Hypervm Or Other Control Panels

Nov 12, 2007

For managing vps, do you use HyperVM or any other control panel?

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Windows VPS Control Panels Like HyperVM

Dec 15, 2008

Windows VPS control panels like HyperVM?

Are there any available?

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Xen VPS Control Panels

Oct 8, 2009

Xen control panel because I just got a server so I can try out using Xen instead of OpenVZ. Most of the control panel's that I've seen only support OpenVZ at this time. Would anyone be able to suggest a good panel that I could try out or look at?

I know HyperVM is one but can it be trusted as of now? I know that they have people working on it and there are no major hacks right now (at least not yet) but would it be suggested to use it?

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Are Most Web Control Panels Insecure

Apr 13, 2008

I am currently using four different web hosts for different projects. All of them offer a web control panel, which is handy. However, I was noticing today that none of them use https to access/use the control panel.

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Webserver Control Panels

Sep 10, 2007

There's a bit of a project which I am going to be launching hopefully within about a month or so. Its going to be fairly server intensive, and as I don't know what the outcome will be, I wish to host it myself on a few spare machines I have for the time-being.

Now, the issue at this stage is installing all the necessary webserver software and controling it from one page, like a control panel.

I don't mind looking into control panels such as Plesk or any others, but would these automatically install all the software that is needed by the CP - such as Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl etc?

I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some guidance as far as control panels and web server software is concerned.

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Free Website Control Panels

Jun 8, 2009

i upgraded my UBUNTU to 9.10 in which i cant install the FREE Plesk Version.Damn

So im searching for quality free control panels like plesk.

I found webmin but its only for system not for a website.

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Windows Server Control Panels

May 3, 2008

does anyone have any suggestions on selecting a control panel? ive seen some products around $300 that appear to be just enough for what i need.

how long is the typical setup time for a control panel?

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Do Any Control Panels Work With Lighttpd Yet?

Apr 22, 2008

-Do any control panels work with lighttpd yet?

-What control panel uses the least system resources. I heard Cpanel is a huge hog.

-I also would like to host maybe a gameserver for friends on my dedicated server, what control panel works the nicest with gameservers to not hinder performance on either end?

-I saw a new Control Panel Called Interworx. Anyone heard good or bad about it?

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Control Panels For Dedicated Server

Dec 11, 2008

when I was in vps except cpanel and whm I had another control panel for vps , Don't remember what was that I could turn my server off and on for dedicated server except for cpanel and whm what else do I need?

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Transferring Hosting Accounts Between Control Panels

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to provide what it takes to change hosting company or moving from one to another.

Here is 10 steps how you can do it.

Please correct me if I forgot something or I am totally wrong (wing-wong)

1.Identify a web hosting company that provides the features and services most suitable for you.

2.Order an appropriate hosting package from the supplier.

3.Use the Control Panel facilities to manage your email boxes and such like.

4.Begin the transfer of your domain or change the domain records and change email settings if required (your new web hosting supplier

should provide guidance and support to make this as simple as possible).

5.Copy all your files from your previous web hosting service.

6.Upload the files to your new hosted web space.

7.Transfer any databases required for your website.

8.Check that all files have been copied and uploaded successfully.

9.Test functionality and content related to any databases.

10.If you have not done so already, cancel your previous hosting service.

By the way I think that the most biggest problem is to know how to get moving from one to another hosting that’s why people always thinks that

they will stick to one hosting company and forget all major problems with that company (downtimes, long servers maintenance and etc.)…

I am trying to analyze cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk and will provide all (as much as I can) information regarding how to transfer your website.

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Transferring Hosting Accounts Between Control Panels

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to provide what it takes to change hosting company or moving from one to another.

Here is 10 steps how you can do it.
Please correct me if I forgot something or I am totally wrong (wing-wong)

1.Identify a web hosting company that provides the features and services most suitable for you.

2.Order an appropriate hosting package from the supplier.

