Lunarpages - It's A Big Truck
Dec 4, 2008
Lunarpages - it's a big truck
I've been helping a friend with a site hosted at Lunarpages for a few years, a very low traffic business site in a shared hosting account, no real complaints.
But 48 hours ago they got an odd email from Lunarpages describing the relocation of their server to a new datacenter, which involved 3-4 hours of downtime to drive the server from LA to San Diego, plus another hour or so of setup.
Now this was confusing because I thought that the internet was not a big truck -- it's a series of tubes, right? In fact, I thought that the whole point of the internet was not having to move your data by truck. But hey, this is an inexpensive shared account, so maybe Lunarpages does move all their data by truck. Kinda short notice on that, but okay, fine. A couple hours downtime.
The website and email go dead at noon. The exact time was not announced in the notice, and mid-day mid-week seems like an odd time to deliberately schedule downtime, especially when it involves a long drive in traffic on the 5 freeway. But it is an inexpensive account, so... we wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Six hours later, we contact Lunarpages support asking what's up with the server. This being my friend's business website, business email, gone for most of the day. Was there an accident on the freeway? Did the truck driver get lost? Did the data end up in a cul-de-sac in Orange County? Were they stopped while making a run for the border?
An hour later, we finally hear back on the ticket -- Lunarpages hasn't heard from their "admins" (presumably due to a bad battery in their CB radio) but they hope to have things migrated "soon."
So we wait.
Eleven hours after the site and email went down, we send a reply on the ticket asking a few more questions. 1) Any update on that migration? 2) Could you explain this whole deal with the truck driving the data from city to city? 3) Do you have any compensation for ridiculous downtime?
An hour later, the Lunarpages reply: Migration done soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. No compensation at all, especially for "scheduled" downtime.
As of now, the server is still down and has been offline for about 14 hours. While I do hope the driver of the truck is okay, I have no such benevolent feelings for Lunarpages. When (if??) the site comes back up, we're transferring to a host that doesn't rely on the the LA freeway system to migrate their data. I hear there's this newfangled "network" thing the kids are in to. We'll probably try that out instead.
Lunarpages sure is cheap. And most of the time, they work okay. But you should probably avoid them if you value advance scheduling of downtime, rapid support, clear communication, or reliable access to your website and email.
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Aug 23, 2008
I am looking for a new VPS and once again I think I am going to ditch Servint VPS in preference of a cheaper VPS. I know Servint is well known and they have a very good reputation here in this forum. I been longing to sign up with them but Lunarpages' offer looks very attractive.
What about Lunarpages?
It is $10 cheaper than Servint.
Lunarpages has 1000 GB bandwidth but Servint has only 500 GB.
Lunarpages has 20 GB storage but Servint has only 15 GB.
Lunarpages has 500 MB RAM but Servint has 384 MB guaranteed RAM (1 GB burst RAM).
The only thing that Lunarpages lost to Servint here is the number of IP address. Lunarpages comes with 1 IP but Servint offers 4 IP which is good for SEO.
I wanted to contact Lunarpages but couldn't find their contact email. Anyone know their contact email?
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Apr 21, 2008
What's the feasibility of getting 1.5 tb out of them.. anyone know?
I'm not looking for that much.. just 200 Gb or so at the moment and 300-400 Gb in a couple of years.. I run a gallery2 site with no traffic, think they could work as a host?
(I would be coming over from dreamhost.. which seems to give you the space)
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May 4, 2008
I want to share my terrible experience with one of most famous hosting - Lunarpages.
I'm on Lunarpages (basic account) more than 3 months and I sent them few email that my server is often down.
Thay didn't want to move my accunt to some less overloaded server and send me each time automatic message
In order for us to investigate the issue, please capture three separate instances when the site is down and provide a Traceroute to the server for each instance. After we have documented three separate instances of the site being down we will be able to look into the situation and possibly offer you a server move...
So, thay asked me to sit next to computer and wait my site to be down and make traceroute.
