Can I check what is the maximum number of connections for Remote Desktop Protocol in say W2k3? Also anyway to increase that? This question has been bugging me for a long time.
By default, it seems there are only 2 remote desktop connections allowed to a Windows server. If I need more, for example, up to 10 connections at the same time, how to do that?
I have Apache2 installed on my dedicated server. I would like to install a mod / configure my Apache Server in order to limit simultaneous connections / IP.
The thing that I want is that for example if I want a maximum of 2 simultaneous connections / IP, when that IP reaches the LIMIT, I would like to delay its next request, and NOT display him a 503 error like most mods DO.
Is there anyway to test how many simultaneous connections my host is allowing me to have? I seem to be getting alot of people telling me my site is unavailable and so on when I'm not having an issue. My site and host by VT6 extreme account.
I would like to know what is the maximum number of Apache connections a Server can handle? Does this depends on the Config of the Server? Is it Possible for a server to handle more than 2500 Active Apache connections without timeout / connection failure / slowness?
I am trying to figure out how Apache is working on windows 7 - so far so good - but how do I set restrictions and limitations on bandwidth usage and max number of IP-connections?
My Customers and I have Problems connecting to IMAP-Server. By moving through IMAP Folders I get the Massage "Unable to connect to your IMAP server. You may have exceeded the maximum number of connections to this server"
I know this Article: [URL] ... and all the other related to this issue.
Id like to know if I could use a remote desktop ( remotely ) as I have about 350msec latency to the server where I am planning to install it. I am planning to use remotely anywhere server .
The directions I recieved were "Please use remote desktop to connect to your server."
So I entered the ip address into the remote desktop connection window and it doesn't connect. Where do I go from here? I searched and can't find any relevant info.
I signed up for a Win2k3 VPS account with 3dgwebhosting. I'm a newbie to Plesk and win2k3 so I spent the first day getting head around Plesk.
I then logged into Remote Desktop only to find someone else had beat me. They'd hacked in and downloaded a mass email client, email stripper and obviously sent out spam from a 2mb text file of email addresses.
I didn't spend long in Remote Desktop, but while there I switched on Windows Firewall, changed my admin login password and logged off. Now, 24 hours later, I can't get back in. I get the error - This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try again.....
I can still login through Plesk, FTP and ExpressionWeb.
Is FW keeping me out of RD or has the hacker returned?
I recently got a Windows VPS to run a few applications 24/7. I generally login to the VPS during the day, via Remote Desktop, to review these applications..
However, I frequently have issues. Sometimes, I forget to log out and I will be terminated with a "the remote computer terminated the connection" and then I won't be able to re-login to the VPS. Sometimes I click the X on the Remote Desktop and then when I try to re-connect, I get the same error. Once I got the error "the remote connection has timed out. please try re-connecting to the remote computer again "
And the worse part is that the Remote Desktop can't be restarted alone.. my host has to restart my Windows every time - so my applications go down.
Is it me or is the VPS not supposed to act like this? Why is Remote Desktop so touchy?
I was told by the host that I should always use the Log Off.. however, if I do then Windows says that it will close all my applications.. I don't get any option to Log Off without closing the apps.. so I have to end up using the X.
- Disk Space 10GB - Bandwidth 800GB - Dedicated RAM 256MB - Shared Dual Quad Core XEON CPUs - Windows 2003 Server
I am currently accessing Serers through remote desktop (windows 2003). To be on the safe site, i like to allow only 1 IP to access through remote, even better would be through one specfic domain or subdomain.
I have already changed the port number, but still like to have this additional feature.
I know that Windows RDP Hosting is not a new Idea, but has anyone tried it with Ubuntu. I do have VNC Access to the server, but that only allows me to authenticate with a password, I need username and password.
What would be the best remote application for this?
I am hoping to find a dedicated server with the following specs or similar...
Processor: 3.00GHz or 1.8GHz Dual Core RAM: 1-3GB Hard Drive: 20-50GB (Yes, I realize most dedicated servers don't have drives this small.) Windows preferable Remote Desktop Access 30 GB Bandwidth
I plan to use this for running autoclickers and that sort of thing so that I don't need to worry about them on my PC. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! I realize this is an odd request.
to install a server for data sharing. My user want a Windows server with remote desktop to write, edit and share document.
The server will host 5 users. one admin and 4 users. each user will have there own account and folder. The user will update word files and save it directly on the server. The admin will have access to each directory (like a fileserver).
I want your recommandation for the share, the OS and the upgradability
My hoster told me to use PuTTY, a terminal, to install something called a vnc. I tried to install it ,but gets rejected everytime I connect.(I was using realvnc and connecting through a tunnel) Is there another way to get to the GUI or something like that?
I am using Vista and trying to connect to Linux (Debian)
I want to set up my desktop to be kind of a database. So I can access all my files on my home desktop, from school. (and be able to back up all my files on my reliable desktop as opposed to my not so reliable lappy)
Then the next thing I wanted to do is to be able to access my desktop using remote access. So I can control everything on my desktop, while I'm not there.
My laptop is running Vista Home Premium, I dont think that matters too much. But my desktop is running XP Home Edition.
I have a no-ip account. but I dont really know what my next step would be, I'm guessing to make a sort of FTP on my desktop? and I have NO clue how I'd do the remote desktop.
I ran Hijack this and fixed a few errors it listed in a Windows 2003 Server. I rebooted the server, but now when I attempt to login via remote desktop it logs in, but then immediately logs me out.
I am guessing HiJackThis deleted a required dll or .exe needed for Terminal Services. Do you guys have any idea how I can restore this, and undo what hijackthis did?