Locking Users In Their Homedir

Dec 18, 2007

a way to lock users in their directory. E.g. if I host a domain mydomain.com, I need that the owner of this domain can access (read, write, execute via ssh) only the folder www/mydomain.com and nothing else. The solution does not to be a ultrasecure one.

1] adjusting privileges (e.g. deny execute on dirs for the "others") seems a sure way to make the server unfunctional

2] rbash - when I set shell to rbash for a test user, the user can no longer connect to server through winscp

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Locking In Homedir

Feb 28, 2007

i have question about locking in homedir.. i bought few weeks ago debian box, and i need to create shell accounts with locking axx to user home directory.. or block access to other users directory..

chown 701? jail? how to?

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How To Configure Apache Logs For Virtual Host (copy Log File To Homedir Of User )

Jul 19, 2014

I'm trying to configure Apache logs to split logs files for every virtual host on the server

for example: {site1 .com} => copy access_log to /home/site1/public_html/logs {site2 .com} => copy access_log to /home/site2/public_html/logs .. {site3 .com} => copy access_log to /home/site3/public_html/logs

i want to also to make sure is the logs files updated in the real time

operating system is CentOs6, with Apache and cPanel

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Locking Ssh Down

Mar 31, 2009

How do I lock SSH down to just my IP range and with a key?

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Cpanel Locking Up

Jun 26, 2009

Ive been having some issues with my cpanel lately... it seems everytime I add an account via whm or a subdomain via cpanel it locks up when "Restarting Apache"

I have 2 identical servers, 1 runs fine... this one though ive reinstalled apache...multiple times with no results... now im reinstalling cpanel and it seems forzen at 50% and just says

Apache ... ... ... ... for about 100 lines.

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Iptables Locking Me Out

Mar 2, 2007

[root@server001 root]# iptables --flush
[root@server001 root]# service iptables restart
Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter mangle nat [ OK ]
Unloading iptables modules: [FAILED]
Applying iptables firewall rules: [ OK ]

As soon as I restarted it, I got locked out again. Disabling iptables enables me back in ssh. What can I do to fix this?

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Iptables Locking Up Server

May 10, 2007

I don't know why, but the server locks up daily at different times of the day. I have to reboot, flush iptables and it will happen again hours later.

I don't know what to look for, what logs, etc.

I'm confident it is something within iptables

I have apf/bfd installed and dos deflate as well.

How can I trace this?

Nothing suspicious in /tmp either

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[Spam Control] Locking Down A Server

Jul 13, 2008

I have a (dedicated) server out of control. It is managed by a 3rd party company who has never been able to get the spam and server load under control. Loads average over 5! and there is no activity in top other than sendmail and mailscanner (with Ensim).

I turned off mailscanner and sendmail while I typed this and server load went to .08.

I'm going to switch (dedicated) servers to a new provider (for reasons above plus a few others) which will include managed service from the server provider as well.

There are only a few programs that need to run on this server. VBulletin is the main concern.

I want to lock down all mail access. I want vbulletin to be able to send outgoing email as part of its administration and as part of its member notifications.

I don't want ANYONE OUTSIDE THE SERVER to be able to send mail through this server.

One idea I have had is to use DNS to assign all MX records of every domain on the machine to the free gmail service.

I have one domain on this machine (and important domain) that gets thousands and thousands of spam. I assigned its' MX records to NO-IP.com who filters and forwards email to me. That has worked - but server load never budged.

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High Load With Skip-locking From Whm

Feb 28, 2008

the load of my server is high,

i login whm and check the CPU/Memory/MySQL Usage

User Domain %CPU %MEM MySQL Processes
mysql 3.30 45.97 0.0
Top Process %CPU 1.0 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir/ --datadir/var/lib/mysql --usermysql --pid-file/var/lib/mysql/hostname.com.pid --skip-locking
Top Process %CPU 0.7 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir/ --datadir/var/lib/mysql --usermysql --pid-file/var/lib/mysql/hostname.com.pid --skip-locking
Top Process %CPU 0.6 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir/ --datadir/var/lib/mysql --usermysql --pid-file/var/lib/mysql/hostname.com.pid --skip-locking

the values are higher before,

i want to ask what is skip-locking and if i add skip-locking in my.cnf,

will the problem been improved? and will it take any effect or problem?

