I installed plesk win 12 with mssql2012 , but nobody as abale to restore DB via plesk we recive this error Error: dbbackup failed: Unable to restore database 'degardis'Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 29.the backup file is restored straight via sql management studio.
Unable to restore database '17' Not valid backup: Cannot open backup device 'C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskBackupclub-panel.irdatabases171.bak'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
(Error code 22) ---------------------- Debug Info -------------------------------
when i try to make backup of mssql 2012 on plesk 11.5 i have the following error:Error: dbbackup failed: Unable to backup database 'DBANME'. Unable to open connection: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.i already configured temp/network directory,
Logged into my panel today to run a database backup on a site I'm working on to be confronted with the following:
Unable to backup database 'XXXXXXXXXX' Cannot open backup device 'C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskBackupXXXXXXXXX.co.nzdatabasesXXXXXXXXX-29 est'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
(Error code 21)
I'm not sure why permissions would change on their own, I'm also not sure how to fix the permissions error. I get the same error on all databases.
PrivateTemp folder appears to have write permissions for Group MSSQLSERVER
I have this error when i put import to mysql database
Code: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<script></script><p>ERROR: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded (Util.' at line 244
I have in domain > doemainname > max_execution_time Standaard Geef een aangepaste waarde op 0
and insert in usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/domains/databases/phpmyadmin in the file config.sample.inc.php following command $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 70000;
Trying to restore a database in plesk 11 I got the following error.
Error: dbbackup failed: Unable to restore database 'database_name'Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
There is no wrong with the db, when I restore from it on local machine everything works.
I have a problem with restore ms sql server 2008 database after restoring the message...Error: Unable to creste database user: Database user name is invalid. Only latin letters are allowed in the database user nameerror
I have daily backups for all accounts setup on our Plesk 11 server and was wondering how I would go about restoring a single database from the backup manager? I could restore the entire zip file, but that would make a mess of any other databases which of course isn't optimal. I see if I download a client's zip file that within the zip_file/databases/db_name there is another zip file which contains a tmp file which for a MySQL database it looks fairly standard, for MSSQL it looks to be in their format but is this what's really necessary? Can I even use those tmp files to restore manually through the Backup Manager -> Database Backup Repository? Why isn't there a simple way for a client to restore a database with the existing backups?
I make full backup from my Plesk 11 server and Copy All files over %plesk_dir%/Backup to New server. When I tried to restore them I received this error !
Warning:reseller "banipersia" Failed deployment of domain baqdad.com Warning: Execution of "C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskbindomain.exe" --create baqdad.com -owner "" -do-not-apply-skeleton -notify false -guid D854C8FC-19DE-4256-A172-888155D012A9 -vendor-guid 194764FD-2B44-4F82-BA33-988DFF49FCFE -creation-date 2013-05-23 -ip -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with return code 1. Stderr is Wrong syntax for command's '-owner' parameter. '' does not match the pattern '/^[^s]{1,255}$/'.
I'm on a VPS with Ubuntu 14.04 and Plesk 12 Web Admin Edition. I can't import a large (20 MB zipped) database dump to phpmyadmin because there is a 2MB file size limit. I suppose I have to change the server-wide PHP configuration (if I change the PHP settings for the domain nothing happens). Is there a way to change the global PHP settings via the Plesk panel?
After a server migration, some critical Plesk settings were not copied across, even though the option to backup/restore panel configuration was used. e.g.
skeleton (vhosts.skel folder) php.ini (Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskAdditionalPleskPHP5* folder) Default site (vhostsdefault folder) health config (Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskadminconfcustom-health-config.xml) Additional Administrator accounts
Is there a way to get these things to backup and restore that I am doing wrong?
Are there other important settings/data that I have missed from that list? I am still paying to keep the old server in case I discover something else!
Using Plesk Backup & Restore for disaster recovery will lose these settings unless they take extra steps. e.g. I now have a simple batch file that copies these files to a private folder on one of the domains before the daily backup kicks in.
