Rackcorp Hosted By ThePlanet.com

Dec 6, 2008

if I have gotten this right, but my trace route for www.rackcorp.com leads to www.theplanet.com.

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Looking For ThePlanet Hosted MSSQL2005 Shared Account

Jul 11, 2008

i need mssql2005 account with 1 database only with access from my management studio express to your mssql server ip only. no webhosting needed. database size <=200 Mb. Aproximately bandwidth <=10Gb/mo.

MSSQL2005 server must be hosted on ThePlanet.

Or at least suggest me any company using ThaPlanet Hosting who selling shared mssql2005 hosting.

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ThePlanet Vs ... ?

Dec 8, 2008

ThePlanet vs.......... ?

I just ordered a Dual Xeon 3.2, 4GB RAM, 2X 250GB SATA server from ThePlanet and it ...sucks. This damn thing doesn't even want to run a single UrbanTerror server ( which mind you is an 8 year old game that should be running like BUTTER on this system )every 5 minutes this thing lags out like you wouldn't believe, so it seems I'm wasting nearly 200 month on nothing but a web host now, which isn't something I need to do. ThePlanet of course doesn't support any of this, not that I asked them to, I just told them this box sucks and something is wrong, but they don't really care it seems, so I'm looking for another place, does anyone have any good recommendations ?

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Rackspace Vs ThePlanet

Sep 8, 2008

I have dedicated server P4 3.2 Ghz with ThePlanet for 4 years now. Since I want to upgrade a server I started to think if it will be good idea to change to the Rackspace.

They offer AMD Opteron 246 for pretty much same price I am getting my P4 3.2 Ghz at ThePlanet. Is it faster processor?
I do not need faster CPU, I want to upgrade Hard drive but if I am getting faster CPU it's good.

Several points here.

1. I can not complain about ThePlanet. Never had a problem. And whenever I had opened ticket they were answered in time I expected.

2. I need a good/fast network.

Should I switch?

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Mediatemple Or ThePlanet?

Jul 15, 2008

I am going to begin a social network and for the beginning I just need 100 gb hard disk, 2 ram, 200 TB monthly. I need a web hosting with potential for big traffic and scalability in the near future.

I have read what people from big social networks have said about both companies and they can handle big traffic, though mediatemple has better ranked costumers than the plannet according to Alexa (I checked one by one of their big clients in Alexa.)

My website is going to be about video streaming, webcam streaming and other common things in social networks.

What do you recommend? Do you have a better company in mind that can handle big traffic and scalability?

My budget is between 500 up to 800 monthly?

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ThePlanet: Compare With What?

May 19, 2008

I definitely like ThePlanet. They have good support and goot network.

But seems I need to know more from the world.

So could anyone please tell me another DCs that can be compared with TP *in full* (i.e. not "good support but bad network" - "good" should be both).

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ThePlanet In Europe

May 8, 2009

ThePlanet did a mailout the other day about their servers in UK. Does anyone have servers there? Good pings?

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ThePlanet / Softlayer

Nov 5, 2008

ThePlanet / Softlayer

Does anyone know of any hosters that are reselling servers from The Planet or Softlayer (or anyone else is Texas that I've missed)

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A Big Praise For ThePlanet

Jun 25, 2008

A few days ago my server started to receive a bunch of Input/Output errors. I scrambled all over Google to find out what the problem could be and most pointed to a failing hard drive.

I contacted ThePlanet roughly 4 hours after I first saw the problem and they recommended that run a few diagnostic programs on the hard drive to find out if there were any problems. I agreed and we picked a good 4 hour time frame to do the work.

Luckily for me this was the 2nd hdd on the server, but the downside was its a 200GB that I am using 165GB. So I tried to do backups and at about 35% done, the 2nd hdd became virtually unaccessible.

ThePlanet started the diagnostic at roughly 12:00pm PST and updated me nearly every 10 minutes on the progress. At 12:50 they indicated that the hdd diagnostic wasn't able to find any problems, then rebooted the server. I'm not sure what they did, but after the server came back up after roughly 5 minutes the 2nd hdd is working perfectly fine.

So i'd like to send out some praise as i'm very happy that the hdd is working again, and I'm happy with the updates and professionalism with ThePlanet.

I've had some rough times with ThePlanet, but the majority of my situations have been resolved in a timely and professional manner. Thanks again TP for saving my butt!

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ThePlanet Vs SoftLayer ....

