Rkhunter 1.3.0 Warnings
Oct 5, 2007
I was testing the new RKHunter 1.3.0, and found a few warnings:
/usr/bin/GET [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/groups [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/ldd [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/whatis [ Warning ]
/sbin/ifdown [ Warning ]
/sbin/ifup [ Warning ]
Investigating the logs found this:
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/GET' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/GET: perl script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/groups' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/groups: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/ldd' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/ldd: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/whatis: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifdown' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifdown: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifup' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifup: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Same result in two different RHE 4 boxes... just to verify that this is a false positive , do you have the same results in your RHE 4 boxes while running "rkhunter -c" ?
View 2 Replies
Aug 25, 2007
I have a major problem with injecting iframes into every files (header.php footer.php index.php login.php and vars.php ) on all server account.
<iframe src='h t t p : / / 8 1 . 9 5 . 1 4 5 . 2 4 0 / g o . p h p ? s i d = 1' style='border:0px solid gray;' WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=no></iframe>
what is the reason and how to fix that ?
and I have the second problem is the rkhunter warnings I am not sure if that have relations with the first problem :
rkhunter results:
Checking system commands...
Performing 'strings' command checks
Checking 'strings' command [ OK ]
Performing 'shared libraries' checks
Checking for preloading variables [ None found ]
Checking for preload file [ Not found ]
Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable [ Not found ]
Performing file properties checks
Checking for prerequisites [ Warning ]
/bin/awk [ OK ]
/bin/basename [ OK ]
/bin/bash [ OK ]
/bin/cat [ OK ]
/bin/chmod [ OK ]
/bin/chown [ OK ]
/bin/cp [ OK ]
/bin/csh [ OK ]
/bin/cut [ OK ]
/bin/date [ OK ]
/bin/df [ OK ]
/bin/dmesg [ OK ]
/bin/echo [ OK ]
/bin/ed [ OK ]
/bin/egrep [ OK ]
/bin/env [ OK ]
/bin/fgrep [ OK ]
/bin/grep [ OK ]
/bin/kill [ OK ]
/bin/login [ OK ]
/bin/ls [ OK ]
/bin/mail [ OK ]
/bin/mktemp [ OK ]
/bin/more [ OK ]
/bin/mount [ OK ]
/bin/mv [ OK ]
/bin/netstat [ OK ]
/bin/passwd [ OK ]
/bin/ps [ OK ]
/bin/pwd [ OK ]
/bin/rpm [ OK ]
/bin/sed [ OK ]
/bin/sh [ OK ]
/bin/sort [ OK ]
/bin/su [ OK ]
/bin/touch [ OK ]
/bin/uname [ OK ]
/bin/gawk [ OK ]
/bin/tcsh [ OK ]
/usr/bin/awk [ OK ]
/usr/bin/chattr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/curl [ OK ]
/usr/bin/cut [ OK ]
/usr/bin/diff [ OK ]
/usr/bin/dirname [ OK ]
/usr/bin/du [ OK ]
/usr/bin/env [ OK ]
/usr/bin/file [ OK ]
/usr/bin/find [ OK ]
/usr/bin/GET [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/groups [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/head [ OK ]
/usr/bin/id [ OK ]
/usr/bin/kill [ OK ]
/usr/bin/killall [ OK ]
/usr/bin/last [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lastlog [ OK ]
/usr/bin/ldd [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/less [ OK ]
/usr/bin/locate [ OK ]
/usr/bin/logger [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lsattr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lynx [ OK ]
/usr/bin/md5sum [ OK ]
/usr/bin/newgrp [ OK ]
/usr/bin/passwd [ OK ]
/usr/bin/perl [ OK ]
/usr/bin/pstree [ OK ]
/usr/bin/readlink [ OK ]
/usr/bin/runcon [ OK ]
/usr/bin/sha1sum [ OK ]
/usr/bin/size [ OK ]
/usr/bin/slocate [ OK ]
/usr/bin/stat [ OK ]
/usr/bin/strace [ OK ]
/usr/bin/strings [ OK ]
/usr/bin/sudo [ OK ]
/usr/bin/tail [ OK ]
/usr/bin/test [ OK ]
/usr/bin/top [ OK ]
/usr/bin/tr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/uniq [ OK ]
/usr/bin/users [ OK ]
/usr/bin/vmstat [ OK ]
/usr/bin/w [ OK ]
/usr/bin/watch [ OK ]
/usr/bin/wc [ OK ]
/usr/bin/wget [ OK ]
/usr/bin/whatis [ Warning ]
/usr/bin/whereis [ OK ]
/usr/bin/which [ OK ]
/usr/bin/who [ OK ]
/usr/bin/whoami [ OK ]
/usr/bin/gawk [ OK ]
/sbin/chkconfig [ OK ]
/sbin/depmod [ OK ]
/sbin/ifconfig [ OK ]
