Master/Slave DNS With Tinydns

Dec 18, 2007

I'd like to run two servers, both will be using lxadmin and tinydns, what would be the best way to run a master/slave nameserver setup, and allow DNS updates to be transferred from the master to the slave?

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Domain Name Server (DNS) :: Master/slave

Sep 18, 2006

I want to know more about dns servers (master2slave), is there any tutorials how can I do that? I have 10 servers now, do I need to buy 2 more only for DNS?

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Mysql Master-slave Replication

Jul 22, 2008

I'm not too experienced with this, so I'm hoping someone more enlightened here can help.

I'm trying to build a social network site geared towards old people. I'm using LAMP environment. I want to have 1 mysql master (writes) and 2 mysql slaves (reads). Two web servers will read from the 2 mysql slaves and write to the one mysql master.

My concern is this: when a user posts a comment via the webserver, the comment is written to the mysql master. I would like for him/her to see the comment he posted right away so they don't think something failed or went wrong. I'm afraid that replication to the mysql slaves will take some time to sync all of the mysql databases together. How can I work around this? Or am I mistaken and this doesn't actually happen?

How fast is replication? How can I mitigate this delay in replication to show the user instant results of their submission.

The same thing can apply to uploading photos to a user's profile.

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Wich Port Used By Hypervm (master/slave)

May 19, 2009

Wich port used by hypervm (master/slave)

I have csf installed on my server and i need to open needed ports.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Slave DNS Manager Not Creating DNS Zone In Slave Server

Nov 4, 2014

I have setup Slave DNS using plesk 12. But it is not creating the zone in slave server. I could see log in /var/log/messages of slave server. But DNS zone is not creating. I have followed the KB "[URL] ...." for setup.

Nov 4 13:31:25 li456-187 named[16905]: received control channel command 'addzone { type slave; file ""; masters {; }; };'
Nov 4 13:31:25 li456-187 named[16905]: received control channel command 'refresh'
Nov 4 13:31:25 li456-187 named[16905]: received control channel command 'addzone { type slave; file ""; masters {; }; };'

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Tinydns, Two IPs, One Machine

May 19, 2007

I feel like I'm making this much harder than it is. I have one server with multiple IPs. I list my ns1 as (example) and ns2 as All of that's squared away, and it all resolves properly.

Except that tinydns only listens on, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it listen on the second IP too. Consequently, queries to ns2 fail.

What I ended up doing was just starting a second session with /etc/tinydns2 (and /service/tinydns2)... This is surely not the right solution, but it's made even worse because my "cp -R /service/tinydns /service/tinydns2" command doesn't do anything.

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DNS Servers, Moving From BIND To TinyDNS.

Jan 25, 2007

I currently have 2 DNS Servers with CPanel-DNSOnly Installed, used with CPanel's DNS Clustering options to store dns entries from CPanel web servers.

I am looking to buy a Windows server(probably with plesk), which i think will not support current CPanel DNSOnly Servers ?

What i need to do is

1. Migrate CPanelDNSOnly(which uses BIND) to TinyDNS on both servers

2. with a simple web-based management of dns entries(to give control to my clients, like

3. and auto updating of DNS Entires from other CPanel and Windows servers, without conflicting same domain records from different servers (which i think can be solved by updating entires by Latest Modified date/time).

I am not an expert, and not really sure if i will be able to setup everything myself. here i need your help, guidence, and links to tutorials and help... From where should I start? What and How should I do? Should I consider hiring a System admin? any sugestions or reference for such admins?

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Could Not Connect To Slave Node (hypervm)

May 20, 2009

Our master node unable to connect to slave node for create, rebuild, manage.

But we can give access to slave with hypervm -> Servers and run anything on it.

I checked firewall, also im stopped iptables.

But master cannot connect to slave.

Where is issue and how can resolve?

Note: i can give ping or ssh access with both server to slave/master!

Help me please.

I have this when i run /script/upcp on main node:

[root@server ~]# /script/upcp
Getting Version Info from the Server...
Connecting... Please wait....
hypervm is the latest version
Executing UpdateCleanup. This will take a long time. Please be patient

License Successfully updated
vps backupdir exists... returning

Updgrading Slave xx.xx.xx.xx...


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How To Configure Bind Slave Using Webmin

Jun 19, 2009

How to configure bind using WEBMIN as slave zone with [url]as master?

