Recommendations For Windows Server With Exchange 2007
Jul 31, 2008Any recommendations for a company offering dedicated server rentals with Windows Server and Microsoft Exchange 2007?
View 2 RepliesAny recommendations for a company offering dedicated server rentals with Windows Server and Microsoft Exchange 2007?
View 2 RepliesI am trying to setup the trial of Exchange 2007, everything is installed. However, I am unable to connect to the SMTP server
452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources
Connection to host lost.
After googling around, I found the solution, I changed the settings xml file and now I have to restart the service but I can't seem to find the "Restart Service" option in the EXCHANGE MANAGEMENT CONSOLE?
Also, how secure is exchange by default - any guides/tips so I can secure this test environment?
Any 3rd party Anti-virus/worm/spam solutions for Exchange that are affordable instead of MS Forefront?
setting up a MS Exchange 2007 server for my office/part time employees and wondering how would i go about this?
How does mail automatically in my case get pushed to iphone, do i have to connect my exchange server with a phone provider or something?
does anyone have a fix for the Exchange 2007 kerberos issue when connecting Kayako to Exchange via pop3 or imap?
kayako says:
The reason for the error you are getting is a bug in MS Exchange 2007. The exact reason is, Exchange server falsely advertises that it support Kerberos authentication even when it is configured not to use Kerberos. This causes the fetch request to fail from PHP as PHP-imap always tries to use Kerberos first.
The workaround to this issue is either to use a different mail server or compile PHP without Kerberos support(in that case it will simply ignore Exchange's erroneous behavior regarding Kerberos).
If possible you may setup a secondary mail server (Non exchange 2007) and forward the required emails there and configure help desk to fetch the emails from the secondary email server(non-exchange 2007) instead of your Exchange server 2007.
ive set up Exchange 2007 on WS2008. I have a domain ""
its nameservers are changed correctly and is pointing to the right IP address including the @ and CNAME records.
the mx record is set to
my DC is called "faster.local"
in the org configuration > hub transport, I have accepted domains: Authoritative Authoritative
faster.local Authoritative
also in the org config, there is an internet send connector. its FQDN is
for the Server config > hub transport:
Client is enabled with the FQDN: and permission groups enabled:
Anonymous, exchange users, exchange servers and legacy exchange servers
the Default is enabled with its FQDN to machineName.faster.local and same permission groups as above.
problem is, I am unable to recieve any emails (no bouncebacks)
And when I send email from an exchange account, the recipient recieves it from account@faster.local
i am currently seeking exchange 2007 hosting. i need a host that accepts paypal? could any off you point me to some hosts.
i no web2mail offers it but is a bit expensive $15 a month.
Any open source solutions out there for a firewall on a Windows 2003 web server?
View 4 Replies View Relatedif I have a dedicated server with WS2003, would I be allowed to install my own software (with license)? such as MS SQL Server - I have an MSDN subscription and multiple licenses.... would this be ok to do so?
What about Exchange Server? I have a License for that also...again, MSDN subscription
We've been buying our Microsoft licences retail which was fine when we were a lot smaller. But as we grow I was thinking about the joining the Microsoft services provider licence agreement.
Can anyone out there give me an idea if this is a worthwhile route to take for a managed services webhost? If so what are the requirements, we aren't a Microsoft partner, have no Microsoft certifications, etc.
What are the initial costs? What are the long term costs?
I'm sure by now most of you have read the Web Server Optimization Guide by Shaw Networks. It came in handy for me when I was first starting out, I reduced my load & memory usage by tonnes. I thought I would make a new thread with an updated How-To.
Recommended Tools/Programs:
Putty - Free SSH Client - [url]
WinSCP - Free SFTP and SCP Client - [url]
MySQL Optimization:
cp /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.backup
Use Pico (pico /etc/my.cnf) or Download via WinSCP for editing,
Delete everything that is currently in the file and add the following...
port = 3306
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
max_allowed_packet = 16M
key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M
To Save: CTRL-X
Restart Service: "service mysqld restart" or "service mysql restart" or "/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql restart"
HTTP/APACHE Optimization:
cp /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf.backup
Use Pico (pico /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf) or Download via WinSCP for editing,
Change the following settings in your httpd.conf...
