Linking To Copyright Videos On Veoh, Dailymotion...

Jul 17, 2008

We have a portal which collect videos from all the video sharing sites such as Dailymotion, Veoh, YouTube,etc... No actual videos are hosted on our servers.

Recently, We got a letter from the lawyer of the copyright owner of some videos, stating that we are not allowed to link to these videos on our sites. If we dont remove those links they will take legal action on us.

So, my question is that can they actually sue us for linking to videos on youtube,dailymotion....?

The server is located in Chicago, if that makes any different?

As far as i know, if we dont store the actual copyright content on our servers then it is fine, at least with US law?

And i think they are just trying to scare us since there are like hundred of sites that doing the same thing and i see keeping doing it.

Part of the letter:

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Copyright Infringement

Jun 9, 2009

I've emailed their host about using copyrighted materials, I've discussed it with the owner and now I've ran out of ideas for what to do to stop this guy from stealing my ideas/concepts/coding.

I've had people emailing me and ringing saying that either:
I ripped him ... which isn't something I want to be told when my site was out first.

So my question to you is... what's the best way to deal with someone who's:

a) In another country

b) In another continent

c) Host is stupid & doesn't care.

d) Stolen a lot of my ideas/concepts and coding?

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Hosting Without Copyright Concerns

Nov 7, 2008

I am hosting IPTV ( internet TV ) which might have copyright issue.

how to host website without copyright concerns ( might be in china or russian )

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Copyright And Other Issues With Google -> Looking For Advise

Jan 21, 2009

Some time ago I've found in Google Book Search one of my books, 'published' there by my former Russian publisher, who has lost any rights to my novel 6 years ago. Furthermore, according to our agreement, the publisher was entitled to publish the novel in a book form only (which makes any other form of publication illegal).

I've contacted the Google Book Search Team with a request to change a copyright holder's ...

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Sourcing Images For My Blog And Copyright

May 24, 2008

first time building a website, and was thinking about setting up a blog type website similar to the likes of engadget etc....

However I'm curious as to how I can source images and how copyright relates to a blog news site. Obviously with the quick nature I would be posting like other news sites I doubt there would be time to email the owner of a site and ask for permission and await a response.

So maybe theres a loop hole in regards to blog news sites for permission?

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Bogus Copyright Infringement Complaint: Suspended

Sep 29, 2009

I did some independent contractor work for a friend starting a new branch of his business from mid-April to mid-July. I should have known better than to trust this "friend" as he is a snake and has not paid me for the work I did beyond the partial month of April. May/June/July bills are due totaling $3800.00 and he will not pay up. The middle of July was the last work I did for him and am no longer doing any of his projects.

As part of start-up and marketing a driver education program I created a website. I paid for the (generic, not associated with his business name) domain name, am the registrant, paid for the hosting, and full control the website. The website design and updating fees are part of the amount due, and I told him I would be happy to give him administrative rights to the website since I already had it up and running.

When he figured out he couldn't sneak behind my back and talk the web host service out of the access info, he was quite ticked off. Out came the gloves and he started a different domain name/website with someone else and they cried "copyright infringement" to the hosting company so my web site would be suspended. QUESTION: When the web host receives a complaint such as this, what is the proper procedure for handling it based on the DMCA and copyright laws? The host's site only has a statement in his policy about what to do if you are a target of copyright infringement. Common sense would tell me (although laws and common sense don't always go together) that as the customer of the hosting company, I should have been notified, given the opportunity to take down whatever they were objecting to, and then show the host that I did take the material off. I need to look into the Intellectual Property aspect of it, but that is not what I'm concerned about at the moment.

What rights do I have as the one getting bushwacked to have my website re-activated? Am I entitled to view all supporting documents? I have opened a support ticket asking why it was suspended 18 days ago, they responded with the emailed complaint (minus supporting documents) from the new web host, and didn't say what I needed to do to remedy the situation.

I intend to clear all of his stuff off my website and use it for another purpose, since I've already paid for the domain name and a year of web hosting.

The next step, after getting this website freed up again will be taking the deadbeat to conciliation/small claims court to collect the amount due with the assistance of an attorney. In our county if you appeal a judgement, it goes to district court and you have to have an attorney. I can see this guy with deep pockets financially beating me up for the fun of it. I can't afford to play that game.

