Q8200 Load

Jun 4, 2009

I have a question regarding load on this cpu.

Current cpu load is around 1.7 - 2.1.

Is this to much, is it time to upgrade cpu or?

Server is running 32bit Centos 5.3.

top - 17:17:21 up 27 days, 16:24, 1 user, load average: 1.59, 1.43, 1.22
Tasks: 159 total, 1 running, 158 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu0 : 9.0%us, 1.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 89.7%id, 0.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Cpu1 : 16.7%us, 1.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 82.3%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Cpu2 : 2.3%us, 0.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 97.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Cpu3 : 36.5%us, 2.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 60.5%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.3%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 4148576k total, 2738172k used, 1410404k free, 410876k buffers
Swap: 2096440k total, 192k used, 2096248k free, 1413824k cached

Thank you,

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Q8200 Vs E6850

Apr 28, 2009

I am getting a choice between these 2 CPUs

q8200 (quad 2.3Ghz) slightly less powerful
e6850 (dual 3.0Ghz)

I will be running Windows/SQL Server/IIS7.

Which one will be better/faster?

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Which Processor? Q8200 Vs Q6600

May 4, 2009

Planning on getting a new dedicated server with 4GB RAM, and a 500GB 7.2k SATA2 Hard Drive.

Which processor do you guys suggest? I know the Q6600 is older and runs hotter, but it has better specs than the Q8200. Would I really notice a difference if I'm only hosting static sites without any video streaming or anything?

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Xeon X3220 Vs Q8200 Vs Q9300

Jun 9, 2009

I am thinking about upgrading my current server.

My current cpy is Q8200, thinking about getting X3220.

Will i see "big improvement".

how much of improvement i will get, also HDDs probably would be upgraded from SATA to SAS 73GB 15k (RAID1).

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Power Savings: Q8200 Vs. Q8200S

Jul 24, 2009

I'm looking at the Q8200 for a new batch of servers but noticed for 35% more cash I can upgrade them to 8200s models.

Does anyone have any stats about how much power (in Ampage as thats what i am measured on) a Q8200S model will save over a Q8200 model? Is it even worth the extra money in return for the savings (if its very minor)?

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Xeon 3220 Vs Q6600 Vs Q8200

Mar 23, 2009

Xeon 3220 (2.40Ghz 4MB Cache)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.44Ghz 8MB Cache)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 (2.33Ghz 4MB Cache)

How do these CPU's compare to each other? From what I've read so far I'm leaning towards the Q6600.

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Website Extremely Slow To Load/doesn't Load (numtcpsock)

Dec 20, 2007

I've been having trouble with my VPS for a while now. In the QoS alerts page in Virtuozzo it seems to be a problem with numtcpsock and tcprcvbuf, mainly numtcpsock.

Copy these into the browser:

And when i run cat /proc/user_beancounters:


This line is particularly scary:
numtcpsock 164 164 166 166 7321

What do i need to do, to get the website running again? It's only one site on the vps a proxy. So i thought a vps would be able to handle one proxy.

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Load Testing :: Server Load Testers ( Commercial )?

May 6, 2008

Anyone know of some good server load testers ( commercial )?

Im not looking for application based load testing, I need real web server load testing... need to see how much traffic this one site can take before it cries.

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Some Sites Load Slow, Some Sites Load Fine, Server Load Is Fine

Aug 12, 2008

I'm having the oddest issue. For some reason, some of the websites on my server load fine, and some take a really long time to load (2 minutes).

Now, the server load is fine, and the size of the sites aren't the issue either. I've restarted Apache and a couple more services, and still the same sites seem to load very slow.

What could be causing this since it's only effecting certain websites?

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How To Check Load Via Ssh And Check Files Causing Load

Jul 1, 2009

I would like to know how to check load via ssh and check files causing load?