Set "Timeout" value to "Timeout 60"
Set "KeepAlive" to "KeepAlive on"
Set "KeepAliveTimeout" to "KeepAliveTimeout 3"
Set "MinSpareServers" to "MinSpareServers 16"
Set "MaxSpareServers" to "MaxSpareServers 32"
Set "MaxRequestsPerChild" to "MaxRequestsPerChild 256"
Set "HostnameLookups" to "HostnameLookups Off"
These settings will not work under all server environments its recommended that you tweak around with the numbers until your web server is running 100% please read Apache documentation before changing any settings so you know what you are changing [url]
To Save: CTRL-X
Restart Service: "service httpd restart" or "/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"
Installing eAccelerator:
eAccelerator is a further development from mmcache PHP Accelerator & Encoder. It increases performance of PHP scripts by caching them in compiled state, so that the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. [url]
If you run CPanel please visit [url] for an auto-installer which will do all the hard work for you.
Run the following in SSH.
cd /
mkdir ea
cd ea
wget [url]
bunzip2 eaccelerator-0.9.5.tar.bz2
tar -xvf eaccelerator-0.9.5.tar
cd eaccelerator-0.9.5
export PHP_PREFIX="/usr"
./configure --enable-eaccelerator=shared --with-php-config=$PHP_PREFIX/bin/php-config
make install
mkdir /phpcache
chmod 0777 /phpcache
Edit your PHP.INI file and at the bottom add...
To install as a ZEND extension:
OR to install as a PHP extension:
Restart Service: "service httpd restart" or "/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"
For a great tutorial on Optimizing host.conf & sysctl.conf visit..
Common SSH Commands visit..
How to block an IP using iptables visit..
I'm looking for a good ASP.NET Windows shared host. Here is my current experience thus far:
- WebStrikeSolutions - Excellent web host but doesn't offer MSSQL as part of base package.
- WebSecureStores - Excellent host that does offer MSSQL as part of base package but hasn't updated their website in over a year and hasn't released support for .NET 3.5.
- DiscountASP.NET - Excellent web host, CP is a little wimpy, doesn't offer MSSQL as part of base package.
For me, the essential features are:
- Reliable, reasonable performance (especially uptime).
- Includes MSSQL databases (limited number, but at least 3-5).
- Can handle CMS sites like DotNetNuke without significant slowness.
Is it possible to install Exchange 2003 on a GoDaddy Windows 2003 Enterprise VPS?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've recently had a number of enquiries from hosted clients and potential customers requesting SharePoint hosting for use in connection with their current packages. I've used Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 in the past, but am specifically looking into the latest and greatest release of SharePoint to date to install - SharePoint Server 2007.
I've read over Microsoft's server requirements for running SharePoint, who recommend a 3GHz or higher processor and 2GB RAM for web servers, and 4GB RAM for SQL servers. To me, this seems ridiculous for the small number of clients I'll ever be hosting, and who will only have a small number of SharePoint users per site.
Those with any experience of SharePoint hosting please share your opinions of SharePoint hosting on various server configurations, as I'm interested to know how it performs. As I'll only have a small user base, would running SharePoint fully on one existing IIS 6 web server do the trick? What processor should this machine have, and amount of RAM to run SharePoint well?
We've been frantically looking to move from this company called Media Temple for our staging server / email needs. Our application / corporate servers are hosted with The Planet.
Any one have any suggestions for a shared hosting provider between the regular $10-$20 / month range, having the following things:
Windows with .NET 2.0/3.5 and AJAX installed
At least 5GB storage
IMAP email with IDLE support or Exchange email (will pay more)
Ability to host at least 10 domains
Minimalist Control panel and Webmail preferred
if anyone has put Windows 2003 x64 on an Atom and installed a very light duty Exchange server on it...
I know the Atoms are not the most powerful thing in the world, but they are a cost effective and energy efficient alternative to past generation hardware.
Since the Atom benchmarks slightly better than a P4, I am wondering how it would hold up with an Exchange server.
There was a black out recently and our UPS didn't kick in properly. The server was turned back on and the workstations logged in the domain controller. When running Outlook I noticed it wasn't receiving any emails. I tried to open an old message and it said:
"Can't open mail"
Also I tried to delete one of the spam messages and it came up with an error some thing like cannot delete and it may be moved some where. Outlook came up with errors like:
Task 'Microsoft Exchange Server' reported error (0x8004010F) : 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.'"
I also noticed some Calender events won't open. I now suspect some thing wrong with Exchange. I googled around and it seem to be related to "Offline Address List" problems. I tried a registry fix:
"Create DWORD "OAL post full if diff fails" CurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeSAParametersOAL post full if diff fails' and setting it to 1 on this server. When OALGen next generates the offline address list, clients will perform a full OAB download. After that time, the registry key should be removed to prevent further full downloads."
