Disable Mysqldump Prompting For Password

Apr 17, 2008

how do I make mysqldump command to run and make sql dump directly without prompting me for password

on cpanel server i can do this directly
# mysqldump database_database > /backup/backup.sql

on direct admin server i only can do this
# mysqldump -u root -p database_database > /backup/backup.sql
Enter password:

I don't want this because I'm going to run this command on cronjob!

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IE/Firefox Keeps Prompting For Un/pw

Jan 18, 2007

I'm on IIS6.

The site is open to all via anonymous setting. Everything works.

I turned off anonymous access in a subfolder. Try to view it and I get prompted for login like I should. But no matter what I enter I can't get in. I know I am entering the correct un/pw, but I just keep getting prompted again and again as if it was wrong. If I hit cancel I see either a 401.1 or 401.5 message.

Here's the rub, it used to work. But then I moved the source files to a another machine and changed the site root to the UNC. Did the whole same IUSR in both machines for it to work. Everything went smooth. But now the protected directory keeps asking for login, I can't get acces to it. I have only Integrated Windows Authentication checked.

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IE/Firefox Keeps Prompting For Un/pw

Jan 19, 2007

I'm on W2K3/IIS6.

The site is open to all via anonymous setting. Everything works.

I turned off anonymous access in a subfolder. Try to view it and I get prompted for login like I should. But no matter what I enter I can't get in. I know I am entering the correct un/pw, but I just keep getting prompted again and again as if it was wrong. If I hit cancel I see either a 401.1 or 401.5 message.

Here's the rub, it used to work. But then I moved the source files to a another machine and changed the site root to the UNC. Did the whole same IUSR in both machines for anonymous access to work. Everything went smooth. But now the protected directory keeps asking for login, I can't get acces to it. I have only Integrated Windows Authentication checked. And I am trying to authenticate with admin account which has access to directory.

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Mysqldump In Ssh

Jan 24, 2008

If a friend of your's asked you what they should type in SSH to make a backup of a MySQL database so they would have it to restore if anything were to happen to their server (drive failure, DB corruption, etc etc).. what would you tell them to type in?

The reason I ask this is because doing my own research on the net on how to backup a mysql database in SSH has shown me there are 10 million ways of doing it, with all kinds of modifiers and so forth. Not having a good grasp on what these modifiers do, I am not sure what to use?

For instance, here is what I have been using:

mysqldump --opt -udb_username -p db_name > /home/username/thebackupfile.sql

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Mysqldump -a Option?

Aug 4, 2008

Can anyone tell me what the "-a" option is for in mysqldump? I've seen it in use but can't seem to find it in the documentation.

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Apr 24, 2007

setting up a new cron job.

I would like to have MySQLDUMP dump my specified database(s) into a specified folder using date and time stamps in the filename.

I've done some searching on this but haven't really came up with a way to do all of this at once, or if I may need to setup a cron job to rename the file after the dump has completed. I may be going about this all wrong to begin with, I'm just looking for a very simple and reliable way to backup my databases.

I'm testing this on a Shared Web Host account at this time which does have SSH shell access, but I wasn't sure if this makes a difference.

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Mysqldump :: JUST The Data, NO Table Information

Apr 14, 2008

From Linux Shell, I need to back up a mysql database, JUST the data, NO Table information. Which options in mysqldump do I use?

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Mysqldump With Slave Hard Drive

Mar 26, 2008

This week I reached the pinnacle of all time greatest screw ups I've ever done with a web server in five years. During a routine upgrade, my server crashed and basically burned to the point that the technicians at Burst/Nocster felt it would be in my best interest to clear the server out and do a fresh restore.

Fortunately, I had the majorty of files and designs I've done on a safe backup. Unfortunately, the mysql database I had was not so fresh and recent. In there lies my big problem on an issue I really have not seen much information about.

