Protect Your Password In A Cyber Cafe And On Public Computers

Jun 30, 2009

Sometime you must have gone to a cyber cafe or used public computers to access the internet or mail.

Public computers are most prone to password hacking. Anyone can simply install a keylogger software to hack your password. Keylogging is one of the most insidious threats to a users personal information. Passwords,credit card numbers,etc.

It is very easy for the keylogger to harvest passwords. Each and every keystroke (whatever you type on the keyboard) gets recorded in the keylogger software and the person installing it can easily view what you have typed in.

For example,if you go to and check your mails. Say your ID is and password is snoopy2,the keylogger software records your usename and password in its log file as

Risky isnt it?

Theres a solution to this problem and you can easily fool the software!!

The keylogger software sees and records everything,but it doesnt understand what it sees,it does not know what to do with keys that are typed anywhere other than the password or user name fields.

So between successive keys of the password if you enter random keys,the keylogger software wont ever come to know where you typed in what..

In the process of recording the keys,the string that the keylogger receives will contain the password,but embedded in so much random junk that discovering it is infeasible.


1. Go to or or any other site where you need to insert a password or PIN.

2. Type in your user ID.

3. Type in the first characterof the password.

4. Click on the address bar in the browser,type in some random charachters.

5. Again go to password field and type in the second character of the password and probably third too.

6. Again go to the address bar and type in a few more random characters.

7. Back to the password field and the next characters of the password.

Keep on repeating the process till you type in the full password in the password field.

Instead of the password snoopy2,the keylogger now gets:

Heres a total of 26 random characters have been inserted among the 7 characters of the actual password!

No doubt it takes a little bit of more time than the usual process,but you are safe and secure that way!

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How Do You Protect Your Laptops Or Desktop Computers

Oct 24, 2007

I wonder how do you protect your laptops or computers? Which software are used etc. That will be very interesting to know.

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How To Password Protect Web Pages, I Can Protect Directories But Can't Put Pages In

Mar 4, 2007

i did make a big message on here but it deleted when i back spaced

my website is aviation cafe dot net / sample and i need you to help me with password protecting a webpage, i wanted the address to be / the silver sword and definitly not to look like it does now.

username: webforum
pass: password

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How Do I Password Protect A Folder On The Server

Jan 15, 2007

Is it possible to do it through a standard FTP package?

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How Do I Password Protect A File On My Website

May 28, 2007

im trying to password protect a single txt file on my server, but instead its password protecting the whole directory

so for example

i want to password protect the file 123.txt in directory "sample" but instead its password protecting the whole direcoty "sample"

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Apache :: Password Protect Directory

Mar 10, 2014

What is the proper way. to password protect a directory for apache 2.4.7. Information i gather seems to not work.

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Cyber Host Pro Review

Mar 5, 2009

I've never written an online review before but felt I really had to find a way of recommending Cyber Host Pro. I've just reached the 2nd anniversary of being a customer of theirs and in 2 years they have not once taken more than 1 hour to respond to a question. Quite often it has literally taken 2 minutes for them to respond to my email.

I really recommend this company as I have never experienced such fast, helpful and polite service. I also think their hosting plans are particularly good value.
Previously I had been with UKHost4U and I thought this group were the worst and most amateur outfit I'd ever seen.

It taught me very quickly that the service is the best thing you can pay for and for this I would definitely say Cyber Host Pro are unbeatable.

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Cyber Wurx - How Do They Treat Me

Jan 17, 2007

I can imagine some of you thinking about a bad review about CyberWurx, but no, this is a definitely good point for them.

Many of you here have known Cyber Wurx / Global Compass is a small datacenter in Atlanta (in fact they manage 2 datacenters in Atlanta now, one in 56 and one in 55 Marietta street). I rent few dedicated servers there from Nov 2004. The first impress is instant support. I had servers at LayeredTech, Nocster before, but none of them has fast support like CyberWurx. Any ticket is answered within minutes, mostly in 1-5 minutes, so all the issues could be solved quickly.

After few months, I have decided to move into colo. Chris offered me a good plan, and all customers' accounts have been switched to colo smoothly. Nothing wrong. The supporting service is still very good. There is no difference between dedicated server and colo support. Even they dont offer remote reboot, I guess I dont need it in our colo equipments. Any reboot ticket can be handled immediately, and it's free

Recently, we faced to the earth quake in Taiwan. As we're located in Vietnam, we faced to trouble when accessing into our systems at Atlanta. However, once again, guys at Cyber Wurx help me a lot. I am working with Joe mostly about the network, and he's been working with Savvis, BTN to choose the best routes to their ip space. The ping results from 900ms was back to 300ms

I cannot saying good enough for the guys at Cyber Wurx. I definitely recommend them for anyone. Sign up a package with them and you can see I dont lie

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Moving Data Between Computers

Sep 9, 2009

I made a backup of my ancient computer and put the whole thing in an external hard disk.