/sbin/ifdown [ Warning ]
/sbin/ifup [ Warning ]
/sbin/init [ OK ]
/sbin/insmod [ OK ]
/sbin/ip [ OK ]
/sbin/lsmod [ OK ]
/sbin/modinfo [ OK ]
/sbin/modprobe [ OK ]
/sbin/nologin [ OK ]
/sbin/rmmod [ OK ]
/sbin/runlevel [ OK ]
/sbin/sulogin [ OK ]
/sbin/sysctl [ OK ]
/sbin/syslogd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/adduser [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/chroot [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupadd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupdel [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupmod [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/grpck [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/kudzu [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/lsof [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/prelink [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/pwck [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/tcpd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/useradd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/userdel [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/usermod [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/vipw [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/xinetd [ OK ]
/usr/local/bin/perl [ OK ]
/usr/local/bin/rkhunter [ OK ]
Checking for rootkits...
Performing check of known rootkit files and directories
55808 Trojan - Variant A [ Not found ]
ADM Worm [ Not found ]
AjaKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
aPa Kit [ Not found ]
Apache Worm [ Not found ]
Ambient (ark) Rootkit [ Not found ]
Balaur Rootkit [ Not found ]
BeastKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
beX2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
BOBKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant) [ Not found ]
Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit [ Not found ]
Devil RootKit [ Not found ]
Dica-Kit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Dreams Rootkit [ Not found ]
Duarawkz Rootkit [ Not found ]
Enye LKM [ Not found ]
Flea Linux Rootkit [ Not found ]
FreeBSD Rootkit [ Not found ]
****`it Rootkit [ Not found ]
GasKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Heroin LKM [ Not found ]
HjC Kit [ Not found ]
ignoKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
ImperalsS-FBRK Rootkit [ Not found ]
Irix Rootkit [ Not found ]
Kitko Rootkit [ Not found ]
Knark Rootkit [ Not found ]
Li0n Worm [ Not found ]
Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Mood-NT Rootkit [ Not found ]
MRK Rootkit [ Not found ]
Ni0 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Ohhara Rootkit [ Not found ]
Optic Kit (Tux) Worm [ Not found ]
Oz Rootkit [ Not found ]
Phalanx Rootkit [ Not found ]
Phalanx Rootkit (strings) [ Not found ]
Portacelo Rootkit [ Not found ]
R3dstorm Toolkit [ Not found ]
RH-Sharpe's Rootkit [ Not found ]
RSHA's Rootkit [ Not found ]
Scalper Worm [ Not found ]
Sebek LKM [ Not found ]
Shutdown Rootkit [ Not found ]
SHV4 Rootkit [ Not found ]
SHV5 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Sin Rootkit [ Not found ]
Slapper Worm [ Not found ]
Sneakin Rootkit [ Not found ]
Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ]
SunOS Rootkit [ Not found ]
SunOS / NSDAP Rootkit [ Not found ]
Superkit Rootkit [ Not found ]
TBD (Telnet BackDoor) [ Not found ]
TeLeKiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
T0rn Rootkit [ Not found ]
Trojanit Kit [ Not found ]
Tuxtendo Rootkit [ Not found ]
URK Rootkit [ Not found ]
VcKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Volc Rootkit [ Not found ]
X-Org SunOS Rootkit [ Not found ]
zaRwT.KiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
Performing additional rootkit checks
Suckit Rookit additional checks [ OK ]
Checking for possible rootkit files and directories [ None found ]
Checking for possible rootkit strings [ None found ]
Performing malware checks
Checking running processes for suspicious files [ None found ]
Checking for login backdoors [ None found ]
Checking for suspicious directories [ None found ]
Checking for sniffer log files [ None found ]
Performing trojan specific checks
Checking for enabled xinetd services [ None found ]
Checking for Apache backdoor [ Not found ]
Performing Linux specific checks
Checking kernel module commands [ OK ]
Checking kernel module names [ OK ]
Checking the network...