Oct 25, 2009

If I have to choose between ThePlanet and SoftLayer for a dedicated server which will be used for Shared Hosting, which one should I choose?

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ThePlanet Datacenters

Jul 2, 2006

I have partners down in Dallas, Tx. that are deciding on whether or not they want to go with "ThePlanet" datacenter. But, we just want to know before purchasing any or keeping any servers there that the datacenter is fully equipped with 24/7 monitoring, fire safety, flood safety, backup generators, etc. We're thinking of leasing 2 servers there, and we just need to know some details before going on. Now, I know there's all that information on the website and I've done alot of research on them, but I want to know from WHT's first-hand experience of ThePlanet is any good.

So, if you've used ThePlanet datacenters, can you please help me out. I'm highly suggesting ThePlanet as one of the datacenters I might use. Because it's located in Dallas, TX. it would be alot easier to co-locate the server, or check up on it once and a while or sort out any problems, etc.

Please leave a message of your first-hand experience with this datacenter.

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Softlayer Vs Theplanet

Apr 5, 2009

We push out a lot of data from our customers a month. So i was wondering which one is better? ThePlanet or Softlayer?

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ThePlanet DMCA

Jun 8, 2009

First off thank you WHT for providing these forums and please forgive me for my first post being a huge rant!

We have contacted ThePlanet multiple times with DMCA requests to have a website remove illegal copies of our software from their website. The website is (*****.com *removed link*), and ThePlanet hosts them.

This issue has been ongoing for over 10 days, our original DMCA from them was ignored.

We resent another on Tue June 2, 2009, that one was responded to. Either no one from ThePlanet bothered to visit the warez website or they encourage warez on their networks because the website is still up; they initially removed links to our software but added new ones hours later.

We contacted ThePlanet again hours later with our email again to be disregarded. We sent another reply last Friday, ThePlanet responded back that our email was not in proper DMCA format; but do not bother to see the entire website is nothing but warez. Do these guys just not care that warez is on their network? I didn't realize the economy has gotten so bad they now cater to warez websites.

Visit the website and see that is has full ISO copies of Windows and other software, has full dvdrip movies and copies of games, as well as crack patches and keygenerators.

Why is it that ThePlanet allows these websites to operate and that their AUP is a total joke? Obviously if you want to distribute warez ThePlanet seems like the best place to do it.

We also hosted our websites on ThePlanet but intend to cancel service with them due to this issue. I encourage anyone that is a software developer and uses ThePlanet to also dump their service.

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ThePlanet.com Is Offline

Aug 12, 2008

I have two dedicated linux servers with the planet and about an hour ago as I was testing a site on one I noticed it got terribly slow. I'm lazy sometimes and just assumed that I could fix the problem with a reboot so I went typed in the control panel address that ThePlanet.com uses for clients.

Behold, nothing. The site won't load and I noticed that theplanet.com won't load either. I am able to access my site still but its very slow, is anyone else noticing this? Is it a problem with my ISP?

My site - [url]
ThePlanet - [url]

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Best Price / Value Than ThePlanet

Oct 5, 2008

I currently have a VPS and it's running out of breath. I saw a dedicated server package at The Planet for $69 a month (+$25 for cPanel):

- Celeron 2.0
- 512 MB RAM
- 80 GB
- 750 GB Bandwidth
- cPanel


I know these specs are enough for me right now but before I order, do you know some other web host that offers a similar package in this price range?

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My Review: ThePlanet

Sep 26, 2008

several years ago I came here to find a webhosting reseller account, you helped me find hostgator, who I have been mostly happy with.

The only issue I had was that they suspended me for a CPU TOS violation and it took me over 24 hours to get my site back online.

Once this was resolved, I was also resolved to move my site to a new dedicated server, (My CPU, My TOS) - so I went with the planet. I was a little put off by their verification methods, they wanted a copy of my DL and credit card - once I contacted them, and voiced my concerns, they told me that the image could be redacted (only last 4 of CC and no DL#) - then they went to work.

My server went online, with CPANEL installed - well I happen to have a friend that is a Linux guru - so upon his recomendation, we did an OS reload to straight CentOS 5.2. The reload was amazing - the datacenter did exactly what we asked, and within 4 hours, we had a brand new Linux box, clean and shiny and ready to go. ThePlanet kept me informed of the progress the entire time, and set the root password to exactly what we wanted - it could not have gone smoother....