I sent them monthly report from :
Total uptime:99.14% Downtime:17 hour(s) 49 min(s)
Monthly uptime:98.34% Downtime:11 hour(s) 32 min(s)
Day 2008-04-30 Uptime:100.00%
Day 2008-04-29 Uptime:93.17% Downtime:1 hour(s) 38 min(s)
Day 2008-04-28 Uptime:98.23% Downtime:25 min(s) 31 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-27 Uptime:99.92% Downtime:1 min(s) 11 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-26 Uptime:98.64% Downtime:19 min(s) 37 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-25 Uptime:97.44% Downtime:36 min(s) 49 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-24 Uptime:98.28% Downtime:24 min(s) 47 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-23 Uptime:97.58% Downtime:34 min(s) 50 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-22 Uptime:96.43% Downtime:51 min(s) 22 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-21 Uptime:92.43% Downtime:1 hour(s) 49 min(s)
Day 2008-04-20 Uptime:99.77% Downtime:3 min(s) 17 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-19 Uptime:98.83% Downtime:16 min(s) 18 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-18 Uptime:98.51% Downtime:20 min(s) 27 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-17 Uptime:99.71% Downtime:4 min(s) 5 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-16 Uptime:98.92% Downtime:15 min(s) 36 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-15 Uptime:98.76% Downtime:17 min(s) 53 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-14 Uptime:99.47% Downtime:7 min(s) 41 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-12 Uptime:98.85% Downtime:16 min(s) 33 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-11 Uptime:99.92% Downtime:1 min(s) 7 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-10 Uptime:99.84% Downtime:2 min(s) 17 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-09 Uptime:100.00%
Day 2008-04-08 Uptime:99.73% Downtime:3 min(s) 56 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-07 Uptime:98.30% Downtime:24 min(s) 26 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-06 Uptime:99.89% Downtime:1 min(s) 32 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-05 Uptime:100.00%
Day 2008-04-04 Uptime:93.52% Downtime:1 hour(s) 33 min(s)
Day 2008-04-03 Uptime:99.16% Downtime:12 min(s) 7 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-02 Uptime:99.10% Downtime:12 min(s) 58 sec(s)
Day 2008-04-01 Uptime:97.40% Downtime:37 min(s) 26 sec(s)
But thay told me that monitoring services are not good...
Anyway I use host-tracker to montor other accounts on hostnine and hostforweb and both of these providers have 100% uptime.
Today I wanted to move some files (3GB of images) from another hosting to one of folders on Lunarpages.
I asked support just to do 2 SSH commands for me, but thay told me to buy SSH access, that is $2 per month.
On the end when I wanted to buy it, thay told me that thay need to move my account to another server that has SSH and that will cost me $75 (per hour of work).
I really understand what is business but this is terrible customer care.
I use other two hostings - Hostine (reseller) and Hostforweb (VPS) and each time I aksed them for this kind of help thay do it without any charge.
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Oct 30, 2008
I checked my email this morning and had a spam email from Lunar Pages (See below). Not only did they spam me, they obviously have a list which they used to spam others. Not only that, but anyone who received their spam email can reply back to the email and their email reply then is sent to everyone on their list.
Lunar Pages, I don't appreciate your spam emails. If you run your hosting business as well as you run your spam operations, then I am sure you will be out of business soon. That gives me some satisfaction.
From: Domain Name Support []
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 10:17 PM
Subject: Notice Regarding Your DOMAIN NAME
Important Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)
Dear Webmaster, .....
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Apr 14, 2008
Do you guys like and are there similar or better options?
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Apr 29, 2005
I am trying to launch a website for a youth group. Since this is a non-profit organization I am trying to host the site for a reasonable price but I am not sure which company to go with. I have looked at lunarpages and 1&1. There are so many out there I am not sure which one to chose.Has anyone dealt with these companies and if so how are they?