Performing check for backdoor ports
Checking for UDP port 2001 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 2006 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 2128 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 14856 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 47107 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 60922 [ Not found ]
Performing checks on the network interfaces
Checking for promiscuous interfaces [ None found ]
Checking the local host...
Performing system boot checks
Checking for local host name [ Found ]
Checking for local startup files [ Found ]
Checking local startup files for malware [ None found ]
Checking system startup files for malware [ None found ]
Performing group and account checks
Checking for passwd file [ Found ]
Checking for root equivalent (UID 0) accounts [ None found ]
Checking for passwordless accounts [ None found ]
Checking for passwd file changes [ None found ]
Checking for group file changes [ None found ]
Checking root account shell history files [ OK ]
Performing system configuration file checks
Checking for SSH configuration file [ Found ]
Checking if SSH root access is allowed [ Warning ]
Checking if SSH protocol v1 is allowed [ Warning ]
Checking for running syslog daemon [ Found ]
Checking for syslog configuration file [ Found ]
Checking if syslog remote logging is allowed [ Not allowed ]
Performing filesystem checks
Checking /dev for suspicious file types [ None found ]
Checking for hidden files and directories [ Warning ]
Checking application versions...
Checking version of Exim MTA [ OK ]
Checking version of GnuPG [ Warning ]
Checking version of Apache [ Skipped ]
Checking version of Bind DNS [ OK ]
Checking version of OpenSSL [ Warning ]
Checking version of PHP [ OK ]
Checking version of Procmail MTA [ OK ]
Checking version of OpenSSH [ OK ]
System checks summary
File properties checks...
Required commands check failed
Files checked: 129
Suspect files: 6
Rootkit checks...
Rootkits checked : 114
Possible rootkits: 0
Applications checks...
Applications checked: 8
Suspect applications: 2
The system checks took: 3 minutes and 12 seconds
All results have been written to the logfile (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.
Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
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Oct 15, 2009
If any of you are with or going with Hivelocity here are a few things we have encountered today:
We asked to cancel our Virtuozzo lisense at the end of this billing month which would be the 22nd, they then went ahead and cancelled it straight away meaning we had no backups for our VPS clients.
We then asked for them to install windows 2008 server onto our machine it took them from 12pm - 9pm to complete this.
After logging in to our billing system we find a new hard drive added to our server which one we did not ask for and two we do not need adding an extra $150 onto our server bill.
Overall today has been a real pain in the **** with them, yes I agree they are a fantastic host but the fact we have been billed for something we never asked for has completely annoyed me.
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May 26, 2007
We were able to get the score up to 62/70. Will need the server management company's advice and help to try and get rid of more of the red warnings.
What is your score and which red warnings do you have left? Post them please.
Score: 62/70.
