I'm trying to see what the most cost effective way of doing this is.
I basically want to separate our business IP and our mail IP's.
So if I'm browsing the internet I have the regular IP that Comcast sets us up with.
If I am doing any emails, basically having one computer that runs off a different IP address. So when we send emails from that computer it would have the different IP address.
I want to do it in the most safe and legal way possible.
Noticed that inside WHM>>Add Ons>>Mod Security, there is an entry with date, ip and this message: Access denied with code 406. Error normalising REQUEST_URI: Invalid URL encoding detected: not enough characters
How do I stop the common cpanel/whm "domain mismatch" security warning popup for good WITHOUT the need to install a server hostname certificate and access through that.
Is there a way to save the cert in the browser? I could not find that option and I am using Firefox 2.
My existing web host has disabled shell_exec and one of my php scripts requires it to work, so is shell_exec dangerous? Would you have it enabled on your servers or is it typical for it to be disabled?
I am running into a few problems when it comes to using the above command. No it is not being blocked in the php.ini file. The issue has to do with permissions. On my old server everything worked fine until I moved over to this new server.
$who = shell_exec("whoami"); echo "$who";
When I run that commend on the old server I got that users username. Which, makes since as that means anything created via PHP would be owned by that user. In fact, every other host I know of was like that. But, on the new server when I run the commend it shows up as "nobody". How can I fix this so my commands will run properly for me and my users?
But my basic PHP has shell_exec disabled in php.ini and when trying to run script that use shell_exec even from root I get error that function is disabled.
Do you have any suggestion how can I overcome this and have ability to use this function when executing php script from console?
To disable or not to disable shell_exec and readfile.
I haven't found any possible problems about enabling readfile but regarding shell_exec, I might be vulnerable to phpshell scripts though if the server is correcly configured (suPHP, suoshin, etc.), the risks are minimun.
well i purchased a new dedicated server it has 4gb ddr2 ram and quad core Q6600 cpu. and on 100mb shared. i havent even yet added any web site to it. but sometimes i get timeout when using whm. its hella slow :/ thats very strange and rare on new server.
we got a server blacklisted because there was a script sending spam emails, ofcourse we got that removed and taken more measures, the problem is that many lists still have our ips blacklisted (4 days after the solution was given).
is there some kind of script or any service/website that can check my server's ips for being in any spam list and notify me everyday ?
I've got a VPS account & when I connect to sites on the VPS, more often than not the browser times out. I click again & the site comes through.
I use Firefox & have tried in other browsers with similar results.
The VPS has 384mb dedicated RAM, with 512mb burstable - not much I know but...
I was wondering about possible reasons - could it be simply not enough RAM, could it be a bottleneck with the hosting company, could it be a problem in the setting up of the nameservers? What would seem more likely?
It's a shame as the tech support have been superb but it's too risky to use for reselling.
How to disable those functions on VPS with Lxadmin and CentOS 5 show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open, base64_decode, base64_encodem, proc_terminate
I went with the cheapest VPS, no control panel and installed webmin myself (done - saves a quid a month )
I have now setup the virtual domains for multiple domain hosting, to find whilst migrating a website that the current install of php (5.12ish) has --without-mysql so i got the php install files, went to run ./config to find i'm missing required files (configure: error: Could not find pcre.h in /usr) which in turn required more files the resolution rpms are out of the question too many, I need YUM yet... bash: yum: command not found strange as centos comes with yum i thaught support is busy, thaught i'd try here ------------------------------------------------- Me: Web Designer Only linux experience prior is Yellow Dog Linux No prior experience in VPS VPS: centos 5 minimum spec now with webmin
Last night MySQL Crashed, and when the guy that I share the server with found out, he simply restarted the server (because he doesnt know any better). I went to check my email this morning and it wasnt connecting, I assumed the pop3 server or exim was in need of a restart, but when I went to restart pop3, this came up:
Attempting to restart cppop Waiting for cppop to restart.... . . . . . . . . . . finished.
cppop status
couriertcpd is disabled
Service: [cppop] has been disabled by the sys admin So, I re-enabled cppop (can't imagine why it would have disabled itself) and still nothing, I looked up couriertcpd to re-enable as well, but found nothing about enabling/disabling it on google.
