server

Aug 8, 2008

how you monitor the traffic of each individual VPS on your dedicated servers?

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Good Free Virtual Machine Software

Nov 18, 2008

Can someone suggest me good Free virtual machine software? To be able to run on linux platform, and able to run windows, linux, unix and bsd systems from ISO files.

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Setting Up An SMTP Server On My Local Machine

Aug 19, 2008

I'm trying to set up a SMTP server on my local machine.. can i do this with a windows OS using apcahe?

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Any VPS Provider Supports Clone Of Virtual Machine

Sep 19, 2007

I want to be able to clone a existing virtual machine image(whether it's openvz or xen) and deploy it.

It's sort of like Amazon EC2.

I want to set up a virtual machine image once. Then deploy it(it doesn't matter whether it's on the same physical machine or not) to a new machine or overriding existing image on a existing machine. It's fine that the VPS provider charge me a monthly charge for every virtual machine I deploy.

This way, I only need to maintain one master virtual machine.
It'd be even better if I can export a image to my own machine, modify it locally, then upload it for deployment.

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