New Account With Take2Hosting
Aug 2, 2008
I created an account in ...
then i checked their ph0ne number with my phone verification system (i checked it to know what type of phone do they using! (voip , cell phone , etc) here is the result: [url]
remove * and replace xx to tt
They're using a VOIP phone! and they say they're a company ...
SO i Asked them in a ticket why do you use a voip phone , they didn't answer me and closed my ticket! next time again ask them 2 question! first why did you close my last ticket and why do you use a voip phone ) I get banned and the ticket again closed!
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Apr 13, 2009
Let's start out with the "bad" - if you could call it that. Yes, they run Cogent.
However I believe they also have Internap and while most traceroutes I've ever done went over cogentco, I've never noticed any troubles with connectivity. There was a brief occasion where I noticed problems, what looked like a dying switch (lots of interface up/downs in dmesg). By the time I emailed them about it, they'd already replaced it - the last brief outage in dmesg was them connecting the new switch, and the messages never appeared again.
Their hardware is real nice: Supermicro chassis with Xeons. They provide serial console over SSH, which I believe can also be used to access several parts of the BIOS from what I've seen, though I didn't really mess with this too much.
Everything's automated... even down to the setup. Order your server, pay for it, and you can have it in as little as 20 minutes after payment. Our latest took ~40 minutes, but it was a custom setup. Reboots, including into "rescue" mode (which appears to work from a netboot/ramdisk so it'll work even if your hard disks are completely hosed), reinstalls, all that stuff is all automated.
They provide a couple of flavors of Linux, with and without software RAID-1, as well as XenServer 4 and 5. They don't officially support FreeBSD, as in it's not an automated install option. I tried depenguinating the machine without Mike's help, thinking I know better, and in the process became intimately familiar with their automatic reinstall system. I wish I'd asked for the instructions they provide earlier, they're tailored specifically to their systems and it worked flawlessly first time even down to the serial console.
The FLEX95 bandwidth system is great if you don't necessarily hum along at a steady pace all month. I gave the network connection a sound toweling, torrenting a FreeBSD iso... so it's nice to know you don't have to worry about overages but have the capacity to burst when you need to.
Their billing and upgrades policies are pretty flexible as well, however the first invoice works out a bit weird - they're one of those "one and a bit first invoice" shops. I don't know how they chose the 20th to be my billing date, perhaps it's everyone's - but I was charged part of the current month plus all of next month, the total coming out to about $130 for one-and-a-third month's service. It seems like this part is just to get you in line with their billing dates - after the initial invoice they come in like clockwork with plenty of notice, and it's not done in any underhanded way because I was notified of it before finishing the order.
Mike and his team have been consistently on point when it comes to sales and support - though I don't use support much, every time I've sent them an email I've been somewhere between satisfied and delighted with the response time and the depth of the answer.
Overall, for $99 a month you can certainly do a lot worse for a quad core on a 100mbps port, and the serial console takes the nail biting out of kernel upgrades.
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Oct 28, 2009
I just wanted to write a quick review after 18 months of great service at Take2Hosting. I've ordered over a dozen servers from them over the past 18 months and have been very satisfied. I've had 100% uptime. Also, their API integrated well into my cluster management software.
- Incredible 30 minute setup
- Great prices
- Burstable to 100mbs standard and the flex95 plan worked well for me.
- Reliable and fast service
- API for reboots, etc.
- Great personal service.
- Limited hardware and option choices
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Apr 4, 2008
This is a 1st month's review for a server, soon to be many more, at Around last month, I had a free web hosting project that needed a cheap server with a RAID solution, as well as cheap bandwidth. So, I researched and looked around for servers located at Cogent specific datacenters.
I found an irresistible offer from TAKE2HOSTING in the Ads section, and so I sent some presales questions to them. Within 5 minutes, I received a reply from Michael, answering my questions. I was happy, so I quickly ordered. And within 20 minutes, I have my server provisioned automatically by their system.
