Associate-o-matic Script Hogging Resources

Feb 24, 2007

I've noticed that one of my clients is using this script on all four of her websites and these are consistently coming up as hogging considerable CPU resource, bogging down the server.

Is anybody else familiar with this script first-hand, and has anybody noticed similar issues with it?

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Http Process Hogging CPU

Apr 30, 2007

What is the http process (not httpd) and why does it randomly spawn and use 90-99% of my CPU for long periods? Normally I only see httpd processes.

I am using CentOS

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How Associate To Localhost

Mar 27, 2009

I've installed WampServer on my Windows Vista machine.

Haven't used it for a while but now for some reason I can't access http://localhost, firefox tells me, "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.".

I can access WampServer via [url]and the main WampServer default page appears.

Apache version : 2.2.8

PHP : 5.2.6

MySql : 5.0.51b

Which file(s) do I need to edit in order to associate localhost to

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: IP Settings - How To Associate Different IPs In 1 Subscription

Oct 9, 2014

I manage 1 server with 5 domains. I use the panel as power user (unique user)

I want to assign a new IP to a domain. In the hosting setting there is no IP to choose and in the IP tab if I click on the IP there is no domains to choose becouse all the domains are assigned to the primary IP...

I'd like to set IP in the hosting setting of the domain...

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Associate Existing Database With Subscription

Feb 24, 2015

Plesk12 on IIS8.5/Windows2012r2.

For a migrated site, how can I associate an existing DB with a subscription? The only option I see is to add a new database and this is not a new database?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Manual Installation Of Wordpress - How To Associate It To Webspace

Apr 12, 2015

I have a manual instalaltion of wordpress, how I can associate it to a webspace and manage like an webapp installed from plesk? 

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CSF Resources

Feb 22, 2007

I am running a cPanel/WHM VPS and would like to know what sort of resources CSF takes?

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Good Resources For EC2

Jun 25, 2009

After speaking to a colleague about some major benefits of EC2 for on-demand hosting I've been very interested in learning more.

I've spent the past 2 evenings trolling through Amazon Doc's and blog posts and have a fair assessment about how things work but I'm at a stopping point.

There doesn't seem to be a dedicated EC2 area here on Sitepoint and the Amazon EC2 forums seem geared more towards 'advanced' users.

Are there any reliable communities that are more for the beginner?

I've got a LAMP webserver Instance running on EC2 but I'm very unclear about how to login and begin adding files and managing the data. I'm sure it's pretty simple but the documentation pretty much loses me when they start discussing Security Groups and public/private keys.

I'm not much of a server admin but have grown pretty comfortable on our FC4 dedicated boxes that we currently host on.

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Lower Nfs Resources

Feb 23, 2008

I don't mind have nfs running, but how do I keep it running at the lowest as possible... seems like it's hogging up all my usage/cpu's...

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Allow Exim More Resources

Mar 12, 2008

I am sending out an email blast to about 30000 addresses when I leave. Because this is the down-time for our site, is it possible to temporarily give Exim more resources to help process? Or would this even be beneficial?

If both questions answer yes, please let me know where I should look for instructions on doing this.

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How To Restrict CPU Resources

Jun 26, 2008

I would like to configure my delicated server to have following restriction on cpu...

system resources: 10% @ 30 sec per cPanel Account

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SQL Taking Up Too Much Resources

May 23, 2008

One of my servers keep overloading due to a SQL process.

The process is:

/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --skip-external-locking --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

It takes up pretty much 90-95% of the cpu and memory at times if I do not kill the process. But even after I kill the process it comes back and immediately hogs up cpu load again causing it to go into loads of 8.00 or higher ( I have 8cpus ).

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Can You Change A VPS Resources On The Fly

Jun 9, 2008

I'm guessing it's a no but if I start a VPS and it starts to eat ram or I think it needs more CPU can I just increase it? I'm talking about using OpenVZ.

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VPS Resources - Normal Or Not

Jun 7, 2007

We've just started to use a VPS, and so far no problems I've been looking at the resources and they seem a little high considering it's pretty much out of the box, and I've only setup 4 sites which aren't even public yet. The only thing I've changed is the php.ini to increase the memory limit to 32mb. My main concern is that these sites don't suffer when they go live.