Then...I moved the primary site to the new server and our load average skyrocketed (36,37,42) etc.. Hostgator was definately justified as my site must have been just SLAMMING thier box. Once the primary site was up, we did a memory upgrade (once again theplanet did this within an hour or so) at our request, the box was rebooted and we found that it STILL wasn't enough - so today I ordered an upgrade...

Today before 12 noon eastern time I ordered the new server, same OS and as I type this, I can see the new box is up, running and ready to put the penguin to work.

The moral of the story - if your website is becoming large (mine is 40,000 articles +) and Google is always a crawling - it's time to move to a dedicated server. Granted, you will need to know Linux, and you need to have a REALLY good grasp of it - but the question that convinced me to change is this - if you are doing web hosting, web design - isn't it time to learn linux - I have moved to kubuntu, and can not stand windows any longer -

Get Linux, Get Hostgator then Get ThePlanet - and your company can Get Going!

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ThePlanet - Fire

Jun 2, 2008

how many hosts have been effected by the fire at the planet over the weekend?

Luckily i have just cancelled all my servers with the planet (moved to owned hardware in local UK Datacentre). My mail server would of been on the floor that was effected!

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Theplanet - How Low Have They Sunk

May 16, 2008

I don't remember the planet being this awful. Then again, I haven't dealt with them in years before the EV1servers.net buyout.

They triple charged me for a SSL certificate. So I thought I would call them to deal with it.

15 minute wait time, and was then told SSL department not available at this time. Better if I email them instead.

Use their online chat. Explained my situation. Gave them my name, credit card number, and date of the 3 charges and the amount for each charge. They said they can't find my information unless I provided them with the exact time of the purchase as well. WTF?

You need to know not only the date, but the exact time of the purchase in order to look up my information? Name, credit card number, and date of purchase is not enough anymore?

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DedicatedNOW Vs ThePlanet

Sep 10, 2008

I'm switching provider soon and was considering these two. DedicatedNOW have given me an amazingly good quote, the question is are they any good? As good as ThePlanet for network/reliability and such would you say?

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ThePlanet, Hostgator

Jul 19, 2008

I checked out ( ThePlanet, and Hostgator ) but I dun know which to chose and which one is more reliable for my company meaning the best of these two...

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Theplanet Routing

Mar 10, 2007

I run a game server on The Planet, and lot of people have huge routing issues where their route randomly changes, and when it does, they'll get horrible packet loss and lag. It's totally random, one day it may happen to me, while it's not happening to someone else, then it will switch. But it's definately the host and not our home connections as it affects about half the server at any given time, it just picks different people.

Just wondering if anyone who uses The Planet has had issues like this? I pretty much debugged everything and tried everything to no avail and of course their support just said it's not at their end (all isps of any type say that regardless of the situation).

This is how a typical trace route would look like:

3 9 ms 9 ms 19 ms GE-2-1-ur01.N3Alpharetta.ga.atlanta.comcast.net
4 8 ms 12 ms 7 ms
5 8 ms 14 ms 13 ms
6 9 ms 8 ms 19 ms
7 9 ms 7 ms 8 ms
8 22 ms 7 ms 8 ms
9 11 ms 11 ms 8 ms
10 29 ms 21 ms 39 ms te-0-7-0-0-cr01.nashville.tn.ibone.comcast.net []
11 31 ms 66 ms 30 ms te-0-0-0-4-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.net [68
12 50 ms 41 ms 56 ms
13 44 ms 45 ms 53 ms
14 53 ms 49 ms 50 ms
15 49 ms 51 ms 59 ms te-7-3.car1.Washington1.Level3.net [
16 57 ms 53 ms 54 ms ae-32-52.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net [
17 79 ms 93 ms 86 ms ae-2.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net []
18 * * 103 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Chicago1.Level3.net []

19 115 ms 110 ms 126 ms ae-3.ebr2.Denver1.Level3.net []
20 125 ms 178 ms 126 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net []
21 132 ms 128 ms * ae-2.ebr1.Dallas1.Level3.net []
22 141 ms 130 ms 131 ms ae-14-55.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net []

23 130 ms 140 ms 129 ms THE-PLANET.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net []

24 130 ms 141 ms 130 ms te7-2.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

25 * 130 ms 134 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

26 135 ms 138 ms * gi1-0-1.car11.dllstx4.theplanet.com [
27 127 ms 135 ms 133 ms a.c4.1343.static.theplanet.com []


