Impact Changing MST Instance VLANs Range?
Sep 19, 2009
I've read that all ethernet switches in a MST Region need the same Name, Revision number, and list of member vlans for each Instance. So what happens when you need to change the range of VLANs in a MSTI ? Let's say that you need to add a range of vlans to an instance that spans 20 switches? How would you do that?
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Jan 31, 2013
I am a beginner with Apache web server. Is it possible to fix the Apache instance login with httpd.conf ? I use proxypas :
ProxyPass /test09 max=1000 ttl=120 retry=0
<Location /test09>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile "C:Usersusers.txt"
Require valid-user
I need user can log in only once when downloading file ( I want to protect with a simultaneous download ) !
Apache is running on Windows.
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Aug 20, 2007
so spammers arbitrarily send spam to coomon names on my server... that's nothing new.
But I was just wondering what happens when a spammers sends spam to email addresses that don't exist... does it just go to /dev/null immediately or just bounce back with no real buildup on the server (ie log, record, temp placement) or should I be concerned with a high volume of spam.
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Oct 15, 2007
Want to order a VPS. Not sure whether to include the option of Fantastico/Xcontroller which can be installed along the cPanel. My question is will Fantastico/Xcontroller option by itself use up some of my valuable RAM and if yes how much?
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Dec 17, 2007
I already have PHP 4 installed on my server and now i want to install php5 on same apache instance but different port.I want to configure the system so that on one port php4 runa dn on second port PHP5 run.
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Jun 16, 2014
I inherited an Apache HTTP instance from a colleague. That's why I'm not deep into that stuff. My current scenario is the following: We are running several backend instances which are published to the internet via Apache HTTP Server which is configured as Reverse Proxy (RP). In the past there was only one port and one protocol to handle by the Apache HTTP (RP).
Now I have the following need. There has to be published a Web Service from one instance using two Ports with two protocols (HTTP and HTTPs). I'm not sure how to solve that need.
A solution I tried already was to change and add the variable DEF_BACKEND_PORT to DEF_BACKEND_PORT_1 and DEF_BACKEND_PORT_2 but it didn't worked.
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Jun 19, 2008
to upgrade the PHP and MySql versions our shared hosting ocmpany is offering. We are now at PHP 4.3 and MySQL 4.014 I need to bring it up to PHP and MySQL 5.xx versions.
Has anyone done this and if so what gotchas should I look for? what is the suggestes upgrade path not to affect clients using the older versions?
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May 1, 2014
On a webserver (apache, mysql, php), which values comes to your mind can have bigges impact on a website load time?
we talking about webserver which host like 100 websites, mostly a classic wordpress blog.
I have keep alive turned on. Now i want to do some test playing with various values of apache, php...
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Nov 5, 2008
how to add different IPs in different VLANs
My customer requests different IPs in different class C, that are belong to different VLANs in the switch. Let's say
- they have already on their server with gateway value is
- now they want to have too.
I have no trouble to provide them a new IP, but wonder how to setup on server now? Different range will use different gateways.
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Apr 16, 2009
Is there a VPS provider that will sell me a VM , and put it up somewhere, and can make me another VM in the future, on the same VLAN as the original VM ?
For example, pretend VM #1 has a NIC at
in the future, I want another VM with a nic at
I was looking at Go-Grid , but I'm not sure how their pricing works.
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Sep 5, 2006
I need a basic L3 switch for maybe 25 mbps that will do hopefully up to 50 VLANs and which will not require me to hire someone to configure it.
As much as I like Cisco, that rules them out.
The reason I'd like a Layer 3 switch is so that I can run my backups and inter-server transfers without adding to my bandwidth bill. Also, VLANS are a critical requirement as i have a lot of customers with root on their managed servers.
So i am looking at HP [gasp] switches. How "easy" is the web-based configuration widget? [I'm an advanced unix admin but networking is a mystery to me.]
This is a starter switch and once i have a full cab of servers I'll be able to spend $7K on a pair of 3560s and hire someone to configure them for me ... but until then what can i get to meet my requirements?
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Sep 22, 2009
My switch 3COM 4500 (Layer3) ;
I want port 1 of switch work in all VLANS!
