Usa Hosting, In Google Uk ?

Jan 30, 2009

I was wondering if I went with a USA hosting company and had a domain would I get into Google UK, or is that just for UK IP addresses?

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Does Hosting Affect Google PR?

Oct 3, 2006

If I change hosts, will that affect my google pagerank?

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MSN Or Google Hosting Serivce

Feb 13, 2009

I know that Yahoo has Small Business hosting service. How about Google or MSN/Hotmail/W Live? Do they have similar services?

Unfortunately, my client insisting on hosting with on of the above companies as he heard that Yahoo offer unlimited space for email and their private email emails can be accessed through yahoo interface.

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Google App Hosting - 4 Day Review

May 8, 2008

Host is @ [url]

Only supports Python, looks like.

Just got the invite, played around with Django and some other crap.

All pages load quick as hell.

CPU Used [url]
22.05 of 199608.00 Gigacycles (0%) Data Sent [url]
0.02 of 2048.00 Megabytes (0%) Data Received [url]

0.01 of 2048.00 Megabytes (0%) Emails Sent [url]
0.00 of 2000.00 Emails (0%) Megabytes Stored [url]

0.03 of 500.00 Megabytes (0%)

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Hosting That Is Not Banned By Google PR Datacenter

Dec 19, 2005

I have found a host already ...

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Google Email Hosting Service

Jan 28, 2009

I am looking for a host for my emails, i have about 25 and another 15 forwarders and was wandering if anyone can tell me how is the google email hosting service, i am referring to the free service. Were any emails lost? Does the service decides on it's what is spam and waht is not or can i configurate that? Is the lack of customer service noticable?

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How Does Google App Engine Compare To Web Hosting Plans?

Apr 2, 2009

Google App Engine offers free quotas of 1 GB outbound traffic per day and 6.5 CPU-hours (based on a 1.2 GHz Intel x86 processor) per day.

How do those free quotas compare to web hosting plans? For example, the traffic supported by the free quotas -- is that
generally higher or less than the traffic supported by a typical $5/mo shared hosting account?

Above the free quotas, Google charges $0.12 per GB outgoing traffic, $0.10 per GB incoming traffic, $0.10 per CPU-hour, $0.15 per GB storage per month.

How do those numbers translate to normal web hosting plans? For example, the traffic that can be supported by a $40/mo VPS plan and $200/mo dedicated server plan, what would they cost on Google App Engine?

I know it depends on a lot of factors, but if anyone has any ballpark estimates or experiences they're willing to share I'd really appreciate it.

I'm trying to decide between App Engine and standard web hosting for a DB-backed Python site. The site will start small, but if the traffic grows I want to see which would be a better option long term.

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Hosting Company Accepting Google Checkout

Nov 28, 2008

Hosting company accepting google checkout?

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Google Apps (Standard) And Two Different Domains: How Many Google Accounts Do I Need?

Jun 27, 2009

I hope some of you are using Google Apps and can help me to find an answer to the following question:

I own two different and independent domain names (e.g. and
I'd like to use the Google Apps (Standard, free edition) with them to create two different and totally independent mailboxes (e.g. and

But how many Google accounts I need to do this? Can I manage two (or more) independent and fully functional domains using one Google account?

Help section contains descriptions of aliases for multiple domains, which are just pointers or shortcuts, but not a fully functional mailboxes, so this solution isn't something I'm looking for.

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What Is The Best Hosting Company With High Google Adwords Voucher?

Jun 12, 2008

what is the best hosting company with high google adwords voucher?

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E-mail Hosting, Google Apps And Domain Locking

May 26, 2008

I've seen that a similar topic was posted earlier today, but I have more specific question. I'm looking for the e-mail only hosting. Requirements:

* dedicated IP
* up to 10 e-mail addresses from various domains
* forwarders (10 or more)
* 1-5 GB storage
* 10 GB bandwidth
* budget: the less the better, but I'll pay any reasonable amount of money if the service is good. Basically I need to find a provider at which I can keep my e-mail address once and for all. (I need a few e-mails only, a few forwarders, 100 MB storage and 1 GB bandwidth but I stated more so I don't run out on resources)

Is there any significant difference between SSL and TLS or is it all mainly in the proprietary vs open standard?

Is there any good reason why not to use Google Apps for this purpose? I've read that some people are concerned about privacy. Is there any pro that can comment on this (privacy issue) and remain objective?

One last (dumb?) question. What is the purpose of domain locking? Before AuthCodes were introduced I could see the reason for locking domains, but why would anyone want to lock the domain these days? (and yet I see majority still does) I mean, noone can initiate the transfer without providing AuthCode (can he?) and isn't that alone good enough to keep the domain safe? And if someone manages to gain control to the control panel to read AuthCode then he can easily unlock the domain so I see no additional layer of security.