4 ( 49.145 ms 46.724 ms 47.563 ms
5 ( 55.852 ms 56.377 ms 55.110 ms
6 ( 59.420 ms 56.865 ms 59.141 ms
7 ( 59.277 ms 61.681 ms 59.702 ms
8 ge-1-1-0.ar1.YYZ1.gblx.net ( 59.951 ms 58.555 ms 58.397 ms
9 por4-0-0-10G.ar2.DAL2.gblx.net ( 95.604 ms 98.524 ms 97.206 ms
10 The-Planet.GigabitEthernet7-3.ar2.DAL2.gblx.net ( 252.656 ms 251.881 ms 251.271 ms
11 te7-2.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 253.416 ms te9-2.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 252.040 ms te7-2.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 251.873 ms
12 vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 255.683 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 257.144 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 263.597 ms
13 gi1-0-1.car11.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 259.076 ms gi1-0-2.car11.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 262.143 ms gi1-0-1.car11.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 263.775 ms
14 a.c4.1343.static.theplanet.com ( 264.516 ms 265.046 ms 264.407 ms

Actually if anyone is interested in looking this more I posted a thread here. But not needed. Just want to know if anyone else has had issues like this with The Planet. The only thing I can think of right now is switching hosts, but thats an expensive process as for the transition time I'll be paying for two hosts.

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Billing Problem With Theplanet

Mar 3, 2008

Hello to all my complaining against theplanet apparently to collect are very good but then you must verify that you leave your card so you make a lio having prepaid card are those that are charged across your bank, the thing that I cancelled the account I am the cancelled without giving me a lot of time and explanation is not fair levied money and then abuse the trust that this company to purchase a dedicated server.

IN SUCH Case thought that if committed a crime because they have demonstrated quite the opposite for being crooks and without any service charge, how I wonder where this money goes ($ 400)?.

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ThePlanet @ Dallas Colocation

Jan 25, 2007

I am looking to get a full rack and 10mbit @ the planet in Dallas Colocation facility.

anyone have any suggestions or price points or hookups?

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Problems Cancelling With ThePlanet?

Oct 1, 2008

I've been with ThePlanet many years now, and i'm finally terminating my server with them as i'm downsizing because I just don't need a big dedicated server.

I opened a Cancellation Request with them two days ago via their Accounting (Orbit) "CANCELLATION REQUEST" Center. Its been 2 days now, and no reply. I'm thinking they are stalling so they can bill me another month? Even though my stuff is already off the server and its just sitting there.

Have any of you had problems with ThePlanet's cancellation? I responded yesterday with, "I am curious why I haven't gotten any confirmation?"... but again... no reply. Strange

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ThePlanet Sucks! Very Bad Experience Until Now!

May 22, 2009

I have been with many hosts from shared hosting to dedicated until i fled to ThePlanet...

I'll go straight to the point...

Their so called "Alpha Monitoring and Security bundle" is like there isn't really any. 24/7/365? LOL..

I started with ThePlanet on May 1 until now and my sites have been down for about 70+ hours total because of Dos attacks.

Their support gives passes me back an forth to different department and they can't even fix my server!!!

So much for their security bundle which sucks!!! like there isn't really any.

Too bad i can't post all the responses I got from them in TP Orbit.

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ThePlanet And LayeredTech - 4 Yrs Review

May 28, 2008

I have a Win2003 dedicated server w/theplanet since 2004 and a Win2003 Web and FreeBSD server with LT shortly after purchasing theplanet server. I'm leaving the dedicated world and into the colo world. The reason is i like the total control of my server and when something happened to my server. I know i'll work nonstop to fix it and not reinstall OS as the only option. (My win2k3 server got system corruption at LT and th tech told me, OS reload to fix the problem. I know a lot of you thinking having dedicated server gave you a piece of mind or whatever but if OS reload is the only option then i might as well take the risk and run my own server and buy some spare parts in case of server melt down. However, i think it got to do more with LT using whitebox parts because my theplanet's server take a lot of abuse as well from me and it chuck a long just fine since it's Dell's entry level tower server despite having Cellery as CPU while my LT's windows server have P4 w/HT option. Both have 1GB of RAM. I think 1GB is rather limited nowaday. I also like the option of using whatever hardware that i want with my colo server and not paying extra $20 per month for RAM or whatever.) /end rant.

anyway, here are some pro and con that i hope you guys will find it helpful.


Pro -
1. very stable hardware because they use name brand like Dell
2. good network/tech support
3. Orbit - one place for everything. love it.
4. professional service
5. No price hike since 2004!
6. they have system in place to alter(email) you if your sever went down. LT have no such thing that i know of.

