I been trying to get this file using wget but it uses some sort of advance Authentication that I cant get around using wget it doesnt use cookies it uses some Authentication method.
How can I login to that website using wget? the form field names are usernamlc and passlc if I can some how post those two usign wget I can get the download link.
I am trying to move filename.tar.gz from server A to Server B with root at both, i have moved filename into a web accessable folder and chmod the file 755, when i go to wget filename from server A I get...
I've just did a 'wget' on a file that's quiet large (2.3GB), and now I'm wanting to serve the file through one of my accounts. The ownership and permissions of the file have already been changed to reflect the specific account; however, when I browse to the file through the web it will not pick up the filesize nor allow me to download the file stating 403 - Forbidden Access.
Is there some setting that needs to be changed to allow users to download a file of this size? or am I missing a permission command?
My crontab uses Wget to access a PHP file. It works just fine; however, the only problem is that each time the crontab is run it creates a file in the root of my site called filename.php.10XX
filename is the name of the file that Wget runs and 10xx is just the number of times the tab has been run.
I can't find wget on a hosting. SSH command find / -name wget returns with nothing, however wget works properly on a hosting, what could the problem be?
I am trying to move over a client from Verio's hosting to my VPS. The verio control panel looks very amateurish and there is no option to do a full account backup. There is no SSH either.
I tried wget -r ftp://user:pass@hostname/directory/* which was mentioned in another WHT thread, but after it gets connected, it shows the following and stops there:
Logging in as accountname ... Logged in! ==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done. ==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /directoryname ... done. ==> PASV ...
Can anyone suggest a command that will work? There is only about 35 MB of files there, but I spent hours yesterday trying to download through FTP.
Most popular way of downloading these scripts is to use "wget" comman
when we need to change the command wget in our server for download some destructive script and run it through some server side program such as PHP or PERL ...
now i try to start this session by this command ...
I just want to use wget command to transfer data from a shared host to dedicated server.Anybody knows how to set wget to download the .htaccess file and keep the file/directory's permission the same as they used to be on the old server? I only knows these:wget -b -c -r -l0 -np -nH -t0
I brought up a basic centos 6.5 install in desire to add it to my ppa cluster.
The ppa installation task failed because wget was missing on the new node. The error message made it easy to fix (yum install wget) but thought I'd report it so that your pre-req scripts can check and install it for future users.
I'm running a server where I have my SSH key set up with the root user so I can log in without the password.
I also have an account called "jmaskell" that I use for everything, and I'm trying to add my SSH key to this. I've done exactly what I did for the root user and have my key in the .ssh/authorized_keys2 file. Unfortunately I'm still prompted for my password everytime I log in.
Is it possible to have the same SSH key stored for two different users?
We've been having some trouble logging into our Intranet here at work. Essentially it is set up to use Integrated Windows authentication but for some reason that was disabled last week and so no-one could log in. That was easy enough to fix and everything seemed to be back to normal.
However, I installed ModX CMS into a subfolder but when it comes to logging in to the admin backend I am repeatedly asked for my Windows ID and ultimately told I am not authorised to view the page. I can see the login page and I can enter the ModX admin details but it won't let me further than that.
The strange thing is a colleague with the same (admin) rights can log in no problem!
I am using WinXP Pro and IIS 5.1. When I try to access an asp file using IE 7 using a URL like [url], it always brings up the login dialog, and nothing I enter in it works. So, automatic authentication is failing. I verified that the Directory Security settings are correct.
I have a machine at home running the UniformServer wamp package on Win2K3 Standard server and I'm hosting a simple family picture gallery using Gallery 2.3. I put the gallery in a subdirectory of root so I could have a public homepage and a gallery that is password protected. I did this using .htaccess and .htpasswd.
My issue is when I browse to mydomain.com and click the link to the gallery [url], the password box pops up, and when I enter the appropriate credentials, the domain name reverts to the IP and another password box pops up. If I log in a second time, I'm fine. If I cancel that second login, it still lets me in, but prompts me to login that second time for every click going forward until I authenticate.