Now, when I opened my external hard disk, I found a lot of .dat files. I am wondering how can I convert them to something human readable, or how can I move the information to my new computer!

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Why Can't I Get To My Webpage From Other Computers On The Internet

Jul 23, 2009

so i already have a registered domain name (www dot guiceassociates dot com) which has a DNS record with an authoritative DNS server linking my domain to my IP address (nslookup using "www dot guiceassociates dot com" or "www dot guiceassociates dot co dot uk" will confirm this).

I have a linux computer(it is successfully running apache, php5, and mysql, and the firewall has http services as an allowed service) that i am using as my webserver. i have statically assigned it the ip address

My router is configured to forward port 80 traffic to
however, when i type www dot guiceassociates dot com into a browser window from another computer, i get nothing (cannot connect to server)

I'm still new to the idea of hosting my own web server, so any and all advice is welcome, but my ultimate question is:

why isn't this set up working?

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Apache :: Unable To See Symlink From Other Computers

May 12, 2015

I installed Apache2. In the the folder "var/www/html" I created a symlink to a different HDD that holds a number of movie files. My thinking is that it would be easy to access the movies through a browser from any computer on my local network.

I used the following command string while in the html directory, and created the symlink:

ln -sd /media/guy/movie1/Movies test

While sitting at the server, when I click on "test" it opens the correct directory and exposes the files. If I surf to apache from another machine it does not show the symlink.

Here the permissions on the symlink

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 May 11 19:56 test -> /media/guy/movie1/Movies

Excerpt from Apache access log: - - [12/May/2015:08:40:07 -0400] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 502 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.7) Gecko/20140802 Firefox/24.7 PaleMoon/24.7.1" - - [12/May/2015:08:40:07 -0400] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 502 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.7) Gecko/20140802 Firefox/24.7 PaleMoon/24.7.1" - - [12/May/2015:08:40:07 -0400] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 502 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.7) Gecko/20140802 Firefox/24.7 PaleMoon/24.7.1" - - [12/May/2015:08:50:38 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 584 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.7) Gecko/20140802 Firefox/24.7 PaleMoon/24.7.1" - - [12/May/2015:08:50:39 -0400] "GET /icons/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 304

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Cloud Computing :: Use External Computers To Do Super Computer Sized Tasks

May 6, 2008

I just heard this story on NPR yesterday discussing cloud computing, how you can use external computers to do super-computer sized tasks without having the hardware in house yourself.

If we host colocated servers, how feasible is it to get our servers into that game?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Could Not Find Password For Account ID / Return Empty Password

Nov 19, 2013

Everyday after Backup Panel (Tasks from Backup Manager), I receive next error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<execution-result status="error">
<object name="" type="domain">
<message severity="error" id="416a91ad-e5e7-480b-b6b4-a60157b8eaae" code="InformationalException">
<description>Could not find password for account id '2648'. Return empty password</description>

Resolve -> only reconfigure domain. How can I automatic fix this problem?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Changing Email Password Changes Admin Panel Password Too?

Jun 17, 2014

today i changed the password for the admin panel for a customer (username eg. mylogin). 10 minutes later he called me and said that he cannot get into his emailaccount anymore. Checked the password and saw that the emailpassword for his emailaddress (eg. is now the same from the admin panel login. So i changed the emailpassword and checked the admin panel login - it now has the emailpassword. What a mess.. I'm running Plesk Panel 11.5.30 MU47.

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Best Free "remote Control" Software For Managing A Few Dozen Computers? (Nonprofit)

May 23, 2008

I have a client who runs a non-profit organization that puts computer kiosks (running Windows XP) in public areas where low-income people can use them for free. They take old computers, put them back together, and then install them into local grocery stores, gas stations, etc.. where people can use them for free.

This is non-profit work, so their budget is pretty much spent on hardware and upkeep of the computers. (ie: internet connections, Windows licenses, etc.)

They have about 3 dozen computers now, and managing them is becoming more and more time consuming and difficult so they have asked if I can make some suggestions to make things more efficient (easier).

All the computers are built with a hidden partition which contains a drive image. If the computer gets too "screwy", then they can simply re-image the machine and "restart". However, this requires a trip to the local computer, which takes a lot of time, and all of this is done by volunteers...)