3.Use the Control Panel facilities to manage your email boxes and such like.

4.Begin the transfer of your domain or change the domain records and change email settings if required (your new web hosting supplier should

provide guidance and support to make this as simple as possible).

5.Copy all your files from your previous web hosting service.

6.Upload the files to your new hosted web space.

7.Transfer any databases required for your website.

8.Check that all files have been copied and uploaded successfully.

9.Test functionality and content related to any databases.

10.If you have not done so already, cancel your previous hosting service.

By the way I think that the most biggest problem is to know how to get moving from one to another hosting that’s why people always thinks that

they will stick to one hosting company and forget all major problems with that company (downtimes, long servers maintenance and etc.)…

I am trying to analyze cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk and will provide all (as much as I can) information regarding how to transfer your website.

I would be glad if you would share some information with me on this forum. Really would be awesome…

Anyway I think it would be great idea to have all information together collected.

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Free Control Panels For Dedicated Server

May 3, 2008

please provide me some free control panel like webmin!

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Control Panels For KVM / Kernel Based Virtual Machine

Sep 24, 2008

I've started looking into KVM to possibly to run alongside or even to end up replacing our current Xen infrastructure. The fact that it's built into the mainstream linux kernel is very appealing.

Are there any Control panels/basic frontends for this at the moment to allow users to Reboot/Reimage their VM's? At the moment its looking as though we would need something inhouse or custom developed

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Cant Acess HyperVM Control Panel

Oct 5, 2008

i have just installed/setup our second VPS server this time with HyperVM. I followed all instructions on their website and all installed fine. However i go to the admin panel to login etc. and it can not find the address.. i have disabled SElinux and IPtables and still nothing. I have added the license on their website but have not paid anything yet as i have not setup a VPS (just like it says)

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Rack Blanks/Filler Panels

Sep 14, 2007

Where does everyone get rack blanks/filler panels from? I'm getting a new rack and will need a bunch of filler panels, but don't want to pay way too much for them. I'm interested in 1U, 2U, and 4U fillers for now.

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XEN Without HyperVM

May 11, 2009

Anyone know of a host that runs XEN without HyperVM as it's control panel? I want to avoid HyperVM due to the 0day exploit in it.

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Jun 18, 2008

I'm trying to setup a VPS with an IP from the pool and the pool is showing the folowing state:

85.xx.xxx.xxx 85.xxx.xxx.46 85.xxx.xxx.50 4/5

And the state ball it's grey and says All Assigned, but 85.xxx.xxx.50 shouldn't! And really the IP pings!

When I make ls -la in /vz/private it have a temp VPS I think.

total 28
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 18 01:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 May 9 03:01 ..
drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Jun 17 21:55 110
drwxrwxr-x 23 root root 4096 Jun 11 10:41 120
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Jun 16 15:08 130
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 5 00:19 tmp.130-1

In the front page table it says 5 used IP but I have a directly assigned IP to the server 85.xxx.xxx.246 and I have no pools configured for it!

What can I do! I have already checked and I only have eth0 not secondary eth0:x

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Do You Use HyperVM

Aug 15, 2008

I see an enormous amount of companies offering HyperVM. I'm curios as to how many companies use it.. probably a large majority.

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Hypervm And Ips

Jul 25, 2007

I currently have vps with Hypervm and I was wondering how do I add additional ip's from the ip pool? I do not see the ip pool in my administration panel. Would it be under the server pool? My provider allocates ips to the ip pool but I do not know how to add them myself.

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Firewall On The Hypervm

May 16, 2009

I installed CSF on my hypervm node. Its installed and work correctly. But when i block a port, for example "80" i see "80" blocked to all vps too!

Where is issue and how can fix this problem?

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HyperVM Ostemplates (xen)

Apr 26, 2008

Does anyone know where i can find an Trixbox ostemplate for HyperVM (xen)?

Or perhaps a site with ostemplate collections or something?

Or.. and this is fine too, a site with an explenation on how i can make my own templates?