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/?wcw=google In Google Analytics

Apr 30, 2008

There is probably a simple explanation for this, but in our Google Analytics stats one of the most popular pages is

Can anyone explain exactly what this is?

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How Does Google Do This

Aug 16, 2007

When i check dnsreport, i see that has more than 1 server. And i wonder what is that method called? is that something called scalable servers ?


Your A record is: A [TTL=300] A [TTL=300] A [TTL=300]

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Google App Engine As CDN?

Jul 19, 2008

I have a site with heavy use of large and small images. The site gets majority of traffic from US and Asia. Using a CDN for JS, CSS, site images and user uploaded images will help the site a lot to speed up.

One of the cheaper options is Cachefly which I was considering, until I found an article about using Google's App Engine as CDN.

I think it is very inexpensive way to put your content on a CDN. Has anyone tried App Engine as a CDN? Does anyone know if they serve content from local servers in Asia, Europe or is the content served from US?

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What Network Does Google Use

Jul 8, 2008

I know google response times are the best. So my plan is to get a dedicated server from a web host that uses the same network that google uses.

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Using Google Apps

Jan 18, 2008

What can be disabled (Mail related) if the only domains on the server use google apps "gmail" for mail? I only really need roots mail. Anyone tried this yet, I figured I asked before I use trial and error.


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Postfix + Google = Headache

Feb 25, 2008

I installed recently Postfix + Dovecot (yum) on a CentOS 5.1 test box. The configuration went OK, I can telnet on port 25, 587 and 465 with no problems.

# hostname -f

#openssl s_client -connect localhost:465
depth=0 /C=CA/ST=Quebec/L=Montreal/O=Axivo Inc./CN=localhost/emailAddress=webmaster@localhost
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 /C=CA/ST=Quebec/L=Montreal/O=Axivo Inc./CN=localhost/emailAddress=webmaster@localhost
verify return:1
[more certificate code here ...]
220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix
ehlo localhost
250-SIZE 10240000
250 DSN

# telnet localhost 587
Connected to localhost.localdomain (
Escape character is '^]'.
220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix
ehlo localhost
250-SIZE 10240000
250 DSN ....

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Google Apps Alternative?

Mar 17, 2009

does anyone know of a google apps alternative seeing as google apps is no longer free.

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Global DNS To Enhance Google

Oct 5, 2009

Is there a way to use DNS system (eg. Power DNS) so that based on geographical location Googlebot will locate a localized version of the site and hence will get a higher ranking for that country?

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Can't Verify My Site On Google

Jan 30, 2009

please bear w/ me since this is my first time on launching a site online..

My site is being hosted by a free hosting company..

When I tried viewing the source code of my page some of the html tags are not seen like the <html>,<meta>,<head>...

and I can't seem to verify my site on google...

Verification status: NOT VERIFIED

Last attempt Jan 30, 2009: We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header.

why is this so?

Did the host delete those?

what should i do?

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Google APp Engine App Spot

Mar 14, 2009

Is google app engine good for hosting web applications?

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Google APPS And MX Settings

Feb 7, 2008

I want to shift my mail to Google Apps (standard version). Currently my DNS is pointed towards 1and1 dedicated servers (having problems with 1and1 mail services). Want to keep hosting with them but change the Email to Google apps.

The Registrar of the domain is Netfirms, Inc.

My current Settings for nameservers in Nefirms CP are:

Google Instructed me to verify first by creating a CNAME, which I did in Netfirms control panel.

'' Pointing to ''


Google gave me the MX records to enter in the Netfirms panel.



It's been more than 24 hours, neither MX updated not that CNAME lookup ' is propogating.

What I am supposed to do here? I am waiting here for last 24 hours. I think that I have to set up these settings with my registrar (Netfirms) rather than it has to do something with 1and1?

Any suggestions?

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Iptables + Google Smtp

Dec 16, 2008

iptables + google smtp

I've got OpenSSL Version OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006 running on PHP5 and am having some trouble sending mail through an external SMTP.

What rules would I need to setup on my iptables to allow the server to send mail through tls:// rather than on my local mail server?

Google seems to allow SMTP traffic through port 465 and 587.

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Did You Guys Know Google Is A Web Host

Apr 10, 2009

Yup,Its True Google Has Been a Web Host for quite some Time. Well They don't host Website's but they have an ICANN accrededited License(Domain Registrar Licence) as well.

