Prevent .htaccess Override Of Upload_max_filesize Only

Jul 20, 2008

I'm having issues with users setting their upload_max_filesize, and post_max_size values in .htaccess in excess of 500M 1000M

As a result their users are uploading and converting some huge files and pegging my cpu's.

Is there a way to allow .htaccess override for all values except upload_max_filesize & post_max_size

or perhaps there is another solution out there to limit .htaccess by user?

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What Is "Override .htaccess Support"

Feb 15, 2008

what is Override .htaccess Support?


how can i enable this feature in Dedicated Serevr?

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How To Prevent Users Change Php_value By .htaccess

Sep 20, 2007

I dont want my customers to change php_value by using .htaccess, but still want to enable mod_rewrite for them. How to config?

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May 12, 2007

I am installing a file hosting script in order to test it, in one of my shared accounts which requires these:

upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 30M

my hosts isn't willing to change the values in php.ini so i would like to ask if there is any way to temporarily overide server settings, either by placing somecode in .htacces or by placing a php.ini file in the public_html.

I am going to get a VPS to have full control over my settings but i would to test a few scripts first before spending some money to buy one.

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PHP.ini Override

Jul 30, 2009

i use Cpanel/WHM , how can override php settings when php run az CGI ,when i put php.ini in root of any website the setting didn't override main php.ini settings.

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CPanel Php.ini Override

Apr 12, 2008

I am setting a dedicated server for a mate with cPanel/WHM 11. He says he wants a custom php.ini file such that you can override the settings when you upload a php.ini file in /home/site/public_html/

how to allow this in the global settings?

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Why Doesn't .html Override .php

Feb 20, 2009

I have a curious problem, and have scoured the net for a solution.
Basically, while developing a Joomla site, I have had a standard .html holding page in place.

I uploaded the Joomla site in the 'background' to continue developing the website while the holding page was in place. I always thought that .html would always display first in the browser, before index.php.

However the index.php file always displays first. I've tried changing the htaccess file etc but at this point nothing seems to be working.

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PHP Disable Functions Override

Apr 23, 2009

In the php.ini ive disabled several functions for security reasons but i need to enable exec() and shell_exec() for WHMCS Status, but i dont want it enabled for anything or anyone else. I know you can over ride global php.ini but i preferably dont want that on and also i forgot where that option is but i was wondering if there was any work arounds or would i have to enable exec() and shell_exec() globally or enable php.ini override.

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Apache :: Setting Up A Local Domain With Working Override

Feb 25, 2014

I'm trying to accomplish two goals: First, get "Pretty Links" to work on my local Wordpress instance; second, to set up a local domain for the site.I have a fresh install of Apache 2.4.6 running, and I'll I've done is enable the rewrite and vhost_alias mods. Nevertheless, here's my apache2.conf: URL....

I need to have AllowOverride set to All. This, I gather, allows .htaccess files within the subsequent directories to alter the apache config. To try one thing at a time, I'm accessing the site from localhost/var/www/dhae/Wordpress (foregoing the domain). I tried altering the 000-default.conf to oblige this: [URL] .... -- all I added was the <Directory> section. This didn't work, and neither did changing the AllowOverride to All in the apache2.conf.

I wondered if perhaps I needed something more specific to the directory, so I tried using my second goal to accomplish this. I wrote the dhae.conf: URL....

I've also added the following line to my HOSTS file:

This hasn't worked either. I've tried virtual host config stuff as much as I could find, and I'm just not having any luck. What I have even came from this site (URL....).

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Using Vhost.conf To Override Suexec Directive In Httpd.include

Oct 20, 2009

I need to change the server configuration on Plesk such that the SuexecUserGroup directive is removed, so the user's cgi scripts run as the apache user (www-data), rather than as the user specified in that directive (the domain user), as on an unshared (non-VPS) server. I don't care about security from other domains because only one domain runs on it anyway, so making the user domain-specific is irrelevant from a security point of view and stops some of the user's code working.