Sorry this got long, but the moral of the story is: Do NOT trust friends who are snakes to others in business dealings...they will be a snake to you, too.

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Hosting For Music And Video That Is Owned But Copyright Protected

Feb 5, 2009

have built quite a library of music now. It would be great if I could upload music to my hosting account, and then just access it from my phone. Would that be allowed so long as I did not share this music with others? Where might I be able to set this up? I checked with hostgator and they said it was not okay.

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Linking Servers

Oct 29, 2008

I have multiple dedicated servers all running cPanel and WHM they are all CentOS. Currently when a new client signs up we manually create the account after we have recieved payment.

We then manually bill each cycle.

I am looking at setting up an automated billing / sign up system but how does this work with all the sites spread over different servers?

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Linking Pages With Different Hosts

Jan 28, 2009

If the user links to a different page and domain hosted by the same company is the browser experience quicker? If I have 2 webpages with 2 different hosts and wish to link them is there any meaningful slowdown for the user, to transfer to different pages with different hosts.

Do all the pages of a domain need to be hosted from the one host?

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Mod_rewrite To Divert SOME Image Linking?

Mar 19, 2008

I'm trying to get a problem with image hotlinking under control. What I'd like is to allow linking to thumbnails but only allow the fullsize images to be served via another page.

What I'd like is to allow all request to /thumbs/(1-99)/*.jpg but redirect all calls to uploads/(1-99)/*.jpg to view_image.php while allowing all calls to any other existing php page on the site.

I thought it would be something like this but I've tried many variation on the standard denying hotlinking .htaccess scripts I've got and they work to a point but I can't seem to combine them to perform the above?

Can someone please put me out of my misery or point me to a good mod_rewrite tutorial!!!

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} uploads/(.*)/(.*).(gif|jpe?g|png)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule (.*) /view_image.php?/$1 [R,NC,L]

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Server Locations And Linking Servers

Feb 10, 2009

I am starting up a mail order bride website.

I already have a server in Malaysia that I am using to run an asain based site. Off a .asia domain.

I am currently in Malaysia just now and I noticed especially on the weekends the networks seem to slow alot in Malaysia due to everyone playing games at the Cyber Cafes (its what they do instead of pubs).

While back in home the UK the Internet seems super fast all the time due to are advanced infrustructure.

Now should I use my server in Malaysia (ultra cheap prices) to host the site so or get a server in Europe preferably America?

The pros i see for Malaysia is the potential brides in asia will get quick access to the site.

The pros for Europe or America is the customer base will get quick access.

I might be wrong about this, maybe the speed wont; be affected to much either way, but I am a newb

Also if i was to have both a server in America and one in Asia could I link them together under that same site name? and how would that work with the database?

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Warez Linking Allowed In Canada

Jun 2, 2008

I have noticed quite a few warez linking sites (some quite large) coming up that are hosted in Canada.

Does anyone know what the law is on warez linking in Canada?

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Dedicated Server Provide Allow Warez Linking?

Dec 10, 2008

Any good recommanded dedicated server providers which allows Warez linking?

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DNS & BIND WEBMIN : Linking Domains To Folders

Jul 21, 2007

linking domains to folders. Im using webmin on a Debian server, and setting up the DNS and BIND isn't a problem, i can do that, but what if i want to link, lets say to the folder hdoc/example/ , how would one do that?

At the moment when setting up the zones, they link to the main page.

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Apache :: LDAP Authentication - Not Linking To Server

Jan 16, 2014

I am running apache currently on my QNAP server, and have enabled webserver and LDAP. We have set up users on LDAP. I have created a landing page for access from the internet. I want to configure Apache to authenticate the users using LDAP before granting access to the landing directory.

I have started this with the apache configuration below: My apache config file -

LogLevel debug
CustomLog "logs/access_log" combined
ErrorLog "logs/error_log"
LoadModule ldap_module modules/
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
ServerName MyServer
LDAPTrustedMode NONE
LDAPVerifyServerCert Off

[Code] ....

When I access my page, I get the authentication prompt. But when I enter my LDAP login and password, I get thrown out of the system with the error:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, admin@NAS and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Looks like my apache configuration is a problem as I am able access my LDAP and everything with LDAP seems to be working fine except Apache configuration to authenticate against LDAP.