Since I deal with lots of free hosts, I have a dedicated abuse team that are on standby to resolve any DMCA notices. That said, I asked Michael to forward abuse emails to a certain email address. But instead, he offered to deal with server abuse, like a fully managed server as long as I leave a note how they would do it. VERY VERY nice.
I asked support for RDNS to be changed for the server, and within 30 seconds (no kidding), a reply saying that it was completed and it would take 24-48 to propagate. SUPPORT is great!
They offer remote reboot, serial port, and reloads for free! All from their automatic client system. Just like Softlayer's! Wished that they had an API.
Network Performance has been very stable, even with Cogent bandwidth. No oversold bandwidth whatsoever, I can use what I purchased anytime. I can't judge their uptime yet, because it only has been 1 month. But from my experience, the datacenter that they are located, has never been down for 4 years.
Performance - 10/10
Price - 10/10
Support - 11/10 for that personal touch
Hope that helps,
My Free Host that's hosted on their server is just so that mods won't ask me for it
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Nov 14, 2008
Script Auto Remove account Cpanel - if account inactive ?
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Sep 3, 2007
In moving my site to Drupal, I have had it on a "Beta" account on the same server. I need to move the DB to the "Live" site. How do I re-assign it using the master PHPMyAdmin through WHM to change the owner of the DB from "Beta site" to "Live site"?
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Jul 27, 2008
I noticed there is always notification to user account mail with account info but on all my servers on different networks notification comes only to server mail.How do i enable that?Do i need to install tweak to whm/cpanel?
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May 21, 2009
existing account have enabled catch all account automatically & i don't know how?
Main >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings
Default catch-all/default address behavior for new accounts. "fail" is usually the best choice if you are getting mail attacks.
currently it is tick marked on fail
And forwarders has been set to e.g to domain automatically & also i don't how?
when i try to delete this forwarder its shown deleted successfully
Email Forwarding Maintenance's mail will no longer be redirected to jeetu.
then again i checked forwarder & found that forwarder is not deleted why?
what could be the problem?
due to this our clients are facing out of disk space running problem & they are not able to get future emails
1. now i want to disable catch all account for all existing accounts at one go
2. also i want to terminate forwarders for all existing users at one go
Let me know how to do this
Check attachment for further reference
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May 10, 2008
I see some webhost offer SSH account in the hosting package.
Can someone tell me what can I do with the SSH account?
What are the typical scenarios where SSH is used?
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Aug 14, 2007
to move all my sites from my current reseller account ASAP and would like to get VPS.
I need 5 class 'c' ips, around 8 gigs of disk space, 60 gigs bandwidth and cpanel.
There are around 25 sites and they are currently hosted on cpanel, I would need the new host to move them over for me.
I would like to have someone help make this transition as smooth (and quick) as possible, can I get some recommendations?
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Jul 6, 2009
I got this email recently just after doing a cpanel update (/script/upcp)
IMPORTANT: Do not ignore this email.
This message is to inform you that the account http has user id 0 (root privs).
This could mean that your system was compromised (OwN3D). To be safe you should
verify that your system has not been compromised.
What should I do next? Was this because of the update, or should I reinstall the system?
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Apr 29, 2009
i have a forum,run on a server,
and i want to put the forum's attachment folder on another cpanel account (it is installed cemtos / cpanel and csf),
i want to how can i set on the cpanel account (it is installed cemtos / cpanel and csf) to let the forum can upload the files to the attachemnt folder on it directly?
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Mar 26, 2009
i got host with cpanel, i need create some subdomain accounts for user, a folder tree like this:
each user has ftp account, is this safe? can users use php script to access back to root or other subdomain? if yes how to protect?
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Apr 1, 2009
Does anyone here have an account with
I am trying to sign up but can't seem to order.
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Jun 24, 2009
I am trying to set up my first VPS account and it has gone reasonably well until I was actually going to point my domain to the IP I have received. I am absolutely confused as how to set up my own DNS and the instructions I have found have not made me significantly smarter..
