Managed Or Unmanaged VPS

May 24, 2009

I have a java-based instant-messaging server application, which I need to host on a VPS.

This server application comes with its own Java Virtual Machine.

I do not need any other software than that, no web server, no database, no PHP, no multiple domains or whatever, because that stuff is hosted on another server
So I assume, I will just need an unmanaged VPS. Am I right or is there more to it?

Do I have to install and manage firewall and security on unmanaged VPS, or is that done by the provider?

What about monitoring? Any other issues I need to take into consideration?

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Unmanaged/Semi-Managed/Managed And Fully Managed

May 9, 2009

how the hosting provider would back me up in setting up my vps, support in additional issues etc. with regards each of the above topics.

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Managed Vs. Unmanaged VPS

May 11, 2009

would like to move to a VPS plan, many has already mentioned that managing VPS is not easy in which it is kinda scary for me! but may I ask what are the main things that I need to know to manage a VPS host.

from my experience on a shared host with cpanel I know how to manage domains, subdomains, backups, traffic-analyze, mysql-databases, myphpadmin, ... etc.

Now if I get a VPS host with cpanel, do I need any extra experience to mange it? if so, what are they ...

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Managed Vs Unmanaged

Feb 27, 2009

What additional services do I get with a managed VPS account? Does it depend on the service provider?

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Managed VPS Or Unmanaged Vps

Apr 26, 2008

do I want a Managed VPS or unmanaged vps?

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Managed Vs Unmanaged

Jul 12, 2007

What are the differences between managed VPS, semi-managed VPS, and unmanaged VPS?

I've always used shared hosting w/ a cpanel in the past but I'm leaning towards a VPS.

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Unmanaged VPS Over A Managed VPS

May 17, 2007

so my business partner (the IT person) is recommending we go with an unmanaged VPS over a managed VPS....

Now, I'm kinda feelin dumb...what's the difference between a managed and unmanaged?

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Managed Vs. Unmanaged

Jun 16, 2007

I would like people explain the differences as I am starting to get confused reading each company 'own definition' of manages and unmanaged services.

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Difference Between Managed And Unmanaged

Dec 4, 2008

I think I'm ready to take the plunge for an unmanaged dedicated server but before I do,

I was wondering what's involved when managing a server (brief summary)?

I've been reading these pages and I'm sure this is within my capabilities.


Obviously there's more to keep it ticking over smoothly so that's what I'm not sure about. I'm going to go for a server at Limestone Networks with cPanel.

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Managed Or Unmanaged Hosting?

Sep 22, 2008

I've had a similar conversation in the past wanted to get more specific.

It's really a personal question.

I want a dedicated server but don't want to pay the extra 70 a month for managed solution.

If i don't have much experience with a linux server and can't use windows server because i need Apache mod_rewrite am i safe just getting a dedicated host and not messing with anything but the cpanel?

Most apps i've hand coded so i don't forsee upgrades, assuming it comes with the standard setup.

Why would i need a hosting manager, I think i can learn things on my own right?

Anyone been in my shoes before and went dedicated non managed?

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Managed, Unmanaged, And Root......

Aug 3, 2007

to upgrade or find a new host in the coming weeks. I've been looking all over at the VPS's and Dedicated servers and have questions.

At they have two different dedicated servers, managed and root. Does anyone know the difference between the two? I mean one uses Plesk and the other uses their control panel, but shouldn't the managed one be more?

Also, what's the difference between managed and unmanaged, they won't fix something if it's unmanaged?

All this stuff is starting to confuse me.......not that confusing me is real hard, but still.

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Difference Between Managed & Unmanaged VPS

Sep 15, 2007

I wanna know Difference Between Managed & Unmanaged VPS
what is the type of management is it.

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Managed Or Unmanaged For Large VBulletin

Dec 6, 2008

I've been with the same host for 4 years with great support (I'll write a full review next week), but my site has outgrown the current dedicated plans they offer at my budget.

Basically I need two servers to run one large (and growing) vbulletin forum: Primary Server: a modern processor (Core2Duo, Xeon, etc.) and 2-3GB RAM to serve the php pages, run MySQL, handle mail, etc. Secondary Server: old Celeron with 512 RAM to host avatars/images on a subdomainBudget: $150-$170

This is all for one website, so I'm not sure if it's necessary for me to pay for two control panels, a fancy secondary server, etc. Is this a realistic price range?

Here's where I'm weary. A lot of hosts with deals on modern and old servers seem to be unmanaged. I can do my own back-ups, rebuild php, run basic ssh commands, etc., but I do need help trouble-shooting random issues, about 6-8 times a year. For example, in October my server was hit by this iframe javascript attack. It required some knowledgeable techs working to fix it. I rarely need such active support, but when I need it, I can't accept a "this is a software issue, you're on your own!" or "we'll escalate this ticket to our level 54 tech and get back to you right after your billing cycle."

In searching reputable companies in my price range, I've narrowed down my search to:

HostDime (managed support, but the most expensive)
DMEHosting (least expensive, but seemingly the most problematic)
Hivelocity (good deals, good sales presence on WHT)
ServerBeach (popular, experienced, doesn't seem to be known for good support)
TailorMadeServers (good deals, owner posts here often, but seems understandably busy)
All of these companies seem reasonable for various reasons, so I figured I would make a thread about my specific needs in hopes of getting more informed opinions.

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Difference Between Theplanet Managed Versus Self Managed

Mar 29, 2009

I am considering moving to dedicated server, what are risks with self managed server compared to managed?

Managed servers are very expensive for my needs.

