Windows Server 2003 AD / DNS

Apr 24, 2008

We have two Windows Server 2003 machines as active directory controllers and DNS servers for our in-house operations. For our purposes, let's say the domain name is

Both servers have DNS, and is stored in Active Directory to allow us to use the benefits this provides. Our issue is probably simple, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

Let's call server one EX1, and server two EX2. These have local IPs of and, respectively.

We want to be resolved to an external IP address (for web hosting), let's say The problem is, the two domain controllers keep registering with their internal IP addresses .111 and .112, so the DNS round-robins between and the two internal servers, which aren't web servers.

Is there a way we can get those DNS controllers to stop registering their internal IPs as

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Windows Licenses :: Rent Windows Server 2003 Web Edition?

Nov 17, 2008

Any company rent Windows Server 2003 Web Edition ?

SPLA and External licenses ?

With Micfrosoft need pay 2,000$

I wait your answerds.

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Windows 2008 Versus Windows 2003 Server

May 26, 2009

With Windows 2003 server, there are comprehensive lists of what you need to do to secure the server before use. For Windows 2008, I wonder is there such a list? Or is it true as what I heard from Microsoft that it is already secured out of the box?

Anyone has any resources on the hardening or preparation of 2008 for server hosting uses?

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Windows Server 2003

Jun 9, 2009

My client have a windows 2003 Sever, we install xampp there to run his site because he gave us hosting information late on and we done all his work in mysql php,

so every thing is working but the main problem is this that queries are not going through email.

i don't know how can i set his mail setting.

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Windows Server 2003 Dns

Apr 5, 2008

This is my first dedicated and I am plugging away at it.I am running windows server 2003 web edition and I have my database, website, and ftp setup and everything is working so far. Now if you go to my site that I'm working on will show up. My question is my domain and site that I am in the process of moving is hosted on a shared server on 1and1. Now I need that domain to point to that ip. Do I need to set up name servers on the server? If so can someone point me in th right direction.

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Windows Server 2003 - Log Off

May 25, 2008

When we login our windows 2003 server and download some file / or run any process, whatsoever ; and then we log off the server.

The download / process, ends itself.

How can we keep running the download or any process, even when we log off?

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Windows 2003 Server ...

Jan 23, 2008

Some of my factory guys can log on the same user name at the same time, so I want a situation where a user name may be able to log on, one at a time.

in case this forum cannot treat this, kindly direct to another site.

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Windows Server 2003

Dec 22, 2007

i am starting up a buisness running my own web servers and the licensing system for windows Server 2003 standard is really confusing and i was wondering if someone could give a simple explaination if possible.

I will be using these servers for Plesk web hosting.

and with CALs if i am renting out Dedicated servers and they use win server 2003 would i pre install CALs on it or would customer do that.

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Windows 2003 Server 32 Or X64

Dec 10, 2007

Just purchased a Quad Core Xeon Server with 4 gigs of ram and trying to decide if I should run Windows 2003 Standard 32bit or 64bit?

Basically I have a few 1.1 C# application and I want to make sure they will work properly.

Also does anybody know if Plesk 8.2 supports 64 bit?

Also I would assume and hope Microsoft SQL 2005 Express suppports x64?

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Windows 2003 Server SP2

May 21, 2007

I have a server running Win 2003 server at a data centre.Microsoft has released SP2 but mine is SP1.I have no access to the server physically and I wonder can I install SP2 using remote desktop?Will I get logout halfway?

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Which Antivirus For A Windows 2003 Server?

Apr 11, 2008

Should I go for Kaspersky or Nod32 for a windows 2003 dedicated server? Or some other antivirus?

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Windows Server 2003 X86 Or Ubuntu 9.04 X64

Apr 28, 2009

The past week I've been trying to answer the hardest question. I'm an expert windows user and a Novice Linux user.

I have a server built and ready for an operating system, this will be a development server for database and web development. It will also likely turn into an encrypted file server as well.

I do not plan on doing much else other then that.

Is it worth it to struggle through and learn the Linux command line or should I go for Windows Server something I am more familiar with?

I've considered VMware although I have "Fake Raid" and ESXi does not see my Raid-1 setup.

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Inquiry About Windows Server 2003

Jun 13, 2009

there is alot of Windows Server 2003 Editions, like:

windows 2003 web 64 bit
windows 2003 web 32 bit
windows 2003 standered 64 bit
windows 2003 standered 32 bit
windows 2003 DataCenter 64 bit
windows 2003 DataCenter 32 bit

i wanna know what is the different between 64 bit and 32 bit in every edition.

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DS With Windows 2003 Server Installed

Apr 21, 2009

any DS provider, well-known and providing good support who does offer DS with Windows 2003 Server installed?

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Windows 2003 Server Crash

Apr 14, 2009

I have a windows 2003 server with Plesk installed. It keeps crashing and requires a reboot every couple of days.

Here are screenshots of event logs and task manager.

Also, its a Pentium HT with 1GB memory, so it isn't too slow for Windows.

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Hardening Windows Server 2003

Dec 24, 2008

Other than anti-virus

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Windows Server 2003 - VPS Setup

Jun 12, 2008

How do I setup a VPS on my Server?

It is Windows Server 2003.

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Windows Server 2003 Licenses

Mar 7, 2008

My new data center does not sell Windows server 2003 licenses like my old DC did. Is there anywhere I can lease the license for a monthly fee? This is essentially what happened at my old DC.

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Windows Server 2003 IIS Issues

Oct 21, 2008

I have a windows server 2003 server with IIS 6 installed on it. My site runs fine, then all of a sudden becomes VERY slow.

I asked server hosts to take a look at it, and they noticed an IP that is has attempted to connect on port 80 432 times in a few seconds, causing the site to slow down.