I created vlan2, vlan3 and add this trunk/hybrid port in all vlans and ping no work por port1.
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Jul 13, 2009
I orded today new switch 3COM (48 port + 2giga + 2 fiber).
In WebPanel i created:
vlan2: port1 - port 20
vlan3: port21 - port40
I want configure switch for port 41-48 access all ports;
What solution for this cenary?
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Feb 11, 2007
I'm trying to implement VLANs on my network and can't get connectivity to host servers. Here's how the network is configured. Pardon the bad ascii diagram.
In this example my upstream is providing two subnets: (I'm using an IP from this subnet to manage the 3550)
I am attempting subdivide the /29 into two /30's in order to place a server into it's own /30 subnet & VLAN ............
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Jul 24, 2007
What's the benefits of these private VLANs I've seen advertised around? Anyone have a good understanding?
I've read a few things about them but have yet to fully grasp the concept.
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Dec 4, 2006
I'm not sure exactly how to phrase the question. But, I'm researching how to PXE boot a server without having a DHCP/PXE server in each vlan.
Scenario: Datacenter with dozens of servers. 1 VLAN per server. Cisco switches and routers. Each server has a serial console available for remote management (OS and BIOS are configured for serial console). If an admin wants to re-install OS, they should be able to reboot the server and tell the BIOS to initiate a PXE boot request. A central install server is available to provide the DHCP and PXE boot images.
Has anyone tried this? I have been reading about the 'ip helper-address' for Cisco to relay DHCP requests. Interested in hearing about real-world setups. Or is there a better way to accomplish remote OS installs?
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Aug 10, 2008
I have two servers both in a same vlan. Both may access Internet and be acceessed from Internet I setup db server and web server internal IP each as follows:
step 1: on web server:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
add following:
save and /etc/init.d/network restart
step 2: on db server:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0
add following:
save and /etc/init.d/network restart
I used ifconfig to check both status, both of them are up. both of them may ping google, but when I try to ping their each other through internal IP, nothing returns.
I used command tracert to follow, found all packages were sent to Internet rather than an internal IP.
My host tells me to do it by making NAT, I have no idea on it. Anyone may help me out on how to do with NAT?
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Aug 8, 2008
we are looking for a provider that provides public ip vlans' with dedicated server purchases,
so far,,
we have found few companies that offer this at no extra charge or minimal extra charge
1) softlayer (best choice)
2) singlehop
3) nocster/ (not a good provider for business hosting / not reliable / no phone support)
does anyone know of any other dedicated server providers that offer public ip vlans for no extra charge or minimal extra charge?
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Jun 9, 2007
I'm looking for a solution that I can place a firewall between 2 vlans on
a BigIron router with L3 enabled.
For this moment there is one big vlan2 with a ip-route and a router-interface ve2 with the IP of the router, the
address I use as gateway on the machines behind it.
The WAN port has the IP address to communicate with to the GW of the
carrier-router (
Because I want to let the BigIron the routing I was thinking of 2 vlans,
one for the lan-vlan and one for the wan-vlan, but this will be a problem
because I only have one IP-block what I can use.
So the sitiuation must be as follow on the BigIron:
WAN => vlan2 => firewall => vlan3(lan)
Because of the fact that the firewall will be transparent, this should be
no problem to place it between the vlans. The actual problem is how to
manage this. In simple words, I should be able to replace the firewall
with a cross-cable and it should still work.
Cisco for an example has a SVI solution for this, but I can't find such
thing for a Foundry router.
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Feb 13, 2007
Having a slight problem working with one of our Extreme Summit 48 (ugh) switches - I've figured out most of the basics, but I can't seem to find any way to add a secondary IP address to a VLAN! This, I would have thought, would be a pretty basic feature to have. Typing "config vlan [vlanname] ipaddress" works for setting the primary IP, but I can't figure out how to add any more - and doing the command again just overwrites the first one.
So... does anyone have any tricks up their sleeve, or is this something that Extreme neglected to add to this model switch?
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May 22, 2008
We offer colocation & dedicated servers as well as shared & reseller hosting services.