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Google Hammering My Site....

Dec 12, 2008

So I checked on the Google Webmaster tools, it has a nice graph now saying that it's hit my site 30 times/day for the last month or so. HOWEVER, when I look at my logs (I log googlebot) I have over 17000 page views in the last three days. Already I am using the Agent to remove images and some of the more expensive queries which are too old to be in the cache (Googlebot looks at pages on my site which are very old).

What other things should I be doing...? I appreciate that Google is indexing my site, but this is more of a scrape, than index. Just for this month alone, looking at my stats, I see the following:

144360 10.03% 143949 12.31% 1724938 17.72% 2 0.01%

2 visits, generating 144360 page views!!!!

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Awstats And Google Earth

Apr 29, 2008

Not sure if this is the right forum; please go ahead and move if necessary.

I host a Google Earth file, and in awstats, GE shows up as an unknown browser. For that reason, it's pretty impossible to get more-or-less accurate statistics for what version of GE people are using by looking at the analysis in awstats. Example output:

Unknown browsers (useragent field) User agent (178)Last visit GoogleEarth/4.2.0205.5730(X11;Linux_(;ja-JP;kml:2.2;client:Free;type:default)28 Apr 2008 - 19:17 GoogleEarth/4.2.0205.5730(Windows;Microsoft_Windows_XP_(Service_Pack_2);es-MX;kml:2.2;client:Free;type:default)28 Apr 2008 - 19:17 GoogleEarth/4.2.0198.2451(Windows;Microsoft_Windows_XP_(Service_Pack_2);es-ES;kml:2.2;client:Free;type:default)28 Apr 2008 - 19:13 GoogleEarth/4.2.0205.5730(Macintosh;Mac_OS_X_(10.5.2);en;kml:2.2;client:Free;type:default)28 Apr 2008 - 18:59

In Webalizer, it does show you the top 55 Agents, and does manage to show some GE agents there, but it's not very pretty nor is it complete. Example output:

Top 15 of 236 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 120168 34.41% GoogleEarth/4.2.0205.5730(Windows;Microsoft Windows XP (Servi
2 37391 10.71% GoogleEarth/4.2.0198.2451(Windows;Microsoft Windows XP (Servi
3 32127 9.20% GoogleEarth/4.2.0205.5730(Windows;Microsoft Windows Vista (Se
4 28562 8.18% GoogleEarth/4.3.7191.6508(Windows;Microsoft Windows XP (Servi
5 13101 3.75% GoogleEarth/4.3.7191.6508(Windows;Microsoft Windows Vista (Se
6 8649 2.48% kh_lt/LT4.0.2737

My question is, is there a plugin for awstats that'll give me better results for my stats? Or any other solutions that people want to suggest? I'd like something easy to install or set-up, please don't suggest I run any funky cron-jobs or something.

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How To Fix A Harmful Website On Google?

Jun 1, 2009

Hi one of our websites had been infected when it was injected with malicious javascript codes. However google picked up on this and marked the website as harmful, its been sitting infected for a few days before we realised.

Now i have removed all the malicious codes and have been waiting for upto a week for google to remove the harmful message from its search engines.

Im guessing i have to wait even longer? Is there anything else i can do to speed up the process?

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CPanel And Google Apps

Oct 5, 2009

I'm using cpanel and google apps. I made mail in google apps

I set up MX entries. When I sending mail from e.g. yahoo or hotmail to I can receive it. But when I'm sending mail from php contact skript which is located at my site I cannot receive mail, like it doesn't exist. why?

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Need A UK Web Host That Google Recognises As Such

Apr 15, 2005

Need a UK web host that uses UK IP numbers that Google recognises as such, for my .com domain name.

How to tell?

Pick one of your most popular .com sites on the IP range you give new customers, copy a line of unique text from it, or popular keyword they rank for.

Enter it into See where their site comes up. Then tick the 'pages from the UK' option. Is it higher in the SERPs, or gone? Try the same thing with Yahoo.

If higher (i.e. Google thinks the .com (or .net) is hosted in the UK) I also need:

- SSH access
- Cpanel
- 10 MySQL databases
- PhpMyAdmin
- Linux/Unix variant
- SpamAssassin
- 8-10 GB bandwith pm
- 500mb disk space.

And how much per month?

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Google And Yahoo Robots Ips

Apr 28, 2009

Do you know what is most important search engine robot ips?

I need to all serach engine robot ips too firewall white list.

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Google Page Rank How

Dec 16, 2008

google page rank is true and valid?

why i can`t find any message about google page rank in

for example please see :[url]

if domain was and was page rank 6,but if another page rank

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