Is there any software i can use to try and combat this spam/abuse? I have a trend micro anti-virus and firewall installed on the server. I have blocked that IP, but there is nothing stopping that from changing.

Also, are there any free/cheap server monitoring tools for the server that i can monitor the server remotely with?

The server has SNMP installed and configured according to my server hosts... watever that is.

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Moving Windows 2003 DNS Server

Feb 6, 2008

I have to move my primary DNS server (on Win 2003) from one machine to another.

There aren't a ton of domains, but I'd rather not re-create the whole thing.

Anyone know of a tutorial out there to help me get through the process?

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Windows Server 2003 Installation

Sep 24, 2008

I work for a big organization that has a check list for standard windows server 2003 installation.

The list includes stuff such as , removing some users and adding some domain users, changing system name, windows update, ie7 installation, adding the system to the domain, installing norton anit virus from file shares and so on.

Is there anyway to auto mate this or atleast everything to do with system settings including windows update ? (Minus norton install)

I am sure one can make an answer file but i am not convinced by that answer as the post installation changes require editing regedit and other local security policies.

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Windows Server 2003 - What Edition To Go With

Jul 17, 2008

I've been working on a large online browser game for the last year on and off - it's due to open for beta in Oct. This game is coded in PHP/AJAX with MySQL. It's quite heavy on different graphics with characters, items, illustrations etc. It will also have a selection of Flash games to play. Similar gaming sites have more than 1000 users online in peak hours and we estimate that and more within the first 3-5 months of opening.

I want to open my site on a Windows Server as I'm a lot more familiar with Windows (Having an MCP for Windows Server 2003). I am unsure however what edition to go with. At first I thought Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (Being a website!), but this only supports up to 2gb of ram I believe? and may prove to be an issue if we need to upgrade due to the high demand of online users.

I understand I can have more than one server, but would you recommend another edition?

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Windows 2003 Server Standard R2

May 5, 2008

I have to setup a company server over a huge hardware profile made for me:

- 8 cpu
- 16gb RAM
- gbits LAN
- 1 TB of RAID-5 storage bay

The server will be splitted in two server (it's actually a balde running ESX and two guests).

My question is:

- I am better to setup 64 bits or better run the old and stable 32 bits?

I consider this question because:

- I might install Exchange 2007
- I might upgrade to Windows 2008

Out of this, is there known problem/issue with 64 bits Windows 2003 OS?

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Windows 2003 Server Max Sessions

Apr 10, 2007

I have a server Windows 2003 Server

I have a problem for ask WHT. I have 3 session in my Windows 2003 Server but we can only 2 person connect but i want 4 or more connection to my server. Hown can i do it?

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Windows Server 2003 Won't Parse Php

Jan 3, 2007

I just installed php on a windows server 2003 machine but php code just shows up as normal text. I've followed the steps outlined here. Then I restarted the server and the files are served as they should, but php code is not parsed.

In the troubleshooting section it says to try to add php5isapi.dll as an ISAPI Filter, and so I did, but it still won't work. The question is, do I have to restart the whole machine to test if the ISAPI Filter setting solved the problem, or does an IIS reset suffice? The reason I'm asking instead of trying is that a lot of business critical applications are running on the same machine, so restarting the machine is quite the process.

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Firewall In Windows Server 2003

Jan 20, 2008

I have a server with Windows Server 2003 and for some days alguian is trying to enter using terminal server.

How I can block the ip of the attacker?

What firewall you recommend me to install in the server?

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Protect My Windows Server 2003

Dec 22, 2007

I got my game servers hosted on a windows server (with w2k3).

I want to know what software u guys advise me to use on it to protect it!

Someone told me that keep windows up to date wont get me any problem, but i just dont believe.

SO i want oppinion from wht members.

And since im here i want to report other thing... For an email service? Windows mail server, or something like exchange mail server?

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How To Secure Windows Server 2003

Dec 23, 2007

what software You Used for securing your windows server.

How Can I Securing My server from All DDOS Attack and All remote hacking?

What kind of software you Used to protect your windows server?

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Windows Server 2003/IIS6/PHP

Mar 27, 2007

When ever I edit php.ini the changes are not reflected in my PHP applications (I check using phpinfo). Even after restarting IIS (Right click on the computer in IIS > All Tasks > Restart IIS) the changes are not reflected.

The only way I found out how to update the changes is by restarting the whole server, but this is not pratical.

How can I get the edits in php.ini to reflect in my PHP applications without having to restart the whole server?

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Windows Server 2003 Hacked

Sep 19, 2007

At, I have a server running Windows Server
2003 Standard Edition with Service Pack 2 (build 3790).

After several years with no problems, my server was apparently recently hacked.

The server has several FrontPage web sites, and each of those
sites had the following code inserted into the home page.

<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]

Which looks like it is intended to benefit "onlyu", who is
probably an affiliate of four of the listed sites.

I removed the code and changed the password to the server.
But a few days later the following code appeared.

<iframe height="0" width="0" src=[url]
<iframe height="0" width="0" src=[url]

I changed the password again and removed several users
from the list of users in the computer. But a few days
later the following code appeared ...

<iframe width="0" height="0" src="[url]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src=[url]

Comparing the three groups of code, I'd say it was done by a human and not some sort of Trojan bot.

Does anyone have experience with this particular problem, or general advice about how to deal with it?

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Windows 2003 - Moving To New Server

Aug 3, 2007

I want to move files from old windows 2003 server to new Windows 2003 server, different machine. My problem is old windows 2003 server have a lot of NTFS permission setting for files and folders, it's very complex.

Q: How to copy these files and folders security ntfs setting to new windows 2003 machine? i guess it's not just compress files and extract to new machine.

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