I want the ssh codes for 2 different set of control panels, one with cpanel+whm and other with kloxo+hypervm

and I would also know how to check the files causing the load, such as some files could have been interrupted while processing, so they could be causing load some times, so I want to stop such processes if any are running on the vps on my friends accounts

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VPS Load

Mar 16, 2009

I just got a futurehosting VPS recently and something is puzzling me. Is it normal that an idle CPanel virtuozzo VPS that has no sites on it should display "top" loads of between 1 and 4 regularly? I've been watching the load for a bit now and it keeps jumping between 0-4. When it goes 1 or above, the WHM panel becomes really slow, timing out... They seem to use a beast 8 core machine, so it would take some activity to cause even a 1 load..

I do not have much knowledge about VPS hosting, on a dedicated I would expect the loads to stay 0-0.2 at this point... Is the 1-4 load showing the result of heavy usage by other VPS users on the node? There is absolutely nothing that could cause a load in my vps as far as I see... Is this perfectly normal on any VPS?

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CPU Load: 259.33/166.35/119.93

Jul 14, 2009

You think this is funny? Not at all.

I'm on LON03 server and I recive yesterday from Future Hosting this advise about hight load.

I got then 1 month ago, and the solution was *JUST* to remove a phpBB website with 80+ users.
I do not believe that the VPS could get this kind of loads.

Funny is that the VPS was "monitored" by them at the same time. They say the load spikes out for times to times in a matter of seconds.

This load is taken from the Parallels Infrastructure Panel or even the Node Panel, not from the VSP itself. Even when I'm logged in.

I've been a client for 6 month, and 2 of the last 3 constantly getting CPU hight usage. Strange is, that I come from a 512mb/25gb PowerVPS server to a 1GB/30GB server, with the *SAME* sites.

Anyway, the prupose of this topic is to:

- check if anyone had this problem (problem is: beeing sure that this load is IMPOSSIBLE to be created from yout service)

- recommend a decent VPS provider besides Future Hosting and PowerVPS.

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VERY Big Load

Jun 7, 2008

From time to time my server's loads are going upto 900s.. And it becomes nearly same days each week. I've checked that backups and crons are disabled.

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What's Up With My VPS Load Now?

Jan 17, 2008

It has been running fine for almost six months now and now from past few days it's all gone in black zone?

32084 nobody 16 0 73 2:00.34 0.9 162m 75m 8260 R /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
13857 nobody 16 0 50 1:13.53 0.7 147m 59m 7900 R /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
32114 nobody 15 0 36 1:46.67 0.4 117m 30m 8600 S /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL

I get equal share from CPU plus it has got 384MB of memory? Why load is so high when I check in VPP......it is going in black and yellow zone in resources all the time?

It shows me following Parameters in QoS alerts

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VPS Load

Nov 25, 2007

to know the load shown when doing a 'uptime' command is just for my VPS or the entire node?

what is the acceptable average load?

cos for mine, i see most the time is less than 1, but at times, for no particular reason that i know of, it can go up to between 5~10

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I/O Load

Aug 29, 2007

Due to high IO load server is going crash once a day.

I have optimized the MySQL, Upgraded the kernel but still it's same. The SWAP seems normal.

Now probably it is due to high traffic of http or emails. How should I diagnose and fix it? I am in big trouble.

Its PIV 3.0, 1GB Ram and 450 Websites

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Xen Load

Feb 2, 2007

i've heart that xen can handle loads better than vz or openvz. is this right?

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Load Balancing

Jun 21, 2007

I want to have a fail over for my server. I was told that load balancing is the way to go.

Could anyone give me some instructions of what I would require. My primary server contains Cpanel.

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Load Balancing ...

Apr 8, 2008

the loads on my server is VERY HIGH and it needs to be upgraded fast.

I really have no clue as what to do... and i do not know any expert other than you people here - to help me out and put me on the right track.

i was thinking of

1) Getting a server with better CPU and more RAM
2) Load Balancing

However I know nothing of load balancing (other than how to spell it correctly )

1) Which of the above two options should i choose?
2) what are the extra costs in load balancing?
3) what should i know about load balancing before deciding?
4) How does load balancing work? I know there are two server - like one for database and one as webserver... but how does this work together?
5) what config should i be looking at in the two servers?

I'll stop here else i can go on and on and on...

I am giving the details of my server and service below, in case you guys need it.

