Google Apps / Email

Mar 21, 2008

attending to clients and their email inbox limits is occuring more frequently
i'd prefer to minimize this chore, especially now i have some clients using IMAP it means the server fills up rapidly.

google apps -just for handling email- seems attractive (6GB free) compared to increasing the monthly fee for extra server space which seems to be kind of expensive at my webhost.

i would actually prefer to keep using the Webmail interfaces offered on the servers but i dont think my clients will change their bad habits of filling up their inbox, and lets not forget the increasing levels of SPAM.

what are other people doing with email?

are many people outsourcing it to google?

i'd appreciate any other ideas or suggestions.

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Google Apps, Email Login

Aug 31, 2008

I have a question regarding Google Apps when it comes to my email login. (Have searched extensively on Google App's support, but to no avail)

I have created the email address kim @ through Google Apps and have set my MX records through HostGator. Propagation looks to now be complete and my emails are sending and I am able to receive. However, when I access my emails through the Google Apps dashboard, it takes me to this rather long and convoluted URL:


I was hoping to just be able to log into and enter my email/password to be able to login. It this not possible? Or do I need to do some more tinkering from Google Apps in order to make this work? (I also have an iGoogle account I would like transfered over to my Google Apps email.)

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Google Apps And Limits With Email Marketing

Jun 3, 2009

Not sure if it's the best forum to ask this, but it's related to hosting.

I have a Windows hosting for our business and send a newsletter twice a week to almost 10,000 subscribers through the hosting mail server.

I'd like to move to google apps so we can use the gmail interface. The problem is that I see Google apps has some limitations for sending mails (500 per user per day if I understood right, no matter if it's free or premier account).

Does anyone send a newsletter through Google apps? What can I do?

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Google Apps Domain Email Setup

Oct 28, 2009

I would like some help on setting up google apps emails on a PLESK hosting on

Here is my MX server setup, and doesn't seem too work. I set it up before but i didn't save it and now I forgot how to do it again.

where the error is?

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Cpanel Catching Email Instead Of Google Apps

Apr 2, 2009

This is very perplexing, a few days ago our WHMCS stopped sending email to our google apps account. I soon found out that the server WHMCS is hosted on, that Cpanel is catching all email.

However, we have the DNS set @ including a SPF+MX records which worked before on our DirectAdmin server; Our email use to go fine to google apps however it seems like Cpanel is somehow acting as the MX server?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Setup Server For Google Apps (Email)

Apr 17, 2014

I want to use Gmail to host my email. I have already confirmed my domain and now I can successfully send emails via my domain.

However in order to receive emails I need to add/update the MX records on my server. I did that (I think) but now, 24h later, the records don't seem to be updated yet.

For instance still shows that there is only one MX record: [URL] ....

This is my setup where you can clearly see the MX records required by Google:

I changed the TTL to some minutes but still the changes don't seem to be propagated.

The screenshots are taken from "Website & Domains" -> my domain -> DNS - that should be the right thing to change, correct?

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Google Apps (Standard) And Two Different Domains: How Many Google Accounts Do I Need?

Jun 27, 2009

I hope some of you are using Google Apps and can help me to find an answer to the following question:

I own two different and independent domain names (e.g. and
I'd like to use the Google Apps (Standard, free edition) with them to create two different and totally independent mailboxes (e.g. and

But how many Google accounts I need to do this? Can I manage two (or more) independent and fully functional domains using one Google account?

Help section contains descriptions of aliases for multiple domains, which are just pointers or shortcuts, but not a fully functional mailboxes, so this solution isn't something I'm looking for.

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Using Google Apps

Jan 18, 2008

What can be disabled (Mail related) if the only domains on the server use google apps "gmail" for mail? I only really need roots mail. Anyone tried this yet, I figured I asked before I use trial and error.


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Google Apps Alternative?

Mar 17, 2009

does anyone know of a google apps alternative seeing as google apps is no longer free.

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Google APPS And MX Settings

Feb 7, 2008

I want to shift my mail to Google Apps (standard version). Currently my DNS is pointed towards 1and1 dedicated servers (having problems with 1and1 mail services). Want to keep hosting with them but change the Email to Google apps.

The Registrar of the domain is Netfirms, Inc.

My current Settings for nameservers in Nefirms CP are:

Google Instructed me to verify first by creating a CNAME, which I did in Netfirms control panel.

'' Pointing to ''


Google gave me the MX records to enter in the Netfirms panel.



It's been more than 24 hours, neither MX updated not that CNAME lookup ' is propogating.

What I am supposed to do here? I am waiting here for last 24 hours. I think that I have to set up these settings with my registrar (Netfirms) rather than it has to do something with 1and1?

Any suggestions?

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CPanel And Google Apps

Oct 5, 2009

I'm using cpanel and google apps. I made mail in google apps

I set up MX entries. When I sending mail from e.g. yahoo or hotmail to I can receive it. But when I'm sending mail from php contact skript which is located at my site I cannot receive mail, like it doesn't exist. why?

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Do You Use/recommend Google Apps For Domains? Why/ Why Not?

Jun 10, 2008

I was considering using Google Apps for domains, for my other domains but would like to hear people's opinions on it first.

Do you use/recommend Google Apps for domains?

Why do you use/recommend it, if you do? or Why do you not use/recommend it?

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Dns Information In LXAdmin For Google Apps

Apr 9, 2008

You use FCName for setting cnames in the dns info. for google apps like calender, docs etc., right!!! then how do you provide the ttl values.

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Google Apps Custom Url, Cname And WHM

Mar 16, 2007

i am trying to use a custom url (example: for my google apps e-mail.

i can't seem to figure out how to set up the CNAME in WHM to allow this to occur and google apps' help function is not well ...