One idea I had was to use "remote control" software so the volunteers doing the work don't have to actually go and physically see the computer when debugging a problem, updating software, reimaging the drive, or whatever.

A typical problem might be that the store owner where the machine is deployed will call and say, "It's not working any more". So now a volunteer must go and visit the computer to see what's wrong... but with remote control software they could simply login remotely, fix whatever is the problem, or if needed start the drive re-image.. without ever needing to visit the computer. (Save time!)

So... I've done quite a bit of research on remote control software, and there seems to be lots of "for pay" options. However, the organization just does not have the budget to pay for remote control on a few dozen computers. (Also, they are expecting to roll this out in multiple cities soon, so the solution must be scalable, and paying per computer just isn't realistic given their budget.)

I found the "VNC" remote control software, and that seems to be perfect. It's free, and seems to work well.

However, there are no less then 10 different "flavors" of VNC available, so I'm hoping perhaps a few people here might be able to recommend which one is the best solution. tightVNC, ultraVNC, miniVNC, there are even a few pay (one time small fee) projects.

I have no idea which one is best for them, and I just don't have time myself to investigate and test this all out to make an informed decision.

I'm hoping you can help me narrow down the many choices to either one or two options.

Here's what it needs to do:

- Needs to be "always on" so that the remote control software works immediately after the computer boots. (ie: Even if nobody logs in, remote user should still be able to see the screen and do a login.)

- Be impossible for computer users to remove.

- Be able to take control of the machine without anyone being physically present to click "ok" prompts or accept incoming connection, etc.

- Work with remote machines that are in a LAN with an unknown IP. (Some of the computers are plugged into an existing LAN so that they can use the existing internet connectivity.) In this case, the remote machine does not have a public IP, and the current IP might change after each reboot. The remote control software must be able to "see" the local machine, even if the IP changes, etc... (Maybe some software that runs on the remote machine that "sends" its IP or updates a hostname to an intermediary server every few minutes?

- Allow file transfers between remote machine and controlling machine.

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How To Change Cpanel Password With FTP Password

Nov 22, 2007

How to change the Password of my FTP?

I know how to change the pwd. of cPanel, but I don't know how to change the pwd. of FTP?

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Rackspace Going Public

Jan 23, 2008

I heard the other day from a very reliable source that this is a fact and they expect it to happen sooner rather than later. Since they seem to set the bar anyway seems it was only a matter of time. Anyone else aware of this or am I the only one? Searched the forum before I posted and nothing came up. Seems like a significant development to me...

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WAMPserver In Public

Jan 21, 2008

Im planning on using WAMPserver2 on our web server to host our website. Now, as far as I can tell, WAMPserver2 was mostly created to allow you to do work locally. Is there any known problem with using this software on a web server publically?

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Change DNS To Public

Aug 6, 2008

You are hosting your web site on a local server and you have the DNS pointing to the LOCAL (read: not public) IP on your LAN which means only you and those on your LOCAL network can access the site. is a LOCAL (PRIVATE) IP.

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Public FTP Control

Nov 4, 2007

I'm on a reseller cPanel WHM account with shell access, and this public FTP for uploading maps for a game.

How do I ban FTP users by their IP? (.htaccess wouldn't do the trick)

How do I regulate priviledges/permissions of FTP users?

How do I control (like configuring how the indexing is displayed, for example) /public_html/somedirectory/ through /public_html/.htaccess?

How do I disallow certain filetypes from existing in /public_html/somedirectory/* or to be uploaded?

How do I disallow apache from rendering any html, php, cgi, java, perl, etc files in /public_html/somedirectory/*?

So, if you had a public FTP (not the "anonymous FTP" cPanel can create, but a regular and single user account shared by everyone), how would you protect your free map hosting service from abuse? What protections would you setup? Etc.

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Provider That Provides Public Ip Vlans?

Aug 8, 2008

we are looking for a provider that provides public ip vlans' with dedicated server purchases,

so far,,

we have found few companies that offer this at no extra charge or minimal extra charge

1) softlayer (best choice)
2) singlehop
3) nocster/ (not a good provider for business hosting / not reliable / no phone support)

does anyone know of any other dedicated server providers that offer public ip vlans for no extra charge or minimal extra charge?

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A Public Key File Has Not Been Specified For The Session

Feb 21, 2008

When I try to login SSH using SecureCRT Software, following error it show.

A public key file has not been specified for the session. would you like to specify one now.

I am using CPanel.

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Make 1 Dir X Public Inclusion

Jan 24, 2007

we have a server with customers

now there are any customer that must can 'include' form php a class that we must put out of customer path...

a customer must can include a class that is out of /home/public_html/customerlogin/*

how is possible to make this?