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Load Balancing / HA

Sep 18, 2007

We host a large number of small websites and are looking for high-availability and the ability to do maintenance on our application servers, so I'm looking for a load balancing solution. At this point, I'm considering Zeus ZXTM LB software, the Coyote Point e350si, and potentially an F5 1500 LTM.

The F5 solution is a total budget buster, and the Coyote Point UI is rough around the edges, but I've used them and they are reliable. Zeus looks like a winner with a great UI, but I haven't heard much about their reliability.

Bandwidth requirements are low at this point, so this is mostly about reliability and ease of configuration of a moderately complex set of services.

Any opinions on these vendors, or alternates I should consider?

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CPU Load Balancing

Oct 23, 2007

I run a GSP (Game Server Provider) and i just baught 2 new octi xeon servers(Intel 5320)

i am having a problem with the load balancing, it dosen't balance de cpu usage on all cores but only on one, and it gets at about 80-85% and 3%CPU usage on the other one.

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Load Balancing?

Jun 18, 2007

I was currious as to some suggestions you guys may have for setting up a load balanced website...

I would preffer it to be software based and free as I am just using this for some testing purposes.

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Load Balancing Over WAN?

Jul 11, 2008

I'm looking at load balancing a group of servers located at different data centers.

How feasible is this? Which options/solutions should I take a look at?

I would like to route using some sort of IP tunneling or similar so that the user doesn't see ww1.domain.com etc.

I will be distributing the load of the static/dynamic web pages, no database clustering.

I would prefer something a bit more intuitive than round robin. Perhaps directing incoming traffic based on existing server load etc.

Most of the load balancing solutions I've looked at assume all your servers are on the same local network.

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Load Balancers?

Aug 19, 2007

I'm just curious, how many around here use load balancers in front of their webservers, and what kind of traffic do you push with them? (What kind of load balancer as well) Any other specifics would be nice as well.

Also, do you have failover for your load bal?

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Load Balancers?

Oct 19, 2007

Hi. Can you please tell me how hardware load balancers work? I mean. What would i have to do to load a balance a site of mine?

Also what type of price range would i be looking at and what to look out for.

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Load Balancers

Oct 22, 2006

I'm really curious what makes the high end load balancer better than the low end ones.

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Cannot Load Iptables

Sep 10, 2006

# apf -r
Unable to load iptables module (ip_tables), aborting.

# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

# uname -a
Linux servername #1 SMP Sun Aug 27 17:08:11 ICT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

is there any reason that I cannot use iptables? If I edit monokern option in apf to 1, I cannot use ftp in passive mode

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High VPS Load

Jun 24, 2009

My VPS holds about 80 domains and low-use accounts.

Every night, from around 1.30am, the load suddenly skyrockets and will usually be around 5 to 10 for a few hours. Occasionally it'll spike to 30+ for a few minutes.

I had some antispam software running, and a couple of other packages (mail queues, mail manage etc), so I disabled all of that and removed all the crontab entries etc.

It's not really made any difference.

I can see the load stats going back 8 hours, as part of the ASSP spam package (I've just left the ASSP server load cron running just so I can continue monitoring it!)

Can the apparent load on my VPS be caused by other VPS's on the same node?? So in reality, my load is fine but is being affected by other people's VPS's?

I hope that makes sense. I'm 99% sure that my VPS is 'clean' (in so far as cron entries)

I'm asking the question because I took a second VPS on the same node and that one too has high loads overnight when there's nothing running on it (ie, no add-on software, no Cpanel accounts added)

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VPS Server Load

Feb 28, 2009

I have a cPanel VPS so I want to know the 'Server Load' appearing in cPanel, is it for my VPS or the whole server?

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Load Averages

May 21, 2009

I understand how the load averages are calculated and what the numbers represent but what would be considered a high load average and at what point would the server need upgraded?

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What Causes High Load

Apr 19, 2009

I have a VPS with LXadmin control panel and 1024 Ram.

the memory always 333-450 but now it is more than 800 and the VPS stopped I restarted it many times but after restarting it the memory gone crazy again.

So, how to know what causes high load and eating my Memory?

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