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Have Hawkhost, Who Should Host DNS- Using Google Apps

Nov 9, 2008

I currently got signed up with Hawkhost and I love the interface so far. I bought all my domain names through Name Cheap. I wanted to see what you guys thought would be the best set up...

I would like to use Google Apps to host my email and not hawkhost.

I have two options: I can have hawkhost host my DNS or NameCheap. Do you guys think it would be better to let Namecheap host my DNS and just point the www record to my website?

Just curious what your guys were on letting the webhost host the DNS and if there were any cons with that.

I'm sure hawkhost is reliable, but I just don't like putting all my eggs in one basket and would prefer to have Google host my email...

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Mail Pointing To Google Apps

Jan 8, 2008

I have setup the DNS records for my domain, just need it confirming by someone.

Domain is registered using godaddy, so using their default nameservers and modified the records:

A Records:

Host Points To TTL
@ http_Serverip 1 Hour

ftp ftp_Serverip 1 Hour

www http_Serverip 1 Hour

* http_Serverip 1 Hour


Host Points To TTL

www @ 1 hour

MX records:

Priority Host Goes To TTL
10 @ 1 Week

20 @ 1 Week

30 @ 1 Week

40 @ 1 Week

50 @ 1 Week

Hope you can work out the above tables, I have website pointing to a server and mail pointing to google apps.

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Google Apps :: Need SMTP On My Server?

Jun 25, 2008

If I have set up google apps for domain, do I need any MTA/SMTP server running on my server?

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Google Apps Administration And Integration

Nov 3, 2008

Our company uses Google Apps for Domain (and we are very satisfied with it). Until recently, we were accessing our email via[url], but we then realized that it can be accessible via [url]by updating CNAME and MX records for our DNS zone. We have full access to WHM and cPanel.

However, what we are trying to accomplish, if possible, that, when someone types [url], it does NOT redirect him/her to [url], but it remains on that very domain. For example, the address for GMail inbox in that case would be [url]

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Sending Mail From Server When Using Google Apps?

Jun 28, 2008

If I am using Google Apps for Domain, how can I send mail from my physical server (like from scripts)?

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How To Configure Google Apps For Sending And Recieving Emails?

Jun 15, 2008

I have been using google apps for my domain. However if I send a mail through my server using php mail() function. It doesn't show up in the google apps account sent mail folder.

Further, if I CC or BCC the mail to my google apps email id, it turns up in the inbox (which is fine). Also at times I have noticed if my user tries to reply back to the send mail, instead of it coming in the google apps account, it turns up internally in the postfix interface on webmin.

How can I configure gooogle apps so that it can take full control of my domain mails, including sending recieveing thrash etc etc.

I already have google MX enteries in my Godaddy account.

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E-mail Hosting, Google Apps And Domain Locking

May 26, 2008

I've seen that a similar topic was posted earlier today, but I have more specific question. I'm looking for the e-mail only hosting. Requirements:

* dedicated IP
* up to 10 e-mail addresses from various domains
* forwarders (10 or more)
* 1-5 GB storage
* 10 GB bandwidth
* budget: the less the better, but I'll pay any reasonable amount of money if the service is good. Basically I need to find a provider at which I can keep my e-mail address once and for all. (I need a few e-mails only, a few forwarders, 100 MB storage and 1 GB bandwidth but I stated more so I don't run out on resources)

Is there any significant difference between SSL and TLS or is it all mainly in the proprietary vs open standard?

Is there any good reason why not to use Google Apps for this purpose? I've read that some people are concerned about privacy. Is there any pro that can comment on this (privacy issue) and remain objective?

One last (dumb?) question. What is the purpose of domain locking? Before AuthCodes were introduced I could see the reason for locking domains, but why would anyone want to lock the domain these days? (and yet I see majority still does) I mean, noone can initiate the transfer without providing AuthCode (can he?) and isn't that alone good enough to keep the domain safe? And if someone manages to gain control to the control panel to read AuthCode then he can easily unlock the domain so I see no additional layer of security.

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Sending Mail From Server, While Mx Record Lives @ Google Apps

Jul 10, 2008

Scenario: I have a website,, hosted on an ensim 4 box. The MX records for that zone point to google apps for mail services. Some of the alerting tools my client use are too stupid and don't support SSL or TLS, so they don't work with the pop/smtp services google apps uses.

Can I setup this ensim box to utilize it's smtp server to send mail as even though the mail is hosted by google apps?

I guess it's kinda like e-mail spoofing.

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Google Email Hosting Service

Jan 28, 2009

I am looking for a host for my emails, i have about 25 and another 15 forwarders and was wandering if anyone can tell me how is the google email hosting service, i am referring to the free service. Were any emails lost? Does the service decides on it's what is spam and waht is not or can i configurate that? Is the lack of customer service noticable?

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Email On A Remote Server Through Google

Jul 24, 2009

A client has told me that his brother wants to put the company email on a remote server through Google. Currently the email goes via the hosting company.

He has asked me to send his brother the username and password for "updating domain information" so he can demonstrate what he is suggesting.

I am not really sure what he wants (as I always set up email via the hosting company and am not familiar with any other way): domain details or hosting company details with the email passwords etc? If the latter, I am not too happy about giving him access to all the website files that I am responsible for.

Does anyone know what he is talking about?

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GoDaddy Vs 1and1 Vs Google Vs RunBox For Email

Nov 19, 2008

GoDaddy vs 1&1 ....

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Google Email :: Unable To Send And Receive

May 5, 2008

The following setup has been working fine for several months, I came to check the site today and I'm unable to connect. Email and site are split (email is with googlemail).

@A **serverip**3600
ftpA **serverip**3600
wwwA **serverip**3600
*A **serverip**3600

I can send and receive, but no emails arrive, probably because the registrar has a resolve issue?

Site is also down.

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