Mysql Restore
Jun 10, 2007I take full backup of one site. the site have 250 mb database mysql i click on backup restore inwhm and select site and whm say Restore done. ut mysql can`t restore good
how may i restored the site full?
I take full backup of one site. the site have 250 mb database mysql i click on backup restore inwhm and select site and whm say Restore done. ut mysql can`t restore good
how may i restored the site full?
I recently had a harddrive failure and luckliy I can still access certain directories on this failed drive. I can still access the /var/lib/mysql/ directory which holds all the users databases and have backed all these up separately using tar.
Now what I need to know is how do you restore these database files to another server? I tried simply untar'ing one of these to the new servers /var/lib/mysql/ direcotry and it stuffed Mysql up - it went offline. I had to get a cpanel tech to bring Mysql back online.
how can I get these database files to fully work on a new server?
restore a big mysql database (vbulletin) but the sql backups are all in smaller files, 200+
root@server [/home/user/public_html/db-backup/2007-09-17]# mysql -u user_user -pACTUALPASSWORD user_vbulletin < /home/user/public_html/db-backup/2007-09-17/*.sql
-bash: /home/user/public_html/db-backup/2007-09-17/*.sql: ambiguous redirect
How do I do all in one shot safely?
using mysql 4.1
im currently in the process of movinmg most of my clients MySQL dbs to a dedicated mysql server (direct private lan link so speed/bw is not an issue) but i have ~2900 .sql files i need to restore, anyone got any idea how to automate this restore,
the sql files were created suing mysqldump on old server so have all the appropriate create database entries etc but id rather not have to do each file by hand or ill be here for months
I have a new customer moving from another host. His account was terminated already, so just have backup file. When restoring his mysql database, I have this error
Unable to restore database dbname.sql to agesuke_forum : ERROR at line 521 in file: '/backup/dbname.sql': Unknown command ''.
Googling shows error in version < 5.0.6 but we are using 5.1.35 already. Is there any idea to fix? This account will run on CentOS 5 - 64bits, FYI.
Hard drive failed but I have a backup of the files on antoher drive. I created new database with the same exact name then I copied all files inside /var/lib/mysql/database_name to the new folder. It didn't work, anyone know how to make the database work? I tried repairing it to no avail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to get the h3ll away from Godaddy, fast!
However, my site has a large MySQL database (200 megabytes) and it's impossible to backup or restore via phpMyadmin. Godaddy has a feature on their control panel, where you can restore/backup your MySQL database to a special diretory on your web http file space, which you can upload/download vis FTP. I use this alot.
Is there any other web hosting company that offers such a feature? I haven't seen this anywhere except on Godaddy.
As to why I need to get away from Godaddy:
Basically what they did was, my site was getting too much traffic (even though it's still well under Godaddy's advertised limits for that plan)... so they sent me an email that says:
"Your site is using too much server resources. We have moved you to a new server to protect our other customers. Please identify steps to reduce your site traffic and contact us."
They moved my site to what is, apparently, a punishment area (Godaddy Hell) where all the high volume sites go. It is so extremely slow, my site might as well not exist... it is inaccessible to my visitors for all intents and purposes.
I have a corrupted VPS, and have some mysql databases on it.
I want to backup databases and restore them on the new server.
Cpanel service is down on the vps and I cannot transfer accts.
Is it possible to do so ?
1- Zip or Tar the username folder in /home dir.
2- zip or tar the database name in /var/lib/mysql folder
Either by SSH or File manager trough HyperVM
Then transfer files some where safe...
When vps is rebuilt, restore the archives and databases to
the folders I have backed up before rebuilt.
There are also some accounts on a terminated vps that there is only an image of the vps available so, I only can tar files using a jailed shell account, move to the new vps and untar them.
how to do it and avoid database problems.
I have some server with OS: CentOS 5.x
one day, I have to replicate 2 servers together. so, I have to stop webserver and use MySQL Administrator GUI Tool to backup it. My steps follow: (i work directly on Server 2 and i wantna to use mysql administrator gui to monitor and config replication).
1. Server 2: ssh to server 1-> connect mySQL -> add any host to root access
2. Server 2: use mySQL Administrator connect to server 1 with root
3. Server 2: backup from server 1 on Desktop location
4. Server 2: Restore it use mysql administrator tool.
It works well but when i click Restore button, MySQL Administrator GUI Tool disappear!
What's problem with this tools or server 2?