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Mysqldump With Slave Hard Drive

Mar 26, 2008

This week I reached the pinnacle of all time greatest screw ups I've ever done with a web server in five years. During a routine upgrade, my server crashed and basically burned to the point that the technicians at Burst/Nocster felt it would be in my best interest to clear the server out and do a fresh restore.

Fortunately, I had the majorty of files and designs I've done on a safe backup. Unfortunately, the mysql database I had was not so fresh and recent. In there lies my big problem on an issue I really have not seen much information about.

We all know of the mysqldump command that can be used to backup databases and save a .sql file on the server. Its quick, easy, and relatively painless. The problem I have run into is

mysqldump --opt -u nqforum_braduser -p nqforum_nodqdb > /home/nqcom/backup.sql

This would be the command I'd use on my normal mysql dump. However, all of my files and past server information has been installed as a slave hard drive temporarily until I can gather everything I need. Therefore, the command above won't work because it is looking for this mysql database & user that does not exist on the new server. I currently have the slave hard drive path stored at


So for example, to get to the website that would have that particular database


So my question for those who know anything about slave hard drives and mysql, how can I get a simple current backup of this database saved to a location, then of course once it is saved as a .sql file somewhere, I can simply run a mysql restore command in SSH to bring it back.

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HyperVM Migration... Without The Node Being A Slave?

Dec 28, 2008

Is there any way to migrate a VPS from one HyperVM machine to another without the new machine being a slave or part of the same master as the other node? Maybe some kind of simple software that can copy it over? We have root access to the new node, and not the old one. We need to move 3 VPSs over. This is a personal favor for a friend, so I apologize for the lack of specific details. Long story short, he resells VPSs and needs to move hosts (again) as the one he is on turned crappy. He bought his own box @ LSN and wants to put these VPSs on there. It's currently set up as a HyperVM/OpenVZ box, same as the other box that's to be migrated *from*.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: How To Integrate Slave DNS

Oct 23, 2013

We have published an article about the 'Slave DNS' Plesk extension in our blog. Parallels does not provide technical support services for this Plesk extension. The extension is intended to serve as example of how certain technical tasks can be accomplished.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Slave DNS Error

May 16, 2015

I am using the Slave DNS manager and I'm getting the following error in /var/log/messages on the slave server when the master/plesk tries to send change notifications.received notify for zone '': not authoritative

The domain is pointing to and, the domains zone on the master has both of these as NS records. And the SOA record lists as the primary authoritative nameserver.The zone has not been set on the slave server, what would be the cause here?

Slaves named.conf = Slave IP = Master/Plesk


options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
zone-statistics yes;


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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Getting Slave DNS Manager To Work

Apr 25, 2015

I've got a Plesk 12 server with the "Slave DNS Manager" extension installed.I've also got a CentOS 7 server that I would like to set up as a slave DNS server.I've installed BIND on the slave server and opened ports 53 and 953.I've followed the instructions on this page but I can't seem to get a link between the two servers: URL....

I've also tried the config that the Plesk panel provides like the case in this thread, I get the same results: URL....

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Plesk Automation :: How Do Slave Dns Updates Happen

Jul 8, 2013

How are the records on slave DNS servers updated ? Does it use the settings in the SOA section of the zone files to determine how often slaves are updated ?


18 ; serial
14400 ; refresh (4 hours)
7200 ; retry (2 hours)
2419200 ; expire (4 weeks)
3600 ; minimum (1 hour)

Is there any way for master to push out notifications to slaves OR get slaves to update their DNS sooner.

The main reason for this is it seems adding an entry on the master (via the GUI) is taking ages to appear on the slave.

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Way To Make A Slave DNS Server?

May 19, 2015

I have a Windows/Plesk installation (Windows DNS), what is the best way to make a slave DNS server?I have two more servers without Plesk, windows and linux, one of then could be my slave server, how to accomplish that?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: DNS Zones Not Created On Slave Servers

Jul 19, 2015

I am setting up slave DNS servers using bind 9.8 on CentOS 6. I have followed the procedure here successfully: [URL] ....

The problem is that even if I see something like the following in on the slave server (which implies the rndc connection worked):

received control channel command 'addzone { type slave; file ""; masters { x.x.x.x; }; };'
received control channel command 'refresh'
received control channel command 'addzone { type slave; file ""; masters { x.x.x.x; }; };'

I still cannot query any entries for that zone from the slave DNS server:

$ dig @y.y.y.y
; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @y.y.y.y
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd

[Code] .....

I also do not see any zone files created anywhere on the slave server.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Slave DNS Manager Not Deleting Zone?