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Thttpd + Apache On Same Machine - Locking

Feb 6, 2008

I'm running apache to serve PHP files on (/home/www/) and thttpd to serve images on (/home/www/images)

thttpd runs on a different IP than apache, apache only listens to its IP.

After doing this, the number of apache processes decreased significantly, however performance has gone down, and apache is starting to crash very frequently (swapping).

Could there be a file-locking issue? Do I have to separate the images folder from the www folder?

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E-mail Hosting, Google Apps And Domain Locking

May 26, 2008

I've seen that a similar topic was posted earlier today, but I have more specific question. I'm looking for the e-mail only hosting. Requirements:

* dedicated IP
* up to 10 e-mail addresses from various domains
* forwarders (10 or more)
* 1-5 GB storage
* 10 GB bandwidth
* budget: the less the better, but I'll pay any reasonable amount of money if the service is good. Basically I need to find a provider at which I can keep my e-mail address once and for all. (I need a few e-mails only, a few forwarders, 100 MB storage and 1 GB bandwidth but I stated more so I don't run out on resources)

Is there any significant difference between SSL and TLS or is it all mainly in the proprietary vs open standard?

Is there any good reason why not to use Google Apps for this purpose? I've read that some people are concerned about privacy. Is there any pro that can comment on this (privacy issue) and remain objective?

One last (dumb?) question. What is the purpose of domain locking? Before AuthCodes were introduced I could see the reason for locking domains, but why would anyone want to lock the domain these days? (and yet I see majority still does) I mean, noone can initiate the transfer without providing AuthCode (can he?) and isn't that alone good enough to keep the domain safe? And if someone manages to gain control to the control panel to read AuthCode then he can easily unlock the domain so I see no additional layer of security.

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Panel Don't Show Users Database In Tab Users

Sep 6, 2013

The upgrade has an error when manage the users database.

OS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 x64
Panel version 11.5.30 Update #13, last updated at Sept 1, 2013 03:30 PM

In a costumer panel have a one database MSSQL, and assign to this DB 3 users, but the tab option "Users" don't work fot his costumer and show this error:

Error Javascript:
TypeError: template is null
this.template = template.toString(); in protototype.js 8472831 (línea 807)

Error Javascript:
TypeError: template is null
this.template = template.toString(); in protototype.js 8472831 (línea 807)

Show users in the tab users for database.

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Preventing Users From Connecting To Other Users Database

Mar 25, 2009

On my server, users can connect to any database as long as they have the database user and password. This makes it easier to hack any database on the server.
What I want to do is to make the users can only connect to their own databases and not other's.

I tried changing the localhost ip address but it didn't work ( I assume I didn't do it the right way)

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Ssh For Users

Mar 29, 2009

im on a vps and enabled ssh to other accounts but how do i know whats the loginid n password for it?

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Unprivileged Users

Apr 5, 2009

I have a few system administrators having full access to the Windows 2003 servers. I fear some of them might be messing up with the server like opening websites on the server or downloading files on the server. I want to create unprivileged users to login to the server so that they can do the basic tasks like reading the log files etc. Can anybody give me the steps for the same?

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HostDime VPS Users

Apr 19, 2009

I've searched around these forums (VPS specifically) and cannot find any recent "reviews" or opinions on HostDime's VPS offerings.

Anyone using them? They seem to have the most bang/buck and I'd like to get a more recent review opinion on them.

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SFTP Users

Oct 14, 2009

we have a WHM account... we have different accounts on that...and for each account, there are add-on domains underneath that. (i hope you know what i mean)

and we set it up to use only SFTP to connect to server. no FTP.

after we have set it up that way, it seems that we can only connect to SFTP using 1 user/pass for each account... that is the same user/pass we use for Cpanel of each account.

say, i have Account A... under Account A, i have addon domains: A1.com, A2.com, A3.com...
setting SFTP only on that server, all those addon domains of Account A, can only use 1 user/pass to login to SFTP which is the cpanel access also of Account A.

question is.... is this behavior correct??

how can we create a different user for each add-on domain?