I have Plesk Windows version, when I want import my backup mysql, i see below error:
Error: dbbackup failed: Unable to restore database 'admin_IranDnn'
ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 1: MySQL server has gone awayClick to expand...
Would like to know what are the dangers of backing up and restoring full entire system backups (with plesk installed) to another server with a different ip address? Will the restored plesk setup operate properly and offer an ip address change in the system, or will there be any pre-requisites required such as manual ip changing within the system core files?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince my /var partition is full, so I moved /var/lib/mysql to /backup/mysql/.
Seems all the files are copied and I changed my.cnf reboot mysql, but all the web sites using db is not working anymore..
I installed the MySQL binary packages in /usr/local/mysql/ after removing the MySQL RPM package. MySQL is functioning when I executed /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld. I reinstalled MySQL before I installed PHP. When I used a PHP script to access a MySQL database, it outputs an error:
Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2002): can't connect to local mysql server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock in index.php on line 2
However, I installed MySQL in /usr/local/mysql, not in /var/lib/mysql. How do I fix MySQL?
I uploaded a .gz file that contains an sql file and was curious to know how I can restore it into a database via SSH.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI do not have a restore disk for my Toshiba laptop and there is a virus on it. Can I use my restore disk from my HP computer? Both use windows XP?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I install an SSL Cert with just the .key and .crt in root WHM?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi deleted the files db files in /var/named/
how could i can restore it?
what i want is how can i recreate the dns zone files again for all my accounts in the server
note : i have whm/cpanel running on centos box
I use WHM to do nighly full backups of all my accounts. One one account (my own web site) I want to restore ONLY a certain directiy and its subdirectories. Is this possible or do I have to restore the entire site? If so, how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have dedicated server and I have daily,weekly and monthly backups located in:
root: /backup/cpbackup (my secondary drive)
each account's backup locate in specific directory like:
the backup of account will be located in:
root: /backup/cpbackup/website1
all backups are not compressed file
So, How can I restore one or more backup?
I've come into a bind here.
I need to restore a deleted VPS. Problem is that another VPS was created right after the VPS was deleted. This is on a Xen hypervm slave.
I tried running vgcfgrestore -f /etc/lvm/archive/ VolGroup00
but its not bringing back the files.
Any ideas at all at on how to recover? Is this even possible? I just need to salvage some files from /home from the old setup.
Perhaps delete the new VPS and then do a restore?
I have on my server vBulletin 1.7GB database in SQL format I try somany time to restore it but its hang! I transfer that file to another server and its working fine!
I see the MySQL Processes:
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 11 | leechprotect | localhost | leechprotect | Sleep | 2073 | | |
| 22 | eximstats | localhost | eximstats | Sleep | 1902 | | |
| 25 | xxxtyyx_vb | localhost | xxxtyyx_vb | Query | 1494 | Repair with keycache | /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `post` ENABLE KEYS */ |
| 41 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | | show processlist |
Its stay like that for long time!
root@server [~]# mysql -u divingho_dhadmin -p divingho_divinghols < /home/divingho/mysql/divinghols.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 11: Access denied for user 'divingho_dhadmin'@'localhost' to database 'divinghols'
The username is right, the password I use is correct. I even deleted, recreated the mysql database and username, still giving the same error. The path to sql file is right and only 68k in size.
Using mysql 4.1
i was make a os reload and i amount the old drive in my server i can see my old files in /home but the problem how can restore it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow long should a cpmove (full backup) take to restore for a site that is 4GB? Its been "Extracting Tarball" for about 3 hours now, and has stopped updating the transcript with "..." for a while. Is this normal or do I need to start a fresh copy?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI transferred my account over using pkgacct and then issued the command: /scripts/restorepkg username
It split a lot of these errors below:
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john/homedir/mail/,: Cannot utime: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: cpmove-john
it shows this error for all files inside the /mail/ directory. Any idea what's wrong? The restore process is still running, haven't gotten past this yet.
I Have Send To For My Backup Before 4 - 5 Days!
Is That Just Happen With Me?
Or Where The Support Team Or Any Supporting They Call It?
Hope Anyone Make It Faster To Get My Backup Back ....
Backing up a server is obviously very important. Lets say I do a daily rSync backup and eventually my server HDD crashes, I know it isn't just a 'one click' job to restore my backup but what is it necessary to do in order to carry out a complete and effective restore back to how it was?
A step-by-step 'tutorial' on restoring an rSync backup would be helpful not just to me but to many 'would-be' server administrators.