Our colocation customers and dedicated server customers are definitely on their own VLANs for obvious reasons.
Up until now, we have been using separate VLANS and ip allocations for each of the servers in our shared & reseller server fleet. I'm starting to question this policy for many reasons:
1) We directly manage all of the servers and it is very rare that any servers are compromised to the point where they can steal an IP address.
2) We are wasting IP addresses - network, broadcast and gateway addresses are required for each vlan. Additionally, if a server needs 1 more IP address, we need to add a whole new block.
If all of the servers are under our direct management, does it make sense for us to use any vlans at all? It seems that it only serves to complicate things, waste ips and add management overhead.
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Oct 11, 2009
Can you make a recommendation for a switch-based L3 router which can
- hold a moderate number of routes (interface routes, a few hundred statics + default)
- OSPF and BGP
- 1024 layer-3 dot1q subinterfaces (or maybe VLAN interfaces)
+ traffic policing in and out per subinterface/vlan
- IPv4 & IPv6 native
- 2x GigE ports
- Not tip-over under 1gbps DDoS towards a VLAN interface.
I've been using 3560Gs, but they seem to lack the output traffic policing. I'd prefer to have subinterfaces which don't run spanning-tree, versus Vlan Interfaces to a trunk interface which runs spanning-tree. These switches sit at the L3 boundary between two L2 networks.
Cost is a big factor; but I also must carry vendor licenses & support contract, if the vendor asserts that not doing so is illegal in US.
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Jun 12, 2007
Let's say when i first joined the datacenter, i'm given some 16 IPs from 123.123.123.*.
Now that i need more IPs, and they have to give me IPs from 123.123.124.*, am i right to say i need a new switch?
Now is it possible that i link up the new switch together, so that both switch can pick up any available IPs from either range?
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Mar 22, 2007
I'm running a web server with mod_evasive and want to know how can I prevent mod_evasive from blocking the googlebot crawler ip address.
Is there a script out there that can detect this crawler and make sure its ip doesnt get blocked by iptables or mod_evasive?
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Nov 5, 2009
am using APF firewall and am getting ddos from these range ips
how could i delete all the range from these ip's?
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Apr 6, 2008
I set up a forum for a small group of users, so I don't really wish to see spiders or bots on it, so I've put a robots.txt file there to prevent all of them from accessing the forum pages.
I know not all bots follow the robots.txt rule, and these days a really annoying bot called MUNAXNET or Munax AB with IP range - is causing the forum to have extra and unexpected loads.
I've tried to block this IP range with .htaccess and uploaded it to the root of the site a few days ago, here is the content:
order allow,deny
deny from
allow from all
However strangely it seems that all of these are not working for this bot, today I saw my forum had 80 users online and that army still keeps coming and browsing all pages of my forums...
I tested the .htaccess with blocking myself, and it actually worked for me, dunno why it's not working for that bot..
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Jun 11, 2008
we want a dedicated server with a full range of ip with our own company name(or with my name) and abuse mail
+ kvm and apc access
we need a good support too , for example if we want to check our hard disk the provider check it fast
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Mar 8, 2007
I need to ban IP range and I inserted say ip in the deny_hosts rules, this should ban range from 12.44 but strange is people from that range still be able to access my site, any idea what went wrong?
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Feb 27, 2007
Server: OS RHEL 4
Web Server: Apache1.3.37
Hi. I want to block a range of IPs. Currently, I use the following command as an effective weapon against the IPs of people I find in the log trying to do bad things.
/sbin/route add -host x.x.x.x reject
Works like a charm. I then put the offending IP in the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that it will reload the bad ips when the server reboots next.
I also use the CSF/LFD firewall, and it successfully blocks single, offensive IPs also.
What I need, though, is the ability to block an entire range of IPs. For example, i have a very persistent hacker trying to access from a certain range like so....
The last two numbers are always changing but the first two remain the same.
How do I block this "range" of IPs from accessing my server?
Note, I know how to block a range of IPs in a .htaccess file for a certain account, I put this in the .htaccess file...
deny from 205.196.
But when I try this with /sbin/route, it will not accept the ip. My firewall will also not accept a range of IPs.
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