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Streaming Videos

Aug 29, 2008

I have a VPS server and was trying to figure out the best way to stream videos...its running CentOS 5, any recommendations?

Will VLC work?

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Hosting For Videos And Mp3

Jan 8, 2009

I'm making a website with image galleries, music videos and mp3. There will be about 20-30 music videos and mp3 files for playing online from server. So, I guess I should look for hosting companies offering large monthly bandwidth.

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Where You Host Your Videos

Feb 26, 2009

where you host your large videos google,, ... etc ?

I personally like, just because it is simple and there is not time limit (but within 1GB size).

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Streaming FLV Videos

May 30, 2009

I have a website that users can download software (~150 MB).

I currently have a VPS server with Liquidweb.
20 GB RAID protected storage, 384MB dedicated RAM (maximum that can be achieved is 528MB on this package), 200GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer. I don't use much of the 20GB disk space, but every month I use about 60 GB Bandwidth.

Now I plan on incorporating video files into one of my software packages. Because there will be about 1000 video files (each being about 3-4 MB), that would take up 3-4 GB drive storage; hence, I don't think it's feasible that the users can download the software package. Instead, I can keep the software package size to a minimum and the solution would be to STREAM the videos from within the program.

At this point, I can do one of two things:

1) Keep my VPN for my website and find a hosting provider that has STREAMING services for the videos

2) Upgrade my VPN to a Dedicated Server (Pentium 4 3GHZ Hyperthreaded, 2GB DDR SDRAM, 120GB 7200RPM SATA/8MB Cache, 2000GB Monthly Bandwidth) and have my website and streaming videos on one server.

Also, if I choose option #2, would you recommend upgrading to Dual 120GB SATA / Hardware Raid 1 [add $40/month] or 73GB 10,000RPM SCSI / 8MB Cache [add $60/month]

Again, I just need a server that will play the videos. I will have users that will be simultaneously connecting to the server to watch the videos from within the program so I would like the most stable and seamless choice.

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Embedded Videos

Dec 21, 2008

I am no computer genius, but I am trying to learn.

I have a question concerning embedded videos.

When you embed a YouTube video into a web page, does that not use bandwidth of the host of your website?

Again, please forgive my ignorance, I'm trying to learn. From what I've seen on WHT so far, I should be up to speed before too long.

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A Server With 100+ HD Videos

Mar 22, 2008

a new dedicated server for a new site we will be launching very soon. We have been weighing our options as far as server configurations and because it is a startup our budget is limited.

But the one thing I wanted to ask about is our primary hard drives. We were going to go with 2x250GB RAID1 SATAII's for their price and reliability. Our total server budget is around $400/mo... so money is tight.

But this site will have about 100-150 High Definition Videos in a certain section (averaging about 200mb each) that are viewed in progressive-download. The daily traffic is about 8,000 uniques and we can't really be sure how many people a day will watch a video, or how many videos they will watch.

With that being said... do you think RAID 1 SATA's are fine? We don't want any problems with people having slow download speeds, since fast transfer speeds are important to us. Or would the SATA's be a problem for sure and you'd recommend faster SCSI drives or RAID 5/10/etc.?? We are not even sure if we can afford faster drives... but if you guys thought SATA's would be a problem.. we'd go back and sharpen our pencils some more.

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Converting Videos

Nov 29, 2007

I got ffmpeg, mencoder and flvtool2 installed on my server (centos 4) but when I try use them, the size comes off substantially bigger then what I can do on my PC.

For example I've been using Sorenson Squeeze (using Sorenson codec) and say at 240brate(video) and 32 (audio) and at 320-240, it comes to about 100 megs for a 50 min video.

Is there some good strategy on using these free tools effectively? or do the free codecs just can't compare to the paid ones?

What would be the commands that you guys would run to get the best size for those specified options I mentioned? On mencoder and flvtool2 that is. I have the latest versions installed.