Restarted the server then went to Exchange System Manager, Recepients, Offline Address List and right click on Default Offline Address List then clicked Rebuild. I checked Event Viewer again and saw some error messages:
WARNING: OALGen encountered an error while generating the binpatch.oab file for differential downloads of address list 'Global Address List'. Clients will not be able to incrementally update to the new version of the offline address list, they will perform a full download instead. This is normal if this is the first time this offline address list has been generated. Check other logged events to see if this is a serious error.
- Offline Address List
ERROR: OALGen encountered error 80004005 (internal ID 50303dc) accessing the public folder store while generating the offline address list for address list 'Global Address List'.
- Offline Address List
2 x ERROR: OALGen encountered an error while generating the changes.oab file for version 2 and 3 differential downloads of address list 'Global Address List'. The offline address list has not been updated so clients will not be able to download the current set of changes. Check other logged events to find the cause of this error.
If the cause of the problem was intentional or cannot be resolved, OALGen can be forced to post a full offline address list by creating the DWORD registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeSAParametersOAL post full if diff fails' and setting it to 1 on this server. When OALGen next generates the offline address list, clients will perform a full OAB download. After that time, the registry key should be removed to prevent further full downloads.
- Offline Address List
2 x ERROR: OALGen encountered error 80004005 (internal ID 5020114) accessing the public folder store while generating the offline address list for address list 'Global Address List'.
- Offline Address List
Been running a server for 2 years now on Windows SBS 2003, and within the past 2 weeks, the server has been locking up or going very sluggish after only a few hours of use.
I've noticed that STORE.EXE is using a lot of memory, there are a number of people within the building using this server for various tasks with Microbiz, Quickbooks, and Exchange server. I researched the topic and was told if I can archive Exchange, that this should help with performance. Anyone know how to do this or to lower the use of memory with the server?
We are looking at taking on a higher profile customer. However I am a little off as to what type of setup should we recommend.
I have limited information but this is what I know.
Avg traffic 8 - 12 Million Hits a day. Unique Hits Unknown. Bandwidth Unknown
PHP/MySQL/Flash Movie Heavy.
TV Commercials, so needs to handle spikes without issues or without warning.
Currently what I have which won't help but kind of gives me a benchmark.
I have one customer that is on a Dual CPU Quad Core Xeon 1.6 with 8GBs RAM, a single SATA HD. This client has an avg of 1 Million hits a day, and 2.4 Million SQL calls. The load on this server runs between 0.6 and 1.8. Which tells me there is more head room for growth.
Anyone got any recommendations of reliable companys to buy a dedicated server from in the UK? Some of the features we are looking for are:
Quad Core Server
4GB Memory
100Mbit/sec dedicated connection (metered or unmetered)
Tech support when/if we have server crashes included in price with at least a phone number or live chat.
We are really looking for the big companies that can offer this and not so much of the new hosting companies.
so we were with ipowerweb, man, biggest mistake ever, wasn't my choice, was cheap, did the job for a while. Now we started overloading the box, ok, find an alternative, we found VRT Servers, wow, mistake 2 it would seem, currently we have a P4 w/HT, 1.5gig, 250gig, 2500gig/mo bandwidth and directadmin for 80/mo, can someone recommend someone that will provide something around these specs and actually have semi decent support (11hrs and counting for a reboot request...)
We basically need a 64bit box, with directadmin and fedora (i know technically they arent compatible but they do work after you screw with exim, pretty easy really) and a decent amount of bandwidth and support... i would order a box from FDC in a heartbeat but they are just out of the pricerange for this particular server at this point in time.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a dedicated server host? I'm looking for a dedicated server with a Xeon Harpertown quad core with a 15K SA-SCSI hard drive.
View 14 Replies View RelatedJust today we started having some problems with our exchange server...everything was working fine until around 10:00 A.M this morning.
We've started getting sporadic reject messages from people that we have always been able to email in the past.
These are a few of the NDR's we've received.
There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server.
Please contact your system administrator.
< #5.5.0 smtp;550 not local host, not a gateway>
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Spot Marketing on 1/11/2008 12:39 PM
You do not have permission to send to this recipient. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
< #5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for **" ******>
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
*****" *** on 1/11/2008 9:24 AM
There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server.
Please contact your system administrator.
< #5.5.0 smtp;530 authentication required for relay (#5.7.1)>
Theres more as well, but that pretty much sums up the main issues I said, these were working fine for the last year, until today. No changes have been made on our exchange server.
