Set Up Cpanel Users To Use Different Partitions (home Dirs)

Dec 1, 2007

Is it possible to specify where your CPanel user's data is stored?

Let's say I have four hard drives without RAID, I have hard drive one on /home, hard drive two on /home2, hard drive three on /home3, and so on. Is it possible to setup users on the different partitions to spread out disk usage?

To explain further, I would like to set it so maybe one reseller account was using /home2, then another was using /home4, and another using /home.

Any ideas on how to go about splitting up user's data across seperate partitions?

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Pure-ftpd: Virtual Users Home Dir Management

May 29, 2008

Today I tried to setup pure-ftpd server on slackware linux and managed to do that I also enabled virtual users feature, but when I log in to ftp as virtual user I cannot create any dirs or change dirs.

My question is - how do I enable for virtual user: deleting, changing, renaming, creating files, dirs in his home ftp directory?

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Centos + Cpanel And Partitions

Mar 31, 2008

I have an dedi with 2 x 250 gb hd's with raid-1.
Now I just have one partition / for whole drive.

Should I re-install and make proper partitions?

Which partitions you recommend??

I will backup to a local folder /cpbackup and rsync from there to nas.

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Partitions On Linux

Aug 2, 2009

I have a linux server with cPanel and 500GB Disk Space. After investigating I think I would have the following partitions.


how much to allow to each partition. I will be using the server for hosting accounts, shared and resellers.

Also what would you recommend the swap file size be?

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Recovering NTFS Partitions

Mar 5, 2009

I have a Vista machine. I have installed CentOS 5.1 by selecting the C: (Active partition) and formatting it as ext3 partition. Then after installation, in the Hardware > Hard disks, it is showing only one NTFS partition. But actually I have 4 NTFS partitions. When I try to mount that partition using ntfs-3g, I am getting "/dev/sda3: permission denied" error.

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Creating VPS Partitions On Dedicated Server For My Own Use

Apr 26, 2009

more experience Linux users to partition my dedi into VPS. I have an Intel Quadcore 2.4 Ghz, 500GB HDD, 2GB DDR RAM, dedicated server with a max 100mbit connection and 2000GB BW/mo. It has Centos 5.3 (centos-release-5-3.el5.centos.1) installed on the server and I want to install the DirectAdmin CP soon.

I'm not a reseller or webhost and don't intend to become one. This server is for my exclusive use.

I want to use half the server to run virtual instances of a Windows 2008 server and a KDE or similar Linux virtual desktop using FreeNX as well as a 4PSA VoIP Now or similar software. The other half of the drive will be to run my businesses websites, mailserver, a DNS server, etc.

I have six IP addresses for this server that can be used to this end and will host at least three websites (under separate domain names) and one or two blogs for which I will install requisite software.

I understand that the RHEL 5 embedded virtualization software will allow me to partition the server into VPS for various purposes.

Here are the outputs from ckdisk -l and parted -l respectively for the current HDD partitions.

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 14 60801 488279610 8e Linux LVM
[root@denprivatevaert ~]# parted -l

Model: ATA ST3500320AS (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot
2 107MB 500GB 500GB primary lvm

Error: Unable to open /dev/md0 - unrecognised disk label.

For the DA install, so I don't have to try to figure out where things are, I'd like to use their more complex partition structure as follows:

/boot 40 meg
swap 2 x memory
/tmp 1 Gig. Highly recommended to mount /tmp with noexec,nosuid in /etc/fstab
/ 6-10 Gig
/usr 5-12 gig. Just DA data, source code, frontpage.
/home rest of drive. Roughly 80% for user data. Mount with nosuid in /etc/fstab if possible.

I will install dovecot to be able to create SSL access to my webmail so don't need a '/var' directory.

What I want to know is:

1) Should install virtualization and partition the drive prior to having DA installed?

2) How do I best partition the drive into VPSes so I can run distinctly different virtual instances of different OS and/or programs on the VPS as well as use half for websites, blogs, servers, etc.?

3) What else do I have to keep in mind when doing this?

I'd appreciate any positive, useful response and information on getting this done and I'd like to try to get this done by Monday or Tuesday of next week so DA can be installed on the appropriate partition.

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Very Large Disk Partitions - Practical Limit

Aug 5, 2009

We're outgrowing our current bulk storage system and I'd like to solicit opinions.

With 2 TB disks and a 16 disk array, it's possible to have a single 28 TB volume (after deducting RAID5 parity overhead and a hot-spare disk). I've seen arrays from Aberdeen with 48 and 96 disks, for nearly 200 TB. Windows supports up to 256 TB per volume when 64K cluster sizes are used.

Our backup system uses a ton of storage space, and it would be far more convenient, and more efficient from a utilization standpoint, to access that space as a single volume.

Breaking it up into smaller chunks, such as 2 TB each, means we have to make a "best guess" on balancing actual need.

For example, if we assign 25 servers to each 2 TB volume for backup storage purposes, some volumes might only see 800 GB of consumption (remaining 1.2 TB allocated but not used) while other volumes might get 1.6 TB used (remaining 400 GB allocated but not used). Key concept: wasted space, because we have to over-estimate need to assure adequate headroom.

From the opposite viewpoint, if we had a sudden increase in need that exceeded the available space allocated to that volume, we'd have to move that server to a different volume. Key concept: increased admin workload to monitor and re-balance distribution as needed.