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Juniper SSG5 And Public IPs

Dec 19, 2007

we have this Juniper SSG5 firewall, our very first Juniper and wanted to use it.

While I am able to use it in NAT mode, I have been unsuccessful to use it in route mode.

We have Public IPs from the same segment and I wanted to use it with the firewall but it appears that I can't assign IPs for each port if the IP is from the same segment.

Does it mean that we can't use it other than in NAT mode?

What we want to accomplish is to have one of IPs to act as gateway and filter or route in/out traffic to/from our other IPs.

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Public & Private On Same Switch

May 1, 2007

Due to an emergency with our colo space, we are missing a switch.

As a very temporary measure, would it be possible to put both our public traffic and private traffic ( on the same switch without a VLAN?

Essentially we'd be connecting both the trusted and external side of our (natting) firewall to the same switch, along with our servers (which have private IP's).

What are the security risks of this?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: How To Add Public IP

Oct 19, 2014

I am looking to migrate from dedicated box with windows server 2012 R2 and plesk 12 over to amazon ec2.

so setup a test server on ec2.

Plesk only shows the private IP, how do I add the public IP ?

Is it even possible ?

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SolarVPS Issues Public Thoughts

Jun 18, 2008

I regret to bring this to a public forum but having seen that solarvps has a presence here I am hoping that a resolve to this issue can be found, and any public opinions are welcomed.

Having been a customer with solarvps since 2006 without any cause for concerns it does not make me happy with some recent issues I have had with them. So I have had a vps server hosted with them since 2006. Sometime in February when attempting to login to my VPS I got an error, I left it as this happens sometimes, it happened for 4 days in a row so I thought this is a little strange logged in to my control panel, to see no VPS server was listed under the account. There was no invoice generated either. Ok this is strange but I just assumed it had been terminated, no invoice came through and that particular server was a backup server so I sought hosting elsewhere.

4 months pass I get an email from solarvps stating my account is overdue with charges applied. I contact them back straight away asking what they are billing me for I have explained the situation time and again to them, I have asked the questions why the server disappeared from my account, why I wasn’t able to access the vps remotely and why no invoices got generated at the time to which I have had no response, I have asked more than 5 times now. The only response I keep getting form them is threats if I do not pay to hand over to a collection agency and the possibility of legal action. To which I have replied each time that I will contest any such action and seek legal advice myself.

Granted I should probably have contacted them at the time but really they are at fault more than I am for not asking them what has happened, I truly believe I am not in the wrong here but nobody within solarvps is prepared is looking at the facts of what has happened here.

Well anyway I hope bringing this to a public forum will bring a resolve and maybe some answers. I am getting no response from anybody within solarvps and would be happy to take this away from the public if they are willing.

I am not unfair nor does it make sense that a customer for so long would just decide not to pay you one month and kick up a fuss over such a small amount of money but the fact that I am not in the wrong with this matter, I am not prepared to pay them no matter how much bullying tactics they wish to adopt in trying to make me.

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Is There Any Public Listed Web Hosting Companies

May 19, 2009

I would like to know there is any.

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Hosting A Public Email Service

May 10, 2007

Currently we are running a very successful site for extreme sports. We have just spent 6 months on development of our new site which we will launch in a fortnight. This will free up some of my time to look at other areas and avenues to attract members.

Personally I would love to run a hotmail style service on our website, and believe this would help with the growth of our online community.

Just interested in advice from others on areas to be aware and alert when running a service like this?

I am also trying to make the decision between SocketMail or Atmail. If anyone has opinions on these, or an alternative solution i'm all for that advice too.

Basically at this point I am wanting to get as much advice together as possible, then look to making an informed decision to go ahead or not.

Currently we operate off a dedicated server and i realise this may have to become two servers in the near future with such a service. It is fully managed by myself, and a 3rd party individual I hire to maintain the server on a monthly basis.

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Deny Perl In Public Folders

Mar 12, 2007

How do you guys deny run of perl/bash scripts from /tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm? I've tried to build simple shell wrapper, but that's not a compromise if you run for example spamassassin on the same server (it needs direct io to/from perl binary). I'm looking intro some kind of binary wrapper or patch that will deny running perl scripts from public folders (also the same for shell scripts will be great). Any ideas or solutions?

If anyone interested in primitive shell wrapper code:

ARGS=`echo $@ | grep -v "/tmp/"`
if [ "$ARGS" != "" ]; then
/usr/bin/perl.orig $ARGS;

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