In the Plesk control panel the memory says:
3.8 GB of 3.8 GB used; 47.1 MB available
The 47.1mb is pretty much average, although I've seen it go as low as 115mb.

In Virtuozzo the system usage (resource: capacity) is usually around 60-75%

Both of these seem a little high, but I'm not sure if these readings are for the whole physical server, or just my portion of it.

Also in the (Virtuozzo) QoS alerts I've had quite a few Yellow zone, black zone and one red zone reports, at around 5am - quite possibly the quietest time on a server which isn't hosting any live sites yet. These have both been on the numproc and the privvmpages services (the red zone was one the privvmpages). Is there anything I should be looking at or is this fairly normal operation for a VPS? I have nightly backups scheduled for around 1am. These were originally set for 4am, but reports were showing that they were running out of memory, so I’ve now staggered the times of these to see if that helps. I've haven't changed anything resource-wise other than the php, so I thought it would be good to go from the start, but maybe it needs some fine tuning.

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Virtuozzo Check Resources

Mar 27, 2009

Is there a way on a Virtuozzo server (via. SSH) to check how much CPU or load/cpu-resources each container is using? Or some other way?

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Exim Eating Up A Lot Of Resources

Mar 27, 2009

We have a Dedicated Hosting Account running with the following configuration:

QTY Hardware Component
1 Supermicro Dual Xeon SATA X5DPA-TGM
2 Intel 2.4 GHz 533FSB P4 Xeon
4 Generic 512 MB DDR 266 ECC Reg
2 Western Digital 160GB:IDE:7200rpm 160GB
1 Unknown Onboard IDE

Installed Software
- Urchin Urchin 5
- Redhat Enterprise Linux - OS ES 4.0
- cPanel, Inc. cPanel STABLE

We are using Exim for the mail server.

The Server Load reaches upto 35-40.00 every now and then and apparently Exim eats up most of the Resources.

I am attaching a few Screens with the output of Command line top and the WHM Process Manager.

You can see there are a lot of exim Processes/threads running.

how to Optimize the Server for this.

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Resources For A Download Center

Jun 11, 2009

I wanted to know a rough estimation of resources needed for a download server with these specifications..

1- No cPanel needed

2- Unmanaged plan

3- VPS or Dedicated

4- Space needed -- not much . maybe maximum 20 giga

5- Direct links with no software to upload or download all is done through FTP and HTTP browsing

6- Bandwidth / month more than 300 giga and less than 600 giga ( can compromise ) .

7- maximum simultaneous downloads will be 10 - 20 individuals on the same moment

8- Files on server wont exceed 30 mega per file

How much Ram/CPU mainly I may need?

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Excessive Resources Usage

Oct 9, 2009

Resource: Virtual Memory Size
Exceeded: 149 > 100 (MB)
Executable: /usr/bin/php

I've been receiving e-mails about this. May I know how to fix this?

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Server Resources Keep Draining

May 6, 2009

I am running CPanel/WHM as well as the WHMSonic plugin for a Shoutcast service. Now the thing is that my RAM limit is 4GB, but my RAM usage is always at around 3.5GB and above.

I guess it's mainly due to WHMSonic, so is there any way i could lower this RAM as on multiple occasions the server has locked up and shutdown,rebooted or had to be rebooted.

On top of that, the server load is around 10.00 or above.

Is there a resource controlling script which i could install?

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Less Resources And Cheap VPS. Does It Worth For You

Nov 2, 2009

I have seen some requests for cheap Virtual Private Servers. By saying "cheap" I mean under $20/month... However the those who posted the requests meant under $10/month...

I don't think that a virtual machine or container would cost $10 or less, but I've seen some providers to offer virtual servers with a very small amount of resources - a couple gigs of space, not to much bandwidth and 64 MB or 128 MB RAM - and to price them around 10 bucks per month.

Although I'd never go this way I'm curious to read what do you thin about such a marketing policy. Do you think that offering a VPS which can not even have a control panel because it doesn't have enough resources is a good practice? (I realize that there are different scenarios and some people probably don't need hosting automation software, but at the same time need a low cost virtual machine...)