Will ask server management company about these red warnings:
A1. /dev/shm isn't mounted with the noexec,nosuid options (currently: none). You should consider adding a mountpoint into /etc/fstab for /dev/shm with those options
A2. You should install the mod_evasive apache module from source to help prevent DOS attacks against apache. Note that this module breaks FrontPage functionality
A3. You should modify /usr/local/lib/php.ini and set:
enable_dl = off
This prevents users from loading php modules that affect everyone on the server. Note that if use dynamic libraries, such as ioncube, you will have to load them directly in php.ini
A4. On most servers anacron isn't needed and should be stopped:
service anacron stop
chkconfig anacron off
chkconfig --del anacron
Probably going to leave these red warnings for now:
B1. For ultimate SSH security, you might want to consider disabling PasswordAuthentication and only allow access using PubkeyAuthentication. For more information read this article and this article
B2. You should modify /usr/local/lib/php.ini and disable commonly abused php functions, e.g.:
disable_functions = show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open
Some client web scripts may break with some of these functions disabled, so you may have to remove them from this list
B3. To reduce the risk of hackers accessing all sites on the server from a compromised PHP web script, you should enable phpsuexec when you build apache/php. Note that there are sideeffects when enabling phpsuexec on a server and you should be aware of these before enabling it
B4. You have package updating disabled, this can pose a security risk as OS vendor and cPanel security updates may not be applied in a timely manner WHM > Update Config >cPanel Package Updates > Automatic
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Sep 21, 2013
So I've set everything up manually a few times before now, but I got so bored of configuring everything for a manual install I just said screw it and used XAMPP this time - so my circumstances are not completely ideal.
Basically what I am looking to find out is how to improve loading speeds for Apache, PHP and MySQL on my dedi server?
The server I have is of the following spec:
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 V2 (3.50Ghz with 12 cores total)
2 x 2TB SATA3 (RAID 0/1)
use Windows Web 2008 R2 so only 32GB of the RAM is usable.
With all the abive aside, here is the important part: Whilst people are browsing the websites I have configured they are random hit with a blank white page saying "Your request has timed out. Please retry the request." - I have about 100 unique hits daily and a lot of people report the same problem, and I have even had it myself.
It feels as if the server has much more power than Apache and co. is trying to utilize - what can I do?
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Nov 19, 2014
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Std
Plesk: Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5
We have scheduled a server local backup via Backup Manager and found that backup has got completed with warnings.
We have checked logs from location : E:Program Files (x86)ParallelsPleskPMMsessions2014-11-18-144536.191psadump.log
8052: Warning 18/11/2014 18:18:55.028 : Exception ignored ( System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified at psabackupcommon.FileUtils.DeleteFile(String fileName) at psadumpagent.ArchiveNode.doStdClose() )
8052: Debug 18/11/2014 18:18:55.028 : Add mail name 'abc@xxxx.com' directory 'F:Plesk PrivateTemp21282721-4181-4c0f-9520-c232f00b7668MailMigratorabc@xxxx.com to dump
[Code] .....
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Nov 19, 2014
I get these emails every day, sometimes less warnings, but today there are plenty again:
Subject: Cron <root@plesk01> /opt/psa/admin/bin/php -c '/opt/psa/admin/conf/php.ini' -dauto_prepend_file=sdk.php '/opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/servershield/scripts/aggregate-stats.php'
PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$response; File: /opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/servershield/scripts/aggregate-stats.php, Line: 21
PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object; File: /opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/servershield/scripts/aggregate-stats.php, Line: 21
[Code] .....
They started showing up when I upgraded to Plesk 12 and activated the server shield extension. The server is an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
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Oct 25, 2009
Since my Centos updated from 5.3 to 5.4 i am getting this "error" with rkhunter.
Warning: Possible promiscuous interfaces:
'ifconfig' command output: UP BROADCAST RUNNING PROMISC MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
'ip' command output: eth1
'ip' command output: eth0
I already ran:
rkhunter --propupd
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Sep 27, 2007
about my rkhunter`s log. It gives some warnings but i dont know if they are really important ones.
Here are the warnings it gives :
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/GET' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/GET: perl script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/groups' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/groups: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/ldd' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/ldd: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/whatis: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifdown' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifdown: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifup' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifup: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/ftp_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/smtp_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/smtps_psa
Warning: The SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin' has not been set.
The default value may be 'yes', to allow root access.
