FTP Access Control

Jun 14, 2007

I'm setting up a system that is really stretching the limits of what FTP can do.

Right now, I have a repository of files that only certain accounts should see, so I have another folder (one for each user) with tons of links to their appropriate files. Now all users must accept some T&C before any downloads, so I'm doing a per-IP permission based on this acceptance.

I'd really like to do this with HTTP, but our clients like the speed and reliability (resuming) that FTP provides. Are there any other solutions out there? Any different technologies? Any other methods I haven't thought of?

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Control Access Via Htaccess

Apr 23, 2009

how can i control via IP who can access a site? I want to redirect everyone to /downtime.php and only allow myself IP to access the /index.php page and the entire site

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Control Panel Access IIS 7.0 WIN Web Server 2K

Jun 29, 2012

after upgrading to plesk 11 i get this error (Image attached)

so basicaly i cant do nothing..

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Cannot Access Any Websites Or Hosting Control Panel

Sep 20, 2014

I have been a solid cPanel / WHM user for the past 2 years, we have now since downsized our hosting requirements and also wanted to cut our panel costs and so we moved to PLESK 12 Web Edition.The server is on a trial license and has been working fine with no problems for the past 2 weeks. Today all of a sudden none of the websites are accessible, although I can ping all IP's on server and login via SSH.I cannot access any websites or hosting control panel, I have disabled IP tables as this was the cause of a problem last time.

Why this happened was there an update at around 5AM this morning which could have caused this?I have restarted the server, I can successfully ping / resolve address from SSH.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: CLI Database Server Settings - Access Control

Jun 10, 2015

i would like to change the access control for datebase users via CL: command: /usr/local/psa/bin/database --update-dbuser web1_presta -server localhost:3306 reply: The database user was successfully updated. examination: mysql> select host, user from mysql.user;

| host | user |
| % | web1_presta |
| localhost | web1_oxid |
| localhost | web1_presta |
| localhost | web1_shopware |
| localhost | web1_wp |

Only when using the GUI:
home -> Subscriptions -> Website & Domains -> Databases -> Users -> web1_wp -> Access control
-> from Allow remote connections from any host
-> to Allow local connections only

is also the user adjusted:
mysql> select host, user from mysql.user;
| host | user |
| localhost | web1_oxid |
| localhost | web1_presta |
| localhost | web1_shopware |
| localhost | web1_wp |

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: How To Limit Access To Few IP Address To Access Port 8443 On Firewall

Aug 28, 2012

How can I allow only one ip or a list of ip addresses to access port 8443.I need to limit access this port to few ip addresses and not everyone

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IIS 5 - Cant Access Page From IE7 But Can Access From Firefox

Feb 20, 2008

I found a great little app called ID Shutdown Manager which bascially lets you do stuff like wake on LAN, Shutdown, Log Off etc.

The App also has a cgi script which you can call from a web server so you get a web interface to the program.

This is exactly my reason for getting the app as I just wanted to host a web page where I could login from the internet and wake on lan my media PC.

Ok so...

The app gives you all the iis or apache setup instructions and tells you to place the cgi script which is actually a .exe into the scripts folder and then enable basic authentication for it.


So if I navigate to <SERVER>/scripts/sdmancgi.exe its supposed to give me a user / pass prompt and then when login successful I see the app and can wake on lan etc.

ok I have got this to work

on the actual machine where server is running I can access it in IE7 by localhost etc.. and it works

However when I try to access from another PC in my lan by typing <SERVER>/scripts/sdmancgi.exe I get a nice little message saying the content cannot be displayed you may require to insall a program or something to display it.

If I try to access the page from firefox on same remote PC, it works!

I can also access page from outside my LAN, it works on my N95 browser.

Also I have had friends try it from firefox from the Internet and they say it works as well.

Forgot to mention I am running on port 8081 as I already have other servers running on 8080 and 80 (one is my router and the other server installed itself from setup.exe and I dont know what server its using)

I have also tried latest apache server as well as some other free one. Both have the same effect. Ok in firefox, not in IE.

One would think its a problem with the cgi file not compatible with IE7 however, I even tried to go to default page setup in IIS <SERVER>:8081 and I get the same message. So at this point the server hasnt even tried to access CGI or prompt for Basic Authentication.

I tried googling and not much luck. I read something about CSS and when I view source of failed web page from IE7 it mentions something about CSS so dont know if this is it?

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Can't Access Ping Or Access SSH

Apr 30, 2009

I'm having trouble with a vps and the ips won't ping and can't connect via ssh.

I can via hypervm console when I run apt-get update but it doesn't download anything.