We all know of the mysqldump command that can be used to backup databases and save a .sql file on the server. Its quick, easy, and relatively painless. The problem I have run into is

mysqldump --opt -u nqforum_braduser -p nqforum_nodqdb > /home/nqcom/backup.sql

This would be the command I'd use on my normal mysql dump. However, all of my files and past server information has been installed as a slave hard drive temporarily until I can gather everything I need. Therefore, the command above won't work because it is looking for this mysql database & user that does not exist on the new server. I currently have the slave hard drive path stored at


So for example, to get to the website that would have that particular database


So my question for those who know anything about slave hard drives and mysql, how can I get a simple current backup of this database saved to a location, then of course once it is saved as a .sql file somewhere, I can simply run a mysql restore command in SSH to bring it back.

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Giving Chrooted User Access To Mysqldump

Aug 3, 2009

I have a chrooted ftp user that I use on my server. I would like to run a cron job using this user that backs up my mySQL databases. When I execute the job, it complains about date and mysqldump not existing. I was able to fix the date problem simply by copying it from the actual /bin to the chrooted /bin. However, I can't simply copy mysqldump because it depends on several libraries. Anybody know how I can give this chrooted user access to commands that aren't in his chroot?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Backup Fails Mysqldump - Got Error - 1016

Jun 3, 2015

I am having trouble with backing up a wordpress multisite.. When backup is on i am getting this error:

Not all the data was backed up into /var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/<domain>/databases/<db_name> successfully. mysqldump: Got error: 1016: Can't open file: './<db_name>/<some_table>.frm' (errno: 24) when using LOCK TABLES

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Could Not Find Password For Account ID / Return Empty Password

Nov 19, 2013

Everyday after Backup Panel (Tasks from Backup Manager), I receive next error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<execution-result status="error">
<object name="domain.ru" type="domain">
<message severity="error" id="416a91ad-e5e7-480b-b6b4-a60157b8eaae" code="InformationalException">
<description>Could not find password for account id '2648'. Return empty password</description>

Resolve -> only reconfigure domain. How can I automatic fix this problem?

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Changing Email Password Changes Admin Panel Password Too?

Jun 17, 2014

today i changed the password for the admin panel for a customer (username eg. mylogin). 10 minutes later he called me and said that he cannot get into his emailaccount anymore. Checked the password and saw that the emailpassword for his emailaddress (eg. mylogin@mydomain.com) is now the same from the admin panel login. So i changed the emailpassword and checked the admin panel login - it now has the emailpassword. What a mess.. I'm running Plesk Panel 11.5.30 MU47.

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How To Change Cpanel Password With FTP Password

Nov 22, 2007

How to change the Password of my FTP?

I know how to change the pwd. of cPanel, but I don't know how to change the pwd. of FTP?

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How To: Disable SSL 2.0 And Use SSL 3.0

Oct 20, 2008

Our security comlience test got failed due to following reason

The remote service encrypts traffic using a protocol with known weaknesses.

The remote service accepts connections encrypted using SSL 2.0, which reportedly suffers from several cryptographic flaws and has been deprecated for several years. An attacker may be able to exploit these issues to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks or decrypt communications between the affected service and clients.

Consult the application's documentation to disable SSL 2.0 and use SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 instead. See for Apache.

We have Cpanel RHEL server. Please advise how to:

'disable SSL 2.0 and use SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 instead. See for Apache.'

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How To Disable RBL

Feb 20, 2008

RBL is blocking every incoming email. While waiting for the admin. How to disable it?

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Dr Web - How To Disable It

May 11, 2008

I can stop Dr Web from within Plesk Control panel, but every time server restarts - Dr Web is automatically started again.

Any possible way to disable it from running?

Also the same with Spam Assassin.

I am running CentOS

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Disable SSL 2.0 And Use SSL 3.0

Nov 6, 2007

I would like to disable SSL 2.0 and use SSL 3.0, my question how i can do this and which file i have to modify or i have to upgrade from SSL 2.0 to SSL 3.0 ?