We have GFI Mail essentials installed with SPF records turned on.
We have reverse dns setup through Time Warner Telecom for our IP.
I can send email to my hotmail address, but yahoo rejects it.
I've checked and and we're not on any blacklists.
I'm not exactly sure where else to look.
These mail servers rejecting our email are not from just 1 ISP or 1 mail server, these are from companies in different states/countries.
i have Server 2008 X64 but its blocking my from installing exchange server 2003 and 2008. either one i try i get the error saying it's not compatible.
i find this extremely weird? is their anyway around this?
can someone here help me setup/configure exchange server? I really have no idea but interested in doing so on my dedicated server.
I just want to know how to say, setup email accounts/web access.
Right now, just installed WS2003 EE R2 with updates and installing other things too like SQL Server 2005/AV/ISA Server
I take it I need to make the machine into a domain?
I have 2 IP Addresses assigned to me. and I have 2 domains, so I'm thinking about configuring each domain for an IP Address.
I would ideally like to have email addresses for both domains but going to test it on 1 domain first before proceeding onwards.
It would be appreciated if someone could just jot down on how to go about setting up Exchange, how to configure it...and pretty much it. I will be using Exchange 2003 Enterprise
My entire hosting life, I've been with Linux, so now that I'm looking to setup a Blackberry Enterprise Server account, things are very new to me.
Let me explain. I have a Blackberry and would like to setup a BES system such that I can get push email, calendar, and contacts for OTA syncing from my own
So, the question is, what sort of hosting package do I need to do this? And, will this cost a lot of money?
Again, I'm completely new to Windows hosting, so I'm not sure what I need and if it's even possible.
We are currently using Veritas BackupExec to backup our in-house Exchange Server. However, we ALWAYS get some type of error when using this program, whether its the "Advanced Open File" piece of the program, or just what it calls a "corrupt email," I'm fed up with it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a sub-$100 program that can backup everything Exchange (database, emails, etc.) and has open file protection (for backing up system files, etc.)?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've taken the scalable approach when it comes to servers for my various sites. With shared servers, I never really worried about backup or even hard drives going down. Same goes for VPS. For some reason, when I moved to dedicated servers, I outfitted them with 74GB SATA drives in a RAID setup. My understanding is that it protects me if one drive happens to fail. I've been lucky and haven't had that problem.
I'm at the point now where I'm looking to upgrade from a VPS paying around $75 per month to a dedicated server. I can stand to be down a day if a hard drive goes, if it means $75 a month in savings. My biggest concern would be suggestions on the best way to protect myself in the event of a catastrophe.
Contacted SoftLayer about possibly adding a second server for me and honoring the price I'm paying on my old server.
Finally, both the old and new site are seeing roughly 3,000 visits per day. The server I'm considering is a Clovertown 5320 1.86 dual quadcore, 4GB RAM, RAID, 2 74GB Cheetah drives,100mbps, 2000GB bandwidth. Is this overkill or the right server for the job?
I have two questions that hopefully someone will be able to help me out with. The first, is my partner and I want to provide server redundancy for our clients. Our set-up is as follows: two identical servers with multiple virtual machines (about 4) on each. One for SQL, one for IIS, etc. We also have a ServerIron XL to connect the two together and provide replication and load balancing. So the question is, has anyone here used a ServerIron XL and how easy is it to use/how effective is it? The second question is, we would like to provide our clients with hosted Exchange. I have set up and maintained a few Exchange 2007 servers, but only for a single company with a single domain. What would be the best way to go about providing a hosted Exchange solution?
View 0 Replies View Relatedwebhost that supports Microsoft exchange server
I have a client who needs a solid webhost that supports MS exchange server for his email.
I usually recommend Bluehost , but I guess they donât do this. Quick turnaround time on email tech issues (2-4 hours) and phone support is also needed. The client is definitely a phone person.
It should be Wordpress friendly. My CMS that I'm using is actually Textpattern, but most people don't know it so I just opt for the default popular version, Wordpress.
At the minimum, it should support; PHP 4.3+
MySQL 3.23+
I'm currently with Steadfast Networks for my VPS (Linux). We are now in need of shared MS Exchange Hosting plan. Although I found some companies offering Exchange Hosting, they do not offer VPS's. Does anyone knows of any reliable company offering both?
I want someone (well maybe except Rackspace) who is reliable, has good feedback and provides good uptime and customer service.