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Mysql Users

Jun 23, 2009

How can see mysql users and how can change password for a user.

For example www_user (mysql user) in shell access?

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Webmin Add FTP Users

Nov 2, 2009

with webmin can I use it to add FTP users to say pure ftpd? and does it work with lighttpd? If I'm thinking about it right webmin just allows us to control the service and modify the configuration files right?

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Online Users ...

Jul 3, 2008

I hope this is in the correct section. Secondly, here is my issue that I am hoping someone can help with. I run a fairly successful video streaming site with several thousand members, and several thousand videos. I am trying to determine how many users I have online at any given time. Does anyone know of a piece of software/code out there that can provide me with this information in real time?

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New Users And Subdomain

Jun 27, 2008

I am a server admin.

Recently, when I set up new user account, there's something strange in FTP.. ( Please check the image for detail )

Besides, all the new set up subdomain cannot use (no matter new or old user) and 404 error occur.

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MidPulse Users

Sep 4, 2008

Does anyone have an experience with this host? In my search I found several favorable comments. I've been collecting different hosts names to consider from those of you kind enough to post them on your signatures. I'm with A Small Orange and am looking for a backup host, or will change the DNS to the backup if they are better.

Others I am considering are Aspire and Known Host. I'll need a shared plan. My site is anywhere from 350 to 450MB's. I try to get twice the space I need because I can have a spike here and there since clients are always downloading my voice files for their projects.

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LiteSpeed Users

Sep 12, 2008

Does LiteSpeed webserver provides me bandwidth usage?

Someone told me that he was using 8 mbits connection and after jumping to LiteSpeed, bandwidth usage has decreased to 3 mbits.

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VPS Ram Vs Number Of Users

Jun 11, 2008

I will generally have around 1-70 people browsing my forums at one time. I would like to know if 128mb of ram would be good enough for average performance?

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LP - Users Apache

Dec 25, 2008

I have installed LP on my system, but I have one problem...

The sites main apache runs well, but I can't get the users apache to start.

The two should be run from different ports?

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My Users Said His IP Is Blocked

Dec 12, 2007

My user said he can not view his site from his IP address. His friend from the same ISP also canot access the site.

But i can access from my ISP. So I think probably his IP address has been baned. Therefore, how can I check that? and how can i make his IP range available back?

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Blurstorm Users

Oct 1, 2008

Does anybody have a working Blurstorm number? I've tried 850-445-6937 which I found on the internet, but no answer.

Long story short. Signed up to host my website. Credit card charged and approved, but I never received a user name/password confirmation. I'm not able to log on to anything. It has been 4 months and they charge my cc every month which I dispute with the cc company. I can't cancel the web account. My next step is to cancel my credit card.

I have emailed 4 times, left messages at the above number, talked with the chat line. No response. This company is a scam.

Number one rule in chosing a host company, always make sure they have a working customer service number (call it and talk with someone).

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SSH Accounts For Users

Oct 26, 2008

I have a web server on my dedicated server with several web sites owned by a friend and myself. I am now wanting to setup a gameserver on the same box and will need to give someone I don't know or trust ssh access so that they can kill the gameserver and/or re-execute it as well as modify the configuration files.

How can I go about accomplishing this?

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Any Primary VPS Users

May 15, 2007

Anyone using this for VPS? Good or Bad?

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How To Limit Users RAM/CPU Use

Nov 18, 2007

I have a dedicated server with CentOS and cPanel/WHM

I want to know how would I limit each user usage of RAM and or CPU

I see HUGE web hosts are doing that , they give you 9999999 diskspace and 99999999 bandwidth but they limit your RAM & CPU use to a tiny number

I want to know how could I do that in order to keep my resources good .

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