Warning: Hidden file found: /usr/share/man/man1/..1.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression
Warning: Application 'gpg', version '1.2.6', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
Warning: Application 'openssl', version '0.9.7a', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
Warning: Application 'php', version '4.3.9', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
I am using plesk and i am using yum update for updating files and scripts. So i dont know how can i update gpg php and openssl. Plus for some time it said like port 2006 is open and possible trojan backdoor. But when i check now it doesnt give any error like that.
if there is any major problem at those logs or not?
if someone also wants i can attach the full rkhunter.log or only warning output rkhunter.log
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Jul 29, 2009
which of the is better?
i want to install and run it via ssh.
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Jun 30, 2008
I've honestly never had to worry about protecting myself from exploits until this week, when I found out somebody agined access t othe server using an old script on an old account (teach me to delete client accounts when they leave me, it did!)
I'm working on a new server and going through lots of posts on better securing it, and two things that are suggested is installing chkrootkit and rkhunter, and adding them to the daily cron jobs. Learned how to install and set up the daily script for chkrootkit, but here's what I'd like to do that I'm not sure how to go about, I'd like to a) be notified ONLY if there are changes in the daily scans (especially since there are a couple of false positives I'm aware of) and b) be e-mailed a full report once a week, whether or not there were any changes.
I've got rkhunter installed as well, but I can't seem to find a script that will properly execute it and e-mail it to me. Does anybody have one that works? I'd also like to only get an e-mail if there are changes, except for a once weekly scan result.
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May 30, 2007
I have run rkhunter and got the following report, I have checked everything and seems to be fine. Also, I have run rkhunter --update and didn't help. How can remove this bad messages? Do I need to reinstall the package?
/bin/dmesg [ BAD ]
/bin/env [ BAD ]
/bin/grep [ BAD ]
/bin/kill [ BAD ]
/bin/login [ BAD ]
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Dec 31, 2007
A couple days ago, I installed Rkhunter 1.3.0. I updated it, ran it, and put in my my crontab.root
30 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/rkhunter --cronjob > /dev/null
I just finished installing chkrootkit 0.48. I ran it and everything seems fine.
Is there a way to run this as a service?? I ask because in my VPS control panel, the security check still shows that Chkrootkit isn't installed.
Do I put it in the crontab.root file, or does it run as a service?
Also... Does it do the same thing as Rkhunter, or should I have them both installed?
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Jun 30, 2008
Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.2 ]
[1;33mChecking rkhunter version... [0;39m
This version : 1.3.2
Latest version: 1.3.2
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.2 ]
[1;33mChecking rkhunter data files... [0;39m
Checking file mirrors.dat [34C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file programs_bad.dat [29C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file backdoorports.dat [28C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file suspscan.dat [33C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file i18n/cn [38C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file i18n/en [38C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file i18n/zh [38C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Checking file i18n/zh.utf8 [33C[ [1;32mNo update [0;39m ]
Warning: Checking for preload file [ Warning ]
Warning: Found library preload file: /etc/ld.so.preload
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /bin/ps
Current hash: 36f3d8a9fcaebf5838e5e55ebdcac7e355477343
Stored hash : 8f1acf237e562043f8353f4ec5d0c3490c0d0cb3
Current inode: 1228803 Stored inode: 1228857
Current size: 61364 Stored size: 67088
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/GET' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/GET: perl script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/groups' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/groups: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/ldd' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/ldd: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /usr/bin/top
Current hash: 15f1f743d73d9546a05a15644816139de7708327
Stored hash : 5e78fb7f0a02643a91964081ca03316dbaf01bdd
Current inode: 246165 Stored inode: 245920
Current size: 48536 Stored size: 48504
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /usr/bin/vmstat
Current hash: 898351bc3be226caf6915715b23a1c7cc5d35fdd
Stored hash : edaa64f3921a0a2d873c14a5eb641ba883f4dcff
Current inode: 246561 Stored inode: 246020
Current size: 17872 Stored size: 20444
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /usr/bin/w
Current hash: 480c2c2e4f1048e19fc075f4daebe79fa84e08d1
Stored hash : 87f39eeb583bc7f6622e95fd0266f093ed8b362b
Current inode: 246020 Stored inode: 246167
Current size: 9720 Stored size: 11720
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /usr/bin/watch
Current inode: 246167 Stored inode: 245924
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/whatis: Bourne shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifdown' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifdown: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Warning: The command '/sbin/ifup' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifup: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
Warning: The file properties have changed:
File: /sbin/sysctl
Current hash: b560099caf18d28bcc0249efaec75dcddb87b219
Stored hash : fa13202ac5897d9f7198e8afbbe7d0c835b07639
Current inode: 589893 Stored inode: 589875
Current size: 9144 Stored size: 11048
Current file modification time: 1214487892
Stored file modification time : 1195262225
I know some of these warnings like /usr/bin/GET - groups -ldd - whatis - ifdown – ifup are normal false positives.