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Aug 2, 2008
Lunar pages is a scam
DO NOT USE Lunarpages
From Me to Support I noticed that my inodes are set abnormally low to 200,000 we just upgraded to VPS plan per lunars request at we are at 160,000 on second day of operation on new vps server. From Sarwan singh Jassi to siteadmin(ME) When you reach 200,000 inodes you will need to upgrade to dedicated plan However and Email from the sales guy states the following. We do not force upgrades do to inodes, we just increase your inodes as you need them. Server crashes occur all the time about 1-3 times a month. Do not use lunar
They also run the old 90's upgrade scam, they claim your script utilize high resources for php, mysql.
Their claim
CPU%: 3.15
MEM%: 1.70
MySQL: 0.9
Top Process %CPU 50.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 48.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 44.0 /usr/bin/php
After fighting with these people telling them that their server is configured incorrectly because we have load tested each and every script and that these scripts are used on 1000's of sites and the traffic we have does NOT warrent the useage they claim we went a head and upgraded per their recommendation.
So we get a brand new vps plan(see complaint above) and on the VPS server our usages look totally normal with proves they don't know what they are doing.
Directly from Pesky Plesk on the second day of getting our upgrade
CPU%: 0.15
MEM%: 0.19
MySQL: 0.2
Top Process %CPU 17.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 19.0 /usr/bin/php
Top Process %CPU 15.0 /usr/bin/php
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Nov 4, 2007
Has anyone used Lunarpages webhosting? How is their support and up time?
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Jan 5, 2009
This is from my practical experience:
1. I have chosen Windows hosting from Lunarpages, I have hosted 3 websites in a shared hosting.
2. Among the three, 1 site is alexa 100K website, 2nd is an asp website which is under development, 3rd is a simple HTML site.
The "tortoise" support:
- Lunarpages doesnt provide a Chat support for any urgent issues!! Imagine if your site has gone down and you are losing 100$ because of that and you wanted to contact the support! Major hosting providers give Chat support so that the issues can be resolved immediately. But you must raise a ticket in lunarpages which will be responded within 24 hrs during business days !!!
Scenario 1:
Ok.. Some of you will feel that a support within 24 hrs is quite fine. But you know what happened to me in most of the cases when my site was down? - The customercare responded after 24 hrs asking me to provide the verification details.
Then I gave the details immediately but the customer care responded after 20 hrs asking for more information!!! and my site was still DOWN !!! They really dont seem to understand the criticality!
Scenario 2:
Once they have suspended my site and I received an automated mail that I must contact support to know why they have suspended it. I contacted them, BUT I KNOW THEY WILL ASK FOR VERIFICATION DETAILS and I proactively gave all the information in my ticket itself!!, but Surprisingly, I got the standard mail asking me to provide the verification details!!! I really got pissed off and replied back, which took one more 24 hrs. Then they replied back saying that there are a lot of visitors coming to my website and is affecting their server! But I have not exceeded the disk space, bandwidth,or whatsoever mentioned in the plan during the signup!!
They asked me to take a VPS or Dedicated hosting.
Then I had few arguments and finally agreed to take a VPS hosting and sent a mail to the customer care, but 3 days later they have suspended the site again saying that the account usage is more. I really doubt if the customer care reads the mails properly!!
I have lost a lot of money due to this!!
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Sep 24, 2006
Do you have some experiences with ?
I purchased win host and I have some negative experiences with them at this time.
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May 16, 2009
I maintain a single blog in wordpress in the subdomain I continually had problems with their servers. They suspended my account without any logical reason. Their reasoning is that i overconsume resources. CPU usage: 6.49 MEM usage: 0.42 MySQL usage: 1.0 Top Process %CPU 64.0 php Top Process %CPU 56.0
We are talking here about a single blog in Wordpress. The theme was not mine but was one used by many blogs out there.
I find their excuses lame. My blog is neither wikipedia nor techcrunch to have such resources consumption. They are incapable of giving trustworthy support to a single blog in Wordpress.
They are asking me more money to move my blog in a dedicated server! Of course I am not going to give them any money for extra services plan.
