How To Enable The Virtual Directory Support In Apache For Mod_rewrite
Nov 7, 2005
I am having a lot of problem in implementing mod-rewrite in the Apache 2.0 server due to its configuration that it has the Virtual Directory Support "Disabled".
I got this information from the function phpinfo() which displays a lot of other configuration values along with that.
Now I am unable to enable this Virtual Directory Support in the server and for this my mod-rewrite through .htaccess is not working at all.Subhasis
I just have started to setup a web-environment using Plesk 12 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS.
I have the following problem:
I have setup a service-plan that enables Apache ASP. When I try to create a webhosting using this service-plan I run into a message saying that the service-plan tries to ENABLE ASPs, but the available setting is DISABLED (only option) and the webhosting will be setup with ASP DISABLED (and the webhosting will be out of sync with the service-plan).
Trying to figure out the reason for this behaviour I checked the site_isolation_settings.ini (in /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/). In this file asp is set to on (no comment sign on start of the line).
Then I looked for the custom view settings for the power user view (which I am currently not using - I use the service provider view): In the hosting parameters ASP is ticked.
After that I checked the installed (and installable) features of Plesk; especially the Web-Hosting-Features. Surprisingly I noticed there is no option to install Apache ASP support!!!
Remark: I installed Ubuntu 14.04LTS Server in minimal configuration (SSH-Server configuration) directly after that I started the Plesk installation...(might this be the reason?)
how to enable directory browsing cpanel by front page
i have mod front page in apache and Install FrontPage Extensions to all site in server but i can't browser directory with front page how i can fix that?
We have many hundreds of domains on our Plesk 11.5 server (Linux) but many of them do not have SSL support enabled. Any script that would enable it for all domains and subdomains on our server, to save the tedious time of manually checking every domain?
So I've setup a server heres the spec provided by Webmin
Operating systemUbuntu Linux 8.10
Webmin version1.470
Time on systemSun Mar 29 18:56:12 2009
Kernel and CPULinux 2.6.27-11-server on i686
System uptime5 days, 19 hours, 42 minutes
I'm struggling with mod_rewrite their seems to be no such thing...
Its not mentioned in the apache2.conf or httpd.conf, httpd.conf was blank previously but I added in certain things to get php working but I cannot get mod_rewrite working, which brings the question forward what else am i missing?
I started out with the aim of blocking the ability of viewing directories.
I'm moving a framework over to a new server for a client and they're using IIS. Is there an IIS equivalent to the following two lines of mod_rewrite code from Apache?
I assign separate application pools to the websites created on a IIS 6 server. However, whenever I create a virtual directory in any of the websites, it does not inherit the application pool assigned to the website, but assigns the Default App Pool and it creates a problem since we support all the versions of Dotnet Framework on the server. Is this behavior by design or there is an workaround to this problem?
I recently upgraded my server and it is using Apache 2.2.3. I have all the same server directives as before when I was using an early version of Apache 2. The problem is that when I have RewriteEngine On, my cgi scripts generate a forbidden error. If I comment out that line, they go back to working again.
One of my servers is running Apache 1.3.34 (Unix), and I recently noticed that there was a rather large mod_rewrite security exploit found:
I can't seem to figure out if this affects me with the version I am running? Can anyone help me out on this to determine if I need to upgrade or if I am already patched up?
we've been running our software on apache 1.3 for years with no problems. We have a new server running apache2 and now none of our mod_rewrite works. Is there something extra that needs to be done with apache 2 to get mod_rewrite working? The module is definitely loaded (first thing I checked). If we turn on allowOverride from None to All in the httpd.conf we get completely blank pages. Our regular php pages work fine with allowoverride set to none, but they all break when it is set to all. Please help. This is the second time we have run into this on apache 2 servers.
how i can enable apache status like cPanel ! in directadmin
before im enabled
Location /httpd-status> SetHandler server-status </Location> but seems its not like cPanel ( dont show IP and where file now downloaded ... and more information)
Server Version: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server Built: May 28 2009 12:50:07
Current Time: Wednesday, 10-Jun-2009 05:59:10 EDT Restart Time: Tuesday, 09-Jun-2009 13:39:08 EDT Parent Server Generation: 0 Server uptime: 16 hours 20 minutes 1 second 19 requests currently being processed, 13 idle workers
Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process
PID Key:
4494 in state: W , 5241 in state: W , 3142 in state: _ 4318 in state: _ , 4319 in state: W , 5173 in state: _ 4175 in state: W , 5242 in state: W , 5174 in state: W ....
- Plesk 12 (v12.0.18 Update #40) and - Linux CentOS 6.6 (v2.6.32-504.12.2.el6.x86_64) to another VPS with: - Plesk 12 (v12.0.18_build1200140606.15) and - Linux CentOS 6.6 (v2.6.32-504.12.2.el6.x86_64)
I tried to do the following:
- Tools & Settings / Tools & Resources / Migration & Transfer Manager / Start New Migration - Data source: Transfer data from another server - Transfer the following data / Migrate the whole server
Following error/warrning message is recieved then:The following Apache modules are disabled on the destination server: sysenv. Please enable these modules to prevent possible problems.