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Can't Access Dns Only Remote Access Key

Apr 24, 2007

I have successfully installed dns only to my vps. the problem is when i try to add it to the cluster system on my other vps it asks for a remote access key, so i visit both ip:2087/scripts/setrhash and ip:2086/scripts/setrhash and it shows an unable to connect error in firefox.

this is both using [url]

does anyone know how i can access the remote access key?

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How To Control VPS

Feb 14, 2009

I would like to ask you what software I need to control VPS - stop it when it expires the owner's account and he must pay agan to use it.

Software must work with VMware, Solaris conteiners (xVM server), Virtuozzo and etc.

What software for billing the VPS can you recommend me?

Is there a second way to control the access to the VPSs? Can I install hardware firewall before the servers witch host VPSs and install billing software on that firewall so when the owner don't pay for the VPS the firewall cuts the access to the VPS.

in that case what software I have to use.

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How To Control VPS

Jun 19, 2008

I have VmWare VPS hosting, I just started and I have few questions. How can I see how much bandwidth each VPS consumes? How can I know if someone is doing illegal activities like spam, file sharing, IRC, etc.? I ask this because I give complete control over VPS to my customers so I don't have access to it, only thing I do is backup of whole VPS image on spare HDD, and network/hardware troubleshooting. So how to control whats happening on my VPS-es?

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What Control Panel Do The Use

Apr 11, 2009

I tried contacting the live support from fatcow, and he was no help. It was probably just the guy i had but thats not the point. I think i am going to go with them but what control panel do they use?

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Control Traffic

May 29, 2009

I'm up Games for Windows VPS servers with VMWare Server ESXi and wonders whether some option to control the traffic of each IP, I thought about using a "Cisco ASA 5500" but I do not know if it has this option:


IP = 100GB monthly.

IP = 50GB monthly.

Etc. ..

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Vps Control Panel

Nov 8, 2009

know if i was to start a vps company. What FREE vps software and control panel are out there?

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GUI Control Panel For Xen

Jan 9, 2009

i want to install centos with xen to run vps service,

i know virt-manager can be used to manage xen under centos for admin,

i want to if there are any other good GUI control panel for xen?

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Xen VPS Control Panels

Oct 8, 2009

Xen control panel because I just got a server so I can try out using Xen instead of OpenVZ. Most of the control panel's that I've seen only support OpenVZ at this time. Would anyone be able to suggest a good panel that I could try out or look at?

I know HyperVM is one but can it be trusted as of now? I know that they have people working on it and there are no major hacks right now (at least not yet) but would it be suggested to use it?

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Xen Control Panel

Mar 16, 2009

I am tired of lxlabs. Bugs have been submitted, especially with Windows VPS, but lxhelp just ignores. If he could not fix, or doesn't have time to fix, he just ignores our requests without any reply.

So, I am looking for another control panel for Xen. I will need it to run on CentOS mostly. And able to create Windows VPS. I only know dtc, but it's built for Debian.

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PHP And Cache-Control

Jan 27, 2008

I seem to have the opposite problem of what most people complain about... I'm using some custom-built PHP scripts, the output of which is not getting cached. I want the output cached, because it doesn't change often.

If it's relevant, I'm using ob_start() to serve up a GZIP-compressed page.

I start off with a header("Cache-Control: maxage=3600, must-revalidate"). Yes, it's first, and yes, it's showing up properly in the browser.

However, requesting the page again returns an HTTP 200, not the 304 I'm expecting. It's pulling down the whole page again. It's not changing in between requests, and I'm simply visiting the URL again, not hitting Refresh. (Although it really shouldn't matter.)

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VPS Control Panel ...?

Nov 4, 2008

I am running vps business and i would like to have your guys advice of which control panel to offer to all om my customers.

Most people leave my services only because they need to have simple control panel for their vps. So im looking for any commercial control panel which i can provide with all of my vps servers. Also It should not use more than 30Mb of ram and and shold not be a cpu hog.

Right now iam looking at ServerCP (as they have a deal when you can buy 100 for 69 dollars) but it needs about 128Mb of ram to function and its just too much.

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Bandwidth Control In A VPS

Nov 2, 2008

I am going to setup a SSH tunnel or VPN connection through a VPS server, and want to share it with some friends (like 2-3), so I'd need some way to control the monthly bandwidth of each one.

Is there how to do this? Maybe directly with SSH or OpenVPN, or maybe with other software? It's simple like: 50 GB for each one in 1 month. I know it is complicated, because the IP's are dynamic, so maybe through user account? I have no idea on how to do this... Or maybe a analyzing utility, and later a script to block the user?

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Firewall We Have No Control Over

Jun 10, 2008

So we move to a new dedicated server company (I won't name) only to fine that our mission critical site that is used for customers software to report home to has an extra shared managed firewall on the network we can't access. Irate customers we have to find a new dedicated server company.