Does anybody here now what legal actions i can take? They have occupated my account, i can not control my own data and they are not giving me the services which i paid for.
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Aug 10, 2008
I bought their hosting 8 months ago and they are simply jerk for hosting a big site on their shared hosting plans. Now I have transfered my domains to which is very good for huge traffic sites.
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Oct 2, 2009
I want to tell you guys about my lunarpages experience. First, I found them through a top 10 website review. BIG mistake I understand now. Not really that big of a deal if I can rely on them which is reall all I want. But I don't think I can.
First thing I did after creating my account was go to setup my email. I was very excited, this is my first domain ever. I set it up and then find out I can't receive email! After reporting this to their staff and setting up a ticket, I find out the next day that I wasn't receiving email because I had set my mailbox quota limit to 5000mb. Apparently that was too high they said! Why would they give you the option of doing that if it's just going to screw things up? That's just stupid. I knew I didn't need that much but I figured I'd set it and forget it and it would be no problem.
Then the next thing was just yesterday when I went to check my website and it was down. And so was their LPCP (control panel). I don't know how long it was down for but I noticed it for about half an hour.
I'm still within their 30 day refund policy since I only started the account on tuesday. What do you guys think I should do? Is it commomplace for websites to go down from time to time?
I would really appreciate any suggestions you guys might have as a reliable host. Also, how do I go about tranfering my domain name? Do i tell lunarpages I want to cancel first and then tranfer the domain or do I setup an account where I want to domain to go, then cancel?
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Jul 15, 2008
I started off my website which consisted mainly of a Phpbb forum (Always running the latest version), a basic chatroom incorporated into the phpbb's mysql DB, and a few html pages with Yahoo Small Business. I found Yahoo to be terible after a while, so I moved to Lunarpages.
Everything went so smoothly and I was impressed by there custumer services, and everything had been running great over at Lunarpages..... Until last week....
Apparently my "Top Process" is to high. A Php script consuming to much cpu/ram????
My forum Mysql DB is about 133Mib in size. It's pretty much untouched phpbb 3.0.2 forum apart from using a basic ajax chat for the last year or so.
It has 600 users, of which no more than 20 online at once. Posting about 100 posts per day.
The only thing that has changed since I signed up with LP is that my Mysql DB has grown by about 30MiB.
Ok, so fair enough if I have outgrown a shared server, but now they recomend I moved to a dedicated VPS.
I saw so happy using Cpanel but they tell me it isn't available on their VPS. I feel I'm going way out of my depth with a VPS. Is it hard for a total newb to use?
Has anybody got any recomendations?
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Jun 16, 2006
Anyone got any recommendations on these two hosts?
PowWeb seems to offer a lot of storage, whats the catch?
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May 17, 2007
Out of these two host which one would you guys pick they both seem like solid hosting companies.
Any coupons for these hosting companies without signing up for there annual plans.
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Sep 4, 2007
I am/have been using Servint for about a year. The service has been good no downtime. Lunar pages has recently become a client of mine and I thought being a small business owner that the right thing to do would be to switch.
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Jun 1, 2007
I need managed services since I don't know anything about server maintenance and I saw LunarHosts VPS (
The deal sounds pretty good - 1000 GB Bandwidth, 20 GB Space, PHP, MySQL and managed services for $50 a month.
I wanted to know if anybody has tried them out? Are they good? Is their a better value anywhere else?
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Aug 9, 2006
I signed up with Lunarpages a while back for a dedicated server for my business. Good price, managed hosting rocks, decent disk space... little problem once with a huge power outage, but **** happens, cool.
All is well until I wake up this morning to an email a minute about a failed cron job. It smells fishy, so I contact LUnar pages support to see whats up.
They inform me that some asswad had managed to brute force into my server using a temporary account I set up a while back for some tech support. (I prefaced this with 'im an idiot', so no you know why)
Either way, my server now has a rootkit, plus other **** im sure im not aware of... so they propose to move me to a brand new fresh box. im thinking they are gonna charge me a fee for this, a fee for that... no way. All is free of charge.