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Server Resources Usage

Oct 31, 2008

I run a server and some game server using cPanel game plugin and found that they are using cpu and RAM usage in high percentage.

What is the good cpu usage for a normal server load?

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VPS Software Light On Resources

May 27, 2008

I would like to know which of this, or any other that you know of are light on vps server resources (light footprint).

Web Server:
- LightTPD, [url]
- sHTTPd, [url]

- maybe some kind of light deamon version.

- SQLite
- maybe some kind of light deamon version.

- maybe some kind of light deamon version.

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How To Give All Resources To MySQL

Aug 16, 2008

I got a dedicated server running, which is administered by DirectAdmin, which I mainly use as a mysql server. Now my question would be, what would I do to give all resources possible to mySQL? I mean I don´t wanna take down directadmin and setup mySQL only, so I want to keep directadmin but give almost all server resources to mySQL?

What I did so far is adjust all tables, do indexes and stuff.

The background is that at certain times I face server loads of 40 caused by many external servers of mine querying the mySQL database on the server I am talking about.

So while the load is mainly below 0.1 it sometimes goes up to 40. So this peak I wanna slow down a little bit by giving all resources to mySQL. To say that beforehand splitting the queries from external servers is not an option - they all need to be done at the same time.

So I would really be interested and thankful in what you would advice to do to optimize the mySQL service?

BTW system is running on debian.

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How To Check Whos Using Up Resources

Jun 28, 2007

For future reference whats the best way to show whos using up too much resources such as CPU, RAM etc...

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MRTG Taking Up Resources

Oct 11, 2007

I have a VPS where i have cpanel installed. I have noticed quite a number of times through my WHM Cpu/Memory usage that there are 3 instances of MRTG and they seem to be taking up a lot of resources.

I did not install mrtg and i don't even know how do i go ahead and view them

Can someone tell me how do i remove them and is it just me or are there actually 3 instances of MRTG running for everyone?

Here's a screenshot of the same:


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How Many Resources For A Search Engine

Jan 8, 2007

I am thinking about creating my own search engine and I was wondering what some basic server hardware would be required to do this (e.g., RAM, hard drives, memory, storage space). Would I have to run a minimum of 1TB on storage and 4 to 6GB of ram to do it right?

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Cpu Resources / Load Script Checking

Apr 20, 2009

Does anyone know where i can get script that can run on a server to check
if some users use above 50% of the resources or cpu load

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Log File For Cpu And /memory Resources Usage

Sep 30, 2009

How do i get logs file for cpu and /memory resources usage on perticuler domain.

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JVM :: Cannot Create VM Thread. Out Of System Resources

May 23, 2009

I have linux server and when i run a command with normal user i m getting following error ---->

[~]# sudo java -Xms16m -Xmx64m -version
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Cannot create VM thread. Out of system resources.

but it works with root user so can anyone tell me how to run with normal user.

[~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 4054 2340 1714 0 652 1260
-/+ buffers/cache: 427 3627
Swap: 8000 0 8000

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High Usage Of Server Resources

Oct 18, 2008

a few times, my host contacted me and said that my account is suspended due to high usage of server resources.

I have 3 sites using SMF (a forum script.) I have around 8500 visitors and 3 million page views per month in total.

can this be a reason of high usage?

if it's what's the meaning of terabyte traffic limit ? which you can never use

I asked to my host if they could let me know what's causing high server resources usage. here is the answer:

We do not know which domain or script caused this high usage, it is your responsibility to investigate. I would suggest that you go through your raw access logs to see the most requested pages and then investigate those further. After you find the pages responsible, please optimize them so you are not using so many server resources.

so if a host wants simply to restrict traffic limit, they have a pre-reason under hand.high server usage! yes but how will I know that? how will I trust that it's true?

when I ask why my sites are down, they can easily tell me that it's because of high server usage!

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How Can I Limit That Users To Not Take The Server Resources

Jan 27, 2007

I have more than 200 users in my server but thier is 2 user take the server resources

how can I limit that users to not take the server resources?

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