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Managed Colocation Vs Managed Server

Jul 16, 2008

When a colo vendor can consider themselves as a managed colocation provider? What make them different than *normal* colo service?

If you need a managed colo, why not go with managed server? With managed server, your vendor will take care about the server health, including software and hardware too

(I am mentioning to fully managed server vendors like Rackspace, don't tell me cheap managed servers)

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Managed Or Self Managed Servers

Mar 7, 2007

I've always had hosting where everything is pretty much already setup. I am now considering getting my own dedicated server. I see most good packages are Self Managed Servers.

I'm not a system admin and never had any experience managing and setting up my own server. Is this a lot of work? Is this something that is also pretty easily learned or does this really take a lot of knowledge?

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Unmanaged VPS

Jun 2, 2007

I'm thinking this is all I need.

- unmanaged
- Debian Etch
- 100gb transfer
- 128 to 256 ram
- around 5 gigs disk space
- 1 IP
- CPU... within reason but nothing special required

I don't need any proprietary control panels or any of that stuff. I'm perfectly fine and more comfortable on the command line anyways. Just give me the base net-install of etch and SSH listening and I'd be happy from there.

Basically all I want it for is as a backup MX with postfix/clamav/amavisd-new/spamd and secondary bind. Maaaaaybe apache from time to time for a little bit of personal stuff but nothing special. Shooting for cheap here because I don't really 'need' it, it would just be nice to have so I could supplement my other server off site rather than running failover how I currently do it.

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Running Unmanaged VPS

Apr 30, 2009

I'm looking into purchasing a VPS, and I saw unmanaged are cheaper.

What would I need to know/learn to do maintain an unmanaged VPS?

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How Hard Is Unmanaged Really

Apr 18, 2008

I have read about all of the things you have to do with an unmanaged server, and how beginners shouldn't even try. I am pretty smart though I have a lot of experience with cpanel, and I am not worried about getting my feet wet.

This is the system I want:

Celeron 1.7 GHz
80 GB HD
1500 GB Bandwidth
cPanel / WHm
Full root access

How much time would it take to keep the thing running? How do you monitor the server? How do you know when software updates, and patches are available? Can all of the software needed be found for free? What kind of problems would I encounter, and would this be way over my head?

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Unmanaged Windows VPS

Aug 12, 2008

As I've been reading these threads there seem to be plenty of unmanaged Linux VPS providers (e.g. Slicehost/Linode), but I'm not sure I've seen even a single mention of unmanaged Windows VPS providers. VPSLand, WiredTree, KickAssVPS all are managed. I'd like to know everyone's recommendations on good unmanaged Windows VPS?

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How To Start With Unmanaged VPS

Aug 23, 2007

Of course Unmanaged is much cheaper than full managed and I decided to try with unmanaged plan.

what should I do to run my vps? what do I have to install or somekinds of that?

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Unmanaged VPS Reselling

Sep 29, 2007

Any good hosting companies providing unmanaged VPS reselling option in Europe?

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USA 3000+ GB Bandwidth, Below $100, Unmanaged

Nov 6, 2009

USA 3000+ GB bandwidth, below $100, unmanaged

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Unmanaged Server Anywhere With URL Registration In EU

May 30, 2009

I want to find a good unmanaged server outside US for hosting a website. Actually, all I want is an unmanaged server anywhere but the URL registration should show anywhere outside USA.

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Unmanaged Servers + URL Registration Outside US

May 30, 2009

I want to find a good unmanaged server outside US for hosting a website. Actually, all I want is an unmanaged server anywhere but the URL registration should show anywhere outside USA.

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How Much Experience To Run Unmanaged Dedicated

Mar 6, 2008

I have some experience with servers, have set up home servers in Linux, and have run a VPS for a year (trouble tickets available and Virtuozzo). I do not have any experience keeping a web server up 24/7 though. How daunting is this task if you have cPanel installed?

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Unmanaged Vps For Learning Purposes

Aug 17, 2008

how to setup OS on vps and how to use SSH. I cannot install other OS on my local machine which is running vista.

So i think the best way for me is to buy a cheap vps which i can use for my experiments and learning purposes.

Am i thinking correctly ?

If yes then please direct me to the best offer for my case, or help me to find it.

by the end i hope i will be able to setup vps, use SSH professionally.

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Recommend Unmanaged Server

Jul 2, 2008

Can anyone recommend an unmanaged server with cpanel budget is about $80 pm about 1tb bandwidth. Currently with volumedrive but the network is really slow at the minute.

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Would You Recommend Unmanaged Sever

Oct 12, 2008

With increased traffic lately I'm trying to plan my next move so I was hoping for some kind recommendation from you guys.

My current setup is 1 VPS from knownhost (managed) where i have my wordpress sites and 1 VDS at FDC (unmannged) for static content like images and zip files but i would like to have everything in one place because it would work out cheaper.

So the question is would i be risking too much if I moved my whole site to a unmanaged dedicated sever without having any expreice other than very basic stuff like intalling afp/ddos deflate?

Right now it seems like their isn't anything to it except upgrading the OS or mysql and things like that in the future...

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New To Unmanaged Dedicated Servers

Jul 31, 2008

i have just purchased an unmanaged linux dedicated server. i want to run a few gaming servers on it and want to know the best way to go about it.

Now i have only ever worked with windows so this is new territory to me.

Is it easy to set game servers up through ssh or would it be worth using a remote desktop viewer?

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Unmanaged VPS No Control Panel?

Nov 14, 2008

Just for my own interest, does an unmanaged VPS (no control panel), normally "ship" with httpd, and mysql pre-installed?

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