My Plesk backup doesn't work properly. I constantly get the error "dump file has wrong format".I followed the steps in "How to verify an invalid Plesk backup file" [URL] .... and found the following:
No matter what I do (updating settings, saving, etc.), the error keeps coming back. Seems like a database inconsistency. How can I access the Plesk DB through PhpMyAdmin to check the notifications table? When I go to Settings > Database servers > Local MySQL server > Webadmin, I only see my customers' databases.
Every time a backup task finishes (full server or a single domain) i get the following error:
The operation you were performing failed. You can retry the operation with or without changing its parameters. You may also want to report this problem to our support.
Unable to find Backup dump object ---------------------- Debug Info ------------------------------- 0: backup.abstract-repository.item.php:63 __backup__abstract_repository__item->getDump() 1: backup.abstract-repository.item.restore.php:38 __backup__abstract_repository__item__restore->accessItem(string 'GET', NULL null) 2: UIPointer.php:600 UIPointer->access(string 'GET') 3: plesk.php:50Click to expand...
Warning: server "server" Unable to backup server Site Builder content[Error in execute ''"C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPlesksbutilsbru.php" --backup --log=stdout --target=server_settings --file="C:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskPrivateTemp mp34720.tmp"': # Error: Cannot execute query to database. #
Having problems with failed daily domain backups. All databases that have been created by Plesk cannot be backed up, thus backup fails with the following message:
why but autoupdate fails. It doesn't give a reason why it cant backup.
For line of log :
START pp11.5.30-bootstrapper-11.5.30-cos5.build115131216.11 installing AT Thu Mar 27 07:43:37 CET 2014
Last lines of log :
===> Upgrading database
Trying to start service mysqld... mysqld (pid 24610) is running... done Trying to establish test connection... connected done Trying to find psa database... version is 011005030 Version is OK, no need to create psa database. Trying to backup MySQL database... ERROR while trying to backup MySQL database Check the error reason(see log file: /tmp/plesk_11.5.30_installation.log), fix and try again
Trying to start psa...
**** Product prep-install for BASE failed.
***** problem report ***** ERROR while trying to backup MySQL database Check the error reason(see log file: /tmp/plesk_11.5.30_installation.log), fix and try again STOP Bootstrapper 11.5.30 prep-install for BASE AT Tue Jun 17 04:04:48 CEST 2014
I'm new to Parallels Panel. I use version 11.0.9. I want to backup mysql database daily. First of all, what is the best way for daily database backup in plesk. I'm trying to do this in Scheduled Tasks and I use mysqldump command although I'm not sure.
I chose the time and day first and then I switched on the task. I typed the following command to Command line.
This created only a blank file. When I use this without gzip, nothing changes.
1- Is mysqldump right command for database backup? 2- Should I define full path for mysqldump, gzip and database? If so, how can I find out the full path of mysqldump, gzip and my database? Because I can't see their locations in panel. 3- I can't see any error message. There is not any log file in httpdocs folder. Where does the log file exist? 4- It is weird but should the username be "database user" or should I write "root" ?
I have read about people wanting to change their database from MSSQL to MySQL. I however am wanting to change from MySQL to Microsoft SQL in our Plesk panel.
Since we upgraded to Plesk 11.5 or (I'm not shure) the last Update 12, user can not import MySQL-Databases anymore.
If the user open phpMyAdmin for import and select the database and click on Ok, phpMyAdmin does nothing.
I heard that could be a problem with JQUERY and I checked the files in ParallelsadminhtdocsdomainsdatabasesphpMyAdminjsjquery and all files seems to be there.
Only if I check the source of the phpMyAdmin Import-Website it seems, there is a problem with jquery-1.6.2+fix-9521.js.
But how I can fix this problem for all Windows-Servers.
I'm having a problem with Plesk Panel 11.0.9 update #64. All other page running perfect. But when I go to "Backup Manager --> Database Backup Repository --> Upload Backup File" then Plesk Panel show error: Internal Server Error 500.0.