I am on Debian using DirectAdmin control panel. Domains are registered through NameCheap. What I first tried doing was just using the two DNS adresses that were in the DirectAdmin administrator settings panel as it was installed but this didn't seem to work and when pinging these hosts I didn't get an answer at all. I reckon this is not the way to do it..
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Sep 25, 2008
I have a reseller account.Now i wish to change my reseller account to a new host from my existing it possible Is there any problm If I changing my current host?. I am new to web hosting, my current host is not good in support.I have not get any reply from there supprt team till now since i submitted the support ticket yesterday.
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Jan 17, 2008
I have done the following guides below but I cant connect my ftp account. And i dont know my directory to public html
I would like to create an account for my staff but im quite novice of this and i dont know the directories name
Create a FTP user group. eg: ftpaccounts
#/usr/sbin/groupadd ftpaccounts
Add a new user to this group, and set the default path of that user to /home/user/.
#/usr/sbin/adduser -g ftpaccounts -d /home/user/ testuser
Set a password for the newley created user.
#passwd testuser
Set ownership of /home/user to the testuser and ftpaccounts.
#chown testuser:ftpaccounts /home/user
Give Read/Write access to testuser and all members in ftpaccounts
#chmod 775 /home/user
Edit /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file and make sure 'local_enable=YES' is uncommented.
Restart the vsftpd service.
#/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
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May 23, 2008
when i ssh the server and type "w" to show who is online,
it looks likely there was a console login without loging out,
i want to ask what command i can type to take the account out?
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Feb 13, 2008
I wish to auto shut the expired accounts on server, cpanel does not have any such functionality so i could not do this. Once i posted in this forum and recommendation was to install the billing software for cpanel/whm. After I found they are comprehensive products and not easy to use/install/troubleshoot.
I just want to set the expiration of domains in WHM so when they complete their tenure they should be closed it self. Could you people advise what can i do this with minimum efforts?
I dont need any billing system just to handle expiration of accounts.
I would appreciate if you can give me a stable solution with product name as i am concerned about my server stability and security as well.
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Apr 11, 2008
My bqbackup account is completely down at this time. I can not access SSH, FTP nothing.
I sent email directly to Scott and to support too. My emails was send 2 hours ago. No reply yet.
I am a new client of bqbackup, so I have not any experience with them. So my doubth is if this kind of problem is normal and if 2 hours without reply of support is normal too?
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Jun 18, 2008
How can I create a new account in SSH? how can I do this for one of our resellers?
we use cPanel.
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Aug 11, 2008
after reading the complete thread about Limestone's TOS and weighing their latest server offering, I took the plunge and just spent $160 on a monthly server.
My email from them is dated today at 6:44 pm.
Let's see how long it takes to get this server in my hands. Nothing special in the order, an extra hd for backup, that is it.
I'm a newbie here but not a newbie to unmanaged servers. If this one goes off without a hitch, I'll move a few sites from a box I currently have a ManageMyBox (no problems with them, at all, just looking for a datacenter closer to home and this seemed like a good deal).
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Oct 20, 2008
Let's say a customer opened a VPS account with you, but never actually used the service. After having the dormant account 6 months, they call and ask for a refund.
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Sep 1, 2008
if I could get a reseller account on a VPS and if this costs a lot more. Also, is it a good idea to do such a thing?
Basically I am looking to have a reseller account with the added benefits that come with a VPS.
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Apr 7, 2008
I've been doing an account transfer from another server to my server using WHM's transfer options. All was going well until I closed my browsers window by accident. I now can't get back to the progress screen and I was wondering if I just have to wait until it fully transfers, or if I have to start again?
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Jan 17, 2008
OS: Linux Red Hat 5 with WHM/Cpanel
I am having some problems changing IP for one account on our server, whenever i attempt to change it though WHM, pops up this.
Changing ip for ()
Current Address: (shared ip)
Current Sub/Parked Domains:
No form or anything, so i would like to ask if its possible to change account IP though SSH.
And how to fix that bug with IP change in WHM.
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