Eurovps Is Superb

Oct 1, 2008

Just want to mention that Eurovps is best hosting provider for VPS solution.

Tech support : 10/10
Network : Great speeds to Europe and US

Happy with them.
They only had some problems with network sometimes but it was nothing to do with them.

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Superb Vs. Rackspace GO!

Sep 21, 2007

Seriously. We're currently with Superb, and they can't keep up with what we need. Horrible support, inept technicians, confusing price schemes, it's a total mess. We've named the company piñata Superb in honor of their techs and sales team, its that bad.

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I don't think Superb is in a position to support us. We resell co-location to clients we do work for, such as Web site design, back-end communication, all large e-commerce sites that do lots of business and see lots of traffic. Currently, we have several clients with Superb, each one has multiple servers, but nothing load balanced- each server fills a specific role (Web, database, etc.) What our client is looking for is redundant, load balanced servers, and I have absolutely zero faith that Superb can handle an enterprise setup like this, given the established track record we already have with them.

Will Rackspace be any better? I hear all sorts of praise for them, with the only negative being price. Can Rackspace handle, say, several Web servers all load balancing a single Web site, with multiple SQL servers? Am I asking too much from Rackspace, or from Superb even? Is there another company that can offer a rock solid network, techs who know and care about their clients, that can support a multi-million dollar a year ecommerce client? Can you successfully co-locate this size of a setup or should we encourage our clients to bring this in house?

My experience with Superb and other smaller hosting companies before them has basically destroyed my faith that a hosting company can handle what we need. Someone make me a believer. Does anyone else do this at this scale?

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Any Opinions About

Jul 2, 2009

Any opinions about

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$6.95 Hosting... Superb Plan...

Jan 15, 2007

I found this site with 6.95 hosting a while back and had it saved in my fav... but my comp crashed god forbid and I had to format now I lost it...

The site had something rediculous like 3GB space and 5-10GB bandwidth... there was a $30 setup fee but it was 6.95 after that... Anyone know of this site? or anything that tops it?

Also the part I liked most was that they accepted paypal... Which was simply amazing for me.

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Eurovps Down

Dec 30, 2008

I can't access at this time, can anyone please let me know if you have the same problem? I've tried in several computers and nothing.

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Aug 24, 2007

high speed data between Sydney and New York and my VPS. Will be running automated trading software on their Windows VPS. Needs to have high uptime with very few reboots. This is better than running my applications from home.

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Need To Contact EuroVPS

May 8, 2008

the matter is kind of important and i dont want to discuss it in this thread, but i could not find a contact e-mail on the website. only phone numbers. so I know eurovps people are on this site, can one of them pm me and we can get in contact?

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Apr 16, 2009

EuroVPS company received the payment for VPS server and does not give me the settings finding different reasons for that and does not want to refund my money.
Date 28-Mar-2009

That was 11 April when I last received e-mail from them saying that Accounts department would consider possibility of refunding the money to my paypal account.

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EuroVPS Refund

Feb 15, 2009

I don't want to pre-empt too much but has anyone here succesfully received a refund from EuroVPS?

I was a long time lurker here and see that they seem to get good reviews so I signed up a VPS there. Now I'm not sure it was the right decision. I've asked for a refund and its all gone silence for 2 weeks despite repeated and polite emails as well as phone calls.

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My EuroVPS Experience

Sep 5, 2007

Just experienced something totally cracy with EuroVPS which I feel I just have to share with the rest of you. I am currentlly looking for a serious VPS provider who isn't just the cheapest offer around but also offer good quality, support and network speed. Based on some comments here, I decided to give EuroVPS a try (among a few others).

In the begining it all went well, I did send them a few questions via email, and got replies quite fast. They wern't perhaps the most friendly replies you have ever seen making me feel they actually cared but rather quite formal, and sometimes they just refered to other people sending me information soon (which didn't happen without me asking again). But overall, it was still very good, which I also told them. Because of this, I decided to sign up for a free VPS trial, which was setup quite fast. So far so good.