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Why Disable Parse_ini_file

Jun 10, 2009

I've seen for securing PHP recommends putting parse_ini_file() in the disable_functions line in php.ini but I cannot find an exact reason why. This being disabled is causing an error message to appear on some of my users sites but I'm trying to find a clear cut reason why it is disabled.

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Disable Clamav

Mar 19, 2008

How can I disable clamav on cpanel server and make sure that it's not running

because when clamav is running the outlook is not working so I have to restart clamav every time.

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Disable Logrotate

Oct 25, 2009

is it possible to disable log rotate? I can't seem to find the cron under my weeklys or dailys nor monthlys unless it's named "mad-db" but is there a way to make it say yearly? or just disable it all together? I say this because the script I use has a function already to clear the logs and when log rotate runs it kills all processes going by the script

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How Disable Phpinfo()

Apr 17, 2009

when some one upload and load files with phpinfo()

he can see our server PHP Configuration.

how can us disable phpinfo()?

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Disable Auditd

May 24, 2009

I have disabled auditd

root@server48 [~]# chkconfig --list |grep audit
root@server48 [~]# rpm -qa|grep audit
root@server48 [~]# lsmod |grep audit
root@server48 [~]#
root@server48 [~]# ps aux|grep audit
root 532 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< May17 0:00 [kauditd]
root 20690 0.0 0.0 61180 740 pts/0 R+ 06:12 0:00 grep audit
root@server48 [~]#

I still get audit on /var/log/messages


May 24 06:10:01 server48 kernel: type=1101 audit(1243163401.625:179651): user pid=19715 uid=0 auid=0 msg='PAM: accounting acct="root" : exe="/usr/sbin/crond" (hostname=?, addr=?, terminal=cron res=success)'
May 24 06:10:01 server48 kernel: type=1101 audit(1243163401.716:179652): user pid=19716 uid=0 auid=0 msg='PAM: accounting acct="youtubet" : exe="/usr/sbin/crond" (hostname=?, addr=?, terminal=cron res=success)'
May 24 06:10:02 server48 kernel: type=1101 audit(1243163402.087:179656): user pid=19719 uid=0 auid=0 msg='PAM: accounting acct="vidzboxc" : exe="/usr/sbin/crond" (hostname=?, addr=?, terminal=cron res=success)'

How do i disable auditd completely?

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How Disable Php On Cpanel

Jul 18, 2009

any one can apply php scripts under cpanel like:

I have run phpinfo for looking for cpanel php.ini I have
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc
I renamed /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc to /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc.OLD
then restart the server I am still get cpanel php work and phpinfo give :
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc
how to disable cpanel php to prevent some one exploit php to hacking my server?

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Disable Backup

Apr 9, 2009

i wanna disable the backup from cpanel for one user only

how i can do that?

i wont him take full backup from the cpanle.

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Disable FTP In CPanel/WHM

Apr 13, 2008

I've a VPS to run my only one website. As I don't use ftp, I'd like to know how to disable it.

I tried WHM -> Service Configuration -> Service Manager, then uncheck ftpd, but it's still there

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Disable WHM/Cpanel

Jul 29, 2008

I want to disable WHM/Cpanel.because client purchase dedicate server from us and he want to access from command line and no WHM/Cpanel so how can i do it and it will be effect on any service because i have installed all the service like dns, exim and http from WHM.

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How To Disable A Contain With Mod_security

May 7, 2008

How can i disable some words from the contain of the page by Mod_Security2?

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Disable FTP For Specified Time

Oct 30, 2008

Does is possible to disable ftp capabilities of several websites run by cron at some specified time of the day? then re-enable it automatical at a certain time also?

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How Do I Disable IPTables?

Dec 5, 2008

I installed APF/BFD a log time ago on my centos server and have had no problems up until now.

Approx 3 days ago, the server was uncontactable by SSH/HTTP/FTP. So I ran a traceroute and the host confirmed the box was up with no problems.

He disabled IPTables and I was allowed in. Anyway, overnight, the same thing has happenned again.

I will have to SSH in from another IP however, my main question is how do I disable IPTables ? Or better still, how do I uninstall APF!

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