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Affordable Hosting SHARED-RESELLER Warez Linking - Nulled Script - Legal Porn

May 26, 2009

BEST RELIABLE HOSTING, affordable hosting

ALLOWED: warez linking - nulled script - legal porn

warez linking allowed
nulled script allowed

Host Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Email, MySQL, FTP
PHP5, MySQL5, CGI, Perl5
DDOS Proof, ionCube, Ruby
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
cPanel® 11, WHM, Fantastico
Web Hosting Control Panel
MS Frontpage WebSite Hosting
ImageMagick 5.5.2 Support
Unlimited Email and FTP Accounts
Fast, Free 24/7 Tech Suppor
Reseller Hosting Available
2 Web Based E-Mail Programs
Streaming Audio/Video Hosting

SUPER 12$ year
5 Go Storage
30 Gb Transfer
Control Panel

EXPERT 24$/year
20 Gb Storage
100 Gb Transfer

EXPERT 36$/year
50 Gb Storage
600 Gb Transfer

» 100 Gb Disk Space
» Unlimited Bandwidth
50 $/YEAR


w w w .azhosty .com

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Offshore Hosting For Videos

Dec 2, 2008

I have a website that embeds anime videos hosted on websites like youtube/veoh/megavideo.

Is there a country/place a can host this type of site where it is legal to do this kind of embedding/linking. (none of the videos are hosted on website)

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Server For 4000 Videos 10 Mb Each

Aug 27, 2007

I have a requirement for a server with a need to store 4000 entries each having a 10 mb video clip. No indication of popularity of site as this is a startup. Thats my headache part, normally for such a server would it be advisable using SCSI / SAS and expecting a huge bandwidth requirements? Or should it be done implemented as a cluster?

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Hacked - Can Mysql And Videos Be Saved From This?

Oct 13, 2007

My server was hacked, they destroyed some of it, but alot was intact. My provider swiftly changed the original HD, put in a new one and have attached the old one to allow data transfer. I cannot see the Mysql section and about 900 videos from a particular folder are missing.

Is there ANY way I can recover anything in this situation?

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Dedicated Server For Adult Videos

May 15, 2009

for hosting our adult video projects looking for a suitable dedicated server. Data we have primarily located elsewhere, therefore, regards the site that will serve as a cache.
Then just one HDD and 2 gigabytes of RAM, and virtually any processor, what is most important for us is the connectivity and traffic.

Therefore looking for dedicated server (unmanaged) with the lowest possible price for the most transmission. any specific recommendations?

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Videos Not Showing With Mencoder & ClipShare

Jun 13, 2009

I have problem with clipshare script. when i upload videos, they are successfully uploaded into video dir and thumbnails are also generated.

But when playing them, it constantly say loading....

I checked the flvideo dir, and it converted video(flv) is not there.

I searched a little and found a small changed needs to be done in convert.php. which i did but still it does not convert.

I wanted to know

* Where can i find conversion logs or more information on what exactly is going on, to further debug the issue.

* In convert.php i have replaced -lavfopts

i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames -vop


-ofps 12 -vf
but still not fixed. should i roll back to previous state?

From siteadmin panel

system check

FLVIDEO Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/flvideo)

VIDEO Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/video)
THUMBS Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/thumb)
CHANNEL Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/chimg)
PHOTO Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/photo)
TMP Directory
writable (0777) (/home/hell2006/public_html/tmp)

Safe Mode

Open Basedir .....

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Mp4 Videos And The Downloads Made From Cellphones

Oct 29, 2009

I have a problem with some mp4 videos and the downloads made from cellphones.

I have a plain LAMP server (centos 5, apache 2, php 5), the customers download the videos from a web, mobile section, and play on their cellphones.

The strange thing is that when they opened the video to play it on the cellphone, the video shows itself as a binary, although the extension remains mp4.

Tried moving the same video to another server, and it was played ok without any changes.. so, tested another server and after making this changes, it was able to reproduce the mp4 format:

I changed the Default mime.types from text/plain to application/octet-stream

TypesConfig / etc / mime.types

# DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document

# If it can not otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.

# If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text / plain" isnte

# A good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications

# Or images, you may want to use "application / octet-stream" instead to

# Keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are

# Text.


DefaultType application / octet-stream

When the videos out in binary, with a lot of strange characters, leaving just this: application / octet-stream

I see in /etc/mime.types and there is support for many formats, including. Mp4

However, on the original first server even if I change the above code, I can not reproduce mp4.

On any laptop or pc from the three servers I can reproduce the videos, the problem it’s just on one server playing from cellphones.

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