Im ****ting kittens now.
so im resetting everything up, and i manage to look myself out of my database...(i told you I was an idiot.. and this was a looooong day already)
they fix it. again. no problem...
If you are looking for a dedicated server, go to lunarpages. otherwise you are a freaking idiot as far as I am concerned...
Lunarpages, I love you, I want your babies...
PS: I am in no way affiliated with lunarpages... however, if they want to give me a free year on their servers, i wouldnt complain... *hint hint*
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Aug 23, 2009
This is a big company, that offers a lot of features for a relatively small price (with discounts readily available). They have a positive image. Customer service seems cheery. Unlimited storage and bandwidth is a definite plus. I signed up with them in November 2008, and mostly did not encounter problems with them until late July other than slow server access via my base from South America. Sign up and set up went relatively smooth. I had no major problems other than my page loading slowly, which I partly improved by making several adjustments to my Joomla site, but even after optimization the page still has its moments of slowness.
In an earlier post in this forum, I detailed the first issues. There were two main problems: one, my articles pages were showing up blank in PhP5, and two, I was unable to enter my Joomla Administrator at times. On the first issue, it turned out partly due to PhP5 not performing properly, and later, a plugin that should have been de-activated. The second issue, am still not sure, and its happening again.
One week ago, after just a few precious days of my site functioning normally, the bad luck poured on further still. I was hit this time by the NobodyCoder hacker. What an incredible coincidence of bad luck! Made me wonder, given the tone of some of my prior complaints, but then I did see that other Lunarpage customers were also hit on the same day as me, and some of them, on the same server.
Two days after the hacker struck, and no response to my emails, I finally got someone from Lunar to give me some time after I complained publicly in their forum page. A customer service supervisor took the unprecedented step of calling me.
First, though Lunarpages harps on its customers being at fault, through faulty scripts and such, I learned of some security measures that Lunarpages fails to inform its customers about that could conceivably help with such issues -- especially on shared servers -- such as the really helpful step of activating "suphp." When we were talking, the customer service rep was inside my Cpanel and I asked him if he would go ahead and make that change for me. He said he would do that, and that he was doing so while we talked. I was disappointed to see after the conversation that he had lied to me and had not make that change for me. Beyond this blatant display of dishonesty, I moreover pointed out to the customer service rep that I had read mod_security for Apache should be activated and configured -- he assured me that it was. I looked after our conversationm it in fact wasn't and that there was nothing about this to be found in their Knowledge base.
Concerning the hacker who messed up my site, it appears that multiple sites have been hit, particularly on my server. The customer service rep rightly agreed with me that this hack is obviously not targeting sites individually but sending it out en masse via a robot or program. Given that, and that many sites on my server have been hit, it would appear the hacker has found a way to exploit sites on their server (s). However, the response from Lunarpages support people again has so far has been mainly to tell people to do virus scans of their computers and change passwords, all of which helpful but likely don't do much to tackle the real issue.
The net result is that while the security issue appears to have been a broader, server wide security breakdown, the Lunarpages company has sidestepped any responsibility in the matter and done little to help customers get out of this mess. One wonders if it will happen again once my site goes back online (because of their slow server it took me about 3 days to upload the backup.) In general, though their customer service reps are generally polite, they react slowly to customer issues and often are completely ineffective.
I am looking for a new web host.
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Sep 3, 2008
Webhostingbuzz and Lunarpages
(Startup A) (Basic)
$5/month $6.95/month
What are the important differences? I can't post URL yet. I know nothing is unlimitted, so how much space/bandwidth am I suppose to be able to use?
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Aug 3, 2008
Lunarpages destroy my company.
After watching the large display set by the customer became lunarpages
Today she was surprised to close the site
We have incurred significant losses
Did not receive any notice from the company
After correspondent told me that excessive use of resources caused the closure of FP site
What do I do?
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Apr 28, 2008
I have never had any dealings with LP, nor have I ever communicated with them in any way but I just received this unsolicited SPAM email from them :
Hello, My name is Tom Sebastiani, and I work for a hosting company called Lunar Pages.