Now if we used one giant volume, there would be no guesswork, no "allocating more than we think is needed" for a bunch of small volumes. All servers share one huge common pot.

But there has to be a practical limit from a system-overhead standpoint. Our backup sets consist of a few multi-gigabyte files, so using 64K clusters will not cause much waste from slack space.

I'd like to get your opinions on maximum disk volume sizes from a practical standpoint.

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Partitions For New Server :: Error Message Is Not_enough_space

Apr 15, 2008

I just installed a new server with partitions below

# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 470889384 2015312 444568408 1% /
/dev/sda1 101086 28075 67792 30% /boot
/usr/tmpMnt 290503 10289 265214 4% /tmp

However, in HyperVM, it shows
VolGroup00 465.53 GB 465.53 GB
/(VolGroup00-LogVol00) 25.7 GB 459.85 GB

And I could not create vps on each. Error message is not_enough_space[].

I have searched on lxlabs board, and seems I need another partition for data?

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Does The Use Of Partitions Prevent Hackers From Getting Access To The Linux Server

May 7, 2007

Does the use of partitions prevent hackers from getting access to the entire Unix server?

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Panel Don't Show Users Database In Tab Users

Sep 6, 2013

The upgrade has an error when manage the users database.

OS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 x64
Panel version 11.5.30 Update #13, last updated at Sept 1, 2013 03:30 PM

In a costumer panel have a one database MSSQL, and assign to this DB 3 users, but the tab option "Users" don't work fot his costumer and show this error:

Error Javascript:
TypeError: template is null
this.template = template.toString(); in protototype.js 8472831 (línea 807)

Error Javascript:
TypeError: template is null
this.template = template.toString(); in protototype.js 8472831 (línea 807)

Show users in the tab users for database.

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Cpanel To Mess Around With At Home

Nov 14, 2008

What is the easiest way to get cpanel to install on a home server to play with it? Do they have some kind of unlimited trial that limits to private class IP range or something? Would be neat to mess around with. I'd run it in a VM in the 10.1.1.x range and afaik their licensing goes by IP so if they see that IP they obviously know its not being used for a real hosting company. (well you technically could nat I suppose...)
I also though of just ordering a cpanel dedicated server to mess around with but prefer to do it at home in a VM, and possibly at no cost. Anyway this can be done (legally)?

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Cpanel /home Permission Hardening

Mar 26, 2009

Since this got lost (google cache of thread discussion so far)
im reposting because i think it was an interesting discussion.

I'm setting up a cpanel server for the first time. I was wondering if i could harden the default cpanel permissions for the user folders in /home The idea is to prevent users viewing each others files. Please don't suggest the php open_basedir option as its not secure and doesn't work with cgi based file browsers.

Note I'm using suexec/suphp.

currently new cpanel users folders are created with
group and user ownership and the permissions 755

I was thinking if i changed this to 711 would this break anything?

Could i lock this down even more by changing the group ownership to "nobody" and thus have permissions 710.

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Automated CPanel Home Dir Backup - How To

Apr 23, 2007

Is there a way to automate the generation and FTP of home directory backups in Cpanel?

CPanel lets you create a full account backup and ftp's the result to another server but can only be done manually from what i understand. Is there a way to initiate the process automatically? maybe schedule it for once a week.

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Preventing Users From Connecting To Other Users Database

Mar 25, 2009

On my server, users can connect to any database as long as they have the database user and password. This makes it easier to hack any database on the server.
What I want to do is to make the users can only connect to their own databases and not other's.

I tried changing the localhost ip address but it didn't work ( I assume I didn't do it the right way)

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CPanel | JailShell | How Limit To Only /home/user

Jul 15, 2007

How to forbid the exit to the user too /home/user?

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CPanel Full Backup Not Saving Home Directory

Sep 28, 2008

I am trying to migrate a server to a new host.

When I try to restore a full backup on my new host, NONE of the home directory files are making the move. Everything else is fine though.

I'm not getting any errors, so I don't have a clue as to why this isn't working.

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/home/create1/public_html Does Not Exist Or Is Not A Directory! In Cpanel

Oct 30, 2007

created one problem for us cpanel

in create new account:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Setting up Frontpage®...
/home/create1/public_html does not exist or is not a directory!

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Not Needed Users In Cpanel

Jun 6, 2009

I'm running a CPanel server and wondering which of these users are safe to remove and whats the best way to do that?

ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin
vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin
dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin
nscd:x:28:28:NSCD Daemon:/:/sbin/nologin
rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
nfsnobody:x:65534:498:Anonymous NFS User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin
torrent:x:497:496:BitTorrent Seed/Tracker:/var/lib/bittorrent:/sbin/nologin
haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin
rpc:x:32:32:Rpcbind Daemon:/var/lib/rpcbind:/sbin/nologin

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Cpanel Users Limit?

Aug 4, 2008

I'm in the process of taking a mid range dedicated server with cpanel. I was just wondering what sort of limit cpanel has with the number of users?

For example

10,000 very small websites using sub domains
1000 average sites with top level domains?

Or is cpanel limit not an issue and it's more down to what the server can handle in terms of it's usage?

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Best Setting X Spamassasin Under Users Cpanel

Dec 4, 2006

What is best settings for spamassasin under cpanel?

How to change default *SPAM* in **MAY BE SPAM**?

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