Then it all started to go wrong. When connection with Remote Desktop I noticed that the speed I seemd to have wasn't quite as good as I had expected. This doesnt necessarily mean that they are doing anything wrong, but it made me send them a question to their sales address (I simply resonded to a previous mail). I received a reply saying that in order to get any support, I had to log in and use the HSP Complete panel. Perhaps not the nicest reply but still, I can live with that, and did as they said. I received a response that in order to give me any help, I had to send them my root login and password. I was suprised by this, especially as I was asking about network connectivity, and because you normaly wouldn't hand out your login credentials to just anyone. But, as it seeme the be the only way forward, and this was just a trial, I did it. Just a few seconds later, I received an automatic email which contained my text, which ment that the login credential I has just entered via HTTPS had now been sent over the Internet in plain text without encryption. Maybe I am to focused on security, but this handling to me raised some serious concern regarding how things like security were really setup at EuroVPS, and I emailed them asking for an explaination. And then all hell broke loose.

Within an hour, I received email that all my support tickets had been closed. I then received an email that my VPS had been stopped, and finaly one saying that it had been deleted (including any files I might have had there)! Just like that, no prior warning or anything, just bang, deleted. Maybe 30 minutes later, my phone rang and a very hostile and unfriendly guy said he was calling from Greece and that I had a VPS account with them that had just been terminated. Greece I thought, that can't be correct, I signed up for a vPS with a company in the Netherlands? But no, apperantly this is a greek company, just that they happen to host their stuff at EasyNet in the Netherlands.

He then continued to basically tell me to go to hell, and that they didn't want to do business with "people like me". Then he said that as a none paying customer (isn't that the point of a free trial?) I had no right to send questions to their technical support (remember, they were the ones who told me to do it). And then it went on like this, until I ended the call, as I didn't really see any point in being treated like dog **** just because I had made the misstake to evaluate a VPS with them and had sent them a question about network speed.

Even now, a few hours later, I am still upset by all this, but also glad that I hadn't yet signed up as a paying customer (which I was just about to do) before they showed their true face. But still, I am shocked by the way I was treated by EuroVPS and I wouldn't dream of ever doing business with them again, nor recommend them to anyone, despite the fact that the technical aspects of their offerings and their prices seem very good. Paying to be treated like shite...dont think so. I must say that I am also very suprised by this, as I before had gotten a very good impression of EuroVPS and this wasn't really what I expected, especially since it all started out very well.

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EuroVPS Small Review

Oct 28, 2009

Just a small note from me about my experiences with EuroVPS, I transferred to them from Siteground Shared Hosting about 1 1/2 years ago, I run a fairly busy vbulletin forum, I say it's 'busy' because siteground said my site was consuming too many resources and they basically gave me 7 days to upgrade to their VPS or they said they would shut my site down, so I promptly transferred to EuroVPS.

The transfer went fairly smoothly and my site was up and running in no time at all, this whole VPS thing was totally new to me so the WHM and Plesk things etc. were like toys at xmas, albeit a bit confusing, naturally I had a few tickets in the beginning asking how this and that worked, their response time was phenomenal, I don't think I have ever had to wait longer than 15 minutes for a response. I have opened a total of 20 tickets so far.

Since then I have had the occasional ticket regarding problems and questions from my side and they have always been polite and have always solved my issues 100%. About 6 months ago there was a bit of an issue with regards to the transfer of my domain name that hadn't gone through from siteground to EuroVPS which caused my site to go down. A few tickets later and we managed to figure out what the problem was between us, believe it or not but EuroVPS actually phoned me at home to apologise for the confusion, in my opinion that is oustanding customer service and damn decent of them to go to all the trouble they went to and then still phone me.

Fantastic guys on their support team and in the Accounts department, I have nothing but praise for them, especially Sam M, Jeff D and Eugene K, thank you guys for top notch support.

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1 Year Review

Jan 27, 2009

i have 5 servers with since Feb 2008

I must have raised around 60 to 70 tickets with them in last 1 year. 90% of the tickets the response time is less than 3 minutes. Sometimes they take around 5 minutes to reply.

But definitely i get back replies in less than 5 minutes all tickets new and pending.

It feels like they have a huge team which is always online waiting for tickets.

Recently i had problems in server on 31st December night 11pm Indian Time. I sent a ticket surprisingly their ticket reply came back in 2 minutes and again in next 3 minutes the second reply came that the server is again up.