Con - not many. Didn't come across anything that piss me off.

LT (LayeredTech)

Pro -
1. good network/tech support

Con -
1. Not so stable hardware. They have to replace my FreeBSD server with AMD64. Originally the server have AMD XP. I think they use whitebox parts. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with whitebox parts but they could be using cheaper parts.
2. too many different login. Encompass, knowledge base for tech support...etc. It will be nice if they have something like Orbit. plus, you have to call them to change your CC and their reason is it is more secure that way but how so? their employee can write down my CC. why do you need human interaction for CC change?
3. price hike

This is all i can think of right now. I'm leaving the dedicated world and leaving the comfrot of dedicated provider and going into manage my own server plus the hardware. Hopefully, my server hardware can hold up like theplanet's Dell server.

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ThePlanet Server Spam

May 20, 2009

how to best deal with email spam.

Here is what's up...

I recently got a dedicated server with The Planet. WHM/Cpanel...

I am a designer and starting to host my clients. So far i've setup about 5 different clients and everyone says the same thing...

Since they've switched to my server the email spam they get to their emails is out of control.

I asked The Planet for help and they said to make sure some spam filters were automatically checked for each account in my WHM and in their unique cpanel accounts, and they are but it hasnt helped. They also have a spam service but i do not want to pay any more per month than i already am.

What would cause this to be so bad versus my clients old servers?

Secondly, what open source solutions are there out there and who is the best to hire to install them on my server?

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Is There Any Happy ThePlanet Customers

Mar 23, 2008

Is there any happy The Planet dedicated server customers? I read sooo many bad reviews on here, yet they continue to be the largest dedicated hosting provider and are growing leaps and bounds.

So I thought I'd see if there were any lurkers here that are actually pleased as a customer of The Planet.

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ThePlanet - 1 Month Review

Sep 22, 2008

I've been with ThePlanet with a dedicated server for a little over a month now [url]
and figured it was about time to post a little review of their services.

My Ratings:
Network: 10/10
Support: 10/10

To sum it up briefly, I'm amazed by their service - not one problem since I've been there. Since I've been with them there's not been 1 stitch of downtime - they even sent a maintenance notice 3 weeks in advance just to let us know the support portal would be down (you can't even get some providers to give you 3 days notice).

Support tickets are answered in a timely fashion 24/7 - even billing tickets. I don't believe I've ever had ANY ticket (support or billing) go more than 1-2 hours at most.

Of course if you really have an issue, you have a phone number that you can call too - which is nice

Can't sleep at night or go out because you worry about your server being online? I opted to get their 'monitoring' service for an extra $25/month and it was amazing.

Within a few minutes of my server going down, they were already in the process of rebooting it - and as soon as it was back online they even called me on my cell to let me know what happened. That's damn good service in my book.

All in all - ThePlanet is stable, reliable, and has a great customer service team to back it up. Sure their pricing is a little higher than most places, but as they say - you get what you pay for. And with ThePlanet they give you what you pay for and so much more.

Will be back for a 3 month review.

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Investigating DOS, ThePlanet.com Uncooperative

Nov 27, 2007

I'm investigating repeated DOS attacks against our servers in the past week from servers at ThePlanet.com. They took down the first set of servers doing it, but last night got hit again from a different set. I talked to their tech support, they refuse to provide any info, and finally had to tell them we do campaign hosting for a high ranking congressman who would get the FBI up their butts if they didn't cooperate. I got a call from their legal counsel who said they would investigate but would not provide any information, even logs if the attacks were merely relayed, without subpoena, and he then threatened me against talking to their technicians again.

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ThePlanet /Dual Xeon 2.8 ANY SUGG?

Apr 21, 2008

Our website/forum curently on Intel P4 2.8Ghz with 2GB RAM( cPanel) server @ TP. $120/Mon
mostly for php forum usage and a bit heavy load with Karaoke database from our members share via forum. Play online/ Download.
Daily visitors: 500 around

Recently I saw this deal @ TP. But 'm confusing..because our budget is kinda low..
Please help us with some suggestion. Should we upgrade to this Dual Xeon? Is it really a good deal?

Intel Dual Xeon 2.8 - IDE
2x80GB SATA Hard Drives
2048MB RAM
2500GB Bandwidth
NOW ONLY $147/mo
with cPanel which is $172/month.

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