However, my site has a large MySQL database (200 megabytes) and it's impossible to backup or restore via phpMyadmin. Godaddy has a feature on their control panel, where you can restore/backup your MySQL database to a special diretory on your web http file space, which you can upload/download vis FTP. I use this alot.
Is there any other web hosting company that offers such a feature? I haven't seen this anywhere except on Godaddy.
As to why I need to get away from Godaddy:
Basically what they did was, my site was getting too much traffic (even though it's still well under Godaddy's advertised limits for that plan)... so they sent me an email that says:
"Your site is using too much server resources. We have moved you to a new server to protect our other customers. Please identify steps to reduce your site traffic and contact us."
They moved my site to what is, apparently, a punishment area (Godaddy Hell) where all the high volume sites go. It is so extremely slow, my site might as well not exist... it is inaccessible to my visitors for all intents and purposes.
I have a corrupted VPS, and have some mysql databases on it.
I want to backup databases and restore them on the new server.
Cpanel service is down on the vps and I cannot transfer accts.
Is it possible to do so ?
1- Zip or Tar the username folder in /home dir.
2- zip or tar the database name in /var/lib/mysql folder
Either by SSH or File manager trough HyperVM
Then transfer files some where safe...
When vps is rebuilt, restore the archives and databases to the folders I have backed up before rebuilt.
There are also some accounts on a terminated vps that there is only an image of the vps available so, I only can tar files using a jailed shell account, move to the new vps and untar them.
one day, I have to replicate 2 servers together. so, I have to stop webserver and use MySQL Administrator GUI Tool to backup it. My steps follow: (i work directly on Server 2 and i wantna to use mysql administrator gui to monitor and config replication).
1. Server 2: ssh to server 1-> connect mySQL -> add any host to root access
2. Server 2: use mySQL Administrator connect to server 1 with root
3. Server 2: backup from server 1 on Desktop location
4. Server 2: Restore it use mysql administrator tool.
It works well but when i click Restore button, MySQL Administrator GUI Tool disappear!
I recently had a harddrive failure and luckliy I can still access certain directories on this failed drive. I can still access the /var/lib/mysql/ directory which holds all the users databases and have backed all these up separately using tar.
Now what I need to know is how do you restore these database files to another server? I tried simply untar'ing one of these to the new servers /var/lib/mysql/ direcotry and it stuffed Mysql up - it went offline. I had to get a cpanel tech to bring Mysql back online.
how can I get these database files to fully work on a new server?
Backing up a server is obviously very important. Lets say I do a daily rSync backup and eventually my server HDD crashes, I know it isn't just a 'one click' job to restore my backup but what is it necessary to do in order to carry out a complete and effective restore back to how it was?
A step-by-step 'tutorial' on restoring an rSync backup would be helpful not just to me but to many 'would-be' server administrators.
The only backup I could get from crissic was my hypervm backup...
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to just restore this backup on a new VPS and have the code and mysql back to life? At the moment i've looked into the backup and can see the html files and the mysql database files.
i have a cpanel server. due to some problems , one of my customers asks me to terminate his account and create it again WITH NEW DOMAIN NAME and restore old backup in this new account. how can i restore old backup in this new account that they have different domain names and usernames!
I have inherited a server that has somewhat non-standard config, e.g. NFS mount and lighthttpd. I don't have a handle on all the way it is setup quite yet.
So my question is: If I rsync backup the hard disk to an offsite backup, then in case of a crash, can I restore the whole thing (again using rsync) without any tweaking necessary (which I may not be able to do). In other words, would the webserver start working without any tweaks?
I've virtual dedicated server with goDaddy and i need to upgrade the server Operating system from Fedora Core 4 to Fedore Core 6 and for which i need to backup my site. I am usually doing like this.
1. make a tar ball of all the files and ftp to my local Fedora core 7 desktop 2. Running MySQL administrator from my local Fedora core 7 desktop and connecting to my site database server and finally saving the .sql file.
Now i need to go for upgrading operating system on the hosted server and i would like to make sure whether i'm doing the right way for backing up my server. Will i be able to restore back my site?
I take full backup of one site. the site have 250 mb database mysql i click on backup restore inwhm and select site and whm say Restore done. ut mysql can`t restore good
when i want to Restore full backup see this error Restore for cpmove-wwwpakh.tar.gz Searching /home.... checked 25 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /usr/home.... checked 0 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /web.... checked 0 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /home2.... checked 0 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /home3.... checked 0 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /root.... checked 12 files..... No Restorable archives found! Searching /usr.... checked 16 files..... No Restorable archives found! No archives where found for user wwwpakh.tar.gz! This feature will restore full backups, cpanel backups and cpanel move files in the format of: cpmove-user.tar.gz, user.tar.gz, backup-date_time_user.tar.gz The files must be in one of these directories on the server: /home,/usr/home,/web,/home2,/home3,/root,/usr
You must upload the file to one of the above locations before using this feature.
i have make a full Plesk Backup on my Old Server with Plesk 12.0(Ubuntu) and will restore the Backup on my new Server with Plesk 12.0(CentOS).When i will restore the backup i get this error: "Error: The source file is not a valid XML file. If you supplied an archive file containing a backup from Plesk version 9 or later, then extract the contents of this archive, and process the extracted XML file with the converter. If you want to convert a backup file from a Plesk version earlier than 9, then you first need to process it with the pre9-backup-convert utility, and then process the resulting file with the pre10-backup-convert utility."