Complaint To Federal Bureau Of Investigation

Jul 26, 2008

what necessary documents do I need to file a complain about a hosting company for deleting my servers for no reason.

I will be failing a complain to Federal Bureau of Investigation, but I would like to know what kind of documents do I need to provide in this case.

I already have a lawyer that I used in other cases regarding other reasons, but I would like to know from you guys what documents are required.

I had over 200 clients on the server and they have deleted everything for no reason.

Never use this hosting company [url]

Paid him the money for the servers and in the next coupel of days he deleted all my 200 clients and my server.

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DDOS Packet Capture Files For Investigation

May 13, 2008

Our network have been ddosed very heavily for the last 15 days.

These attacks are relatively small 50 - 100 mbits at most but in very very high PPS rate.My firewall counts 10Billion packets in a single hour of an attack period.
We are dealing with these attacks with a combination of freebsd pf transparent bridge firewalls and mostly null routing.

I were able to capture some packets from different attacks from last week and today.

After deeply checking these attack capture files I can see that our attack comes from several thousands different spoofed Ip addresses but always the same mac address in their packet headers.So I thought if this attack is coming to us from a single machine rather than hundreds of different zombie servers.

I don't have a clue how to trace back this attack and find the real ip address behind. My upstream provider also don't have enough knowledge to help me.

So after todays attack I thought about sharing my capture files during attack and hope that someone here will help me. And show me a way to trace back these attacks.

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DDoS Extortion Investigation. Russia Business Network

Feb 2, 2008

My company is conducting an investigation against an unidentified entity which I currently believe to be Russia Business Network ( [url]

On at least two occasions we have had customers with only minor DDoS issues (let us say 100 - 1000 Mbps at peak) suddenly experience 2 - 4 Gbps attacks which require a $100 to $500 service to jump to roughly $2000 - 5000 per month depending on exact specifications. Naturally this type of issue is not good for the business of our customers and subsequently not healthy for ours.

On each occasion an unnamed individual (I know who they are but I will reserve judgment at the moment) will come forward offering to let our customer try a "special new" protection product they developed that can protect against 10 Gbps for only $2000 which is sometimes a fraction of what my company or any other respected mitigation provider would be forced to charge.

Here is the network they end up on: [url]query=SBL62147 .. and up goes another red flag. When you take a look at this network it routes to ELTEL in St. Petersburg, Russia ( [url] which based on some basic analysis I very seriously doubt has any form of mitigation capabilities, much less multi-Gbps.

Essentially what is happening is they're buying "protection" for $2000.00 per month from the "company" who is actually committing the attacks when in reality that end user has no significant DDoS issues.

I'm actually sitting on a lot more data than this but I need to collect some more data and opinions on whether or not this is linked to RBN. Once my investigation is complete I will issue a full report.

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IWEB Complaint

Mar 27, 2008

I read a post with the same title dated in October 26. And I would avoid this hosting company. iWeb knowingly hosts scam websites run by an organized cybercrime group. One is (, and another is ( "Knowingly" means that I have reported abuse to iWeb and that they have confirmed that at least one of them is hosted there. The person that I talked with is Francis Picard.

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Aol Spam Complaint, No Headers

Apr 6, 2008

Need to trace this abuse complaint from AOL. They provided the server IP and spam email body, but no headers.

How can I go about tracing this on a cpanel box?

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Spam Complaint - Who To Contact

May 21, 2007

Should I contact the host or the registrar if the two are separated?

I've received a lot of blog spam lately where someone seems to have hacked certain setups of Joomla that also have a wordpress blog and then installs landing pages for his spam in the wordpress blog. Granted the person on the other end of my complaint is innocent but I just want the frickin Spam to stop.

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Spam Complaint Domain Suspended

Aug 5, 2008

I use a web developer using a reseller hosting account. One fine night I found one of my domains disappeared. Great agony at night hours because I very much fear it. Any way after hours of pathetic support chasing I got reply that "some one complained about spam through a lot of domains and mine was one and the domain was suspended. Now after receiving my support request they found it false and so on....

In all it was 5 days down. If some how, I haven't checked it, God knows how long might have been the downtime. I have some 60 domains.

Please advise and have your say on:

1) What regular precaution and check I should perform.

2) I have not received any email for suspension of domain. How to watch in such situation. I incidently checked the site and came to know about its status after some research.

3) My Host was very prompt then the domain registrar. The immediately informed me about the clean status of server use. And I was quite confident of my clean server as I have 10 years with various hosts.

So I request all of you, please must say something on the issue for the sake of people like me who devotedly follow this forum for their survival.

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Bogus Copyright Infringement Complaint: Suspended

Sep 29, 2009

I did some independent contractor work for a friend starting a new branch of his business from mid-April to mid-July. I should have known better than to trust this "friend" as he is a snake and has not paid me for the work I did beyond the partial month of April. May/June/July bills are due totaling $3800.00 and he will not pay up. The middle of July was the last work I did for him and am no longer doing any of his projects.

As part of start-up and marketing a driver education program I created a website. I paid for the (generic, not associated with his business name) domain name, am the registrant, paid for the hosting, and full control the website. The website design and updating fees are part of the amount due, and I told him I would be happy to give him administrative rights to the website since I already had it up and running.

When he figured out he couldn't sneak behind my back and talk the web host service out of the access info, he was quite ticked off. Out came the gloves and he started a different domain name/website with someone else and they cried "copyright infringement" to the hosting company so my web site would be suspended. QUESTION: When the web host receives a complaint such as this, what is the proper procedure for handling it based on the DMCA and copyright laws? The host's site only has a statement in his policy about what to do if you are a target of copyright infringement. Common sense would tell me (although laws and common sense don't always go together) that as the customer of the hosting company, I should have been notified, given the opportunity to take down whatever they were objecting to, and then show the host that I did take the material off. I need to look into the Intellectual Property aspect of it, but that is not what I'm concerned about at the moment.

What rights do I have as the one getting bushwacked to have my website re-activated? Am I entitled to view all supporting documents? I have opened a support ticket asking why it was suspended 18 days ago, they responded with the emailed complaint (minus supporting documents) from the new web host, and didn't say what I needed to do to remedy the situation.

I intend to clear all of his stuff off my website and use it for another purpose, since I've already paid for the domain name and a year of web hosting.

The next step, after getting this website freed up again will be taking the deadbeat to conciliation/small claims court to collect the amount due with the assistance of an attorney. In our county if you appeal a judgement, it goes to district court and you have to have an attorney. I can see this guy with deep pockets financially beating me up for the fun of it. I can't afford to play that game.

Sorry this got long, but the moral of the story is: Do NOT trust friends who are snakes to others in business dealings...they will be a snake to you, too.

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