Jan 12, 2015

I've setup Bind 9.10.1 on a windows server as a slave DNS server. I've installed the Slave DNS Manager on Plesk 12 for Linux and setup configuration.

New zones are added ok so authentication en communication is working perfectly. But when I delete a zone in Plesk, the zoneconfig file doesn't get deleted on the windows server. I can see the windows eventlog saying "received control channel command 'delzone <domain>'" where <domain> is the zone I deleted. But after that noting. And I see errors after a while because of bind trying to transfer the deleted zone again. The zonefile isn't deleted from c: amedzones...

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Configuring Slave DNS Manager - Unknown Option

Aug 1, 2014

I have setup bind in centos 6.5 and then edited /etc/named.conf and added the lines

The extension produced but I am getting the following error when restarting the bind service

Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:2: unknown option '...'
/etc/named.conf:14: unknown option '*'
/etc/named.conf:21: 'options' redefined near 'options'

The following code suggested by plesk slave dns manager extension


options {
allow-new-zones yes;
key "rndc-key-mainserver ip" {

[Code] .....

After I removed ... from the options now I get the following error :

/etc/named.conf:51: unknown key 'rndc-key'

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Route 53 Extension To Manage Slave DNS Server

Jun 16, 2015

I installed Route 53 extension to manage a slave DNS server but when a add or remove some domain the process does not complete, Plesk stays loading without finish domain creation.

When I disable the extension, Plesk create and remove domains without any problem.

What could be happening?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Slave DNS Manager - Still Tries To Sync Zones That Are Switched Off

May 5, 2015

I have recently started using the slave DNS manager in the Plesk extension library. I've found that even for DNS zones that are switched off in Plesk, failed sync/transfers still try to take place between the slave and master. Why is this so?

Shouldn't turning the DNS functionality off in Plesk remove the zone from the slave DNS server?

When a domains DNS functionality is turned off, it removed the zone info from the master, but no command is issued to remove it from the slave??

Domain that is trying to sync/transfer:
Plesk/Master server:
Slave DNS:

May 6 08:51:39 ns2 named[1178]: zone refresh: unexpected rcode (REFUSED) from master (source
May 6 08:51:39 ns2 named[1178]: zone Transfer started.
May 6 08:51:40 ns2 named[1178]: transfer of '' from connected using

[Code] ...

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Panel Not Sending DNS Notifications To Slave Server

Mar 21, 2014

If I change DNS using Plesk Panel the DNS server does not send a notification to the slave server, however if I change DNS directly through the DNS Manager it does send the notifications. Looking around the only thing I can find is an old post [URL] .... I'm not sure if this is related.

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How Creat Master Reseller ?

Apr 3, 2009

how can i creat Master Reseller in my cpanel/whm and so install this plugin?

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How To Install Master Reseller

Aug 10, 2008

i have dsedicated server so i want to install

Master REselelr to allow reselelr to creat reseller

can this software work on CENTOS Enterprise 5.2 i686 on standard

and how can i install it

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Boot Loader - Master Or First

Jul 11, 2007

Just asking, where should I usually install my boot loader:

/dev/sda - master boot record (MBR)
-- or --
/dev/sda1 - first sector of boot partition

My partition for /sda1/ is /boot 100MB

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How I Can Make Master Reseller On VpS

Nov 29, 2008

how i can make master reseller on my vps

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Cpanel Master User

Oct 24, 2008

Logging in to cpanel using root password warned you that you had logged in using root privs and you got a nice drop down where you could jump to any account's cpanel.

After changing my root password, the first domain set up on that server gets the nice drop down, and indeed full rights, despite using it's normal password. I also don't see the warning message about using root privs.

So, somehow, the domain's account has gained ROOT cpanel privs. Where is this set?

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Dual Master With Slaves

Feb 24, 2007

I've four servers of them working as webserver and MySQL slave. and another one is MySQL Master server.

website seem to very sow when open any link which right to MySQL Master server. so i need to do Dua master with 2 slaves servers. any one can recommend me.

O.S. CentOS 4.4
Apache 2.0
MySQL 4.1

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Install CFS Firewall On Master With OpenVZ

Nov 7, 2008

I am thinking about install CSF firewall (without cPanel or any control Panel) in the master (the dedicated is virtualized with OpenVZ).

I no have services (only the OpenVZ panel to manage -hypervm-) and no extra services. Only for increase secutiry on master and avoid security problems-related.

Its recomendable to use any firewall in Master? Could be problematic on future?

I need to open the vps ports in use on master firewall?

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