My vps managed service has disabled this functions in php.ini :
Code: exec, shell_exec, system, passthru,popen, virtual, show_source, pclose I asked them why these disabled and the answer was "because of security reasons" .
So for example a Joomla installation with working RSS needs some of these functions and when I install vary php programs I face some strnge problems that I think it may be from these disabilities .
So my question is could these functions usually be disabled ? and may I delete them from disable_functions of php.ini
I am hosted at EuroVPS from my reseller. I have noticed that my disk space has high usage 150MB whereas real usage should be around 30MB. Then I tried report service which stated disk usage is 30MB and Log report is 120MB. I said no problem let delete those Log files where I bumped to a problem, Log rotation is disabled and there is no X (delete button). In few years I could reach to maximum disk usage and disabilty to upload files and etc..
What to do now? I don't have password for support at EuroVPS since I am not reseller and my reseller isn't replying).
I run a web hosting company and one of my servers is a LAMP server running CentOs 5. A user of mine has a Joomla installation running to manage his website and he has run into the following problem that I am puzzled by.
When Joomla adds a component or module to itself, or when a user uses the Joomla upload functionality, Joomla will add the new files under the user name "apache". This makes sense as it is the apache service running PHP that is actually creating the files.
However, when he FTP's into the account to modify these files, he doesn't have the appropriate permissions to do so as he doesn't have a root level login, just permissions on his home directory which is the site. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, does anyone know how to change the owner/group of a directory and all of its sub directories in Linux without changing the actual permissions? I.e. some of the files in the folder have different permissions (0644 as apposed to 0755) than its parent but if I do a top down user/group change on the folder it will change everything in that folder to 0755.
Recently your account was utilizing excessive resources and putting load on server, making it unstable. Details are as follows:
A detail of the problem is shown below as:
CPU: 4.34 % Memory: 0.97 % Mysql: 4.1 %
My account information:
Disk Space Usage 2642.17 Megabytes MySQL Disk Space 27.80 Megabytes Bandwidth (this month) 13591.15 Megabytes
After Lunarpages disabled my index.php file to shut down my site, I transferred my download files to an Online Hard Disk -- Skydrive. With only dozens of IPs per day, the CPU usage will not be excessive.
I don't know if this can solve the problem and let them open my site again. Now with almost two days passed, and still no reply, I get worried.
My happiness with Innohosting (as a reseller) has come to a screeching halt when I found they've disabled exec(). This has sunk my plans to use Typo3 and Gallery for a website I'm creating for a client as they use Imagemagick through exec(). Rather than reconfigure them to use gdlib (possible?) instead, I'm inclined to look for a host that allows exec().
I've asked Innohosting about applying the PHP exec_dir patch found here:[url]
And discussed here:[url]
I'm waiting for them to get back to me. I hope it's a solution as Innohosting seem great otherwise.
Failing all else, how many hosts have PHP exec() disabled? Is this common?
I hosted three domains in dreamhost for at least two years. Several days ago, some guy (registered in one of my websites) complained to dreamhost that I was sending a spam email to him and then Dreamhost disabled my account. I don't even have access to my data now.
The email I sent to that guy was just a regular newsletter of my website. The dreamhost staff Karl said that I should provide proof that users of my website should have confirmation on their registration and I should record their registration IP as well as registration date. Well, my website indeed was designed with such feature. After registration, users will receive a confirmation email on their registration. They should click on a link in the email to activate their account. And we designed the database so that the registration IP and date will be recorded.
However, the dreamhost staff said that not all the fields of IP&date are filled with data, some are blank. Then it must be the problem of our PHP script, not our original purpose, because we designed the database for that.
Now dreamhost disabled my account forever. No response for my emails with questions. No backup for my data that I worked for everyday. I just can't ever believe such a famous hosting provider would act like this. I don't even have a chance to have my data back. I don't even have a chance to correct my PHP script so that the problem will not occur any more.
If APF is running, but iptables is not. Will it then even work if it's not in monolythic kernel? When i check the iptables status, i see: # service iptables status Firewall is stopped.
Someone is assisting me with security installs on my server, and he told me it's is normal? I thought APF is an iptables based script, so iptables must be enabled?
One problem: All my old files and folders are owned by ROOT so that means my SU account named XXX cant edit/add/delete anything from my SFTP because of folder/file permission.
Is there anyway my SUDO(wheel) account can still edit these files own by ROOT?