But other warnings are new,
I think they changed after upgrading the cpanel to 11.23
I have cpanel on centos 4.6
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Dec 29, 2007
I just ran 'rkhunter -c --quiet' and this is the error messages I got:
Warning: This operating system is not fully supported!
Line: Warning: This operating system is not fully supported!
Warning: Cannot find md5_not_known
Some errors has been found while checking. Please perform a manual check on this machine debian
Is this something I should be worried about??
I'm running CentOS 5.
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Nov 11, 2007
Im not having a much knowledge of server managing well i have a question rkhunter showing after scan that there is two valunable applications he found but im unable to get the name of these files which are valunable how do i know the name of them ?
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Oct 29, 2009
i use those 2 programs for scanning for rootkit programs.
are there any free programs for windows?
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Sep 18, 2009
Server Detail : Ceontos / Cpanel
i have installed RKhunter several days ago , after installation i`m receving below email everynight
subjectDaily Rkhunter Scan Report
Invalid option specified: -cronjob
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Nov 14, 2008
rkhunter -c
Default logfile will be used (/var/log/rkhunter.log).
Default temporary directory will be used (/usr/local/rkhunter/lib/rkhunter/tmp).
Default database directory will be used (/usr/local/rkhunter/lib/rkhunter/db).
The internationalisation directory does not exist: /usr/local/rkhunter/lib/rkhunter/db/i18n
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Aug 24, 2007
For securities purposes whats best to install?
Feel free to suggest any others.
Server is running cpanel
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Mar 12, 2008
Got this error on rkhunter 1.3.2
[12:16:24] /usr/bin/wget [ Warning ]
[12:16:24] Warning: File '/usr/bin/wget' has the immutable-bit set.
Is that a concern? What does it mean?
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Apr 11, 2008
how to fix rkhunter from; 'not found' in local files and unknown for exim and php 5.2.5.
System checks
* Allround tests
Checking hostname... Found. Hostname is
Checking for passwordless user accounts... OK
Checking for differences in user accounts... OK. No changes.
Checking for differences in user groups... OK. No changes.
Checking boot.local/rc.local file...
- /etc/rc.local [ OK ]
- /etc/rc.d/rc.local [ OK ]
- /usr/local/etc/rc.local [ Not found ]
- /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rc.local [ Not found ]
- /etc/conf.d/local.start [ Not found ]
- /etc/init.d/boot.local [ Not found ]
* Application version scan
- Exim MTA 4.68 [ Unknown ]
- GnuPG 1.2.6 [ Old or patched version ]
- Apache [unknown] [ OK ]
- Bind DNS 9.2.4 [ OK ]
- OpenSSL 0.9.7a [ Old or patched version ]
- PHP 5.2.5 [ Unknown ]
- PHP 5.2.5 [ Unknown ]
- Procmail MTA 3.22 [ OK ]
- OpenSSH 3.9p1 [ OK ]
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Sep 20, 2014
I enabled rkhunter in Plesk 12 to check the system weekly. I get a warning now, which I never got in older versions of Plesk:
The current hash function (/usr/bin/sha1sum) or package manager (DPKG) is incompatible with the hash function (Unset) or package manager (Unset) used to store the values. Debian 7.6 x64
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Oct 29, 2014
When trying to run rkhunter manually I get the error:
"Installation directory does not exist: /opt/psa"
I haven't changed the install directory setting in the rkhunter config file.
Looking for "default" rkhunter config file?
Or tell me a way to reset / reinstall rkhunter?
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