IE/Firefox Keeps Prompting For Un/pw

Jan 18, 2007

I'm on IIS6.

The site is open to all via anonymous setting. Everything works.

I turned off anonymous access in a subfolder. Try to view it and I get prompted for login like I should. But no matter what I enter I can't get in. I know I am entering the correct un/pw, but I just keep getting prompted again and again as if it was wrong. If I hit cancel I see either a 401.1 or 401.5 message.

Here's the rub, it used to work. But then I moved the source files to a another machine and changed the site root to the UNC. Did the whole same IUSR in both machines for it to work. Everything went smooth. But now the protected directory keeps asking for login, I can't get acces to it. I have only Integrated Windows Authentication checked.

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IE/Firefox Keeps Prompting For Un/pw

Jan 19, 2007

I'm on W2K3/IIS6.

The site is open to all via anonymous setting. Everything works.

I turned off anonymous access in a subfolder. Try to view it and I get prompted for login like I should. But no matter what I enter I can't get in. I know I am entering the correct un/pw, but I just keep getting prompted again and again as if it was wrong. If I hit cancel I see either a 401.1 or 401.5 message.

Here's the rub, it used to work. But then I moved the source files to a another machine and changed the site root to the UNC. Did the whole same IUSR in both machines for anonymous access to work. Everything went smooth. But now the protected directory keeps asking for login, I can't get acces to it. I have only Integrated Windows Authentication checked. And I am trying to authenticate with admin account which has access to directory.

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Disable Mysqldump Prompting For Password

Apr 17, 2008

how do I make mysqldump command to run and make sql dump directly without prompting me for password

on cpanel server i can do this directly
# mysqldump database_database > /backup/backup.sql

on direct admin server i only can do this
# mysqldump -u root -p database_database > /backup/backup.sql
Enter password:

I don't want this because I'm going to run this command on cronjob!

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Firefox And An Intermediate Cert

May 22, 2007

I had to reinstall a Verisign cert last week. After cleaning out a mess of old certs, keys and csr's I finally got the thing to install properly.

However, I get a "Website Certified by an Unknown Authority Error in Firefox".

Everything including the intermediate crt is installed correctly as far as I can tell and I get no error in any version of IE.

Here from the httpd.comf file:

<IfDefine SSL>
<VirtualHost IPADDRESS:443>
DocumentRoot /home/myuser/public_html
UserDir public_html

User myuser
Group mygroup
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/myuser/public_html/cgi-bin/

SSLCertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/share/ssl/private/
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/share/ssl/certs/
SSLLogFile /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ combined
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

The key matches the cert, and the cabundle is directly from Verisign.

Has anyone had a similar problem with getting a Verisign or other intermediate cert to work properly? I've reissued the thing twice and so far nothing has changed. It's like the intermediate cert isn't being sent even though it is installed.

When viewing the cert in firefox the Certificate Hierarchy only shows my domain. In internet explorer is shows Verisign Class 3 Public Primary CA -> Verisign Class 3 Secure Server CA -> My domain.

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Fast Firefox And Bandwidth With Websites

Jun 30, 2008

I understand that in firefox you can

with this setting


make it so that the browser make so many requests

How does it effect bandwidth of websites and how one can prevent people from coming to your site with so many requests?

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Mod_security With Gotroot Rules Filtering Out Firefox

Feb 4, 2008

I just wanted to confirm if you guys had the same problem. It seems that mod_security with gotroot rules for apache 1.3 is filtering out firefox. Everything works fine with IE. With the latest firefox I get this for any page requested:

mod_security-message: Access denied with code 500. Pattern match "^GET (http|https|ftp):/" at THE_REQUEST [severity "EMERGENCY"]

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Weird Firefox Camtasia Server Issue

Jan 23, 2007

When I try to play one of my own camtasia videos in Firefox they just don't work! If I open them in an other browser they play just fine.

If I open the same video on a other server, it starts!

I see the playbar, the buttons, it says it's waiting for the server but they just don't start playing! How weird is that!

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IIS 5 - Cant Access Page From IE7 But Can Access From Firefox

Feb 20, 2008

I found a great little app called ID Shutdown Manager which bascially lets you do stuff like wake on LAN, Shutdown, Log Off etc.

The App also has a cgi script which you can call from a web server so you get a web interface to the program.

This is exactly my reason for getting the app as I just wanted to host a web page where I could login from the internet and wake on lan my media PC.

Ok so...

The app gives you all the iis or apache setup instructions and tells you to place the cgi script which is actually a .exe into the scripts folder and then enable basic authentication for it.


So if I navigate to <SERVER>/scripts/sdmancgi.exe its supposed to give me a user / pass prompt and then when login successful I see the app and can wake on lan etc.

ok I have got this to work

on the actual machine where server is running I can access it in IE7 by localhost etc.. and it works

However when I try to access from another PC in my lan by typing <SERVER>/scripts/sdmancgi.exe I get a nice little message saying the content cannot be displayed you may require to insall a program or something to display it.

If I try to access the page from firefox on same remote PC, it works!

I can also access page from outside my LAN, it works on my N95 browser.

Also I have had friends try it from firefox from the Internet and they say it works as well.

Forgot to mention I am running on port 8081 as I already have other servers running on 8080 and 80 (one is my router and the other server installed itself from setup.exe and I dont know what server its using)

I have also tried latest apache server as well as some other free one. Both have the same effect. Ok in firefox, not in IE.

One would think its a problem with the cgi file not compatible with IE7 however, I even tried to go to default page setup in IIS <SERVER>:8081 and I get the same message. So at this point the server hasnt even tried to access CGI or prompt for Basic Authentication.

I tried googling and not much luck. I read something about CSS and when I view source of failed web page from IE7 it mentions something about CSS so dont know if this is it?

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