I ran across your website on the Internet, and I thought I might be able to offer you more features on your hosting for less money.
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Apr 29, 2008
Please tell me why I should avoid the host that you mention.
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Oct 15, 2009
Recently your account was utilizing excessive resources and putting load on server, making it unstable. Details are as follows:
A detail of the problem is shown below as:
CPU: 4.34 %
Memory: 0.97 %
Mysql: 4.1 %
My account information:
Disk Space Usage 2642.17 Megabytes
MySQL Disk Space 27.80 Megabytes
Bandwidth (this month) 13591.15 Megabytes
After Lunarpages disabled my index.php file to shut down my site, I transferred my download files to an Online Hard Disk -- Skydrive. With only dozens of IPs per day, the CPU usage will not be excessive.
I don't know if this can solve the problem and let them open my site again. Now with almost two days passed, and still no reply, I get worried.
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Nov 28, 2008
Lunarpages was recommended to me for webhosting. Has anyone had any good/bad experiences with this company? If not, can one recommend a good webhosting co.for a simple ecommerce website?
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May 30, 2006
Last week I made several postings here asking about a good reliable hosting company offering a Windows product and several places suggested Lunarpages. So I set up a 1-year account with them.
I don't even have my web pages up and I've already run into problems!
Apparently the Windows version of their webmail (Plesk/Horde) interface is very bare-bones. For example it does not offer any kind of folders or filters, and no IMAP support. They have no ETA for any fixes on this. I travel a lot and often use internet cafe's for email so a full-featured web mail interface is kinda basic. ( I didn't ask about this ahead of time because in 2006 I didn't think there was any such thing as an email product without folders or filters - it would have been like asking if an apartment had running water)
More ominously, they told me that their whole Windows email package sometimes stops working!! (but not in a way they can notice if the customer doesn't tell them) They say it doesn't happen very often, and has only happened on certain physical servers and the company providing their sw is preparing a new build, but they also have no ETA. The worst part about it is that you have no immediate way to know if it's down. People sending you mail will get bounce messages but unless they have your phone number how will they tell you? And you will get errors if you try to use webmail or set up a new account, but if you are just using a conventional POP3 client (i.e., Eudora) it might be days before you know you're down, according to the Lunarpages tech.
So what does it take? Why is it so F#$@! hard to find a reliable, trouble-free web host, where you can just set up a long term contract, pay your money and everything just works?! Lunarpages has an excellent reputation, so if they are this Mickey Mouse, so what must the others be like?
(thanks for letting me rant)
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Jan 4, 2009
The speed seem good because all my sites still under development.
The support is poor because I send ticket to cancel hosting and get money back and they did not process the ticket.
The Cpanel version is very old and I lost some new features of cpanel.
Now the cpanel does not have button to change password . I unable to change my password now.
6/10 for lunarpages.
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Jul 5, 2008
I was host with one day I got a mail from them that my account has been deleted. Sent them mail for the reason why my account was deleted because I need my account I register for two year and they have host me about one year, up to date I haven’t got any explanation from them and they have stop responding to my mail I have 5 domain with which need it badly could any one help me to get my domain from them. Right now I have register with deferent hosting company
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Sep 28, 2005
OK, after investigating nearly 30 hosts over the last month we're in the final...
Telephone support was essential for me and both hosts have answered the phone instantly ever time I've rang them, no matter what time of day.
Both have packages with multiple-domain hosting.
Both have generally positive reviews in this and other forums and also on other review sites.
LunarPages has rave reviews like no other host in this category, but their price is significantly more for the multiple domain package:
Lunarpages: $25.50 - 4 GB storage - 200 GB bandwith
Midphase: $12 - 7 GB storage - 'Unlimited' bandwith
Both include a free domain.
Storage/bandwith llimits don't mean much to me because I know I will not fill them.
Was wondering what other people's experiences had been with these two hosts please?
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