This directive is found in
and is:
SuexecUserGroup user psacln
(this line appears twice, for ports 443 and 80)

I understand that this file can't be modified, as it may be overwritten by Plesk. Therefore additional directives must go in the vhost.conf file.

Will the following vhost.conf file do the trick and override the directives in httpd.include?

<VirtualHost domainIP:443>
SuexecUserGroup www-data www-data
<VirtualHost domainIP:80>
SuexecUserGroup www-data www-data

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How To Prevent Rm -rf /

Jul 4, 2009

Does anyone know anyway that "rm -rf /" can be disabled? OR any selinux rule or something to prevent this?

Or if I wanted to prevent a certain directory from being deleted like backups but something unlike chattr that someone can figure out quickly.

Im sure LOTS of people would like to know about this. Ive searched around and only somewhat useful thing I have found is an rm wrapper that sends everything to a trash file in the root of the mount point.

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How To Prevent DNS Flood

May 28, 2008

Can anyone share tips how to prevent DNS flood on a cPanel and Directadmin server platform on Centos?

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Prevent Phishing

Jun 1, 2008

I'm not that techy I'd like to ask why this person downloaded the file below before uploading some phishing webpages on my account ? I've changed my password numerious times from different computers and even from mobile phone just to check if the person can still get in. But again it is no use the person were able to upload phishing pages.


May 25 21:50:42 server100 pure-ftpd: (weblogin100@ [NOTICE] /home/weblogin100//.htpasswds/update/Login.php downloaded (21251 bytes, 755.78KB/sec)

Right now I deleted all other scripts on the account and remain some htmls. Folder were also set to 644 no 777, while waiting if the person can still upload his phishing pages please help me why he downloaded the file above. I've check the file on my account and I cannot see Login.php. By the way I have a root login and only two accounts were a constant phishing victims.

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How Prevent Hackers Away

Feb 21, 2007

I am giving few tips on securing your server against hack attempts. You must check these inspite of other securities like firewall, rootkits detectors etc.

1. Most Important, do not disable safe_mode under php.ini. If any customer asks to disable it, turn it off on his account only, not on whole server.

As most of the time attack is done using shellc99 (phpshell) script. In case safe_mode is off on server and there are public dirs with 777 permission, he can easily hack through.

2. Compile apache with safe mode as well.

3. In cpanel under tweek settings, turn on base_dir, if someone requests to turn off, turn it off on his/her account only. As using phpshell one can easily move to main server dirs like /etc, /home.

4. Do not allow Anonymous Ftp on your server. You can turn it off from ftp config under WHM Service Configuration. If its allowed, one can easily bind port using nc tool with your server and gain root access. Always keep it disabled.

5. Make sure /tmp is secured. You can easily do that by running this command /scripts/securetmp using ssh. But do make sure, /tmp is secured. Else one can upload some kind of perl script in /tmp dir and can deface or damage all data on the few/all accounts on your server.

keeping your server secure from hack attempts.

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Prevent Php Script Run As .gif Or .jpg

Oct 28, 2007

Does anyone know how to prevent some shell, php script change file name from file.php to file.jpg or file.gif and upload to server and run it to attack server?

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Prevent Ddos

Sep 11, 2007

from 2 days ago until now my server be ddos and i stay in my computer and block ip but it is not finish is a program to do block ip automatic?

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Prevent IPs Unallocated IPs Being Used

Sep 13, 2007

We have been using our L2 switches functionality to only allow IPs that are assigned to a particular server to be accessed for sometime. However, the latest version of this particular switch no longer includes this feature. Moreoever, it is quite a labor intensive task which is not good for "budget" servers.

I am considering moving the rules to the main router, but am afraid of the scalability of this. Will it hold up with a few 1000 servers?

How are other hosties going about this? I have heard that some just don't bother at all, which leaves their clients open to having their IPs duplicated by others on the same subnet. This can't be good....