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HyperVM Or VMware?

Jul 5, 2009

which is better ? for create windows and linux VPS!

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Hypervm And Openvz Vps

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to create some vps using openvz but after creating the vps with the Centos basic template 304mb i can't ping the ip and i can't view the centos welcome page in my browser (using ip and not domain, so i don't need to change there anything yet) and the most important is that i can't connect to the vps using ssh

I aks for many good users about my problem but i don' found a solution yet.

I ask my DC about ip's and they told me that the ip's are routed in my server.

I follow this instructions:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 50G 2.8G 44G 6% /
/dev/sda3 198M 21M 168M 11% /boot
/dev/sda5 408G 2.4G 385G 1% /vz
tmpfs 1012M 0 1012M 0% /dev/shm

I follow this:

I disable selinux by editing /etc/sysconfig/selinux and changing the line to selinux=disabled
and then run:

I just login using ssh as root and run the folllowing commands.
Did i have to move to another directory to run them or ?

setenforce 0

Next i open /etc/grub.conf
vi /etc/grub.conf
and change default=1 to default=0

Then i add the ip's at the pool and create a plan and then create a vps without any errors but nothing.

I try with my DC resolvers or the but nothing.

I alo add at the settings the gateway with no results at all.

After all i can't ping the ip that the vps got from the pool even ping it and not possible to connect to it using the ssh Sad

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Add Windows VPS ON Xen-HyperVM

May 9, 2009

How Can I Provide a Windows VPS On Xen-HyperVM!

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Is HyperVM Free

Feb 8, 2009

Is HypereVm free? and if so how do you set it up.. do you just run the shell or?

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Apr 17, 2009

When you're creating VPS container, you can ssh with that IP and login with your username and password correct? But, what is the problem when I successfully created a VPS, and when trying ssh into it, I can't. Ok, here we go. I want to create a 2nd vps and will be using it as my DNS server. I enter a set of IPs into HyperVM's IPpool. First IP: x.x.x.178 Last IP: x.x.x.182 Resolv Entries (space Separated) : Gateway (IP): x.x.x.x.177 NetMask:

Then I created a vps resource plan. And then I created a VPS and it use the first IP from above. I want to connect to SSH and want to make it as my DNS server but seems the IP are not responding, it wasn't even live. So, what is the problem here? Where I did wrong? Just to let you know, I successfully created 1 VPS before that and it works without any hiccups. Got even whm/cpanel installed as well on it. The thing that I suspected is that my DC pulled the IPs off me and assigned them to other server. Waiting for their reply on this though.

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What Does OpenVZ / W HyperVM

Aug 21, 2008

What does OpenVZ / w HyperVM

Can I distribute VPS through?

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Xen Or Openvz On Hypervm?

Feb 12, 2008

i have dedicated server. i want install hypervm on this server my work is sell vps.
of your seems xen is better or openvz for my work?

server is :
Intel 2.13Ghz Quad-Core Xeon X3210 Dell PowerEdge 840, 1066MHz, 2x4 MB L2 Cache


2x250GB HDD

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Virtuozzo Vs HyperVM

Feb 18, 2008

Can someone point me to the a good thread where these two options are compared? Or can we start on here?

I am thinking about it from a VPS host perspective.

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Virtuozzo Vs. Xen + Hypervm

Jan 29, 2009

which one would you recommend?

because Virtuozzo is charged, i think it may more easy to manage for admin and user,
xen has it's own feature than Virtuozzo,but i feel hypervm is not very friendly to use ( my personal feeling)

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Virtuozzo Vs. HyperVM

Mar 2, 2009

I would like to know which clients would prefer Virtuozzo over HyperVM. Lets say there is a company offering Virtuozzo on there servers. However, there is another company offering HyperVM for a cheaper price. Neither companies are overselling. Would you be willing to pay the extra money for Virtuozzo? Or would you be happy with OpenVZ and HyperVM.

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