Does anyone know a managed dedicated server company in the US or UK infact anywhere that provide managed dedicated servers WITHOUT a firewall shared by a subnet/rack? Our customers can use the software we sell because of a firewall we can't access. cPanel is ideal.

Stress. www.rapidswitch.com in the UK were BRILLIANT but we wanted a full managed package.

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I Can't Control Vps Bandwidth

Aug 30, 2008

Now i'm using vmware 2.0 RC2 to create vps for my customers. But i can't setting their vps bandwidth. Such as 200GB per month or 300GB etc.

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Control Panel

Sep 19, 2008

I have got a dedicated server for me.

It is with fresh OS. I was wondering which FREE control panel should I install on it.

It is a 2.6Celeron with 512MB RAM (soon to be upgraded to 1GB) with Cent OS 5.

My concern is that if in future I am able to find a cheap directadmin external license then I would want to uninstall control panel and will use directadmin.

So i need advice on control panel:
Which is FREE
Can work for a website (dont need multi domain fancy stuff). Will only host single domain.
Can install apache / mysql / email etc.
Use apache NOT apache-light. I saw HostInABox but it uses apache-light which dont work well for my website features. Tested it in a VPS earlier.
Can uninstall cleanly if needed so that I dont have to reload OS in future inorder to install DA.

How about webmin or ispconfig.

Do they install easily and uninstall cleanly? I am not an expert but am learning quickly.

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Public FTP Control

Nov 4, 2007

I'm on a reseller cPanel WHM account with shell access, and this public FTP for uploading maps for a game.

How do I ban FTP users by their IP? (.htaccess wouldn't do the trick)

How do I regulate priviledges/permissions of FTP users?

How do I control (like configuring how the indexing is displayed, for example) /public_html/somedirectory/ through /public_html/.htaccess?

How do I disallow certain filetypes from existing in /public_html/somedirectory/* or to be uploaded?

How do I disallow apache from rendering any html, php, cgi, java, perl, etc files in /public_html/somedirectory/*?

So, if you had a public FTP (not the "anonymous FTP" cPanel can create, but a regular and single user account shared by everyone), how would you protect your free map hosting service from abuse? What protections would you setup? Etc.

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Server Control

Oct 11, 2007

im in the UK and i am look for a webhost (preferably a reseller) on windows.

i want maximum control over the server (no PLESK).

which control panel would i be looking for?

do webhosts allow the installation of isapi filters in IIS?

my price range would be between £40-50 ($100) p/m

sql server necessary!

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Control Panel RAM

Aug 11, 2007

I've done some searches but, didn't find what I was looking for.

Which of WHM/CPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin requires the least memory to function in an adequate manner and what would that amount of memory approximately be?

If there is a significant difference between the three?

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Control Panel With A VPS

Aug 29, 2007

A contral panel like WHM costs extra about $5 and I want to save this, if I don't find out, why it makes sense for me. I know WHM and cpanel and I understand, that I need this for configuration as a reseller or customer to configure all, but with a VPS I have root-access. So why do I need a control panel with a VPS?

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Going Without A Control Panel - Can This Be Done

Jun 16, 2007

I'm just starting to explore the idea of getting dedicated server or good VPS for hosting websites of clients I do php/sql programming for. I want to learn the right way, so I downloaded CentOS iso's and installed the operating system on an old computer, learned how to use yum to install the server software, set up virtual hosts, etc. I would like to give clients ftp access though honestly most of their sites will be hooked up to CMS, but sometime might arise where somebody just wants hosting and not programming. I would like to do without a control panel and try to do as much as possible from command line. For limiting site's bandwidth i found mod_cband. Anybody have expreience with that? Does it work as it is supposed to? Now I'm wondering how to put a quota on how much space client can use on disk, but after much searching haven't come up with an answer. Anybody have any idea how you are supposed to do that? And also, haven't looked into the FTP end of things, as I can't really test that right now on development server, but is it possible to manage FTP accounts solely from command line and editing config files? Whew...I guess that's it for now.

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Control Panel

Jul 20, 2007

For a 128 MB RAM powered VPS, which will be the least resource hungry control panel:


1. WHM/cPanel
2. DirectAdmin Access
3. Webmin
4. Plesk
5. Virtuozzo Power Panel (??)

and the OS (least resource hungry + stable):


1. Debian
2. CentOS
3. Redhat
4. Fedora
5. Ubuntu
6. ...

Next, can life without a control panel work better?


1. adding/managing new domain
2. adding/managing new db
3. adding/managing email accounts
4. ...
5. ...

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