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Prevent Mass Download

Sep 21, 2006

i need any thing to prevent mass download

my server is cost a huge bandwidht monthly . because mass downloading?

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Prevent From Iframe Virus

May 24, 2008

I need to know so idea, how to prevent iframe virus injection into the server,also is there is any mod which help in protection for iframe virus.

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How To Prevent Nobody To Move In Server

Jun 13, 2009

i have my own box for my forum .. now i shared my box with friend's , but in reall they a freak friend's , just to be in safe brother, am looking to know what function i can disable in php.ini or any problem/tool to prevent anybody / attacker * nobody* permission to move in the server via his shell script..

as we know some attacker's use them own php-shell to hack site's * shared hosting *, so they can move to any account after they know the user account name * /etc/passwd * .. so as i say before is there any good functions to prevent these attacker to move in the server? so i can disable it .. or install any good tool * else modsecurity * in the system to prevent them *nobody* of that?

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Mod_security To Prevent Some Script

Jul 30, 2009

I try to use mod_security to prevent some script in some files,

imagine I want to block all scripts includes "test" in the body

so if code of script.php is:

HTML Code:

and someone run script.php , I want block running and show 406 error

now can you tell me how can I write this rule in mod_security 2 with apache 2?

I use SecRule RESPONSE_BODY "test" but its now working ...

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How To Prevent Perl From Working

Jan 12, 2008

I have a cPanel/Linux server, runing apache as a webserver.

i want to know how can i prevent perl/cgi files from working on all virtual hosts on both apache2/apache1.3!

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What Can I Do To Prevent DDoS Attack

Aug 4, 2008

My site was recently under a DDoS attack and was down for a few days, the attack came from Russia i believe.

The people who did it asked for $800, but of course i didnt pay. My hosting company did the best they could in order to stop the attack but it still lasted a few days and badly hurt my rankings.

I moved my site to a dedicated server, but i dont know what kind of software/hardware i need to install on it in order to prevent more future attacks, the hosting company suggested a few things but i dont know if they are just trying to get more money out of me.

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Prevent User Use Custom Php.ini

Apr 26, 2008

I have added some functions in php.ini for security.

But when user use their php.ini file located in their account, all functions enabled again.

How can i prevent user custom php.ini?

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How To Prevent OOM (Out Of Memory) Crashes

Aug 19, 2008

I have a colocated server with the following specs:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4Ghz
400GB SATA Drive

I have a problem every few days, the server keeps hanging up and giving an "Out of Memory" message and SSH just hangs and doesn't connect. Every time i have to call out a tech to manually reboot it.

Is there a setting i can change to make SSH connect even when it is out of memory, or anything that can prevent it happening?

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Prevent Directory Listing

Apr 2, 2007

I've just made a transition from a VDS to a Dedicated and I'm having problems preventing directory contents from showing. In my previous server whenever I created a directory, it would automatically give a 403 when you tried to access the directory directly in your browser (which is what I want). Now when I set up directories in this new dedicated the contents of the directories display when there is either no index page or if I didn't have an htaccess file preventing it from listing the contents.

So what im asking is how did my previous server automatically set up the directories to not display the contents but use the contents and allow access to say for example pictures in the directory?

Is there a way I can have apache automatically do this for me or do I have to place a blank index page in every directory i create or have to place an htaccess file in every directory I create? How can I protect the contents with a 403 but still allow the contents to be accessed only through full path?

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My Server Was Hacked -- How To Prevent This

Oct 2, 2007

My server was recently hacked and I'm looking ways to secure it in the future. I use the server to host my own websites.

It was hacked to be a spam server. I traced the new files the hackers added to my "upload" directory, which is where my site members upload pics. I had set the directory to chmod 777. Could someone hack that directory solely from it being its rights being 777?

The site was custom developed in PHP, and looking through it myself, I couldn't find any security issues. But then again, I may not know what exactly to look up.

I would appreciate any general tips to protecting a server, as well as general tactics hackers use to hack a server and PHP site.

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