Last week they helped me with one server which had few problems. They reinstalled the server for me and also transfered the accounts and checked each website. One of the website had issues de to mysqli extension not installed. They did it too and completed the entire job very professionally.

They also configured one of the servers for application hosting. The server surely has become 2x faster after Eurovps tuning work on the vps. They also called me on mobile to inform me.

I surely recommend eurovps for someone searching for premium and reliable hosting.
one word of caution dont use bad language with them. The people manning the support team are no nonsense people and will not accept rude language. If you are good with them they will also be good with you.

If others also happy with eurovps support then please feel free to post it here.

All in all their servers are pretty fast due to quality hardware and support also very fast .. complete peace of mind for me with eurovps.

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Is EuroVPS A Real Company

Sep 22, 2009

I signed up with them for testing a project of ours, several days ago, nothing..

Emailed tech support this morning, they said they would look into it, 10 hours later, nothing.

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EuroVPS = Best VPS Hosting Provider

Jun 9, 2008

A while ago I decided to move to VPS. I did an extensive research and I concluded to EuroVPS. From my experience so far these guys are PROFESSIONALS and really know their job. Their service and technical support are second to none.

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EuroVPS - Are These Speeds Normal

Apr 30, 2007

I've recently purchased a VPS 250P package from EuroVPS and actually signed up for a two year contract as I respect the company so much however the speeds I've got, since finishing optimising the server, surprise me.

I'm already using a VPS from another dutch company until I move everything over to EuroVPS but the difference in speeds are a little concerning to me.

Please can you guys look at these response times and tell me if they are normal?

Current VPS: Page created in 0.035 seconds with 11 queries.

EuroVPS: Page created in 0.199 seconds with 8 queries.

Both servers are using the same spec, optimisations and PHP cache however my current VPS is using Apache1/PHP5/MySQL5 and with EuroVPS I can't afford to get them to upgrade to version5 so it's running on Apache2/PHP4/MySQL4.

I did get this response from EuroVPS, does it explain the difference in times?

"...we are using enterprise kernels which are slower than standard SMP/UP kernels. The performance of our VPS instances is not as high as some competitors who are using these faster, but smaller kernels.".

Once again, I have the utmost respect for EuroVPS and love their support but would appreciate some opinions on this from you guys.

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Network Problems On EuroVPS Or On Leaseweb

Dec 1, 2008

I am trying to found out is there anybody else having network problems on lease web or on eurovps.

I am on eurovps and from time to time I have a network problem.

I try to do tracert which never completes, and also try to use services like host-tracker to check visibility of the site and usually it is not visible from some locations.

I see that same thing was mentioned before and hmm interesting on the same starting ip
webhostingtalk . com/showthread.php?t=714871

I just moved to eurovps so I am interested in your network status etc...
1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms IP
2 6 ms 8 ms 7 ms IP
3 7 ms 9 ms 7 ms IP
4 10 ms 18 ms 9 ms IP
5 19 ms 25 ms 20 ms IP
6 * 10 ms 13 ms IP
7 19 ms 22 ms 19 ms IP
8 11 ms 14 ms 19 ms
9 22 ms 11 ms 12 ms
10 12 ms 11 ms 27 ms
11 57 ms 46 ms 44 ms [80.81.192.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Trace complete.

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How To Setup Email Client With Eurovps

Oct 2, 2007

I basically bought a HPS Complete VPS hosting account with EuroVPS and i am having problems setting up an email client as no web mail client comes by default with that plan.

I asked the eurovps support team 2-3 times on how to set up MS Outlook as my email client for my domain and they answered the same thing and it's not working.

I was wondering,if anyone of you have HSP Complete VPS hosting account with euroVPS and is there anyway to have webmail.

As per there documentation,i am using the following:
username: user
smtp port: 25
pop port: 110
Selected to use authentication for outgoing server and checked the option to use same authentication method as incoming server,
Deselected SPA authentication scheme

I did everything as per the documentation they sent me but it's not working,

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EuroVPS - No TOS Little Info On Website - Adult OK - Privacy?

Jul 21, 2008

I found EuroVPS before I found this forum but when I went to their website I couldn't find anything on their Terms of Service. Do they allow adult content and what are their privacy terms?

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